"That's my bra size!"
"Joanna, you are not a 36 C!"
"Eine Gelegenheit"
"Eine Gelegenheit"
-Alex (with hand motion)
"Alles Gute!"
"Strasse Hasse"
"Du musst nicht vergessen dass wir müssen essen!"
"Geh Wolf, geh Wolf, geh geh geh Wolf!"
"Die Zeit ist nine Uhr."
"Pip pip pip pip"
-Frau B
"Immer probieren"
"Can I get a Mezzo Mix?"
"You're all such good people"
"I don't need condoms to dance!"
"All I need is a barmaid at the Hofbräuhaus"
"Eh, eh, eh... She sleeps!"
"Do I have to entwert my card?"
"And if we get caught, I'll pretend I'm the retard"
"Nicht zu schmutzig"
-Little German Boy
"Cool Beans!"
-American in Munich
"I don't believe it! You are German!"
-Funny old lady with stereotypical german accent
"I could really go for Holger"
"I hope so, cuz you're fat"
"I can't understand their Frau!"
-Iowa City kids
"I can't understand their Frau!"
-Mankato kids
"Krista, you won the bet!"
"Haven't you ever walked in on your parents?"
"What about jacking off??"
"Can you übersetz that?"
"When did you go to Mexico?!?!"
"This is your co-pilot speaking... I just want to wish all of you a Happy Easter, or, as they say in Germany, 'Frau Oster'!"
-Co-pilot (flight from Frankfurt to Chicago)