1 Chronicles 16 - 29 Questions and Answers
Q. When and where did the Temple choir play? A. 1 Chronicles 16:6 = Regularly, and in front of the Ark.
Q. When do we first hear of David composing a song of praise? A. 1 Chronicles 16:7 = The day the Ark was put into its new home in Zion.
Q. What was the song David wrote about? A. 1 Chronicles 16:8 = 1) Thanksgiving
2) Telling everyone about God's greatness
3) Evangelizing the world about God
4) Singing to God (a command)
5) Singing God's praises
6) Telling everyone about God's miracles
7) Exulting in God's holy name
8) Rejoicing
9) Searching for God (another command)
10) Searching for God's strength
11) Keeping the search on continually
12) Reflecting on all God has don, both miracles and judgments
13) We are God's servants
14) We are God's chosen ones
15) God is ours
16) God's rule is seen throughout the land
17) God keeps His promises
18) God is committed to His people
19) God's commitment to us is an old promise
20) God reassures every generation that His promise is still good
21) God's promise to be our God is good for eternity
22) God protects His people though they wander away from Him
23) God warns kings not to harm His people
24) God warns kings not to harm His ministers
25) The whole world should be celebrating God and worshipping Him
26) We should proclaim daily that God saves
27) We need to record God's mighty deeds on behalf of the world
28) God is great
29) God is worthy of our praise
30) God is to be revered above all gods, which are only useless idols
31) God made the heavens
32) Honor and magesty surround God
33) Strength and beauty are in God's being
34) We plead with all nations to recognize God is glorious and strong, deserving of all of us giving Him glory
35) We invite the nations to bring an offering and come worship Him in all His holy splendor
36) Let every man fear God for who He is
37) The world is firmly established and cannot be shaken
38) The creation is glad and rejoices
39) We tell the nations the Lord is King
40) The marine life shouts God's praise
41) The crops burst forth with joy
42) The trees of the forest rustle with praise before the Lord
43) God is coming to judge the earth
44) Give thanks because the Lord is good
45) God's love is forever
46) We cry out for God to save us so we can thank Him and rejoice and praise Him
47) God is everlasting to everlasting
Q. Did Israel accept David's song? A. 1 Chronicles 16:36 = Yes. They all said AMEN and praised the Lord.
Q. How did the Levites and priests minister before the Ark? A. 1 Chronicles 16:40 = 1) They sacrificed burnt offerings each morning and evening according to the Law of Moses
2) They gave thanks to the Lord musically on instruments and with singing
3) Gatekeepers watched by the gates
Q. What is a good practice on behalf of our families? A. 1 Chronicles 16:43 = Blessing our families by declaring blessings on each member whenever we think about it.
Q. Did David want God to live in more than a tent? A. 1 Chronicles 17:1 = Yes.
Q. What did God think of that idea? A. 1 Chronicles 17:4-6 = God saw it as unnecessary, but it would happen one day because David wanted it.
Q. Did God prophesy about Solomon? A. 1 Chronicles 17:11-14 = Yes.
Q. What posture did David assume sometimes when praying? A. 1 Chronicles 17:16 = Sitting.
Q. Was David a humble man? A. 1 Chronicles 17 = Yes. His view of God was personal and vast. David understood that nothing he had ever done was worthy of God's attention, yet God chose him. He wanted the world to know His God in all His glory over Israel.
Q. How did David view God's blessings? A. 1 Chronicles 17:27 = As being eternal ones.
Note: Do you realize that God's blessings are eternal? They never fade -- ever!
Q. What is the significance of this truth in David's life? A. 1 Chronicles 17:27 = David's dynasty would be eternal -- it is! Through Jesus.
Q. After this time of praising God, did anything significant happen? A. 1 Chronicles 18:1 = Yes. David went to war.
1) He conquered the Philistines
2) He conquered the Moabites
3) He conquered the Zobahites
4) He conquered the Arameans
5) He conquered the Edomites
6) He conquered the Ammonites
7) He conquered the Amalekites
Q. Who were David's chief assistants? A. 1 Chronicles 18:17 = David's sons.
Q. What happened when David's enemies, Ammon and Aram, allied and declared war against Israel? A. 1 Chronicles 19:14 = They ran away!
Q. Did this discourage further war alliances between Ammon and Aram? A. 1 Chronicles 18:19 = Yes.
Q. What time of the year did kings go to war? A. 1 Chronicles 20:1 = In Spring.
Q. Were giants truth or myth? A. 1 Chronicles 20:4 = Truth! Philistines had giants.
Q. Did these giants have names? A. 1 Chronicles 20:4 = Yes. There were Saph and Lahmi. Lahmi was the brother of Goliath. Others were distinguished by weird body abnormalities. One had 12 fingers and 12 toes.
Q. Do we hear about Satan rising up against Israel in David's time of rule? A. 1 Chronices 21:1 = Yes. Satan rose up against Israel and influenced David to take a census of the Israelites.
Note: Counting one's possessions or followers is a subtle sin and one that affects men of great wealth. Only God could call a census of Israel and always with good reason. They forget that God gives and takes away.
Q. Did anyone warn David of it as being a sin? A. 1 Chronicles 21:3 = Yes. Joab did. He obeyed the command to do it, but could not finish it because of the distress it caused him.
Q. And God was displeased? A. 1 Chronicles 21:11-12 = Yes. God made David choose one of 3 punishments
1) 3 years of famine
2) 3 months of destruction by his enemies
3) or 3 days of severe plague as the angel of the Lord brought death throughout Israel.
Note: Yikes! David chose to sin. David chooses a severe consequence.
Q. What did David choose? A. 1 Chronicles 21:14 = 3 days of plague. 70,000 Israselites died. A direct punishment from God's merciful hands.
Q. Did God ever intend to destroy Jerusalem? A. 1 Chronicles 21:15 = Yes. An angel stood between heaven and earth, his sword drawn and ready to destroy Jerusalem, and God relented.
Q. What happened at that point? A. David looked up and saw the angelic scene. He asked for mercy, that his crime would fall on the heads of only his family.
Q. Did God make an alternate plan? A. 1 Chronicles 21:18 = Yes.
1) David would build an altar of the place he saw the heavenly scene
2) buy the land from its owner
3) do a burnt offering
4) God sent fire to consume the offering
5) The Lord told the angel to sheath the sword.
Q. Did that destroying angel make an impression on David? A. 1 Chronicles 21:29-30 = Yes. David was terrified of that sword he carried!
Q. Did this place where the altar was built serve a future purpose? A. 1 Chronicles 22:1 = Yes. The Temple Solomon would build would be built there.
Q. Did David help in that task, though God wouldn't let him build it? A. 1 Chronicles 22:2-5 = Yes. David amassed materials for the Temple.
Q. Why was David prevented from building the Temple? A. 1 Chronicles 22:8 = Because he had shed so much blood in so many battles. The man who would build the Temple would be one experiencing peace and rest.
Note: Pastors and missionaries should be people who had peaceful and restful childhoods!
Q. Did God prophesy of Solomon's kingship before he was even born? A. 1 Chronices 22:9 = Yes. God chose his name too.
Note: Solomon was the child of Bathsheba, once another's wife, stolen by David and had her husband murdered at David's command. And now God chose Bathsheba to be Solomon's mother! God is holy, but His holiness is not affected by our faults. God simply works through our weakness.
Q. What was David's contribution to the Temple? A. 1 Chronices 22:14 = 1) 4,000 tons of gold
2) 40,000 tons of silver
3) so muchiron and bronze that it could not be weighed
4) lumber
5) stone
6) Stonemasons
7) carpenters
8) craftsmen
9) goldsmiths
10) silversmiths
11) workers of bronze and iron
12) all the leaders of Israel.
Q. How did Solomon begin building the Temple? A. 1 Chronicles 22:16 = With a blessing from his father.
Note: Don't forget to bless!
Q. How did David see his role before God? A. 1 Chronicles 22:18 = As being the one who was handed thenations to be subject to, so Solomon could build the Temple in peace
Note 1: We all play important roles, however unnoticeable they are to others. Recognize your own contribution to God's kingdom. If you can't, then let that role be filled by God.
Note 2: I used to think that if I yielded to God completely, He'd put me in the middle of a 3rd world country -- exactly where I didn't want to be! It turns out that God works through the things He has laid on my heart and has given me a passion for!
Q. What advice did David offer to Solomon? A. 1 Chronicles 22:19 = 1). To seek the Lord with all his heart
2) v.11-12 = Obey the Law of Moses and the regulations carefully
3) Be strong, courageous and don't lose heart.
Q. How many Levites were in Israel when Solomon came to power? A. 1 Chronices 23:3 = 38,000 who were over 30 years old.
Q. Who made the musical instruments that would be played while the Temple was being built? A. 1 Chronices 23:5 = David.
Q. How many would be playing them? A. 1 Chronicles 23:5 = 4,000 musicians!
Q. Were Moses' sons included with the tribe of Levi? A. 1 Chronices 23:14 = Yes. They were Gershon and Eliezer.
Note: Two names almost the same: Gershon and Gershom.
Q. How old did a Levite have to be to serve in the Temple? A. 1 Chronicles 23:24 = 20 years old.
Q. Why did David want the Temple built? A. 1 Chronicles 23:26 = 1) So it wouldn't have to be carried from place to placfe by the Levites
2) Because God said He'd always dwell in Jerusalem.
Q. Did all the Levites have to register for service? A. 1 Chronices 23:27 = Yes, as soon as they turned 20.
Q. And their duties? A. 1 Chronicles 23:2-32 = All kinds of services under the priests, plus praising God morning and evening.
Note: The way the Levites maintenanced the Temple and sang to God morning andnight is a picture for us. We should take care of our bodies, as they are temples, singing and praising God morning and night.
Q. When God's messages were proclaimed, how was it done? A. 1 Chronicles 25:13 = With a background of praise music (much like today in church).
Q.Did the king have his own seer or prophet? A. 1 Chronicles 25:5 = Yes. Heman had 14 sons and 3 daughters and was considered blessed. His sons along with himself proclaimed God's messages and played instruments. A family band!
Q. And their fathers all led their musical children? A. 1 Chronicles 25:6 = Yes.
Q. Who were the musical Levitical fathers? A. 1 Chronicles 25:1 = Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun.
Q. Who did the fathers report to? A. 1 Chronicles 25:6 = The king.
Q. Did God make them all talented from birth? A. 1 Chronicles 25:7 = No. They were trained to play for the Lord.
Q. How many musicians were there? A. 1 Chronicles 25:7 = 288 in all.
Q. How was their playing schedule determined? A. 1 Chronicles 25:8 = By sacred lot. No exception -- teacher, student, young or old, played their term of service this way.
Q. Were middle children sometimes picked to leadership positions, or was it always firstborns? A. 1 Chronicles 26:10 = Yes. Shimri was a middle child and he became leader of his brothers as gatekeepers.
Q. 1 Chronices 26:14 = Yes. Zechariah, son of Meshelemiah, was one. (not theminor prophet!). A. 1 Chronices 26:13 = By sacred lot, with no regard to age or training.
Q. We hear about Solomon's wisdom. Were there others who enjoyed unusual wisdom from God? A. 1 Chronices 26:14 = Yes. Zechariah, son of Meshelemiah, was one. (not theminor prophet!).
Q. Did David have an entourage? A. 1 Chronices 27:32-33 = Yes. 1) Jonathan, David's uncle, was a wise counselor to him, a man of great insight and a scribe (writer)
2) Ahithopel was David's adviser
3) Hushai was the king's friend.
Q. How was the Ark of the Covenant viewed by David? A. 1 Chronicles 28:2 = As God's footstool.
Q. How does God view Judah? A. 1 Chronicles 28:4 = As ruler over all Israel.
Q. What did David desire for Solomon? A. 1 Chronicles 28:9 = To get to know the God of his ancestors and worship Him with a whole heart and a willing mind.
Q. What else is true of God? A. 1 Chronices 28:9 = 1) God sees every thought and plan
2) If you seek Him, you will find Him
3) If you forsake God, He will reject you forever.
Q. How did David manage to plan for every detail of the Temple? A. 1 Chronicles 28:19 = God gave all the details to David.
Q. How? A. 1 Chronicles 28 = In writing, from the hand of the Lord.
Q. Who else donated materials for the Temple? A. 1 Chronicles 29:3 = Family leaders, tribe leaders, generals, captains and adminstrative officers.
Q. Was this done freely? A. 1 Chronicles 29:3 = Yes, and wholeheartedly.
Q. How did David see giving God gifts? A. 1 Chronicles 29:14 = It came from God and is going back to Him.
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