2 Chronicles 1 - 18 Questions and Answers
Q. Since Solomon had such a peace and quiet childhood, did that make him a wimpy king? A. 2 Chronicles 1:1 = No way. Solomon was very powerful and made to be that way because God was with him.
Note: Don't buy into the lie that the preacher doesn't understand where you've been because he hasn't experienced your tragedy. God is with the preacher to help you fully recover. God works best in folks who don't have traumatic backgrounds, if they are committed to being God's servants and if they will counsel by God's word and flee from the temptation to go outside of God's word for help. You can make a difference as a wise counselor, but, like the rest of us, you must learn God's word and that takes a lifetime of commitment to study it slowly, letting God reveal Himself in it. If you will ignore the time factor and begin to study this way, God will give you enough revelation of Himself to fill each day. Because this is happening, you become the wise counselor. This is how we are different than the world. Let the seeker come to you in search of real truth. Let him go elsewhere to babble about his philosophy. Focus on this: It doesn't matter what I think; it only matters what God thinks.
Q. Did Solomon care what God thought? A. 2 Chronicles 1:10 = Yes. He wanted God's wisdom to rule Israel.
Q. Even with a king over Israel, how did God see the role of the king? A. 2 Chronicles 1:11 = The king governed the people, who, in fact, belonged to God.
Q. What was the first thing Solomon did after God gave him wisdom? A. 2 Chronicles 1:14 = Solomon built up a huge military force.
Q. Did Solomon build for himself a new palace? A. 2 Chronicles 2:1 = Yes.
Q. Did King Hiram of Tyre supply the lumber for Solomon's palace as he did for David's palace? A. 2 Chronicles 2:3 = Yes.
Q. Why was the Temple so elaborate? A. 2 Chronicles 2:5 = Because God is awesome!
Q. Did Solomon really think a Temple, however elaborate, could house God? A. 2 Chronicles 2:6 = No. He knew God was not containable.
Note: We could never build God a worthy home! Even if we could build it with the highest heavens, it would be inadequate.
Q. Then what use was building a Temple? A. 2 Chronicles 2:6 = For the specific purpose of burning sacrifices to God in one place.
Q. Why did God make peaceful Solomon the king of Israel? A. 2 Chronicles 2:11 = Because the Lord loves His people.
Q. Were there skillful craftsmen outside of Israel? A. 2 Chronicles 2:13 = Yes. Hiram sent a man named Huram-abi, who was half-Sidonian (Tyre) and half-Israelite (his mother was from the tribe of Dan). He was skilled in gold, silver, bronze and iron smithing, stonework, carpentry and weaving, dyeing cloth, working with linen, engraving, and he could read any design given him -- a real team player!
Q. Did Solomon take a census? A. 2 Chronicles 2:17 = Yes. But it was okay with God.
Q. What was the difference between David's and Solomon's censuses? A. David ordered it because he was just counting his fortune (people are a symbol of power to a king). Solomon ordered it in order to plan the labor force for the Temple.
Q. Where was the Temple built? A. 2 Chronicles 3:1 = On Mount Moriah, where David saw the Lord, on the threshing floor of Araunah, the Jebusite, and the site David chose.
Note: When the angel of death hovered over Israel with the sword about to destroy it, he was right above Araunah. This is why David chose this site.
Q. How long had Solomon been king when construction of the Temple started? A. 2 Chronicles 3:2 = They started building the Temple during the 4th year of Solomon's reign, in the Spring.
Q. Where did the gold decor come from? A. 2 Chronicles 3:6 = The land of Parvains.
Q. Who made the cherubim for the Most Holy Place? A. 2 Chronicles 3:10 = Solomon.
Q. Did Solomon make anything else for the Temple? A. 2 Chronicles 4:19-22 = Yes. At least 14 items:
1) Gold altar
2)tables for the Bread of the Presence
3) lampstands
4) lamps
5) flower decorations
6) other lamps
7) tongs
8) lamp snuffers
9) basins
10) dishes
11) firepans
12) doors for the entrances to the Most Holy Place and main room of the Temple.
All items were overlaid with gold.
Q. What were the first things Solomon brought into the Temple from the outside? A. 2 Chronicles 5:1 = His father's dedicated gifts.
Q. Where were they placed? A. 2 Chronicles 5:1 = In the treasuries of the Temple.
Q. Did Solomon have the same trouble David did moving the Ark? A. 2 Chronicles 5:10 = No. Solomon followed the rules for handling the Ark the first time!
Note: Don't be afraid to tell your kids your mistakes so they can learn from them too.
Q. What was in the Ark? A. 2 Chronicles 5:10 = Just the stone tablets that Moses placed there at Mount Sinai.
Q. What lyrics were sung that first day? A. 2 Chronicles 5:13 = "He is so good! His faithful love endures forever!"
Q. And God filled the Temple then? A. 2 Chronicles 5:13 = Yes.
Q. How? A. 2 Chronicles 5:14 = Glory overwhelmed the place!
Q. Who chose Jerusalem to be God's city? A. 2 Chronicles 6:6 = God.
Q. Even though Israel decided they wanted a royal family to rule over them, did God choose a ruler? A. 2 Chronicles 6:6 = Yes. God chose David.
Q. What was Solomon's understanding of God like? A. 2 Chronicles 6:13 = 1) Solomon was comfortable lifting his hands toward heaven when he prayed
2) God is the greatest
3) God keeps His promises to those who obey Him and are eager to do His will
4) God is a Person with a mouth and hands
5) Solomon felt comfortable asking God to keep His promises made to his father, David.
Q. What precedes obedience? A. 2 Chronicles 6:16 = Guarding our behavior.
Q. What was the reward to David's family if they did that? A. 2 Chronicles 6:16 = They'd rule over Israel forever.
Q. What else did Solomon perceive God as? A. 2 Chronicles 6:18 = Uncontainable in reality. God was able to watch over the Temple day and night.
Q. Is it okay to bless God? A. 2 Chronicles 6:20 = Yes. Solomon gave these blessings to God:
1) May God watch over the Temple day and night
2) May God always hear his prayers towards the Temple
3) May God hear the rest of His people's prayers
4) May God forgive their prayers of repentance.
Q. Where did God dwell in Solomon's time? A. 2 Chronicles 6:21 = In heaven. Solomon knew God's presence was not just in the Temple.
Note: Imagine that. God fills everything. He is able to reach every corner of the earth. Imagine a world with no trace of God and you imagine Hell.
Q. Why is God alone qualified to dispense what a man deserves? A. 2 Chronicles 6:30 = Because He alone knows the human heart.
Q. Was the Temple a place for world evangelism? A. 2 Chronicles 6:32 = Yes. People all over would hear of God and His miracles and come to the Temple to worship Him. Sheba did too.
Q. Does God answer the prayers of foreigners? A. 2 Chronicles 6:33 = Yes.
Q. Ultimately, what did Solomon want to be known for? A. 2 Chronicles 6:33 = The Temple brears God's name and that he was priveleged to build it.
Q. What impressed the Queen of Sheba? A. 2 Chronicles 9:8 = God's greatness through Solomon's greatness. All Israel's wealth and great show of talent was from God. All pointed to God, as Solomon wished.
Note: Be great! Be successful! May it all point to God! May it bring many into God's kingdom!
Q. Did Solomon appreciate Sheba's gifts? A. 2 Chronicles 9:12 = Yes. He returned the gesture with gifts of even greater value.
Note: Gift-giving is not a contest. Be generous if you can; give God the glory. Let Him be made known in it. Not by announcements, but by the spirit in which the gift is given.
Q. Did Arabia bring Solomon gifts? A. 2 Chronicles 9:14 = Yes (Arabia is Esau).
Q. What was the value of silver in Solomon's day? A. 2 Chronicles 9:20 = Very little.
Q. How far did Solomon's wisdom spread? A. 2 Chronicles 9:22 = Throughout all the nations. They went to Solomon to hear it and paid for it in gifts, though he never asked for payment.
Q. How did Solomon treat his fellow Israelites? A. 2 Chronicles 10:4 = He taxed them heavily!
Note: A healthy dose of wisdom given as a gift from God Himself did not keep Solomon from his own sinful nature. The wealthiest man who would ever live was greedy and had a weakness for women too. Life is always a matter of making right or wrong choices.
Q. What is evidence of Solomon's shortcomings mentioned above? A. 2 Chronicles 10:6 = Rehoboam, his son, magnified Solomon's undealt-with sins. He was greedier, harsher and more of a tyrant.
Q. How was Solomon harsh on the people besides heavily taxing them? A. 2 Chronicles 10:11 = Solomon used whips on them.
Q. How mad were the Israelites about Rehoboam's tyranny? A. 2 Chronicles 10:19 = Mad enough to forever refuse to be ruled by David's dynasty again (except for Judah and Benjamin).
Q. Did Rehoboam try to unite Israel? A. 2 Chronicles 11:1 = Yes. But God told him to back off. God wanted the Israelites to be divided.
Q. Was there division between Israel's priests and Levites in this national rift? A. 2 Chronicles 11:13 = No. They united, abandoned their lands in the north to side with Rehoboam, Solomon's son.
Q. What catalyst pushed them to do this? A. 2 Chronicles 11:14 = Jeroboam banned them all from serving as priests. He filled the north with pagan gods in God's place.
Q. And all the northern tribes followed this evil? A. 2 Chronicles 11:16 = No! From all tribes came out those who loved God. They followed the Levites and priests to Jerusalem.
Q. What did this mass migration from the north result in for Judah? A. 2 Chronicles 11:17 = Judah was strengthened.
Q. And Rehoboam turned from God when he was established securely in Judah? A. 2 Chronicles 12:1 = Yes. All Israel followed (like sheep!).
Q. How did God get Rehoboam's attention? A. 2 Chronicles 12:5 = The prophet, Shemaiah, spoke God's judgment to Rehoboam.
Q. Did Rehoboam repent? A. 2 Chronicles 12:6 = Yes, as did the people.
Q. What did God want Israel/Rehoboam's people to learn? A. 2 Chronicles 12:8 = How much better off they were with only God as their king.
Q. How would God teach them this lesson? A. 2 Chronicles 12:8 = By making them subject to Shishak of Egypt.
Q. How was Judah different now than they were under Shishak of Egypt? A. 2 Chronicles 12:9 = 1) Shishak took all their treasures
2) Things were made out of brass instead of gold -- they were humbled before God
3) There was constant war with Jeroboam throughout his reign.
Note 1: With God, the treasuries are full; He provides only the best and causes our enemies to be at peace with us. All opposites of what happens in the absence of God's presence.
Note 2: All that was good left the northern kingdom. Judah was a refuge for all Israel that loved God. The promised land was now split in two unequal proportions: The Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah.
Q. Did Rehoboam choose not to seek the Lord with all that he was? A. 2 Chronicles 12:14 = Yes. Because he didn't do this, he was considered an evil king.
Q. What was King Abijah of Judah like? A. 2 Chronicles 13 = Abijah was a faithful and bold king who stood with God as his King, trying to call Israel of the north back into God's fold.
Q. How and when did Jeroboam die? A. 2 Chronicles 13:20 = God struck him down during Abijah's rule.
Q. When is a good time to regain strength? A. 2 Chronicles 14:6 = In times of peace.
Q. And God can make peace happen, right? A. 2 Chroniclews 14:6 = Yes. God gives us times of rest from our enemies.
Q. What always precedes peace and rest? A. 2 Chronicles 14:7 = Seeking God.
Q. And if an army of a million soldiers attack you, even though you are living in God's presence day by day? A. 2 Chronicles 14:11 = Seek God and ask Him for your deliverence.
Q. Does God help the powerless against the mighty? A. 2 Chronicles 14:11 = Yes.
Q. Should we stand up against huge enemies? A. 2 Chronicles 14:11 = Yes! Go against attackers in God's name and see what He will do!
Q. When we do that, what should our attitude be? A. 2 Chronicles 14:11 = We represent our God. Ask God that He wouldn't let mere men prevail against Him.
Note: When men come against you, know they come against God and ask Him to rescue you.
Q. How does God sometimes rescue us? A. 2 Chronicles 14:14 = God puts the terror of the Lord on our enemies.
Q. How does God give us opportunities to trust Him with our lives? A. 2 Chronicles 16:7 = God sends us problems to see if we'll ask Him how to deal with them. His ways always bring the best solutions.
Q. Does God regularly do this? A. 2 Chronicles 16:9 = Yes.
Q. Why else does God send us trials and tribulations? A. 2 Chronicles 16:9 = To strengthen us.
Q. What happened the next time Asa was challenged? A. 2 Chronicles 16:7 = He didn't seek God's answers, but went to a humanly powerful king, Ben-hadad of Aram (Esau), for help.
Q. What happened as a result? A. 2 Chronicles 16:9 = Asa faced constant war.
Q. Asa didn't like this judgment. How did he change? A. 2 Chronicles 16:10 = He got angry, threw the prophet, Hanani, into prison and began oppressing his people.
Note: Anger leads to our alienating God and taking it out on our loved ones.
Q. Can we go to God with the minutest details of our lives and He will help us? A. 2 Chronicles 16:12-13 = Yes. Asa developed a foot disease, but he only wanted his physicians to help, so he died. The implication is that had Asa asked God to heal him, he would have lived.
Note: What an impact we have on our own destinies!
Q. Jehoshaphat loved God. How much? A. 2 Chronicles 17:7 = Jehoshaphat spread the Book of the Law of the Lord throughout Judah.
Q. How? A. 2 Chronicles 17:7 = Officials were sent out to teach all the people the Law.
Q. What happened as a result? A. 2 Chronicles 17:10 = The fear of the Lord fell on all the surrounding kingdoms so that none of them declared war on Jehoshapat and Judah.
Note: Ah, peace! Learn God's word and see if He will not reward you with all kinds of earthly blessings as well as spiritual ones.
Q. How did the nations react to this fear of God? A. 2 Chronicles 17:11 = The Philistines and Arabs brought Jehoshaphat gifts.
Q. What contribution did Jehoshaphat give Judah? A. 2 Chronicles 19 = Jehoshaphat set up judges in the land to assist the people in making right decisions.
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