Questions and Answers - Haggai 1 - 3
Q. When was the Book of Haggai written? A. 520 B.C.
Q. Who was Haggai's contemporary? A. Zechariah.
Q. Had the Israelites returned to Israel crom captivity in Babylonia by this time? A. Yes.
Q. Who was the message for? A. Haggai 1:1 = 1) Zerubbabel, son of Sheltiel, great-grandson of King Josiah
2) Jeshua, son of Jehozadak, the high priest.
Q. When God restores us after a time of discipline, how long should we wait before restoring ourselves to God? A. Haggai 1:4 = Don't wait! Find an excellent house of worship. God is enthusiastic for your spiritual health. If there is no church in your area, have a home church and remember God today.
Q. What happens as a result of not takng care of our spiritual health? A. Haggai 1:6 = We struggle financially. v.9 = God blows away the fruit of our labor.
Note 1: Worship and work are intermingled. Even if we had the materials available to build beautiful homes, we are reliant on God for food and water. God's approval of our commitment to Him is reflected in our prosperity.
Note 2: Taking care of the poor, who have something wrong with their relationship with God, praying with them and asking God to reveal the source of the problem can set them back on their feet. It is so important to do this! Only believers can help poor folks properly. Not everybody wants to be a welfare case the rest of their lives!
Q. What is a good question I can ask myself through the day to keep my eyes up? A. Haggai 1:5 = "Consider how things are going for you" is an excellent checkpoint, like a car in a race stops to check for weak areas and changes those places out every few laps. Ask yourself when was the last time you:
1) smiled at God?
2) asked for wisdom in a skirmish?
3) asked if my attitude was right with Him?
4) asked for counsel on behalf of my troubled child?
5) prayed as an intercessor, standing in the gap for my president and his staff, the poor, our soldiers, all other politicians, missionaries and folks in ministry?
6) worshiped God?
7) (other)
Q. So we can work and work, but God harvests much or little, depending on my choice to walk closely with Him? A. Haggai 1:6 =Yes.
Q. What is the big deal with going to church? A. Haggai 1:8 = We are required to walk closely with God. But then we need to honor Him in His Temple.
Note: Gathering together to worship God is so important!
Q. Why did these returned exiles neglect God? A. Haggai 1:9 = They were busy at work building their own houses.
Note: Priorities! Relationship with God first, the fellowship at the Temple, then tending to work. Why? Because we will stray if we lower God's place in our lives and He knows that.
Q. How does God slow the harvest? A. Haggai 1:11 = He calls for a drought on the land. Drought is a punishment.
Note: Have you noticed that the worst weather conditions with years of drought and flood and natural disasters are those geographic areas with massive idol worship and even violence toward God's people who enter into those places with the Good News?
Q. Did these Israelites out of exile listen to Haggai's words? A. Haggai 1:12 = Yes. They worshiped the Lord in earnest!
Q. How did God respond? A. Haggai 1:13 = God said, "I am with you!"
Q. What motivates people to do God's work? A. Haggai 1:14 = The Lord, who sparks enthusiasm for it.
Q. Who rebuilt the Temple? A. Haggai 1:14 = The whole remnant of God's people.
Q. What date did they break ground? A. Haggai 1:15 = September 21, 520 B.C.
Q. Are we sure of this date? A. Haggai notes: Yes. Persian records relate accurately with our modern calendar in a number of places in the Book of Haggai.
Q. Who made the Israelites feel safe when they left Egypt with Moses? A. Haggai 2:5 = The Holy Spirit.
Q. Was the Holy Spirit present while rebuilding the Temple? A. Haggai 2:5 = Yes!
Q. Did God draw a line of separation between the time the Israelites ignored God and te time they began honoring Him? A. Haggai 2:18-19 = Yes. God declared from that day forward that He would now bless their harvest and their lives too.
Note: Bless God's people! If you've had a hard time blessing someone in the past, declare today, that you will henceforth bless them. All their harvest will be touched from now on! It is so cool to bless!
Q. What would become of the Messianic line? A. Haggai 2:20-23 = It was continued through Zerubbabel (who came back as governor instead of king).
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