Separate Checks

originally posted: 9/6/01 or 9/7/01

Brought to you by Mother Media. Another reading from the Book of Tackiness, in which Mother writes:

"M M M ["Mary" of Chicken Go Bye-Bye fame] asked me to go to lunch with her when I took her birthday gift out this a.m. They're going to Vancouver tomorrow and her birthday is Monday. [Same as El Queso Grande's. Lucky Queso!!] I agreed and chose Hardee's, which is close and quick and not too costly for her. I (duh) thought she was taking me as a treat. We both ordered and when the gal said $12.25 for both, Mary (in her usual loud voice) said, "we're paying separate". Then she remembered that she didn't order anything to drink after she'd already paid her $6.00 so ordered the drink and I got to pay for it along with my tab. She's funny."

Yeah, that's one word for it.