Christian Links

Bethel Church, Redding, CA
Bethel's Online Book Store
Bethel's Awesome Links

The God Chasers Network

Listen to the Bible for free

New Living Translation Bible Online
This is my favorite translation of the bible. For yourself, get the "Praise and Worship" bible, which focuses on our awesome God. It comes only in the New Living Translation and you will be blessed.

Find The Four Spiritual Laws in Your Language
This is where we all began. Do you have a special ethnic group in your area of the world? You can print any of these Four Spiritual Laws pamphlets out so those you share Christ with can be sure to understand our simple gospel... in their own native tongue.

Childcare Uganda
Would you like to be directly involved with a great mission work in Fort Portal, Uganda? Carol Adams is a friend of mine. Uneducated and totally by faith, she has been taking care of orphan families for about 7 years now. Carol is in her 70's and just wanted to do more for her God. Let her boldness encourage you to do something unique!

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