Melon Boots
originally posted: 10/29/01
Brought to you by the movie "Mystery Men," which I watched last night. At
one point in the story, the Mystery Men, a gang of not-so-super superheroes,
is at superhero boot camp to try to boost their skills. My favorite
character, Roy (a.k.a. Mr. Furious), practices balancing a tack hammer on
his head while his feet are inserted in watermelons. The Yoda-like boot camp
leader explains the reasoning behind balancing the hammer - something about
meeting the enemy with a balanced attack - but points out that he never
instructed Roy to put fruit on his feet. The expressions on both their faces
are well worth the cost of renting this flick - or, in my case, borrowing it
from one's sister. (Hey, I had to drive to Moorhead to get it.)
Just think: Somebody got PAID to think that scene up.