Invasion of the Monster Women

originally posted: 09/19/02

Brought to you by the Monster Women.

The Monster Women, as far as I can tell, exist only as a series of kitschy rubber figurines, salt-and-pepper shakers and lunchbox adornments. (I'm the proud owner of each of these items.) The toys look like they were designed to commemorate a 1950s sci-fi B movie — very cheap and cheesy-looking. The lunchbox bears scenes from the "movie," which would have been the kind with spaceships dangling from visible wires, and there's a little rubber dollie for each of the five characters. They are, in the order on which they sit atop my computer monitor:

Not a bad attack squad for $.99 apiece. The salt and pepper shakers, gifts from Chicken Step Lady, are busts of Bat and Lizard. The rubber icons were gifts from Sister-san. The lunchbox I bought myself.