Part A.   Ancient Egypt - Reconstructing the Past.         (Print friendly version)

Place yourself in the role of an archaeologist. Cut out and fit together the pieces of this stone carving.
Paste the picture you make sideways on a new page in your book. (A4 size book or paper.)
Think about this picture and what it could tell us about life in ancient Egypt?

Select parts of the picture that you could use as evidence, to tell you about different aspects of life in ancient Egypt.
                Write some sentences on your page around your picture.
With each sentence explain what different parts of the picture could tell you about that aspect of Egyptian life.
Use the following headings for your different sentences: 
    Education (& writing), Transport, Occupations, Religion, Trade and Art.
From each of your sentences draw a line pointing to that feature of the picture you are discussing.
You could use words like the following in your sentences:
'This part of the picture is a ______________ . This could be evidence to suggest that the Egyptians................'
             Part B. Contestability. (Write the following in your book under the heading: Contestability)
Notice with the wording used above, how that part of the stone carving 'could' provide evidence of something.
This is because it is just your opinion or interpretation of the evidence.
           9 It is hard to prove with 100% certainty that your theory is correct.

With any opinion or hypothesis, other historians may contest this (disagree).
Contestability means that sometimes other people contest or disagree with a theory or conclusion presented.
           9  They may interpret the evidence differently or find more evidence, and present a different theory.