
originally posted: 02/15/02

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haver (HAY-vuhr) verb intr. To vacillate.

[Of uncertain origin.] In Hebrew, "haver" is a friend or companion. In Scotland and Northern England, it means to talk nonsense.

"Haver" suits me today because I've been dealing with taxes. My tax preparer, Jim, is a haver in the Hebrew sense of the word. He's a good guy, a cheerful accountant if there is such a thing, I'm getting a refund, and he's getting it direct-deposited for me. Yea, Jim!

I've also been trying to clear up another tax issue lately, and I can confidently say that government offices haver in the Scottish/English sense. If you need any fertilizer for your spring planting, just call a state or federal tax agency and you'll get loads. Wish me luck next week as I plunge back into the fray!