"Evolution: Possible or Impossible?" by JAMES F. COPPEDGE, Ph.D., Probability Research in Molecular Biology, PUBLISHED BY
Northridge, California 91321
"A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23" by W. Phillip Keller, Zondervan Publishing House. This is a must read! See how we all act like sheep at times!
"A Walk Across America" by Peter Jenkins, true story and will help you to understand how blessed we are here in the USA.
"Elijah" by Charles Swindoll is a character study you won't want to miss.
"Moses" is another one of Swindoll's character studies. Wonderful!
"Esther" by Charlies Swindoll is another character study. There are more than these two and Swindoll isn't done with the series yet.
Character study of a New Testament Christian.
Another in the Swindoll series.
Another in the Swindoll series.
Another in the Swindoll series.
"Intimate Friendship With God" by Joy Dawson will help you draw near to God.
"The Attributes of God" by A.W. Tozer will help you separate your earthly and necessarily flawed father with your heavenly Father, and so doing, bring you into a close relationship with your awesome God.
"The Beauty of Spiritual Language" by Jack Hayford will release you, if you are willing, to worship God in your spirit.