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"Not the lunch, anything but the lunch!" - Trent, about his Dad's horrible made lunch.

"Do some of your magic." "Zim. Zom. Zan." "That's amazing!... It didn't work." - Trent,  Dylan and Trent again, as gives him his lunch.

"Great, the human discovery channel" - Trent, about Gemma and her friends.

"You got eyes in your bum kid?" "Anything's possible after two days in this dump" - Clive and Trent, after he trips him over.

"I'll let you get back to looking for nothing, before someone beats you to it!" Trent to Clive.

"Promise?" "Better. It's a Reg Davies promise" - Karla and Reg, as he promised to find Karla's bracelet.

"Is that the latest over east?" "Yeah, the fish batter look. You get dumped in water, rolled in sand and lightly dusted in red dirt." "It will never catch on" - Karla and Trent, talking about his appearance.

"Leo, I bet if you take this to your Dad he'd find some new deadly disease all over it" - Gemma, after picking up Karla's éclair.

 "I can take whatever you locals throw and come back with a winner everything" - Trent to all of Gemma's comebacks.

"You didn't have to get us in trouble" "You didn't have to call me a tourist. I'm staying here for a whole year, that makes me a local" "It takes more than that" "How hard could it be" - Gemma and Trent.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Just a bit of a queue" - Trent looking at the frogs on the toilet.

"Here. Kiss it, you might turn back into a princess" - Trent as he hands a frog to Gemma.

"They have won the battle, but the war was had just begun" - Trent after Gemma and her friends spray Karla and him with water.

"The only marine life you've ever hunted, Spider Webb, is a can of tuna" - Gemma.

"$200 reward, that's a start to a one way ticket out of here" - Trent about finding Karla's bracelet.

"Kissy, Kissy, Kissy. Forget me never. Love me ever" - Trent overlooking Dylan's letter.

"I was savaged by a turtle, attacked by the wildlife preservation mafia, staved, chased by a madman, got lost, rolled in camel poo and had a lovely camel ride. I'd say pretty average" - Trent's response after his father asked how his first day was.

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