The Black Death: Glossary and Terms


Hint: If you find this activity too difficult or your first language is not English, you will be able to hear some of the following words and definitions spoken to you at the following sites.
Click the little speaker icon/symbol.


Print this page and then write each of the following terms next to the correct definition. Cross off each of the terms as you write them in the Glossary below. Print and paste it in your book.
Find and write out the definition for the words already written in the chart. Use this site:

     bleeding a patient       bubonic plague       contagious        plague      purging      rodents
symptom      hygiene     Yersinia pestis    Antiquity      subside       cesspool     epidemic    bubo

  and inflammatory swelling on the body
  a medieval medical treatment for many conditions which involved removing 'excess' blood from the body by cutting or the use of leaches; also known as blood letting

  a sometimes fatal infection transmitted by fleas from infected rodents, often referred to as the black death
   a sewerage pit  

  when the bacteria causing a disease can spread from person to person by touch or through the air
  a contagious disease that spreads rapidly and kills many people

  the order of mammals that include rats and mice
  to become less intense
Feudal System 

  the period in history before the Dark Ages and the Middle Ages 
keeping yourself or a place clean and free of germs so that disease and sickness does not spread

  removing from the body

some scientists think this was a bacteria that caused the Black Death


  changes to parts of your body that are signs of illness or disease

when an unusually large number of people in any region get a disease at the same time

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