
1.  Put the heading: 'Types of Poetry' on a new page and then read the above web page.

2. List in your book the different types of poetry. With each type, explain that type of poetry in one sentence, and provide an example.

3. Do the 'Quiz' at the bottom of the above web page.
(acrostic poems)

4. Read this web page on acrostic poems and then write one sentence explaining what is an acrostic poem.

5. Write your own acrostic poem in your book.

6. a) From this following site record in your book some of the different features of poetry, and provide a brief example of each. (Heading: 'Features of Poetry')

      b) (optional) Do the interactive quiz at the bottom of the page on Features of Poetry (pages 6 and 7are both on 'Features of Poetry').
'Harry Potter Haiku'  by Holly Hartman

Want to sound wise and solemn? Make people pay close attention to your words? Then put those words in haiku.

Haiku is a very old form of poetry from Japan. It consists of three unrhymed lines. Traditionally, the first and last lines have five syllables each, and the middle line has seven syllables. Notice how many syllables are in each line of this haiku by the 17th-century Japanese poet Basho. (Often when haiku is translated, however, the number of syllables is changed.)

from all directions
winds bring petals of cherry
into the bird lake


Having few words and pausing at the end of each short line gives a special feeling to haiku. Even a simple statement sounds thoughtful—as though it has a deeper meaning. Check out the examples below. We've taken some dialogue from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, and written it as if it were haiku.

                                   (from: http://www.factmonster.com)

7. Under the heading: 'Haiku', list four features of a Haiku poem.

8. a) Explain why a person might write a Haiku.
      b) (optional) Write a Haiku about friends, school or a hobby.

9. Add the following types of poems to your list of types of poetry in your book. Describe each type in one sentence and provide an example.

Epic Poems

The oldest poetic form is the epic, sometimes called the heroic poem. An epic poem is a long narrative that concentrates on heroic deeds and events that are significant to a particular culture. Mythology is often expressed in the form of an epic poem. Many epics existed in oral form only and have not survived.

Examples of epic poems that have survived in written form include “Gilgamesh,” which was recorded about 2000 B.C. on clay tablets. Much of Greek mythology was recorded as epic poems by numerous authors, including Homer’s “Iliad” and his “Odyssey.” Virgil’s “Aeneid” and Ovid’s “Metamorphoses” are famous epics which cover Roman mythology. Written during the medieval period, “Beowulf” relates numerous Anglo-Saxon legends. More recent examples of popular epic poems include Dante’s “The Divine Comedy,” John Milton’s “Paradise Lost,” Lord Byron’s “Don Juan,” Longfellow’s “The Song of Hiawatha,” and Walt Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass.”

Characteristics of an epic poem include an imposing, significant hero; a vast setting; courageous, even superhuman actions; supernatural forces, such as demons or gods; and an objective point of view surveying the whole story.

Lyrical Poems

Lyric poetry originally referred to the Greek practice of delivering verse to the accompaniment of the lyre. A lyric poem generally is a short poem, often expressing personal deep feelings, having a musical quality that might be set to music and performed to an audience.

Some familiar lyric poets include the Greeks, Sappho and Pindar, and the Romans, Catullus and Horace. During the middle ages the Persian Omar Khayyam wrote memorable lyric verses. During later centuries John Donne, Ben Jonson, John Milton, Robert Burns, Goethe, and Schiller were famous for their lyric poems. The 19th and 20th centuries were filled with lyric poets. Some of the most familiar include Wordsworth, Keats, Byron, Shelley, Tennyson, Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, William Carlos Williams, and Robert Frost.

Lyric poems typically depend on rhythm and rhyme. Rhythm is often called meter and is composed of several feet or beats. Two syllable feet and three syllable feet are the most common, and a lyric verse normally has a small number of lines, each divided into a recognizable pattern of feet. A verse may contain a definite rhyme pattern or may be left without rhyme and called blank verse.


A ballad is a form of verse meant to be sung or recited and usually presents a dramatic or exciting episode from real life.
The traditional ballad form includes four lines per stanza and, often, a refrain. The four lines in each ballad verse consist of four two-syllable feet in the first and third lines and three two-syllable feet in the second and fourth lines. The rhyme pattern is often abab.


Limericks are funny poems often containing hyperbole, puns, and idioms. The last line of the limerick is usually the punch line, a witty conclusion. The form of the limerick consists of five lines, three rhyming each other, and the remaining two lines also rhyming. The rhyme pattern is aabba with lines 1, 2, and 5 containing three two-syllable feet and lines 3 and 4 containing two two-syllable feet.


Haunted House

By Jack Prelutsky

There's a house upon the hilltop
We will not go inside
For that is where the witches live,
Where ghosts and goblins hide.

Tonight they have their party,
All the lights are burning bright,
But oh we will not go inside
The haunted house tonight.

The demons there are whirling
And the spirits swirl about.
They sing their songs to Halloween.
"Come join the fun," they shout.

But we do not want to go there
So we run with all our might
And oh we will not go inside
The haunted house tonight



By Dave Calder

I don't want to see any racing in the corridor.
a gentle glide's what we expect in here;
not that I mind a little heavy-handed fear
but you high spirits must slow down.

And I've had complaints that some of you
slip out at playtime. Let it be quite clear
that you stay in the graveyard till you hear
the bell. The chippy's out of bounds,
so is the sweetshop and your other favourite haunts.
I'll stop your little fun and groans:
there'll be a year's detention in the dungeons
for anyone caught chewing anything but bones.

And we'll have no more silly tricks with slamming doors,
at your age you should be walking through the walls.
And it isn't nice to use your loose heads as footballs
or vanish when your being spoken to.

And finally, I really must remind you
that moans are not allowed before midnight,
especially near the staffroom. It's impolite
and disturbs the creatures - I mean teachers -
resting in despair and mournful gloom.

You there - stop wriggling in your coffin, I can't
bear to see a scruffy ghost -
put your face back where it was this instant
or you won't get to go howling at the moon.

Class Three, instead of double Shrieking
you'll do Terminal Disease with Dr. Cyst;
Class Two stays here for Creepy Sneaking.
The rest of you can go. School dismissed.
The Creature in the Classroom

by Jack Prelutsky

It appeared inside our classroom
at a quater after ten,
it gobbled up the blackboard,
three erasers and a pen.
It gobbled teacher's apple
and it bopped her with the core.
“How dare you!” she responded.
“You must leave us . . . there's the door.”

The Creature didn't listen
but described an arabesque
as it gobbled all her pencils,
seven notebooks and her desk.
Teacher stated very calmly,
“Sir! You simply cannot stay,
I'll report you to the principal
unless you go away!”

But the thing continued eating,
it ate paper, swallowed ink,
as it gobbled up our homework
I believe I saw it wink.
Teacher finally lost her temper.
“OUT!” she shouted at the creature.
The creature hopped beside her
and GLOPP . . . it gobbled teacher.
The Bogus-boo

By Jade Murphy

The Bogus - boo
is a creature who
Comes out at night - and why?
He likes the air
He likes to scare
The nerves passes - by.

Out from the dark
He comes with huffling pad.
If, when alone,
you hear his moan,
Tis like to drive you mad.

He has two wings,
Pathetic things,
With which he cannot fly.
His tusks look fierce,
Yet could not pierces
The merest butterfly.

He has six ears,
But what he hears
Is a very faint small;
And with the claws
On his eight paws
He cannot scratch at all.

He looks so wise
With his owl - eyes,
His aspect grim and ghoulish;
But truth to tell,
He sees not well
And is distinctly foolish.

This Bogus-boo,
What can he do
But huffle in the dark?
So don't take fright;
He has no bite
And very little bark.

The Witch

by Francesca, age 12

Spells, warts, evil, and wise,

could it be a girl in disguise?
The witch's eyes, the witch's glare,
the pain is death if you stare.
A POP! A BANG! and lots of smoke,
her bones rattled as she spoke.
Her face was uglier than us all,
the leech on her leg began to crawl.
She laughed, she cackled, she screamed with joy,
tapped inside was a boy named Troy.
Her cat was small but also fat,
there are more words to describe than that.
The cauldron boiled and as she laughed,
her house blew up and landed on Mars.
She is evil, warty and wise,
that's not all, you'll be surprised!


The Witch

by Jonathon, age 12

BOOM! POW! And then came a shriek.
She flew up high firing lightning streaks.
She flew even higher raining down death,
She doesn’t fight fare, there is no Ref.

Like a bird of prey she circled above,
A vulture she is, not a pigeon nor dove.
Brave knights came forward to ward her away,
But she blasted them all, she was here to stay.

She destroyed all things, raining down death,
But soon she was tired and needed a breath.
She spiralled down and collapsed on the ground,
But out of nowhere a boy came making no sound.

He saw the wand and thought it a toy,
What a strange plaything for such a small boy?
He whirled it around SWISH! WHOOSH! KAZOOM!
The witch awoke and screamed: "THAT SPELL SPELLS DOOM!"

And so the witch was gone, blasted away.
And so it was confirmed, she wasn’t really here to stay.

>> Bewitch
> by Tracy, age 12
>> Suspicious as a mystery,
>> Evil as a fox.
>> Old like ancient history,
>> Smells of mouldy socks.

>> In the cave of Enyastich,
>> Lies brewing the cauldron of trouble.
>> Casting away is that heartless witch,
>> Not  knowing her trouble will double.

>> Morning and night she keeps to herself,
>> Making potions that decay.
>> From the books upon her shelf,
>> She learns new spells each day.

>> She rides a wicked broomstick,
>> Bent down with her hunchback.
>> Moles and warts to lick,
>> And the odd old Redback.

>> Crinkled skin,
>> With old grey hair.
>> And a sharp pointed chin
>> To slice the air.

>> For years she's tried to rule the world,
>> But never did succeed.
>> But this last spell her tongue just curled.
>> Victory! Or just one more evil deed?

10. Read the above poems and then select one to complete the questions in the web lesson called: 'Responding to Poetry', (just Unit 1 in this lesson - 'A framework for responding to poetry'. The web lesson is under 'Poetry' on the Interactive Learning site.)

11. Draw and colour a picture to illustrate one of the above poems.
