Yami No Matsuei - When it is time to go …

Welcome to the Meifu. Last update - 3 November 2001!



Kit - Ugh ... Swamped ... *tears papers up* ... stressed ... *throttles the nearest thing around ... it's Tats* ... Tsu looks horrified at the sight ... but relaxes when he realises that you can only die once.

Tsu - sigh ... we've been swamped at the meifu and lots of other places ... but we've got a pic at least *looks sad*

Kit - *wailing too* I can't help it ... gomen everyone ...
Tats - *guilty look* gomen nasai minnas we're a little shorthanded at this time and Kit here has too many projects ... greedy little girl ... ~_~;;

"What lies beyond the darkness? Is it eternal life or eternal damnation? Can you let go of the world or will you sell your soul to continue reveling in its pleasures?"

Welcome again to the Dark Lands, here minna-sans, all you need to do is sit back, relax and enjoy a little T&T action here at the Dark Lands. Choose your route to madness and parodies ...

PS: This Dark Lands web-page was created and tested on Explorer 4.0 at 32 true colour, 640 by 800 and I have no idea how it looks otherwise. If this bombs on your browser or your resolution, please let me know, domo arigato.


The Dynamite Duo - T&T?

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