Bloviating Poppinjay
originally posted: 10/26/01
Brought to you by my literary hero James Lileks (, who says that if you'd write a phrase like "bloviating poppinjay," you are one.
A BP is someone who "relie[s] on that mock-archaic diction that supposedly skewers small mortals from its perch on high, but just sounds like a chittering mite from an old greasy Whig." Someone who "believe[s] that this tone of bemused high disdain, salted with conspicuous erudition, would make his foes shrink back into their lair." Someone who "just remind[s] me of the guys I waited on at the Valli Pub at midnight on Saturday, drinking Pepsi by the pitcher and exuding huge clouds of desperate virginity."
You tell 'em, Jimbo. See why he's my hero?