In your introduction just briefly answer both parts of the essay question,
            and give your reasons.-tell the points you want to make in your argument.
    Start with something like this:The Spanish Conquistador Cortez invaded the Aztec
    lands because
.........., .............(give three or four reasons) ...............   ...........
     ...........,  ...................  .......................The effects that Cortez's invasion had
    on the Aztecs were...........,.................. ..( then give three or four effects) ......
    ......., ................................................ ..............., (about 8-10 lines altogether)

            Firstly, from the evidence in the sources it can be argued that a main
.   reason Cortez invaded the Aztec lands was because he wanted to get the
     Aztec gold.
(Then give more details and quote from some of the sources to
     back up this point - just quote two or three words at a time from a source, and
   blend these words into your own sentence. For example:
As Diaz noted when writing
    in 1615, anyone who accompanied Cortez on the journey was promised to "..... receive  a share of
     the gold, silver, and riches..''  that was found. (Source 7) ).

           .Secondly the Spanish attacked the Aztecs because..............., (then give
    details and quote from some of the sources to back up this second point.)



            Cortez also invaded the the Aztec lands because ..........(then give
   details and quote from some of the sources to back up this second point.)


             The Spanish conquest of Aztec lands had many effects on the Aztec
     .civilisation. Firstly, there is evidence to suggest from the sources that one
    effect was.........
(then give details and quote from some of the sources to back
    up this second point.)



               Secondly, it can be seen that the Spanish invasion and settlement of
    .Aztec lands also had the effect of.............
(then give details and quote from
     some of the sources to back up this second point.)



             Also, it can be seen that the Spanish invasion and settlement of Aztec
    .lands had the effect of.............
(then give details and quote from some of
      the sources to back up this second point.)



               Furthermore, the sources also tell us that another effect the Spanish
     . invasion had on the Aztec Civilisation was....
(then give details and quote
      from some of the sources to back up this second point.)



               In conclusion it can be argued that Cortez invaded the Aztec lands
   because .........
( then briefly give the reasons again.) The effects that the Spanish
      conquest had on the Aztec civilisation were .......(then briefly restate the effects
     again, and finish off with an interesting short quote!  
