Map of Empire / General Info
 WarfareLeisure Activities


In many ways, the Ancient Egpytians spent their leisure hours much as people do today.

Water games

The ancient Egyptians loved to play in the water.
This is natural because they had the river Nile and the weather was very warm

One game which was played on the river consisted of lightweight rafts made out of reeds being punted in the same direction, while the two or three men on each raft tried to push their opponents into the water using their punts!

After they had successfully knocked all the men off a boat, they would either board it, or tip it over.

Also swimming races in the river were very popular.

Music & Dancing
We know that the Egyptians loved listening to music.
Wealthy people threw parties where there were dancing girls.

musicians played instruments such as harps, wooden flutes, cymbals, lutes, shofars (rams' horns) and sistrums (like a tambourine in use)
Board Games
Senet Game
Ancient Egyptians developed the world's first known board games.

Many game boards from ancient Egypt have been found by archaeologists
Board games were very popular and people from all levels of society played them.

he two most well-known games were 'Senet' and 'Mehen'
You can even play Senet online here.
Beer Drinking
Did you know that the Ancient Egyptians knew how to make beer?

They brewed it from malted barley and wheat, warm water and yeast.

The only significant difference from modern beers is that hops were not used to make it taste bitter. Even children would drink it.
Treading Grapes
Egyptians also drank wine made from grapes, dates, pomegranites or other fruit.

This picture shows people treading the grapes to squeeze the juice out.

The ferret was domesticated and used to keep granaries free from rats and mice. Vervet monkeys were kept as pets, as were dogs, cats, ducks and geese. The Nile goose had often the run of the house and the garden in spite of its sometimes vile temper. Some people grew hoopoes, doves and falcons.

Royalty had royal pastimes and royal pets. Ramses II had a tame lion, and Sudanese cheetahs sometimes took the place of the house cat in the king's household.