The Industrial Revolution:
Life in the Coal Mines and Factories

After you put the above heading on a new page in your book, using the above site, describe what the children were given to eat when working in the factories.

With each of your answers, blend two or three quoted words from a document/ source into one of your sentences.
use words like: 'According to...' or 'It was noted in one document that....'

For example: The children were often not given time to eat their lunch.
As it was noted in the
Factory Inquiry Commission of 1833, the machinery was "never stopped at meal times" in many of the cotton making factories or mills.

  2. From this site record 3 dates about the start of education for children:

  3. List reasons why factory work was dangerous:

Make point form notes about the new laws made in England to protect children.
  5. Read the 'Fun Facts' and record the one about the child factory workers walking to work.
  6. What work did the children do in the mines?
7. Make a small mind map on a new page in your book.
    Conduct your own research and make a mind map about one of the following inventors of the Industrial Revolution:

Suggested inventors include:

  • James Watt (rotary motion engine)
  • James Hargreaves (‘spinning jenny’)
  • Henry Cort (‘puddling’ process for iron production)
  • John Brindley (canal building)
  • George Stephenson (Rocket steam locomotive)
Isambard Kingdom Brunel (Great Western steamship)

8. While waiting for the rest of the class to finish the above activities, explore the following animations:

Stephenson's Rocket Animation  The Blast Furnace Animation

The Spinning Mill Animation          Winding Gear Animation

The Beam Engine Animation        Paddle Steamship Animation