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This is a paper that I wrote in July of 2001 after returning from Creationfest. I had the opportunity to share my testimony with some people and after they got back from Creation, someone got in touch with me and told me that some of the kids made some changes in their relationships with their parents. It was quite amazing. read on--- more stuff

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This is for the teenage girl who cant look her mother in the eyes. This is for that boy who says "Dad i hate you and your rules" this is for that stepchild who hates his parents decisions. This is for that orphan girl who curses her parents for leaving her. This is for that 'grown up' 21 year old who thinks "i don’t need my parents anymore, I’m grown up"..... and idk.. This could be for you!!

Imagine that you walked home one day and your Mom said "I love you "

Imagine that your Mom said "I want to do something with just you"

Imagine that you said "Mom you will cramp my style"

Imagine that you loved your Mom.

Imagine that you didn’t love her.

Imagine for just one minute that you told your Mom, "I love you"

Imagine this: ""IT WOULD MAKE HER DAY""

Imagine that gave your Dad a kiss and said, "Dad, I love you"

Do you think it would make him happy?

When’s the last time you kissed your Dad?

I know when i did.. was it that important to you that you remember??

Imagine that kids got neglected?

Do you shudder at the thought? I do!!

Imagine a child found out she/he was 'a mistake'

Imagine how that child would feel.

How do you think they would feel?

Imagine if you were one of them.

or as the song says, "The gift she'd give her family would be the pills she's take"

Imagine you got a call.

Imagine it was from your brother.

Imagine he said, "Mom is very sick"

Imagine how you would feel.

All of the sudden all those negative feelings you may have had toward her

turn to Love.

Imagine he said, "she's in the Hospital"

You go to see her.

Imagine she was not 'conscious'

Imagine she "died" in there.

You NEVER got to see her again.

You never got to say 'I love you' again.

You never got to take back that last nasty look.

You never got to take back that last negative word.

Did you say "Mom, I Love You" that last time you saw her?

Do you wish you did?

Imagine that Your father got really sick.

Imagine he got worse and worse.

Think: HE'S GONE.

Right in front of you.

as you stand there feeling helpless.

as 'Total loss" begins to show reality to you.

as you feel like crumpling to the floor and going with Him.

as people around you cant comfort you cause they feel the same way.

as you feel like it has to be the end, "how can i live like this"?

Imagine the thought of NEVER seeing your Mother and Father, EVER, EVER again

in your life,

Imagine they were taken from you in an instance with no warning..

No "its coming get prepared" warning.....



Imagine how you would feel.. How would you feel?

Imagine the need for God's Peace at that moment..

Imagine what your Great God would do for you.


Now Imagine that you thought about all that.

Imagine that you are crying.

ok maybe you already are.

Imagine you do have a bad relationship with your parents.

Do you know who your parents are?

They are the ones who 'chose' to bring you into the world

They are who 'chose' to nurture and Love you.

They are who GAVE you what you needed and WANTED.

They are who loved you unconditionally.

They are who STILL LOVE YOU !!

They are who I love.

They are who yearn to hear three little words from you.

They are who wants to be close to you.

They are who wants to be involved with you.

They are who 'won't always be here with you'

They are who need your time, just as you needed theirs when you were growing up.

They are your MOM and DAD !!!!!!!!

That is the most important one..

Be honest, do you have spats or argue or fight or get upset or anything with them??

Do you think they may be waiting for you to come to them and say, "Mom, Dad,

im sorry, I love you"? > Do you think you are the one waiting for them to say that?


It will be worth it.

maybe you think it is all them,

maybe they think it is all you.. > BUT---------- > You Know, you love them dearly, > You Know, they love you too. > but is it pride? is it fear? is it intimidation? > that keeps you from getting close or at least making an effort??

If you make that move.. It Will Break Them!! (in a good way)

It will be the best decision you ever make.(well besides your decision to accept Christ) but you get the point...

It will be the best relationship you ever have with a person.. That is a Guarantee..

Ok,, this email may seem a little '' up in your face '' but if it is not for

you then ignore it and pass it on..

But "I" Jeffrey Myers know all of this for a fact.

But my reasoning::: I told a similar story to some people and it changed some lives..

It was the most tremendous and moving and amazing experience I ad..

it was truly awesome..

If you are offended by this.. That’s ok.. You shouldn’t be... This was written from my heart..

Many people do not understand me// "That's ok" I understand"..

Imagine you walked in the other room 'right now'..

Imagine your Mom and Dad were sitting at the table.

Imagine what they would say,

Good,,,, Bad,,,,,????

You would know..

Imagine what you would say..

You can change a household..

It tells you that in the Bible.. .

I Believe it..

Imagine how Awesome it will be when you and your parents have a Truly

Awesome relationship..


You can do it.

Imagine you asked God to help you.

Imagine how easy it would all of the sudden get.

Imagine the awesomeness of God.

Imagine you never knew God.

Wait, Don't.. That is too terrible to think about..

Imagine you didn’t have Mom or Dad.

Wait, Don't.. That is too terrible to think about..


Don't let it be that way..

Do something. I want to help every person in the world.. but I can't. I pray

something in here looked you in the eyes..

May God be with you in everything you say and do.

God loves you and so do I

!!!! Smile you're alive !!!


get this gear!