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Josh's Favorites

Hello my name is Josh Manego and I am a Freshmen in Lincoln College and I am in Internet class learning how to make a web page. The major I want to take is Auto Mechanics.

My Favorite TV Shows

  1. Fear Factor
    -The reason why I enjoy this show is because of the interesting things they do.

  2. MTV
    -This show is has a lot of different episodes to watch, such as
    The Inferno2

  3. Simpsons
    -I know almost everyone loves this show, but this show is always interesting and funny to me...

My favorite cars

  1. Subaru WRX STi
    -This is my number one car because I have a basic WRX and I love it, so I bet the STi is ten times better. And they're such a fun car to drive.
  2. BMW M3
    -Here's another car that I would love to own because my dad used to own one and I loved it to death.
  3. Porsche
    -Lastly, this is probably the Queen of all cars in the world because this is an unbelievable car and I would die for one.