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Welcome to StarDust!

Here you will find out about me, get a peek into my life, links to other cool sites, blinkies you can use and other graphics (which are coming soon), Maybe some poems, maybe a little inspiration. First I want to thank Gurase for giving me the first building blocks of html and helping me learn how to learn myself! Her site is the first one on the link page...please visit her site! I want to also say if you are using the tag-board please do not use my name, I prefer to be Stardust online. Thankyou! Below is my blog with updates and all. Read if you feel the need. ¤StarDust¤

The skys were gray with dull fear,
After it all she could not feel the tears,
Eyes once a river, now barren desert
Lost in the obscure feelings of dirt
A soul willing to, but not able to go on,
Gone was the joy in life's blosming song
But then a renassaice of life took place
Once again a smile graced her face,
Slowly but surely she began to dance,
Graceful filled with rejuvinating romance,
Reformed was her outlook and disposition
Filled with hope and love and ambition
Though the road still gets rougher
Though she will surely suffer
She will be enlightend and stronger
And she will stil have in her mind
A reminder of gray and sunny times.

Last Worked on: 1*7*03