4. The Boston 'Tea Party'.

Image left: The Bostonians Paying the Excise-Man.

This is a 1774 British propaganda print that depicts the tarring and feathering of Boston Commissioner of Customs John Malcolm.
This was the second time Malcolm had been tarred and feathered.


As you read about the Boston Tea Party in the following links, keep in mind the creative writing/ 'historic fiction' activity you can enjoy doing in activity 3 below.





2. Print off this drawing. Lightly color it in and then paste it in your workbook or  folder.
    Also put a red 
X on your map at the site of the Boston Tea Party.

Pretend you were a young person standing in the excited crowd on the wharf. It is now evening, and by candle light in your room, you are writing a letter to your cousin.

Write the letter now, and in the letter describe what you saw at the docks that day, and explain who the people were wearing feathers in their hair.

Explain also what they were throwing into the harbour and what motivated them to do this. Try and make your letter look like it was really written in the1700s.

These Sources will show you the style of writing that was common at the time.

The document on the right is a Boston handbill published on 2 December 1773 and signed 'The People'. It states the possible outcome of any tea being landed in Boston and preceded the Boston Tea Party. The handbill was sent to Britain from the American colonies by Governor Thomas Hutchinson.

This document below is an extract from an account of the Boston Tea Party that was published in the Massachusetts Gazette and Boston Weekly Newsletter.

Whereas it has been reported that a permit will be given by the Custom house for landing the tea now on board a vessel laying in this harbor, commanded by Captain Hall: this is to remind the public that it was solemnly voted by the body of the people of this and the neighboring towns assembled at the Old South meeting-house on Tuesday the 30th day of November, that the said tea never should be landed in this province, or pay one farthing of duty.

And as the aiding or assisting in procuring or granting any such permit for landing the said tea, or any other tea o circumstanced, or in offering any permit, when obtained, to the master or commander of the said ship, or any other ship in the same situation, must betray an inhuman thirst for blood, and will also in a great measure accelerate confusion and civil war; this is to assure such public enemies of this country that they will be considered and treated as wretches unworthy to live, and will be made the first victims of our just resentment.


http: //www.historyhome.co.uk/ceight/america/bostp1.htm


...When the tide rose it floated the broken chests and the tea insomuch that the surface of the water was filled therewith a considerable way from the south part of the town to Dorchester Neck, and lodged on the shores.
There was the greatest care taken to prevent the tea from being purloined by the populace. One or two, being detected in endeavoring to pocket a small quantity, were stripped of their acquisitions and very roughly handled....