1. On this worksheet, with the empty map of the Nile River region, label the towns and features of Egypt, at the time of their ancient civilization.

2. a) From the following site list the seven wonders of the ancient world:
Click the Great Pyramid and read the brief history.
b) What distinguishes (or makes it stand apart as different from...) the Great Pyramid from all of the other seven wonders of the ancient world?

3. a) Click the following links to explore 3D illustrations of the Giza pyramids:


b) At this site watch the 3D recreation of the Giza plateau:

Find and study some cross section diagrams of the Giza pyramids. For example:

5. Use arrows to label the different parts of the pyramid diagram on this second worksheet.

6.a) The following site takes you on a tour to see the famous pyramids around our planet. Around Map B, (the blank map of the world,) write the names of  these pyramids and their location.
   b) Draw an arrow from each pyramid name, to the location of that pyramid on your map.
   c) Under the heading: World Famous Pyramids, in your book answer the following two questions:

      Q1.Nearly all of the pyramids were built for the same reason, what was this reason? 
     Q2. At which pyramid did the human sacrifice victims have all their skin removed?
 Pyramids Around the World. 
For the map locations, type 'clickable world map' in a Google search to find sites like the following: http://www.mapsofworld.com/


7. While waiting for the rest of the class to finish this unit, you can play with the following games:
    a) Build a Pyramid: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/egyptians/pyramid_builder_game.shtml

    b) Work out how best to use levers to raise the giant oblisk! in this animated activity:
