Teen Issues

Turn off MTV. Turn onto Vineyard Music. Put your headphones on and meditate on every word in the songs you hear. Raise up your hands and sing to your Creator and Father who loves you beyond imagination. Let the tears flow freely. Did you know that there are churches all over the world with folks worshiping just like you are now?


You have no idea what staying pure till marriage means to your heavenly Father. No matter how good it looks and how strongly you are tempted, remember how God feels about staying pure. You belong to Him. Turn your passions upward to God.


If warning is too late, then begin purity right now. God will honor you. You have something that the pure ones do not: You know forgiveness. What a privelege! God can use you in marvelous ministries!


If you didn't stay pure until marriage, you will never be sure that what befalls you in the trials and tribulations of life is not a direct result of your premarriage passions. This uncertainty follows you through life.


Peer pressure is a terrible term. Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a teen. You really are better off without godless friends your age. They may get you killed.


Large youth groups are hard to monitor. Find a small, serious group of Christians to share your youth with. Run away if they turn out to be promiscuous.


Garbage in, garbage out. Stay away from violence and sexual content in movies. Rule of thumb is this: If you wouldn't let your kid sister or brother watch it, why would you?


Read biographies on famous Christians. Their lives will teach you a lot.


Do you think you are growing up yet? Ask yourself this: When my mom or dad last asked me to do something, did I scowl or did I roll my eyes to the back of my head? How do I take advice from adults? Do I know that I don't know it all? You are growing up if you value their opinions and don't have to think twice to carry out a task. Why should you? So that when your heavenly Father calls you, you will be able to hear His voice and you will know how to obey. When He speaks in his Word, you will be quick to heed His warnings and advice.


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