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And to think that it can all be prevented with fervent prayer to our Heavenly Father and a little involvement in our kid s and other kid s lives. That s what they yearn for is someone that cares. When a person gets married, they make a huge sacrifice. A sacrifice of the some of the more fun things in life, but not for nothing. It is to spend the time they are obligated to with the family and soon their own children. But I challenge you to do that now, make a sacrifice and be a mentor and care about someone who is hurting, someone who needs a hug or pat on the back for a  Job well done . It could change a world, change a life, and most importantly Save a life from the eternal fire. Think about what an impact you could have if you were willing to be used by God. It doesn t take much to be a friend to someone. A talk on the phone, a walk, anything that is involvement is the world to them. Most teens or young people just want someone who will listen to them. The sad part about it is that the ones who should listen in their own household, are not there. They have neglected their obligations in the home and now those children need a God-send to be their hero. It is an important task and one that you will not be sorry for. God receives all the Glory for the good things that we do. Like we learned, the good things we do have no merit unto ourselves but we do them because it is what we are in duty bound to do. It is all because we love the Lord and these are as dear as His only Son. Praise God and thank you for hearing my thoughts. April 2003 JF hat drives a person away from God more than anything is the lack of caring people. If no one cares then why should they stay, thaCHNKWKS ,øÿÿÿÿTEXTTEXTþFDPPFDPPFDPCFDPC STSHSTSH"STSHSTSH"2SYIDSYIDP"SGP SGP d"INK INK h"BTEPPLC l"BTECPLC „"FONTFONTœ"tSTRSPLC #:PRNTWNPRJ#<FRAMFRAM†*ˆTITLTITL+DOP DOP +~Someone Gave Me a Chance~ At one time in my life, someone gave me a chance. Someone gave me a chance to be me, whether that was good or bad at the time, I don t know. And they gave me a chance to  fit in or be part of something. To be part of something even if I wasn t the best one for the job. Someone gave me a chance just to feel like I mattered. And for that reason I feel that I have an obligation to give everyone that I know, just one more chance. But not just one more, but one more every time they need one. That last chance you give a young person could be the chance that needed all their life. It could be the deciding factor of whether they stay or leave the Truth that God has for them, and the plan that He has for their life. It is a humbling position to be in knowing that God is using you to give someone that chance and to be a part of a young person s life. You could be the person who makes a difference at a time that you are needed most. Some time it is just the fact that someone knows they are cared about. Some young people and teenagers think that no one cares, and you may brush it off as just  needing attention or  feeling sorry for themselves . But having been there, I m telling you that when you feel like giving up, only God s love and God s love through other people can keep you. Just knowing someone cares can and will make a world of difference to someone. What drives a person away from God more than anything is the lack of caring people. If no one cares then why should they stay, that is there thought. But we may not know it now, but our lack of involvement, even in our own kids, could drive them to many worldly or wrong activities. Drinking, smoking, keeping bad company, and along with that corrupting their behavior, bad language and 68’ ú ØX túüþøðððððððððèÀÀ(2‚"'(Š  Û)Û @·S ·6:øþØ°|r " 4 "PS" $Š 08."( "PS" $Š."( "hC" $Š." ´ç„ÿÿÿÿ´ç„ "ð” " ttþþ `´ç„,Times New RomanCopperplate Gothic Boldÿ}  " " "¤øÃö ä ,,K K–ô HP DeskJet 840C/841C/842C/843CœXCï€d,,DINU"4$WVKû$˜$$˜$0winspoolHP DeskJet 840C/841C/842C/843CLPT1:Fÿÿÿ"\²"€‘"ÑV"i"ð` "ð``""A."@ÿÿÿ"\²"ðù"ÑV"i"ð` "ð``"."Untitled"Øp"Øpp (" ed a God-send to be their hero. It is an important task and one that you will not be sorry for. Goþÿ ÿÿÿÿ²Z¤ žÑ¤ÀO¹2ºQuill96 Story Group Classÿÿÿÿô9²qy;ãy;ãy;ã