1 Samuel 16 - 31 = Questions and Answers
Q. God had Israel's next king ready to be anointed. Was Samuel eager to fetch him? A. 1 Samuel 16:2 = No! Saul, he feared, would kill him.
Q. How were prophets received in Israel at that time? A. 1 Samuel 16:4 = With apprehension. They seemed to come bearing only bad news.
Q. Where was David from? A. 1 Samuel 16:1 = Bethlehem.
Q. Was David declared king when he was anointed? A. 1 Samuel 16:13 = No.
Q. What was David's first duty after his anointing? A. 1 Samuel 16:18 = To be Saul's harp player.
Q. Why did Saul need a harpist? A. 1 Samuel 16:23 = To soothe him when a tormenting spirit bothered him.
Q. What was also David's job? A. 1 Samuel 16:21 = Armor bearer for Saul.
Q. What was Goliath's challenge? A. 1 Samuel 17:8-10 = Single combat -- winner gets slavery of the other's people.
Q. Where was David at the time? A. 1 Samuel 17:15 = Working both as shepherd for his father, Jesse, and for Saul, as harpist and armor-bearer. But DAvid didn't see the battlefield until his dad sent him there to bring his 3 older brothers food.
Q. What did David witness on the battlefield? A. 1 Samuel 17:24 = Israel running away from Goliath.
Q. How did Saul attempt to solve the problem? A. 1 Samuel 17:25 = He offered the one who defeated Goliath tax exemption status and his daughter's hand in marriage.
Q. How did David see Goliath's challenge? A. 1 Samuel 17:26 = As being allowed to defy the armies of the living God.
Q. What did Saul think of David's rising to the challenge? A. 1 Samuel 17:33 = As ridiculous.
Q. Did David just walk away? A. 1 Samuel 17:34 = No. He persisted and laid out his credentials before Saul. He had much experience killing lions and bears while protecting sheep. David's purpose for killing Goliath is that he openly defied God. He recognized God as His deliverer.
Q. Did Saul continue to advise David on how to kill Goliath? A. 1 Samuel 17:38 = Yes. He gave David his own heavy armor.
Q. How would David go out to meet Goliath? A. 1 Samuel 17:39 = In his shepherd clothes, his staff and a slingshot with 5 smooth stones.
Q. Was David intimidated by a direct attack from Goliath's evil tongue? A. 1 Samuel 17:45 = No. David told Goliath exactly what was going to happen to him, so that the world would know that God was in Israel. That God would give Goliath and the Philistines to Israel.
Q. How did the one-on-one battle commence? A. 1 Samuel 17:48 = David ran toward Goliath and slingshotted him betweenthe eyes. The stone sank into Goliath's flesh.
Q. Was Goliath dead? A. 1 Samuel 17:51 = Not yet. He just fell forward. David took Goliath's sword, killed him and cut off his head with the sword.
Q. What did the Philistines do? A. 1 Samuel 17:51 = They ran. Israel pursued and killed them.
Q. What did David do with Goliath's head? A. 1 Samuel 17:54 = He took it to Jerusalem.
Q. And Goliath's armor? A. 1 Samuel 17:54 = David took it to his own tent.
Q. What changed after this event? A. 1 Samuel 18:1-2 = 1). David met Jonathan and they were bound by love immediately.
2). David lived full time at the palace with Saul and his family.
Q. How did Jonathan seal his vow of friendship with David? A. 1 Samuel 18:4 = Jonathan gave David his robe, tunic, sword, bow and belt.
Q. Did David experience success in Saul's palace? A. 1 Samuel 18:5 = Yes. David obeyed Saul's every command and had much success in everything he did. So Saul appointed David as a commander of his army. David's men loved him.
Q. Why did Saul turn on David? A. 1 Samuel 18:7 = Because people sang of the Philistine victory with Goliath, giving DAvid more credit than their king.
Q. What happened to Saul? A. 1 Samuel 18:9 = He became jealous and kept a jealous eye on David (cf.18:12).
Q. But wasn't this song true? David was the one who was responsible for winning that fight with Goliath and was living in the palace as a result of Saul's offer, wasn't he? A. Yes!
Q. What happened to Saul because he refused to face this truth? A. 1 SAmuel 18:10 = A tormenting spirit made him crazy.
Q. Did DAvid's harp soothe Saul? A. 1 Samuel 18:10-11 = Not anymore. He tried to kill DAvid for playing it -- twice!
Q. After that, what happened at the palace of Saul? A. 1 Samuel 18:13 = Saul banned David from his presence and reduced his command to 1,000 men.
Q. Did David's favor abate with the people at that time? A. 1 Samuel 18:16 = No. He was very successful and the people continued to love him even more.
Q. Did Saul fear David? A. 1 Samuel 18:15 = Yes. He saw that the Lord was with him.
Q. Did Saul continue to try to rid himself of David? A. 1 Samuel 18:19 = Yes. Saul sent David out on a suicide mission.
Note: David did this same mean trick to Bathsheba's husband, Uriah, later -- and he succeeded in murdering him this way. We are, indeed, influenced by those around us! "Be innocent in what is evil..."
Q. Did David accept the mission Saul sent him on? A. 1 Samuel 18:18 = No. Saul promised David the hand of his daughter, Merab, upon his return, too.
Q. Did Saul try to have David killed a second time? A. 1 Samuel 18:25 = Yes. And Michael's hand in marriage was promised this time. Michal really loved David!
Q. But David lived again? A. 1 SAmuel 18:27 = Yes.
Q. How did Saul react this time to his failure in killing David? A. 1 Samuel 18:29 = Saul became David's enemy for life. Yet David and the army always won and Michal loved David. He became famous throughout the land.
Note: Doesn't make sense, does it? Your daughter is happily married to a successful and godly man and all you can think of is your son-in-law's death. Obsessing on jealousy or any other sin is dangerous. How to fix it? Switch channels. Whatever is good and profitable and pure. It is up to you! God will help you if you will just switch channels.
Q. Was Jonathan able to reason with his father, the king, about David? A. 1 Samuel 19:4 = Yes. Saul asked Jonathan to join him in an assassination attempt on David's life and Jonathan waited till morning to answer him. He thought about a way to reason with his father to convince him of this wrong.
Note: It is always best to sleep on a problem. God will give you wisdom anytime you will take the time to ask and wait for an answer.
Q. Did Saul reconsider his evil deed the next morning? A. Yes.
Q. But the problem of Saul's jealousy returned? A. 1 Samuel 19:9 = Yes. It took the Philistines attacking Israel and DAvid beating them for Saul to relapse. He threw his spear at David again. David escaped, but Saul was bolder in his pursuit now.
Q. How? A. 1 Samuel 19:11 = Saul sent troops to watch David's house and ordered him killed the following morning.
Q. What did Michal do? A.1 Samuel 19:11 = She found out and warned David to escape through a window. She put an idol in David's bed and goat hair to look like he was sleeping under the covers and told the troops that David was sick.
Q. What did Saul command the troops to do? A. 1 Samuel 19:15 = Bring him to the palace in his sick bed so he could kill him.
Q. Michal's actions could have gotten her killed! What did she offer by way of explanation for the ruse when the trick was found out? A. 1 Samuel 19:17 = She said David threatened to kill her if she didn't help him escape.
Q. Where did David go? A. 1 Samuel 19:18 = To Ramah, to see Smuel. David told Samuel all that Saul had been up to.
Q. Did God intervene? A. 1 Samuel 19:20 = Yes. Samuel took David to live in Naioth and Saul sent his troops there to kill him. They were met by Samuel and the other prophets, who were prophesying, having the Holy Spirit upon them. Upon seeing this, the troops had the Holy Spirit come upon them and they began prophesying too! Saul sent 3 sets of troops and the same thing happened to all of them.
Q. What did Saul do then? A. 1 Samuel 19:23 = He went himself and it happened to him too! Saul lay on the ground all day and night prophesying in Samuel's presence, his clothes torn. This confused the onlookers.
Q. What did David do next? A. 1 Samuel 20:1-2 = David found Jonathan and asked him why Saul wanted him dead.
Q. How did Jonathan reply? A. 1 Samuel 20:2 = In disbelief. He wanted proof and got it. David would have to leave Jerusalem.
Q. Where did David go? A. 1 Samuel 21:1 = To Nob to see Ahimelech, the priest. He asked for food and a sword.
Q. What sword was there? A. 1 Samuel 21:9 = Goliath's.
Q. Where did David go next? A. 1 Samuel 21:12 = To Gath to see King Achish, who was hostile.
Q. How did David escape him? A. 1 Samuel 21:13 = Pretending to be a madman.
Q. Where did David go next? A. 1 Samuel 22:1 = To the cave of Adullam.
Q. Would David be alone there? A. 1 Samel 22:1-2 = No. His brothers and other relatives joined him there first. Others followed.
Q. What kind of people were these? A. 1 Samuuel 22:2 = 1). Men in trouble
2). People in debt, hiding from their debtors
3). Discontented people unsatisfied with their lives for whatever reasons.
Q. How many people joined David at the cave? A. 1 Samuel 22:2 = About 400.
Q. Was Saul paranoid? A. 1 Samuel 22:7-8 = Yes! He was sure David was trying to kill him. He had Doeg, the Edomite, kill every priest in Ahimelech's family and every family member of his too.
Q. What else did Doeg do? A. 1 Samuel 22:9 = He told Saul that Ahimelech gave David a sword and consulted with him, though he gave no details. Saul had jumped to conclusions about David's intentions.
Note: Do you ever jump to conclusions and pay dearly for it later? Make sure you confess your sins daily, start afresh daily, so your perspective doesn't become twisted.
Q. Did any priest escape from Doeg? A. 1 SAmuel 22:20 = Yes. Abiathar, Ahimelech's son, escaped and went to David.
Q. Did David intend to kill Saul? A. 1 Samuel 22:23 = No. Only to stay alive and protect his people from Saul. He was determined to let God guide him in everything.
Note: Impressive! You CAN be calm in the midst of the storm and decide to look up and trust God about all the details, however chaotic your circumstances are!
Q. What else did David do besides determine to protect those Saul wanted dead? A. 1 Samuel 23:2 = 1). David led the people
2). David asked God's counsel in potential war, even asking again and again for the sake of his fearful men
3). David rescued the Israelites from Philistines stealing their grain.
Note: Look at how David's shepherd experience made him a shepherd of bigger things. What are you in training for? The best training from heaven goes unnoticed until you are released to use it for God.
Q. How did David approach God? A. 1 Samuel 23:6 = Abiathar, the priest, used an ephod to get answers for David from the Lord.
Q. In what town did David deliver the Israelites from the Philistines? A. 1 Samuel 23:4 = Keilah, which was a walled city.
Q. Was it risky for David, a fugitive, to enter such a city? A. 1 SWamuel 23:7 = Yes. As Saul's spies were everywhere, he soon found David in a place where he could actually trap him.
Q. How did God help David? A. 1 Samuel 23:11 = David asked God about the future and God told him.
Q. How would Saul trap David? A. 1 Samuel 23:12 = The men of Keilah would betray David.
Q. After David rescued them??? A. Yes!
Q. Did David end up getting caught? A. 1 Samuel 23:13 = No. God's warning gave him time to flee.
Q. Where did David go? A. 1 Samuel 23:13 = David and his men roamed the countryside.
Q. How many men did David have by now? A. 1 Samuel 23:13 = About 600, which is 200 more than when he started his exile at the cave.
Q. Did Saul give up on David? A. 1 Samuel 23:14 = No. Saul hunted David day after day. David stayed in the strongholds of the wilderness and in the hillcountry of Ziph. Saul never found David.
Note: God knows everything (23:12) in advance. God knows when evil lurks. He also knows how to turn it into a blessing. Life is not a chess game. God is looking out for you and is never surprised with events that touch our llives. Every bit of it shapes you. Laugh more, cry less, move forward.
Q. Did Jonathan understand that David would be king? A. 1 SAmuel 23:17 = Yes.
Q. What kept Saul from getting David this time? A. 1 Samuel 23:27 = The Philistines attacked Israel again so Saul had to return home to fight them. Saul would resume his pursuit of David afterward.
Q. What happened this time when Saul resumed his hunt for David? A. 1 Samuel 24:3 = Saul went to relieve himself in the very cave David was hiding in.
Q. What did David do? A. 1 Samuel 24:4 = David cut off a piece of Saul's robe, but would not kill him. He even felt bad about ruining the robe!
Q. Why wouldn't David kill Saul? A. 1 Samuel 24:6 = Because God Himself anointed Saul as Israel's king.
Q. Did David's men try to convince him to kill Saul? A. 1 Samuel 24:4 = Yes. They quoted God's promise to put Saul in David's power.
Note: A good point is made here. We can quote the scriptures and be totally wrong in interpretation. In this cawse, these men did not consider God's character in their understanding of the prophesy. Saul was God's anointed king. Should they so easily kill him like he was a pagan king? David knew better -- and he probably stood alone on this.
Q. How did David handle the experience? A. 1 SAmuel 24:9-15 = As an opportunity to talk reason with Saul. He repaid Saul good for evil.
Q. What happened as a result of David's inaction? A. 1 Samuel 24:16-21 = Saul backed down, acknowledged David as future king, and asked him to spare his family when he became king.
Q. Did David return to the palace? A. 1 Samuel 24:22 = No. He stayed with his people at the stronghold.
Q. Does God sometimes let cheaters prosper? A. 1 Samuel 25:3 = Yes. Nabal was a rich, but dishonest Israelite.
Q. Do good women find themselves married to fools? A. 1 Samuel 25:3 = Yes. Nabal's wife, Abigail, was both sensible and beautiful. Nabal was awful and ill-tempered too.
Q. What tribe did Nabal descend from? A. 1 Samuel 25:3 = Caleb's family. A good line too!
Q. Nabal would not help David, nor would he acknowledge him as anything but an outlaw. Did any of his servants dare to defy Nabal? A. 1 Samuel 25:14-17 = Yes. One servant saw how Nabal treated David and he feared for his foolishness and told Abigail of it.
Q. What did Abigail do? A. 1 Samuel 25:18-19 = Exactly as David asked, and quickly. She saved her household because she acted quickly. Nabal had a stroke, as a result, and died ten days later.
Q. A coincidence? A. 1 Samuel 25:38 = No. The Lord struck him and he died.
Q. What happened to Abigail? A. 1 Samuel 25:39 = David sent for her to be his wife.
Q. So now David had 2 wives? A. 1 Samuel 25:42 = Yes. Saul's daughter, princess Michal, was David's first wife. But she was back at the palace.
Q. Any more wives? A. 1 Samuel 25:43 = Yes. There was Ahinoam, from Jezreel.
Q. What happened to Michal? A. 1 Samuel 25:44 = Saul married her off to Palti, son of Laish. Palti was from Gallim.
Note: Taking multiple wives happened, but one wife was written for a man to take. It seems that with power comes smugness to God's ways. Always, consequences happen, even to powerful men who think they're above the law. Stay away from the "gray areas" of the bible and don't be overconfident in your path. God's line for Jesus was through Bathsheba, yet another of David's wives, and one whose husband of her youth was betrayed by David the king, the man he trusted most. But we'll read about that later. Here, Abigail was mightily used by God as she stood up against the foolishness of her own husband. You cannot hide your talents and gifts behind a foolish spouse. God expects you to follow Him, not a mere mortal! It is God who transforms chaos into such great and memorable times!
Q. David had a second opportunity to rid himself of Saul. Only this time, what was available to use against Saul? A. 1 Samuel 26:11 = Saul's spear was stuck in the ground next to his head. David's cmpanion, Abishai, rationalized with David that this was proof that God wanted David to kill Saul.
Q. How did David see this opportunity? A. 1 Samuel 26:11 = The same way as the first time, when Saul was relieving himself in the cave: One must not kill God's anointed one!
Note: Temptation grows sweeter each time you refuse to let it turn you. How do you deal with temptation? It's like a tug-o-war rope. The devil is at one end; you are at the other end. You struggle to win, trying so hard to beat it. The truth is that you can't beat the devil. To win, just let go of the rope. Refuse to struggle. How? You let go of it when you choose to think of something else. Something godly. Plan for it. When temptation comes to call, what will you think of instead?
Q. Can our friends lead us wrong? A. 1 Samuel 26:8 = Oh yes! Know God's word and you will be able to stand upright before God and recognize evil counsel immediately. Even if your friends don't!
Q. How did David's temptation increase? A. 1 Samuel 26:11 = He could have killed Saul with his own sword. Yet he humbled himself before Saul again, confirming to Saul his anointing by God to be king.
Q. How did Saul react this second time David spared his life? A. 1 Samuel 26:25 = He blessed David, apologized and prophesized of David's coming greatness too. He also invited David to come home.
Q. Did David go home to the palace? A. 1 Samuel 27:1 = No. He didn't trust Saul.
Note: Now that is wisdom! Recognize God's will and use your head when it comes to people. Always consider their track records to determine their characters.
Q. Where did David go? A. 1 Samuel 27:1 = To live amongst the Philistines, in Gath, the Philistine capitol.
Q. Did Saul stop hunting David now? A. 1 Samuel 27:3 = Yes.
Q. Did David like the big city? A. 1 Samuel 27:6 = No. David preferred the countryside, so he asked King Achish if he could move there.
Q. How did Achish respond to David's request? A. 1 Samuel 27:6 = He gave David the town of Ziklag.
Q. How long did David live there? A. 1 Samuel 27:7 = One year, four months.
Q. Wasn't that area occupied by enemies of Achish? A. 1 Samuel 27:8 =Yes. Geshurites, Girzites and Amalekites also lived in Ziklag. David killed them off, taking sheep, camels, donkeys and clothing before returning home to see King Achish.
Q. Was David honest with the king about who he conquered? A. 1 Samuel 27:10-11 = No. He told the king that he conquered the Jerahmeelites and Kenites, who are Israeli tribes.
Q. Achish thought David hated his own people? A. 1 Samuel 27:12; 28:1 = Yes!
Q. Did David have the king of the Philistines, Achish, thinking he would join him to fight the Israelites after this? A. 1 SAmuel 28:1 = Yes.
Note: Always double-check the facts!
Q. How much did Achish trust what David said was fact? A. 1 Samuel 27:2 = Enough to make David his personal bodyguard for life!
Q. What good thing did Saul do for Israel at this time and before? A. 1 Samuel 27:3 = Saul had banned all mediums and psychics from Israel.
Q. How did God counsel Saul? A. 1 Samuel 27:6 = Through dreams, sacred lots and the prophets.
Q. Were mediums always women? A. 1 Samuel 27:7 = Yes.
Q. What caused Saul to consult with a medium? A. 1 Samuel 28 = The vast size of the Philistine army filled Saul with fear. He consulted God, but got no answer right away and he panicked.
Note: Don't rush God's answers to evenyour most gigantic problem! Be patient. God's answers are never late! Behind the scenes, David had been used by God for Israel's benefit. We also don't know all God is up to. But all God asks of us is that we be faithful to Him.
Q. What was this psychic able to do? A. 1 Samuel 28:11-12 = Wake Samuel up from his long sleep (death) in the earth.
Q. What did Samuel look like after death? A. 1 Samuel 28:13 = The psychic described Samuel as looking like a god, and like an old man wrapped in a robe.
Q. What did Samuel say to Saul? A. 1 Samuel 28:17-18 = Samuel repeated the prophesy of Saul's doom and added more. Israel would go down at the hand of the Philistines.
Note 1 = Leave the non-earthly world alone. We function on what God provides us here on earth as living beings.
Note 2 = Notice that the medium did not repent. Some people feel they are higher and above the rules God has set plainly before us. Please don't be one of them! Ask God to grant you conviction of your sins, if you know plainly that something you are doing is wrong, but you don't "feel" the wrong as sin. Meanwhile, switch channels and do something you KNOW pleases God.
Q. How did God move in this war? A. 1 Samuel 29:1-4 = David, asked to join Achish, joined with the other commanders and they were outraged that Achish loved David. They knew what David was capable of and refused to let him fight with them.
Q.How did the other commanders remember David? A. 1 Samuel 29:5 = By the song "Saul had killed his thousands, and David his ten thousands."
Q. Did Achish send David and his men back to Ziklag? A. 1 Samuel 29:7 = Yes.
Q. Was this providential? A. 1 Samuel 29:1 = Yes. The Amalekites raided Ziklag and captured all the women and children, burning the city to the ground.
Q. What was David and his men's reaction? A. 1 Samuel 29:4-6 = They wept bitterly and the men became angry with David, wanting to stone him.
Q. So now even David's men turned on him? A. 1 Samuel 29:6 = Yes.
Q. How did David handle the situation? A. 1 Samuel 29:6 = He found strength in God. He was, after all, God's anointed king!
Note: Have you ever been in a place where all your Christian friends seem to turn against you and only a pastor or a non-Christian is left to comfort you? You are not alone! Trust God and ask Him what to do -- and remember to wait for God's timely answer!
Q. Did David do this? A. 1 Samuel 29:7-8 = Yes. God even gave him the assurance they needed that their families were okay and all would be restored.
Q. How? A. 1 Samuel 30:8 = David and his men would have to pursue the enemy.
Q. What happened along the way? A. 1 Samuel 30:10 = Two hundred of David's men tired out. Four hundred continued on.
Q. What did they find on their way? A. 1 Samuel 30:11 = An Egyptian man in a field.
Q. Who was he? A. 1 Samuel 30:13 = The slave of an Amalekite, left to die after the raid on Ziklag, David's town.
Q. Would he take David to them? A. 1 Samuel 390:15 = Yes. In exchange for his life and being freed as a slave.
Q. What were the Amalekites doing when David and his men arrived? A. 1 Samuel 30:16 = Partying hard. They were joyous because of the rich plunder taken from the Philistines and Judah.
Q. Did David attack? A. 1 Samuel 30:17 = Yes. After 2 days of fighting, only 100 young men escaped on camels.
Q. All was restored to David and his men? A. 1 Samuel 30:19 = Yes. Every item, child, woman, animal and elderly one was restored to them.
Q. Was there anything for David and his 400 men to plunder? A. 1 Samuel 30:20 = Yes. This place was the Amalekites' home townand they had herds and flocks of animals.
Q. What did David's men think of the 200 men left behind from exhaustion? A. 1 Samuel 30:22 = Some grumbled that they didn't deserve any plunder.
Q. And David? A. 1 Samuel 30:23 = He behaved like a good king -- giving God the credit for the victory and dividing the plunder for all Israel. He made it the law.
Q. So David's kingship evolved out of victories and longsuffering and fairness and always giving God the credit due while letting God lead and guide them all? A. Yes! And while Saul remained king too!
Q. What happened in that war Achish fought with his Philistine army against Saul and Israel? A. 1 Samuel 31:1-2 = The Philistines attacked Israel and Israel fled. All 3 of Saul's sons died, including Jonathan. Saul's army was slaughtered. All in the same day! Saul killed himself by falling on his own sword.
Q. What did the neighboring towns of Israel do? A. 1 Samuel 31:7 = They fled, so the Philistines occupied their towns.
Q. What happened to the corpses of Saul's soldiers? A. 1 Samuel 31:8-10 = They were stripped of their armor. Saul and sons too. They cut off Saul's head and fastened his body to the wall of the city of Beth-shan.
Q. What did the Israelites do? A. 1 Samuel 31:11 = The people of Jabesh=gilead sent4 warriors there to get the bodies and gave them a proper burial by burning followed by fasting of 7 days.
Note 1 = Very sad that Jonathan was among them. Innocent righteous people lose their lives sometimes not so peacefully.
Thought: David and Saul are like familiar fictional characters seen in the movies today. Saul referred to David as his son sometimes, though he was evil. Saul's son, Jonathan, was loyal to his father to the end. David would always honor Saul's memory.
Note 2 = It doesn't matter how much a person may hurt you. Honor their life as if they were the best gift of all.
Note 3 = Look at how God orchestrated these events. Saul was defeated as prophesied, but David was victorious. The 2 anointed kings dealing with separate events. One king with his own town in Philistine country, fighting the Amalekites, who retaliated in due time. What an interesting way events were staged for the finale. David is finally the one king of Israel.
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