Questions and Answers from Genesis 26 to 50
Question Answer
Q. Isaac had the same famine experience that his father, Abraham, did. How was his experience with it different than his father's? A. Genesis 26:2 = God warned him not to go to Egypt; reminded Isaac of His promise to Abraham. Isaac obeyed, but still, Rebekah was lied about when questioned (26:6). Abimelech was decieved again, but God showed him the truth this time (v.8). Rebekah had grown children and she was still very beautiful!
Q. Who was Esau's wives' ancestors? A. Genesis 26:34 = The Hittites, descendants of Ham, Noah's shamed and accursed son.
Q. Did daughters-in-law do crazy-making in the Old Testament? A. Genesis 26:34-35 = Yes. Esau's wives made Isaac and Rebekah crazy!
Q. Did they learn a lesson from them? A. Genesis 28:1-2: Yes. Isaac sent Jacob away to Laban's house to find a bride for himself, warning him to stay away from "these Canaanite women."
Q. Who was Laban? A. Gen. = Rebekah's brother. Their father was Nahor, Abraham's brother.
Q. Who were Ishmael's ancestors? A. Genesis Gen. = Both Jacob and Esau.
Q. Did God extend His covenant to any of Isaac's children? A. Genesis 28:13 = Yes. To Jacob.
Q. Did Esau at least try to appease his father for marrying the Hittite/Canaanite women? A. Genesis 28:9 = Yes. He married his cousin, Mahalath, who was Ishmael's daughter; his cousin.
Q. What was one purpose God chose to make a woman fruitful bearing children? A. Genesis 29:1 = If they were unloved by their husbands, as Leah was here, unloved by Jacob.
Q. How did Leah respond to her pregnancy? A. Genesis 29:35 = She was joyful and began to praise God.
Q. Who was her 4th born son? A. Genesis 29:35 = Judah, in the bloodline of Jesus.
Q. Who were Leah's other sons? A. Genesis 29:32 = Reuben, Simeon (who was murderous), Livi (also murderous), and Judah.
Q. How did Rachel respond to her own barrenness? A. Genesis 30:1 = She became jealous of Leah. She demanded that Jacob give her children and he told her he was helpless to make life.
Q. Was Rachel content with that answer? A. Genesis 30:3 = No. She gave him Bilhah, her maid, to lay with and have children.
Q. Did Bilhah have children? A. Genesis 30:4 = Yes. She had Dan, whom Rachel named. Then she had Naphtali, whom she also named.
Q. How did Leah react to Rachel's adopted sons? A. Genesis 30:9 = Leah couldn't be content. Determined to have more children than her sister because Jacob loved only her, she gave her maid, Zilpah, to Jacob to lay with and have children.
Q. Did Zilpah bear children? A. Genesis 30:10-11 = Yes. Leah named the first Gad and the second Asher.
Q. Was there animosity in the love triangle between Leah, Rachel and Jacob? A. Genesis 30:15 = Yes! Leah was jealous of Rachel because of Jacob's withholding affection. (She couldn't understand why Jacob couldn't love her, forgetting that she got him by deception and not in love -- and that he pursued Rachel in spite of it.)
Q. Was Jacob that cold toward Leah? A. Genesis 30:16 = Yes. She paid Rachel to sleep with him one time!
Q. Did Leah have more children? A. Genesis 30:17-18 = Yes. That night, she concieved Issachar.
Q. Who else did Leah give birth to? A. Genesis 30:19-20 = Zebulun and Dinah.
Q. What about Rachel? A. Genesis 30 = After all these children were given to Leah, God remembered Rachel and she concieved.
Q. Who was Rachel's son? A. Genesis 30:23-24 = Joseph.
Q. What endeared Jacob to God? A. Genesis 32:28 = Jacob had a tough life, relationship-wise. Soime of it he brought on himself (with Esau), and the rest consisted of working for nothing for a wife he couldn't love; knowing his brother wanted to kill him, even 20 years later. Yet Jacob never turned his back on God.
Q. Did God point that out? A. Genesis 32:28 = Yes. God blessed him for enduring it all, naming him Israel, who struggles with God and man, but has not yet won.
Q. Did Jacob own land? A. Genesis 32:19 = Yes. He bought land at Shechem in Canaan, called it Succoth (meaning 'shelter'), for 100 pieces of silver. Bought it from Hamar, Shechem's father. (These were the descendants of Ham.)
Q. What happened there? A. Genesis 34:1-2 = Shechem raped Dinah, Leah's only daughter, then demanded her hand in marriage.
Q. What did Hamor, his father, do about the rape? A. Genesis 34:8 = He pled with Jacob for Dinah to be his son's wife. He acknowledged no sin!
Q. How did Dinah's brothers react? A. Genesis 34:13 = Reuben and Levi decieved them into thinking that they would let their sister marry Shechem under the condition that every male in their town be circumsized.
Q. What was their real intention? A. Genesis 34:25 = To wait until the 3rd day after circumcision, when they were weakest, and murder them all. They did so and even plundered the city, taking wives and children too.
Q. How did Jacob react to what they had done? A. Genesis 34:30 = In disgust. In fear of Ham's descendants' retaliation.
Q. What did Jacob do? A. Genesis 35:1 = God spoke to him! Told him exactly what to do.
Q. What were God's instructions? A. Genesis 35:2 = To go to Bethel, settle there, build an altar to God.
Q. What had crept into Jacob's household? A. Genesis 35:2 = Household idols. His family was straying.
Q. Did God react to that? A. Genesis 35 = No.
Q. What did God do for Jacob's family instead? A. Genesis 35:5 = He put the fear of God in the descendants of Ham so that they did not retaliate.
Q. Did God confirm His promise to Jacob? A. Genesis 35:11 = Yes. Abraham and Isaac's promise grew. "Make many nations, kings would be his descendants." At this time, God named Jacob "Israel."
Q. Did Jacob cease to have trouble in his life after that? A. Genesis 35:16 = No. Rachel died delivering Benjamin and Isaac died around the same time too.
Q. Did Jacob remarry? A. Genesis 35 = No.
Q. How long did Isaac live? A. Genesis 35:27 = 180 years.
Q. Who buried Isaac? A. Genesis 35:29 = Jacob and Esau buried their father in Hebron, beside Abraham and Sarah.
Q. Who were the descendants of Esau? A. Genesis 36 = Esau married into Ham's family. His wives were Adah and Oholibamah. He also married into Shem's family (his father's family). His wife was Basemath.
Q. Who came out of Esau's line? A. Genesis 36 = The Arab nations. i.e., a mixture of Shem and Ham's descendants. Remember, their father was Noah.
Q. What did Reuben do? (He was Leah's eldest son). A. Genesis 35:22 = He slept with Bilhah, Jacob's concubine.
Q. In the plot to rid themselves of Joseph, did Judah participate with his brothers? A. Genesis 37:26 = He wanted Joseph gone, but not dead. He thought of selling him to the Ishmaelite traders as a slave.
Q. And Reuben? A. Genesis 37:21-22 = He didn't want Joseph dead either. Reuben planned to rescue Joseph later, in secret. It didn't work out, but he said nothing.
Q. What happened to Judah? A. Genesis 38 = He moved away, married, had 3 sons. Their names were Er, Onan and Shelah.
Q. Judah arranged for Er to marry Tamar. What happened instead? A. Genesis 38:7 = God took Er's life because he was evil.
Q. So what happened to Tamar? A. Genesis 38:8 = By law, Tamar would bear a son by the next of kin to carry on Er's name.
Q. Did that happen? A. Genesis 38:9 = Onan spilled his seed on the ground so it would not happen.
Q. What did God do? A. Genesis 38:10 = He took Onan's life too.
Q. What did Judah then do? A. Genesis 38:11 = He told Tamar not to marry again, but to wait until Shelah grew up and marry him then.
Q. Did Judah lie to her? A. Genesis 38:11 = Yes. He was afraid Shelah would die too. No way would he be her husband!
Q. Did Tamar find out? A. Genesis 38:14 = She figured it out years later.
Q. What did she do about it? A. Genesis 38 = It was after Judah's wife had died. Tamar dressed up as a prostitute, veiling her face, and Judah approached her, not knowing who she was.
Q. What happened? A. Genesis 38:17-30 = Judah paid Tamar with his identification seal, his cord and his walking stick.
Q. What happened next? A. Genesis 38:18-30 = She had twins, Perez and Zerah, who fought to be born first. But Judah never slept with Tamar, his own daughter-in-law, again. Perez was Jesus' ancestor!
Q. Does God bless non-believers for our sake? A. Genesis 39:5 = Yes. From the day Joseph was put in charge of Potiphar's household affairs, God began blessing Potiphar -- for Joseph's sake.
Q. Who was Potiphar? A. Genesis 39 = Captain of the guard.
Q. Did Joseph have any relationship problems while in Potiphar's house? A. Genesis 39:7 = Yes. Potiphar's wife began to desire him.
Q. What did Joseph do? A. Genesis 39:8 = He refused her. To him it was a sin against God.
Q. Did she back off? A. Genesis 39:10 = No. She pressured him daily.
Q. Did Joseph win? A. Genesis 39:11 = No. She accused him of rape. He went to jail.
Q. What happened in jail? A. Genesis 39:21 = God blessed Joseph there too!
Q. Whose dreams did Joseph interpret while in jail? A. Genesis 40:1 = The chief baker and chief cupbearer.
Q. What did it lead to? A. Genesis 41:9 = The cupbearer remembered to tell Pharaoh of Joseph's interpretation gift.
Q. What jogged his memory? A. Genesis 41:1 = Pharaoh's disturbing dream.
Q. When did Joseph become 2nd only to Pharaoh? A. Genesis 41:38 = Upon interpreting his dream -- he would oversee the storing-food-for-the-coming-famine work.
Q. Did Pharaoh do anything else for Joseph? A. Genesis 41:45 = He renamed Joseph Zaphenathpaneah and gave him a wife named Asenath.
Q. Who was Asenath? A. Genesis 41:45 = Daughter of Potiphera, priest of Heliopolis.
Q. How old was Joseph when he took over the entire land of Egypt? A. Genesis 41:46 = 30 years old.
Q. Did Joseph and Asenath have children? A. Genesis 41:50 = Yes. Two sons -- Manasseh and Ephraim.
Q. Did Jacob adopt children? A. Genesis 48:5 = Yes. He adopted Joseph's children.
Q. What happened when Jacob blessed them? A. Genesis 48:19 = Jacob declared that the younger one would be greater.
Q. Are there any more prophesies of Jesus in the book of Genesis? A. Genesis 49:8-12 = Yes! Jacob blessed his sons, prophesying even of Jesus.
Q. When was Jesus first called "Shepherd" and "Rock"? A. Genesis 49:24 = Jacob called his Lord by these names.
Q. Did Joseph believe in God's sovreignty in his sufferings? A. Genesis 50:19-21 = Yes. He believed he was chosen to save many lives.
Q. How long did Joseph live? A. Genesis 50:22 = 110 years.
Q. Joseph wished to be buried in Canaan in the family burial tomb. Did his family honor his request? A. Genesis 50:26 = No. They embalmed him and his body was placed in a coffin in Egypt.
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