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Ocean Star

Episode 12

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Bad things start to happen to Trent and he thinks it must be because of the curse of the Ocean Star.
Thinking it is a curse the kids sell it to Reg Davies and bad things begin to happen to him and Karla.
Clive then tells them that he made the curse up and that they sold the Ocean Star for nothing, but the bad things continue and Trent believes they may never be rid of the curse.

FIRST AIRED: 25th February 2003


All I can say is I hope Dylan is okay and his father. I think they probably could of stopped after they found the Ocean Star but its a good little twist to the side of it to continue with the season. My favourite part was Gemma and Trent spending time together by staying in the same house, it's so cute and it's good to see Karla getting what she deserves. Least favourite was Trent jumping on Leo's back, I just thought it was very stupid, just my opinion.

RATING: ** / *****

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