2 Chronicles 19 - 36 Questions and Answers
Q. What guidelines did the judges go by? A. 2 Chronicles 19:5-7 = 1) Think carefully before prounouncing judgment
2) Judge to please God only
3) God is present in every case that comes before them
4) Fear God and judge with care
5) Don't pervert justice
6) Don't be partial
7) Don't take bribes
Q. These judges were placed everywhere but Jerusalem? A. 2 Chronicles 19:8 = Yes. Jerusalem had a stricter set of rules. They were as follows:
1) Judge in the fear of the Lord
2) Judge with integrity
3) Judge with undivided hearts
4) Warn the person coming from an outside town to fear the Lord and don't sin against God in the dispute because both judge and defendant will be guilty.
Q. Did Jehoshaphat appoint final-say judges? A. 2 Chronicles 19:11 = Yes. Amariah, the high priest (there was only one high priest), had final-say concerning the Lord in disputes about God's Law. Zebadiah of the tribe of Judah had final-say in all civil cases.
Q. How would they know that justice was served? A. 2 Chronicles 19:11 = The Levites made sure of that.
Q. With the rules of judging laid out before them, to be a good judge was, ultimately, personal choice. Did Jehoshaphat trust them to do it right? A. 2 Chronicles 19:11 = Yes. Jehoshaphat blessed those who would make the choice to do it right.
Q. Does peace always follow doing God's work? A. 2 Chronicles 20:1 = No. Jehoshaphat and Judah's enemies declared war on them right after setting up the judges and blessing them!
Q. Was Jehoshaphat alarmed at this? A. 2 Chronicles 20:3 = Yes.
Q. Did he panic? A. 2 Chronicles 20:3 = No. Jehoshaphat immediately sought the Lord's guidance and declared an all-Judah fast.
Note: It is easy enough to judge another by the trials one is experiencing at the moment. But it isn't right! Look at this godly man, Jehoshaphat. All was right with him and Judah, yet stuff happened anyway. We need a right perspective when faced with trials. When we are closest to God, we are most likely to handle a trial, letting God go before us. Trials cause our faith to blossom. The absence of trials makes it unnecessary to exercise spiritual muscles. So two things happen: 1) Faith grows and 2) We get stronger. How can we lose?
Q. When there is trouble ona nation, should we isolate ourselves in our prayer closets? A. 2 Chronicles 20:4 = No way! We gather and seek God's will together.
Q. What was Jehoshaphat faced with? A. 2 Chronicles 20:1 = Three nations declared war on Judah together.
Q. What did Jehoshaphat and the gathered people do next? A. 2 Chronicles 20:5 = 1) Jehoshaphat prayed for deliverance, remembering all God's victories in Jacob/Israel's history because of His great might
2) He God's covenant with Abraham
3) He pointed out that this attack on Judah was an attack on that covenant
4) He asked God for deliverance.
Q. How did God respond? A. 2 Chronicles 20:14 = The Holy Spirit came upon a Levite named Jahaziel and he spoke God's words.
Q. What were they? A. 2 Chronicles 20:15 = 1) Don't be afraid or discouraged
2) This is God's war and He will fight it
3) March out against them in this specific geographical area
4) You won't be fighting, but do take your positions and stand still and watch the Lord's victory
5) God is with Judah and Jerusalem
6) He repeated "do not be afraid or discouraged"
7) Go!
Q. King Jehoshaphat fell to the ground, face down. Was he afraid? A. 2 Chronicles 20:18 = No. He was sorshipping the Lord. And the people followed suit.
Q. What did the Levites do? A. 2 Chronicles 20:19 = They stood afterward to praise the Lord with a very loud shout.
Note: Why did Jehoshaphat remind the people to believe, believe, believe in God and His prophets? Because God moves when we let Him; Because we're standing still. This is very different than not taking action. Ask God to move in whatever situation you find yourself in. But you must stand still! And watch and see what He does.
Q. What happened as a result of this victory? A. 2 Chronicles 20:29 = The surrounding kingdoms heard about it and feared God. Peace came to Judah on all sides.
Note: Sometimes, to gain peace with one's enemies requires their seeing God move.
Q. Is it enough for God that we recognize His Fatherhood over us and His mighty deeds? A. 2 Chronicles 20:33 = No. God wants our full and undivided attention, because that which distracts us can destroy us too.
Q. What did the Israelites under Jehoshaphat persist in doing? A. 2 Chronicles 20:33 = Going back to their useless idols and worshipping God too!
Q. How could this have not been taken care of? A. 2 Chronicles 20:33 = Jehoshaphat failed to destroy those pagan idols. This kept the people from a hundred percent loyalty to God.
Note: We pass on that which we do not exterminate from our lives. Jehoshaphat didn't worship idols, but others did and he had the power to be rid of them and didn't. For example, just because you don't struggle with alcohol abuse doesn't make it right to keep a liquor cabinet. If you care about how others see you; you care about how they perceive God. Becuase the presence of idols didn't affect Jehoshaphat, the people thought it was okay to have them.
Q. Should we do serious business with sinful people? A. 2 Chronicles 20:37 = Never. God will not honor your business!
Q. Did Jehoshaphat take this principle lightly? A. 2 Chronicles 20:35 = Yes. Near the end of his life, Jehoshaphat got careless. God sent his prophet to speak the doom of this business.
Q. Do good people have bad children? A. 2 Chronicles 21:12 = Yes. They make wrong choices. God has no grandchildren. Each one must make himself accountable to God.
Q. What was special about the priest, Jehoiada? A. 2 Chronicles 24:15 = 1) He lived very long, till age 130, because he had done so much good in Israel
2) He was buried among the kings in the City of David (Zion).
Q. What does God consider "doing good?" A. 2 Chronicles 24 = A hundred percent loyalty to God, which brings good, which means peace in the land and being a good example for the people, which in turn makes them want good too.
Q. But after Jehoiada died, the leaders of Judah approached the king with bad advice. What else did they do? A. 2 Chronicles 24:18 = They abandoned the Temple and built Asherah poles and worshipped them and idols in Jerusalem.
Q. What are prophets for, in general? A. 2 Chronicles 24:19 = The role of the prophet is to bring the people back to God.
Q. What was the horrible thing Joash did after Jehoiada, the priest, died? A. 2 Chronicles 24:22 = Joash murdered the son of the priest, Jehoiada, who had hid him for 6 years and who had taught him God's ways.
Note: Never think you are no longer capable of great sin. We are all potential murderers and idolators. Humble yourself before God every day and recognize your weakness. Ask God to go before you in everything. Renew your loyalty to God with each new day. Meditate on God's word every chance you get. This is true love. Do it for love, not for routine.
Q. What happened to those ill-adviser leaders of Judah? A. 2 Chronicles 24:23 = The Aramean army killed them all. With a very small army, they defeated Judah.
Q. How? A. 2 Chronicles 24:24 = The Lord was with them and God abandoned Judah because they abandoned Him.
Note: Notice how people don't talk to God unless they're in trouble and need rescuing? Don't wait until something bad happens to get to know your heavenly Father. Then when stuff happens, you'll find it silly and ridiculous to blame Him for the messes yo find yourself in. You take on a whole other perspective when God is foremost in your thoughts.
Q. Was there a line of distinction drawn between Judah and Israel. A. 2 Chronicles 25:7 = Yes. God withdrew His help from Israel completely. When King Amaziah hired 100,000 soldiers from Israel, God sent a prophet to warm Amaziah of his error.
Q. Does God influence battle results? A. 2 Chronicles 25:8 = Yes. God has the power to help you win or frustrate you to lose. Statistics are of no consequence.
Note: Now that is cool!
Q. Does being in God's will sometimes bring tribulation? A. 2 Chronicles 25:13 = Yes. But stand fast! Don't let the consequences of your obedience to God lead you to do anything but getting on your knees!
Q. How did Amaziah behave in response to God's giving him victory against the Edomites? A. 2 Chronicles 25:14 = Amaziah took the Edomite idols home to worship them!
Note: Amaziah was a wishy-washy man. He obeyed, then disobeyed, according to his lust. How is your level of obedience?
Q. And God had sent a prophet to warn him to deal with this sin. How did Amaziah respond? A. 2 Chronicles 25:16 = Amaziah interrupted the prophet and threatened to have him killed.
Q. What is a basic truth about putting God before us in everything? A. 2 Chronicles 26:5 = As long as we seek the Lord in everything, He gives us success.
Q. Uzziah was a good king. What was he like? A. 2 Chronicles 26:9 = Uzziah loved to farm and had many of them, along with vineyards.
Q. How did the army of Judah dress by this time? A. 2 Chronicles 26:14 = They wore helmets and coats of mail.
Q. And weapons? A. 2 Chronicles 26:15 = Uzziah produced machines mounted on the walls of Jerusalem, designed by brilliant men, to shoot arrows and hurl stones from the towers and corners of the wall.
Q. Wow! Men are so creative! Was God in this at all? A. 2 Chronicles 26:15 = God made it all happen. Uzziah became very powerful.
Q. What did that power do to Uzziah? A. 2 Chronicles 26:16 = The power went to Uzziah's head. He became very proud.
Note: Your success, believe it or not, stems from God. All good things come from Him. The minute you think you did it alone, you will know that pride has entered in. You need nobody at that point! You think you can call all the shots!
Q. Is that what Uzziah did? A. 2 Chronicles 26:16 = Yes. Uzziah decided to bypass the priest and offer sacrifices to God on his own. He changed the rules to fit his lofty self-image.
Note: This is post-Christianity. So many think God is dead, or non-existent because of their great knowledge of human wisdom. They rewrite God's word to suit themselves, or attend a church that follows their new-found personal beliefs. Or else they begin a new sect all together! It is good to have God's word in its entirety. Suit God and be successful. Suit yourself and, though it may take time, you will find disaster. Don't waste a lifetime of wrong thinking, knowing you do the opposite of what is right. Think of what you are missing and begin again to follow God wholly. Today!
Q. When did Amaziah finally agree to leave the Temple? He wouldn't listen to 80 priests warning him at once! A. 2 Chronicles 26:20 = When he waw that God struck him with leprosy.
Q. Did Amaziah badly influence his children? A. 2 Chronicles 27 = No. His son, Jotham, was a good king. But he didn't take the idols out of Judah either.
Note: What yo don't deal with, you pass on to your kids. Idol worship was not Amaziah's sin of choice, but his condoning of it spoke volumes to his son. God is passionate for the purity of His people. Won't you take Him seriously too?
Q. So Jotham's son was ripe for idolatry? A. 2 Chronicles 28:2 = Yes. Even to the point of sacrificing of his sons on pagan altars.
Q. And God abandoned Judah for this? A. 2 Chronicles 28:6 = Yes. Even Israel in the north defeated Judah.
Q. What did Israel do to Judah? A. 2 Chronicles 28:8 = Israel captured 200,000 women and childrenand killed the Judahites without mercy. They also made slaves of them (v.10).
Q. What does God think about armies who march against non-soldier enemies? A. 2 Chronicles 28:9 = Going too far. All heaven is disturbed!
Q. Did Israel repent of this great sin? A. 2 Chronicles 28:14 = Yes. They restored the people, dressed the wounded, clothed the naked and returned their possessions.
Q. But even this restoration of Judah had no influence on King Ahaz of Israel in the north? A. 2 Chronicles 28:19 = No. Ahaz asked foreign gods to help him defeat another enemy, Edom.
Q. How did that backfire in Ahaz's face? A. 2 Chronicles 28:23 = All Israel was ruined. The more trouble came, the more Ahaz made worshipping God against the law.
Note: Sound familiar? In the world today, people are sure that if we just stopped religion, we'd have nothing to fight about. But all blessings of life and goodness come with God. False religion brings out His wrath. God is our only Father in the universe. What does it take for you to act like a son? God only wants to embrace, love and bless you!
Q. Was God merciful to His people, now scattered throughout pagan nations? A. 2 Chronicles 30:9 = Yes. If they repented, God would restore them.
Note: It is never too late to repent and start again!
Q. What was significant about Hezekiah's Passover time? A. 2 Chronicles 30:25 = Foreigners took part in it too.
Q. The people were able to fill the Temple with part of their possessions. How did they give? A. 2 Chronicles 31:10 = God blessed them with plenty and they gave out of their plenty.
Q. What were the tithes and offerings used for? A. 2 Chronicles 31:15-19 = To support the priests and Levites' families throughout all Judah. There was extra too, and storerooms were made to store it.
Q. Why was Hezekiah so successful? A. 2 Chronicles 31:21 = In all that Hezekiah did in the service of the Temple of God and in his efforts to follow the law and the commands, he sought God wholeheartedly.
Note: This means Hezekiah put God before him and asked His counsel on every detail. We should strive to be wholehearted!
Q. Was there peace in Judah after this? A. 2 Chronicles 32:1 = Yes and no. The people were right with God, but Judah was invaded by King Sennacherib of Assyria.
Note: Bad things happen to good people!
Q. Did Hezekiah handle it well? A. 2 Chronicles 32:5 = Yes. Hezekiah strengthened his defenses, reinforced key buildings and structures, made weapons, appointed military officers and gathered the people for a pep talk. He was strong in the Lord and assured them that God would win for them.
Q. What encouraged the people in Hezekiah's words? A. 2 Chronicles 32:7 = The Assyrian army was big, but God's power is greater; they were mere men and God helps Jacob/Israel fight their battles.
Q. What characteristics did the Assyrian military leaders have? A. 2 Chronicles 32:10-19 = 1) Pride
2) They had no knowledge of the true God
3) They were disrespectful to authorities
4) They were boastful
5) They were intimidating
6) They insulted God.
Note: When you grow strong, watch out that these traits do not creep into your chacter. Every day, repent of things known and unknown and stay humble before your great God who made you strong.
Q. How did God handle the Assyrian army at this time? A. 2 Chronicles 32:21 = God sent one angelto destroy the Assyrian army, except for Sennacherib, who died later.
Q. Was Hezekiah's esteem restored? A. 2 Chronicles 32:23 = Yes. Even the surrounding nations respected him now!
Note: Whatever the devil tries to steal from you is only for a season. Like Job, God restores in abundance!
Q. What did Hezekiah have a hard time learning? A. 2 Chronicles 32:24 = To recognize when his personal prayers were answered and to thank God for it.
Q. What happened? A. 2 Chronicles 32:24 = Hezekiah got sick and he prayed for healing. God healed him and he became proud instead of thanking God for it.
Note: Hae you been healed after asking God to do it? Watch that the devil doesn't convince you that your healing was natural. Tell everybody you know of God's mercy and power in it.
Q. Does God withdraw from us sometimes? A. 2 Chronicles 32:31 = Yes.
Q. Why? A. 2 Chronicles 32:31 = To test us to see what really is in our hearts.
Q. Did God abandon Manasseh, Hezekiah's son, when he greatly sinned as king? A. 2 Chronicles 33:10 = No. God spoke to Manasseh and the people, but they ignored all His warnings.
Q. Did Manasseh repent? A. 2 Chronicles 33:13 = Yes. But only after the Assyrian army invaded Judah and put a ring through his nose and led him away from Judah.
Q. What consequences resulted after Manasseh's repentance? A. 2 Chronicles 33:17 = People worshipped God at their pagan shrines.
Note: What kind of example are you? Does your life confuse weaker Christians? Stand firm in your faith so they can see how that is done!
Q. Amon, Manasseh's son, was very bad. How did his short life contribute to anything good? A. 2 Chronicles 34:1 = 1) Although Amon was king only 2 years, he fathered Josiah, a good king, and
2) Amon is in Jesus' royal line.
Q. What time frame did Josiah do things for Judah? A. 8 years old - Josiah made King
16 years old - he began seeking after God
20 years old - he purified Judah
26 years old - he repaired the Temple - Passover celebrated
39 years old - he fought a battle not his own and died. Lamentations writes about Josiah.
Q. How did Josiah utilize the Levitical musicians? A. 2 Chronicles 34:12-13 = 1) They were put in charge of the laborers of various trades
2) made secretaries
3) they were made officials
4) the were gatekeepers.
All worked to restore the Temple.
Q. Josiah repaired the Temple and sought after God without knowing the Law of Moses? A. 2 Chronicles 34:14 = Yes. The Law of Moses was found during the restoration of the Temple.
Q. Is living a good life guarantee that you will always make right choices? A. 2 Chronicles 35:22 = No. We are always vulnerable to our sin nature. Seek God in all things al the time. There will never come a time, on this planet, when you do not need to repent and seek God for a time before making decisions.
Q. How did God expect people to behave in the presence of one of His prophets who spoke God's will for the people? A. 2 Chronicles 36:12 = God expected one to humble himself before the prophet and accept the prophesy. This is still true! Even when the prophet speaks mysteries, accept the prophesy!
Q. Did God pursue His people, even when they scoffed at Him? A. 2 Chronicles 36:15-16 = Yes. God restrained Himself a long time. But He did finally punish them.
Q. What became of Judah? A. 2 Chronicles 36:21 = Judah became a ghost town for 70 years, as prophesied by Jeremiah. All its princes were taken captive to Babylon. Many innocents were slaughtered.
Q. But this couln't be the end, because Jesus' line continued. How? A. 2 Chronicles 36:22 = God stirred King Cyrus of Persia's heart to put in writing that the Temple would be rebuilt by God's chosen people and Cyrus let them return to Judah.
Q. What was unique about this time of utter desolation for Judah? A. 2 Chronicles 36:21 = The land finally enjoyed its Sabbath rest.
Note: It's alive!
Q. How severe was this takeover of the land of promise? A. 2 Chronicles 36:20 = Only a few Israelites from Judah survived.
Q. How long were they exiled? A. Ezra notes: More than 50 years. A lot of Israelites became wealthy in Babylon.
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