Tire Town

originally posted: 10/24/01

Brought to you by yours truly, who experienced a flat on the way to Media Headquarters today. I pulled into a grocery store parking lot to put on the spare, then stopped at a service station. They directed me to Tire Town for a replacement. I envisioned a small city constructed entirely of black rubber, but I was disappointed. No tire turrets, no Firestone fortresses, no whitewall walkways. Just a lopsided brick building beside the freeway.

Too bad; consider how much easier car ownership would be if the roads were made of rubber and the tires of concrete. The tires would last a lot longer, and we could patch them with the cement mix left over from patching the patio. We'd get a nice bouncy ride, and road repair would be a heck of a lot easier -- we'd just need a guy with a really powerful hair dryer to melt things back into place.

Winterize, everyone! And congratulations to Sister-San on winning this year's Happy First Snow award. She reports heavy, wet, sticky snow all over the northern byways.