The Workings of the Lord's Mill


I. Watch this brief animation of a water mill

The turning wooden shaft turned the round stone grinding stone (c) attached at its top. The grinding stone wheel rubbed against a stone wheel that was fixed to the mill floor (D).

The grain was fed down through a grain feed into a hole in the middle of the grinding stone (E). The grain was ground into flour which moved out through grooves in the face of the grinding stones.
The flowing river water turned the paddle water wheel next to the water mill. Running through the water wheel was a wooden pole that was attached to a vertical wooden cog wheel, shown as H in Fig. 2 below.

This wheel changed the direction of force when, when its cogs turned the smaller horizontal cog wheel. (Shown at G below) This turned the machine into what is called 'gears', because it also made the attached wooden shaft (I) turn faster than the water wheel.

  This animation shows two modern metal gears, both turning on the vertical plane.


Source F
Source G
II. What is the object in Source F?

III. Explain what is illustrated in Source G

IV. Explain what can be seen in Source H

V. Print off and label this worksheet on the working parts of a water mill. Then paste the worksheet into your book.



Source H
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