A quick checklist for writing a good story. (Narrative)

1. An interesting title and a great opening sentence -
    One that catches the reader's interest and makes them curious, and want to read on.
2. Good adjectives to describe the setting - 
    So you create images in the reader's mind, and they can 'see' the place where the story is taking place.
3. A good description of your character, and mention two or three physical features.
    You can also show your character's personality, by:
a) mentioning a habit or manner they have, and
b) relating a brief incident or event, wherein your character reveals their personality by how they acted/reacted.
4. Good spelling, punctuation and use paragraphs.        2
5. Use a variety of figures of speech, such as similes
6. Use a variety of good adjectives to describe people, places and events in your story. 
    You use adjectives that also appeal to the readers senses of smell, hearing, touch etc.
7. Don't switch the tense of your story. It is best to keep your story in the past tense - 
    '...she saw..., ..jumped.., ..was..'
    Also don't change your writer's point of view.
    Stay in the third person - ' he saw  , she jumped , they were..' ; Or the first person - 'I saw.., I jumped..'
8. Create an interesting atmosphere or tone in your story.        2
9. Create curiosity and suspense in your story so that your readers will enjoy reading on to find out what happens.        2
10. Have a clear storyline that your reader can follow.
      After the beginning there is a series of events involving a problem or complication, then a climax and a resolution at the end. Good stories also have a moral or theme.

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