ࡱ>    !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJRoot EntryZ O2ivKCONTENTS CompObjVSPELLINGhearing and retaining what these speakers have to offer is a valuable to retain. The times of worship minister to me, whether it be Michael W. Smith or Chris Tomlin leading, they seem to have a  eyes off me, eyes on Jesus Christ attitude about them. The worship time at Creation is a mind blowing experience. I can get so caught up in it that the thought of 70,000 people and lights and a stage just disappear from my mind. It comes down to just me and my Creator and I worship Him from behind my tears. But they are not sad tears, they are tears of joy from the realization that it s God saying,  It s just you and I, let s make things right, once for all . When a person has an experience that brings them  close to God or they  just feel God s presence , it is an experience like no other. It cannot be explained, it cannot be taught and after the fact it s even hard for that person to imagine it. Those moments are the most powerful moments a person can experience. And most people look at you strange (Christians included) when you relate an experience like that, unless they have been there themselves. I cannot speak for Purple Door Festival because I have not been there. But I would assume from what I ve heard from those who have been there, that it is similar to Creation with heavier punk music. Club Worship, the topic of the latest inquiry:  Why do you feel the need to go there And again the answer is the same as before,  I don t . But, I like to go there instead, I enjoy my time there. It is a place of worship, the main purpose (in my understanding) is a worship meeting. It is a worship meeting like none other. I found that it is a powerful time of worship in dance. There were times when everyone was really dancing to the beat, and other times when, even though CHNKWKS TEXTTEXT8FDPPFDPP<FDPCFDPC>STSHSTSH@STSHSTSH@2SYIDSYIDP@SGP SGP d@INK INK h@BTEPPLC l@BTECPLC @FONTFONT@STRSPLC $A:PRNTWNPR^ALFRAMFRAMzTITLTITLDOP DOP yes on Jesus Christ attitude about them. The wo Why I do what I do Creation Festival, Purple Door Festival, Club Worship, MWS Worship, P&W V, Sunday Morning church etc. etc. What exactly is each of these things and  Why do I feel the need to go there ? Well to tell you the truth I don t know if I do feel the need to go, it is more that I want to go. Let me start with church, or more accurately my church that I attend on Sunday. I feel that all of the above mentioned are a form of church. I attend church on Sunday first off because it is a Bible command (Hebrews 10:25)  Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing So my attendance on Sunday morning is for one thing,  to keep the Bible command to  not give it up . Secondly, I want to. I have a growing thirst for God s truth, everyday I feel more and more drawn to learn more or to find out new things about the Lord. I find myself in a spirit of worship more and more often, whether it be at work or at home or where ever. Second, what about Creation or Purple Door, what are those and again,  Why do you feel the need to go there ? Well again, I do not feel a need to go there. I go there because I enjoy it, I get a tremendous amount of spiritual growth and it really opens my eyes up to what the church really is. The church is not a building with four walls on it. That is not it at all. Instead the church is the whole body of true Christian believers !! The spiritual benefits and lessons that I encountered and benefited from my first year at Creation are invaluable. I wouldn t trade what I learned about people, about the church of Jesus Christ and about myself for anything. The speakers speak on such subjects as dating, relationships, involvement in the church, being a spiritual light, the list goes on and on. But the benefits from hthe bass was pumpin, people were on their knees in prayer, or just being silent in the presence of the Lord. The most powerful moments are experienced in the Spirit of the Lord and cannot be explained to another person. Ask anyone who has experienced God in that way and they will confirm it. It is difficult to explain, and especially difficult to someone who has never had that awesome experience! At one time I was also asked,  Why do I have to go to that type of event to feel  on fire for the Lord , shouldn t I be able to feel that same passion or zeal in attending my home church ? Well that is a weird kind of question to answer. See, first off, I love my church, my pastor, and support the church 100%. But that does not mean that it makes a 25 year old person want to jump through the roof while sitting there singing a song that starts with  twas . I mean absolutely no disrespect in saying that. I do support the old hymns and realize that they are sacred and meaningful. My point being, staying in my church building week after week with the same people gets monotonous and could start to be done out of habit. But I find when I attend a Christian event such as Creation Fest or Club Worship, it puts fire back in the meaning and gives me a whole new view in some way. I am challenged and encouraged. Think of it like this for a minute, if you had a church that was aimed at every age from 10 to 85, the sermons or messages would then have to encompass something that would catch all the listening ears. But, if you were aiming at a group with the age from 15 to 30, then you could narrow the messages down and narrow the selection of music down to be aimed right at that age group. The speakers that are brought in have a heart for kids and young adults and sincerely care about the welfare of the people in attendance. They speak there heart and mind on problems that plague the young Christian church today. Some give remarkable testimonies of how they came to know the Lord in the way that they do. And others just to encourage us to stay on the path and stay connected to the vine so we will bear fruit. Each worship leader or speaker is different and has a different message or way of conveying something. God uses these people to open our eyes and minds to the things that the Lord has for us. But at the same time we have to keep in mind 2 Peter 2:1,  But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. Meaning that they will slip into such things as mentioned and pass by everyone s  firewall and into our churches or just into our lives. They will be convincing but all the time controlled by the devil. That is why we are told in John 4:1  Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. We have to pray daily that we are not the ones fooled by people who have a warped idea of what truth really is.  Why do I feel a need to attend such events, why do I have to go elsewhere to feel on fire for God ? If I had to answer, I would have to say:  To grow spiritually, to touch people s lives, to be a spiritual light to a spiritually dark world, to encourage and be encouraged, and just to experience God like never before. Every time is new and fresh and just . . . Wonderful!! A more simple answer:  God deserves our worship, God requires our worship, and God enables our worship I want to take every opportunity I can to do what I am required to do in the sight of God my Creator, Sustainer, Healer, Deliverer, King, Rock, Lord, Saviour, and the One I love !! Thanks for hearing my thoughts !! JF 8-15-03 ic down to be aimed right at that age group. The speakers that are brought in have a heart for kids and young adults and sincerely care abo*,. B"!X5v6J89:::::::(2"'( ) @S *0(F N 0T1:3r4X5::||P|8 "PS" $  08.": "PS" $  08.", "PS" $ . "PS" $ * "PS" $  " " "m" $ tt " " tt:<:>tt 0TTimes New RomanTempus Sans ITC Comic Sans MSs " " " ,,K KIHP DeskJet 840C/841C/842C/843CXCd,,DINU"4$WVK$$$$0winspoolHP DeskJet 840C/841C/842C/843CLPT1:F"\""V"i"` "``""A."@"\""V"i"` "``"."Why.wps"p"pp (" hurches or just into our lives. They will be convincing but all the time controlled by the devil. That is why we are told in John 4:1  Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God,  Z O2Quill96 Story Group Class9qy;y; y;; y;;Wy;[;%y;,{;hy;j