South American Indian Empires

1. You can choose activity option A or B
You can use these sites for information:

Option A:
Make a caricature of yourself or a cartoon character read out 10 facts about the South American Indian Empires.
1 fact about the South American Indian Empires in general. The 3 facts each about the Aztecs , Maya, and Incas.
You must use your own words.
Use Voki to have a cartoon character speak your answers:

Use this link to make a caricature of yourself:    

Option B:
Google ‘Crossword Maker’ and select one of the free cross word makers.
From the information on this site (or your own research) make a cross word with 10 clues/ words about the South American Indian Empires.
1 clue about the South American Indian Empires in general. Then 3 clues each about the Aztecs , Maya, and Incas.
You must use your own words.

2. Print off this blank map and fill it in with all of the detail from the following  sites. (With this question remember to draw a neat coloured key that explains different parts of your map.)

a. Use the information on these sites to  colour the area of the Mayan state and the route taken by Cortes:
b. Use a Google image search of Cortes. Find and write out three interesting facts about Cortes and then paste in your book a small picture of Cortes.
c. Use the information on this site: Right mouse click 'open this site in new window', or copy and paste the URL into your browser, or find a site yourself by 'Googling': ‘South American Indian empires’, colour in on your map of the Aztec and Inca Empires. Remember to fill in your key.

d. Study this map showing where the Europeans explored and settled in the New World of the Americas.
Then write out the definition provided on this web page for the word ‘colonisation’.
(If this map is not available, Google image search ‘map European exploration in the Americas’.)


 own_oc08.gif 3. Study the following photographs of  South American Indian art work. Then print off the drawing on the left. Colour it in using historically accurate colours, that match as much as possible the original Indian art work. Then paste it in your book.
CLICK to enlarge the pictures below.