Hurry the Silence

originally posted: 11/30/01

Brought to you by Aussie Barb.

Barb is the leader of a coaching class I've been taking lately. These classes are conducted via conference call, with as many as 20 people on the line at a time. (In fact, Barb leads the class from her home in Australia, where it's already tomorrow. Nothing like getting ahead in your work!) Sometimes when something profound or moving has been said, a few moments of silence descend while everyone absorbs what they've heard. One of my fellow students thanked her the other day for letting this happen, for not hurrying the silence. I appreciate that, too. It's important to take time to absorb and reflect.

I'm reflecting on the fact that my divorce became final one year ago today. And what a year it has been! So as we enter this season of sharing, allow me to share this with you: Don't hurry the silence. Cherish it. If you have quiet, it means nothing worrisome is going on. Let small pockets of serenity sustain you through the hustle and bustle. If nothing else, it beats Muzak.