Essay Planning sheet: (you might find first making notes like this helpful!)


Why did the Spanish Conquistador Hernando Cortez invade the Aztec Indian lands and what effects did this invasion have on the Aztec people’s civilisation?

The question has two parts:
- Why did the Spanish Conquistador Hernando Cortez invade the Aztec Indian lands

As you read the sources, list the reasons for Cortez's invasion below:

For eg
One main reason Cortez invaded the Aztec lands was to find and take their gold...





Secondly, Cortez invaded the Indian lands because....

Furthermore, the Spanish also invaded because......

Another reason Cortez attacked the Aztecs was because.....

Record next to each reason, the sources  or authors, and paragraph no. that has evidence to back up or support that reason.

- Source 1, 1st paragraph we are told that Cortez "heard stories of gold in Mexico........"

- Source 2, 2nd para.
Cortez told Montezuma that the Spaniards, "have a strange disease of the heart, for which gold is..............."

- Source 5, 2nd para. "Cortes sailed with 11 ships ..... to look for gold, silver, and ..........."

- Source 15, para. 2 "The discovery of gold in Mexico and Peru caused ......."
Sources for evidence of this second reason....
Sources for evidence of this second reason....

Sources for evidence of this third reason....

- what effects did this invasion have on the Aztec people’s civilisation?

As you read the sources, list the effects Cortez's invasion had on the Aztec people:

For eg
One main effect Cortez's invasion had on the Aztecs people, was that a large part of their population was killed by diseases that the Spanish brought with them...

Secondly, when the Spanish conquered the Aztecs it had the effect of...

A third effect on the Indian civilisation  was......

Another effect Cortez's and the Spanish had on the Indian civilisation  was......

Record next to each effect, the sources  or authors, and paragraph no. that has evidence to back up or support your argument that this effect happened.

Source 2 para.3 The Spanish accidentally  killed off a lot of the Aztec" population with disease"....

Source 3 para.1The Aztecs were "victims of smallpox, measles and the other diseases brought " by the Spanish...
Sources for evidence of this second effect....
Sources for evidence of this second effect....

Sources for evidence of this third effect....

Remember that in your introduction and conclusion, you should briefly answer both parts of the essay question; Say what you think were the reasons Cortez invaded and the effects this had on the Aztecs.

Then you can discuss all the reasons for invasion for one or two pages, and
 then discuss all the effects of the invasions on the Indians for one or two pages.

 Pictorial sources to help you with the Conquistadors essay.