- Historians write about the past - they get their information
from two Sources:
- the two types of Sources of information are:
1.Primary Sources- these
are the 1st, original documents and items, for eg a letter, drawing, old
report, cave painting, diary...from the time being studied.
2.Secondary Sources -
these are recent modern writing such as text books, or
- Historians find evidence in these sources to back up and support
their arguments about past events.
- They use documents from the time after writing was invented 3000 year BC
- Archaeologists dig up the past - they use artefacts for
their source of information
- artefacts are any objects made or changed by human
hands-for eg a knife, coin, pottery
bowl, button, stone axe....
- They can find out about a society from before writing was
invented, before 3000 years BC in pre-historic times..
(or about any society that did not have writing)
- Archaeologists can find out about everyday life- the peoples
clothing, houses, food, jewellery, tools, weapons....