Isaiah 45 - 66 Questions and Answers
Q. How did God use King Cyrus? A. Isaiah 45:1 = God empowered Cyrus. This made mighty kings paralyzed with fear.
Q. Did God tell Cyrus all he would do? A. Isaiah 45:2-3 = Yes. God wanted Cyrus to know that only God was God. God wanted Cyrus to know that Israel was His people. God wanted the rest of the world to know that He was God, through all He did through Cyrus.
Q. Where did the concept of righteousness come from? A. Isaiah 45:8 = God created it.
Q. Where did the concept of salvation come from? A. Isaiah 45:8 = God created it.
Q. Did righteousness and salvation come to work together? A. Isaiah 45:8 = Yes.
Q. How? A. Isaiah 45:8 = Righteousness is poured down from heaven. The earth opens wide and salvation and righteousness can sprout up together.
Note: Jesus is righteousness, poured down from heaven. His dying, burial in earth, resurrection (salvation), sprouting up, caused righteousness and salvation to come to all. Jesus was the first of many. Isn't it like God to lead the way?
Q. When we don't understand life events, should we argue with God about them? A. Isaiah 45:11 = No. God does absolutely the right thing at the right time.
Q. Did Cyrus get a reward for restoring Jerusalem? A. Isaiah 45:13 = No. Cyrus restored Jerusalem because God told him to.
Q. Did God intend the Gentiles to convert? A. Isaiah 45:14 = Yes. Gentiles are intended to give their lives and financial support to the ministry and mission; even to prison ministry!
Q. When the Babylonians raided Israel and took many into captivity, did they leave any Israelites behind? A. Isaiah 46:3 = Yes.
Q. What became of this remnant? A. Isaiah 46:3 = God promised to take care of them.
Q. For how long? A. Isaiah 46:3-4 = From before birth to death.
Q. Why does God take care of us? A. Isaiah 46:4 = Because God made us and He takes care of what He makes.
Q. Is there life, people-life, before birth? A. Isaiah 46:3 = Yes. God considers us His people before birth.
Q. Can God predict the future? A. Isaiah 46:10 = Yes. Only God can!
Q. Does God do everything He promises? A. Isaiah 46:11 = Yes.
Q. What did God predict would happen to Babylon? A. Isaiah 47:5 = It would fall and never rise again.
Q. Did this happen? A. Yes! To this day, Babylon has never been rebuilt, as a testimony of God's fulfillment of this prophesy.
Q. By God ordained Babylon to lead the Israelites into captivity! Isn't this unfair? A. Isaiah 47:6-7 = No. Babylon was not supposed to abuse the Israelites, by God's orders, but they defied God and forced the elderly to carry heavy burdens. They didn't care about the Israelites, nor consider the consequences of their actions.
Note: Power makes people act like drunken fools. Every person has to consider the consequences of their actions. There is reward for living responsibly!
Q. How would you describe the people of Babylon? A. Isaiah 47:8-10 = As foolish teenagers:
1) pleasure-crazy
2) living in ease
3) feeling secure
4) bragging as if they were the greatest in the world
5) self-sufficient
6) not accountable to anyone
7) like they'll live forever and nothing bad can happen to them
8) feeling secure in their wickedness
9) having their own brand of wisdom and knowledge
10) relying on thier charm to avoid problems
11) thinking they could buy their way out of anything
12) having friends from childhood who will disappear in their time of need.
Q. Why does God save His people from enemies? A. Isaiah 48:10-11 = So pagan nations would be unable to claim that their gods have conquered God. God will not let them have His glory!
Q. How was creation made? A. Isaiah 48:13 = God's hand laid the foundations of the earth. The palm of God's right hand spread out the heavens above; He spoke and they came into being.
Q. Is God hard to understand? A. Isaiah 48:16 = No. He speaks plainly so there will be no misunderstanding.
Q. Who did God raise up to destroy Babylon? A. Isaiah 48:15 = Cyrus (of the Chaldeans).
Q. What benefit is there in obeying God? A. Isaiah 48:18 = 1) Peace flowing like a gentle river
2) righteousness rolling like waves
3) prosperity.
Q. Could Israel have walked away from Babylon? A. Isaiah 48:20 = Yes, if they had repented and shouted to the ends of the earth that God had done this.
Q. Is the Holy Spirit a whole, independent, third of the God-head? A. Isaiah 48:16 = Yes. This message came from the Sovereign Lord and His Spirit.
Q. What do wicked people lack? A. Isaiah 48:22 = Peace.
Q. Was a dialogue between Isaiah and God recorded in the Bible? A. Isaiah 49 = Yes. Beginning with the Lord talking to Israel:
1) That Messiah was called before His birth
2) having words of judgment that are sharp as a sword
3) words hidden in God's hand
4) words which are a sharp arrow in God's quiver.
Q. What is the dialogue? A. Isaiah 49:4 = Isaiah feels useless, but trusts that God knows best.
Note: Tell God how you feel. Then back off and trust Him about it. God really does know more about events affecting you than you do.
Q. Did Isaiah get an answer? A. Isaiah 49:5 = Yes. God showed Isaiah the bigger picture. Israel would be saved and so would the Gentiles.
Q. Does God really care for His people? A. Isaiah 49:15-26 = Yes! 1) Like a nursing mother loves her child
2) God would never forget us
3) Our names are written on God's hand
4) Ever before God is a picture of Jerusalem's walls in ruins
5) Children will be restored to parents by their captors
6) Those who wait on God will never be put to shame
7) God fights those who fight us
8) God saves our children
9) God wants the world to know He saves.
Q. Why do people walk away from God? A. Isaiah 50:1 = Sin leads to straying.
Note: Have you ever noticed that when you forget to touch base with God for a few days, you begin to commit "little" sins again, or react sinfully to nasty people? We need daily times with God to gain a proper perspective. We need to be reminded to keep our eyes up.
Q. Some think that if God was so powerful, He would rescue us when we are in trouble as a result of our own choices. What is true? A. Isaiah 50:2-3 = God lets us burn out on our sins. Any time we repent, the sin ends. God wants us to realize that we are but dust.
Q. How is God's wisdom different than man's? A. Isaiah 50:4-6 = It is always wonderful to receive wisdom from God. I love it! But those I relay that wisdom to may get offended and even cause me harm. None of this changes wisdom. God helps us distribute wisdom.
Q. What does it take to get through persecution? A. Isaiah 50:7 = Knowing that God will help me get through it; in the meantime, I do God's will with determination. The more I trust God to help, the more courage I generate to stand up in my faith.
Q. Can anyone call out to God, even from the deepest darkness? A. Isaiah 50:10 = Yes. God says, "Trust Me, rely upon Me to show you out."
Q. Some people create their own dim light. What does God have to say about that? A. Isaiah 50:11 = They are warned: God's reward for them is to very soon be laying down in torment.
Q. What was Eden also called? A. Isaiah 51:3 = The Garden of the Lord.
Q. What does God promise Israel's deserts to do one day? A. Isaiah 51:3 = Israel's deserts will blossom -- one day they will be as beautiful as Eden. Joy and gladness will be there. Lovely songs of thanksgiving will fill the air.
Q. When Jesus comes to rule the earth, how will the nations respond? A. Isaiah 51:5 = They will long for Jesus' power.
Q. What is to become of the universe as we know it? A. Isaiah 51:6 = The skies will disappear like smoke; the earth will wear out like a piece of clothing.
Q. And what of the people who are not God's own? A. Isaiah 51:6 = They'll die like flies.
Q. Does anything last forever? A. Isaiah 51:6 = Yes. 1) Salvation lasts forever
2) Jesus' righteous rule will last forever.
Q. What is the secret of obedience? A. Isaiah 51:7 = Cherishing God's Word in our hearts (which is a lifestyle choice).
Note: Here's more of that secret:
1) Know God's wonderful attrubutes and worship and praise come naturally.
2) Study God's Word. Believe Him when He says to love His Word. He will reveal such rich joys to you and you'll not even consider disobedience.
3) Let God be so big in your thoughts that all trials shrink to dust-mite-sized battles.
Q. Won't opposition increase if I let God live large in my life? A. Isaiah 51:7 = Yes. Hell itself will respond to you with war!
Q. Waht should I do? A. Isaiah 51:7 = Determine not to be afraid of people's scorn or slanderous talk. Take comfort in knowing they won't be able to do it forever.
Q. Will I remember my sorrow in heaven? A. Isaiah 51:11 = No.
Q. How is that? A. Isaiah 51:11 = Your sorrow will be overcome with joy and gladness.
Note: Good is always stronger than evil. God always wins. Even one in mourning gets over it. Sometimes he needs help remembering good things so help him think! Therapy is good, so long as it restores people in positive strategies. Placing and pinpointing blame does not help. Being reminded of one's worth and how much God thinks of him is the good that overcomes evil; that one's value is very dear, not because of what one does, but simply because he was born.
Q. God comforts ultimately? A. Isaiah 51:12 = Yes.
Q. Is there ever a good reason to fear people? A. Isaiah 51:12 = No.
Note: People may try to intimidate me; sometimes Hell comes at me with a fury! I have to ask myself just what it is I've done right to anger Hell! And I refuse to fear! I trust God. This becomes a precious time of closeness with God.
Q. But my enemy threatens me day and night! A.Isaiah 51:13 = I trust in God, or I could be wasting my time fearing mere humans and lose the opportunity to trust my heavenly Father to save me and beat my enemy. Consider this choice we must all make every time a crisis hits. Gentiles call it "Luck" when things turn out right in spite of the severity of events. But the believer knows that "Faith" is keeping one's eyes opened about a crisis from the very beginning; knowing God is at work, and watching God's rescue as it happens -- watching enemies taken care of by God. Growing in faith is what happens after witnessing such an event!
Q. Who invented verbal language? A. Isaiah 51:16 = God put words in man's mouth.
Q. What spiritual condition were the Israelites in when Assyria enslaved them? A. Isaiah 52:4 = They didn't know God's name anymore; they didn't recognize His voice.
Note: Some reading material that has come to be published in the last century are authored by folks who refuse to recognize God. Yet they cite what they think are "anonymous" proverbs, not realizing they quote the Bible. These verses, in one such book, were key in their own healing! They didn't recognize God's voice.
Q. What were the Assyrians like? A. Isaiah 52:5 = Blaspheming God all day long.
Q. How would God reveal Himself to Israel so that they could see Him again? A. Isaiah 52:6 = By demonstration of His power.
Note: Speak life into unbelievers that you pray openly with. Ask for miracles on their behalf so they can recognize God too.
Q. What is it about the Cross that will be so stunning to the world one day? A. Isaiah 52:15 = Taht Gentiles beat up and crucified the famous God of Israel. They had no idea!
Q. Waht kind of life did God foretell Jesus would live? A. Isaiah 53:2 = Very plain and unnoticed until those last three years of His life in ministry. Even so, at the end of it, His disciples even turned their backs on Him.
Q. The Cross was heavey, but what made it incomprehensively heavier? A. Isaiah 53:4 = Carrying the world's sins too.
Q. What did this suffering mean? A. Isaiah 53:5 = 1) Wounds and crushing = paid for humanity's sins
2) Beatings = created humanity's peace
3) Whippings = created humanity's healing.
Q. For what purpose? A. Isaiah 53:6 = God laid on Jesus the guilt and sins of us all this way.
Q. And we didn't have to repent first? A. Isaiah 53:6 = No. For every person who strayed to the furthest cornes of the earth, the work of the Cross was done.
Q. Not even the Jews recognized the similarities between animal sacrifice and what was happening at the time? A. Isaiah 53:8 = No.
Note: If they had, they would never have allowed Jesus to be killed. Jesus would have been made king. But redemption was necessary; the Cross was necessary. The New Covenant of grace was set in place -- the old one was broken forever. Thus, all things happened as planned by God from the beginning (v.10). The Spotless Lamb -- God -- only God -- could redeem.
Q. Was it worth it? A. Isaiah 53:11 = When Jesus saw what His death would accomplish, He was satisfied that it would be worth it.
Q. What was accomplished? A. Isaiah 53:10-11 = 1) God had a multitude of children and heirs
2) A plan that prospered in His hands
3) All men who would believe He died for them would be counted as righteous and would be able to stand being in the presence of God.
Q. What great honor did God bestow on Jesus? A. Isaiah 53:12 = The attributes of Mighty and Great because Jesus exposes Himself to death, bearing the sins of many and is now praying constantly on our behalf.
Q. What circumstances surround the future glory of Jerusalem? A. Isaiah 54:1 = 1) Barren women will have many children
2) Widows will be content with their Creator
3) Sins forgotten
4) God-redeemed
5) compassion for us
6) God's anger stops forever
7) replacd with everlasting love.
Note: Everlasting love -- God's love through all time is behind His purpose for us to become His people, and always by our own choice to do so.
Q. What covenant does God make with us? A. Isaiah 54:10 = A covenant of blessing, never to be broken.
Q. In what era will this take place? A. Isaiah 54:11 = When the Lord reigns, Israel prospers and no enemy can get to them.
Note: This is millennial time. Some believe this is a time coming soon, when Jesus descends from heaven onto the Mount of Olives, and reigns for a thousand years.
Q. Who thought of the trade of blacksmith? A. Isaiah 54:16 = God did.
Q. Whose idea was it to create armies for war? A. Isaiah 54:16 = God.
Q. At this time, would enemies attempt to fight Israel even though God didn't sanction it? A. Isaiah 54:15 = Yes. But they won't win.
Q. Why are enemies out there? A. Isaiah 54:15 = To punish sinning nations.
Q. But at this time, will Israel be protected? A. Isaiah 54:17 = Yes.
Q. What else marks that time? A. Isaiah 54:17 = No lying in court - every liar exposed and brought to justice.
Q. Who exposes the liars? A. Isaiah 54:17 = God does!
Note: The only one who can really prove who is a liar is God. If you are victimized by a liar today, have no fear; God will take care of every slander and hurtful thing done against you. Never let a liar get to you!
Q. What does God's Word offer that cannot be found anywhere else? A. Isaiah 55:1-2 = Food that is good for the soul.
Q. Do we need this food, even more than physical food? A. Isaiah 55:2 = Yes.
Q.How important is God's Word in my life? A. Isaiah 55:3 = The life of my soul is at stake without it.
Note: The soul contains the mind, will and emotions. Without God's Word to feed my mind, feed my will, feed my emotions, any soul is at risk. How? I'm left to myself and the world's earthly answers to feed my soul. What does a carnal person feed these three parts of his soul with?
1) Mind = philosophy
2) Will = Wrong choices
3) Emotions = Whatever brings instant gratification.
Q. How does God's Word feed my soul? A. 1) Mind = The Bible renews strength of my mind; reminds me of God's ultimate sovereignty in all things
2) Will = The Bible makes my will consider God's ways and I want to do them
3) Emotions = Through the Bible, I understand how much God loves me and respond in love back to Him. I love people into the kingdom of God.
Q. These three parts of my soul are strengthened together when I feed on God's Word? A. Isaiah 55:2 = Yes.
Q. What secrets of life does God's Word reveal? A. Isaiah 55:3 = 1) Promise of eternity with God
2) All the mercies and unfailing love promised to David is given to you
3) A display of God's power in your life as you are being God's witness and leader among the nations
4) You are powered by God to command the nations, who will come running to obey because of God's power in your life.
Q. What if I hesitate in my timidity to answer God's call on my life? A. Isaiah 55:6 = God may find someone else to do it.
Q. What prevents people from going to God? A. Isaiah 55:7 = Sin. In thought and in deed.
Note: Combat sin in your mind by filling it with God's Word. It's not enough to stop sinning. You must fill your mind with wisdom. "As a man thinks, so is he."
Q. What precedes filling myself up with God's Word? A. Isaiah 55:7 = Repentance. My making that acknowledgement before God that I am changing paths.
Q. What if I don't recall every sin? A. Isaiah 55:7 = God's mercy is a huge blanket, covering every sin and pardoning abundantly.
Note 1: God reads your heart and responds to your desire to follow Him.
Note 2: Isn't it wonderful when you see that your children want to do right? You can see their desire, though they may not be there completely as yet. Pray for them always. Jesus prays for you!
Q. Are we made to think differently than God? A. Isaiah 55:8 = Yes.
Note: We are meant to know less than God because God wants us to trust Him withour lives. If we were given all the answers, we would not even acknowledge our Creator. It is God's pleasure to reveal Himself, especially when asked, and at His own discretion.
Q. Could science even begin to discover the vastness of God's thoughts? A. Isaiah 55:8-9 = No. Not in a million years could they touch on one high thought of God's.
Q. What is so awesome about God's words? A. Isaiah 55:10-11 = Every word produces fruit, exactly like rain produces crops. Every promise is fulfilled, every good and bad thing still to be will come to pass.
Q. Why did God give this assurance here in Isaiah? A. Isaiah 55:12-13 = This assurance precedes an awesome promise of prosperity for God's people:
1) We will live in joy and peace
2) Nature will praise God as new life bursts from the ground
3) This miracle will bring great honor to God's name
4) This miracle will be an everlasting sign of God's power and love.
Note: When we think of God, the Creator, it is hard to grasp that He does all of this for love. Whatever your earthly father is or was, know that God is personal and is the ideal love you need. Only He can fill that empty place in your heart. Only He can make you whole. Only He wants to! God made you with that void; it is God's choice to be the one to fill it.
Q. What choices am I given in response to God's promises? A. Isaiah 56:1-2 = 1)To do right, no matter what.
2) To be fair to all
3) To rest one day a week, knowing it's God's day
4) To keep myself from doing wrong.
Note: Doing wrong is a daily temptation. It looks good and right, so stay alert and keep yourself away from doing wrong.
Q. Do I need to commit myself to God and consciously allow Him in my life? A. Isaiah 56:3 = Yes. All commitments made affect every person in the world.
Q. Does God prefer the Israelites over the Gentiles? A. Isaiah 56:3 = No. And it is the Israelites' job to make that clear.
Q. Does God come to where we are when we first commit to Him? A. Isaiah 56:4 = No. He wants us to be content, even as eunichs. God will make up for any lack we have because of self-mutiliations or physical infirmities and grant the honor we desire, yet cannot attain on this earth. He knows right where we need it. For instance, the eunich will have a memorial and a name far greater than the honor he would have received by having sons and daughters.
Note: Our desire to procreate is so strong! Yet God will make up for that lack of honor in heaven. Do you have a lack in your lfie? Cheer up! That is the one area God will satisfy you in. God is a personal, intimate God, knowing me and my lack and giving me hope, specifically about those things I lack. He doesn't throw pat answers at me; rather, He wants me to know that He cares and promises to make up for it in heaven. We are not supposed to have everything we want here on the earth. Our lack leads us to ask for help. Without lack, we estrange ourselves from God. It is human nature to do so. Let your lack lead you back to God!
Q. When we work on Sunday, how does God view it? A. Isaiah 56:6 = As descrating the Sabbath day of rest.
Note: Here's a challenge: Don't work on Sunday! Spend that day meditating on God things--on God.
Here's some Sunday homework:
1) Count your blessings
2) Ponder what you have thus learned about God (learning without thought is a waste of time!)
3) Listen for God's voice
4) Study the Word to know God -- only the Word -- no bible dictionaries or handbooks allowed on Sunday
5) Imagine God in your house -- in your drawing room -- pouring tea for the both of you -- anticipating good fellowship.
6) Now do this every day and you have a walk with God!
Q. God wants relationship with me? A. Isaiah 56:6 = Yes.
Q. What does God define that relationship as? A. Isaiah 56:6-7 = 1) God blesses me
2) I commit myself to God
3) Serve Him (His way)
4) Love His name, worshipping Him
5) Resting on Sunday
6) Accepting His Covenant (the Cross of Grace)
7) I let God bring me to His dwelling place, fill me with joy in His house of prayer
8) I give my gifts to God, which He accepts gladly.
Note: As I looked at these 2 verses, I realized that verse 6 was just the prelude to verse 7. When I pray, God brings me into His presence; I am filled with joy. He has given me gifts and I recognize them as those to be used for His kingdom. When my life is lined up like verse 6, verse 7 happens!
Q. Does God want this for all people? A. Isaiah 56:7-8 = Yes.
Q. What keeps folks from this kid of prayer life? A. Isaiah 56:7 = Not letting God direct my worship and prayer; being a control freak.
Q. Did God put shepherds over us? A. Isaiah 56:10 = Yes.
Q. Are shepherds immune to the wiles of the devil? A. Isaiah 56:10 = No. They are subject to every pitfall imaginable, just like everybody else.
Q. What are these pitfalls? A. Isaiah 56:10 = Common pitfalls are:
1) Blindness to every danger while seeming to be on duty as shepherds
2) Apathy: Seeing danger coming and doing nothing, not warning; nothing.
3) Loving to lie around and sleep and dream
4) Being greedy as dogs
5) Never being satisfied
6) Being stupid 7) Making up and following our own paths
8) Being intent on personal gain.
Note: Counter these dangers and beef up weak areas of your life.
1) To counter blindness, be alert for Hell's games -- know you have a terrible enemy and stay alert
2) To counter apathy, ask God for more passion about the things He cares about and the courage to speak up about each one before a sleepy herd
3) To counter sleepiness, don't sleep more than 8 hours a day
4) To counter greed, be generous
5) To counter discontent, pray
6) To counter stupidity, ask God for wisdom
7) To counter prodigalism, stay near the other shepherds and flocks (churches) -- God is with them too!
8) In everything, dedicate it all to God's glory.
Q. Why do godly people often die before their time? A. Isaiah 57:1-2 = God is protecting them from the evil to come. They get to rest in peace!
Q. What is idol worship? A. Isaiah 57:8 = Adultery.
Q. Why? A. Isaiah 57:8 = It is having the idol instead of God.
Q. What does God think of man's extreme efforts to find other things to worship? A. Isaiah 57:8-13 = Futile and an activity in true-God-replacement. God is baffled at our idiocy.
Note: Our sinful tendency to find other things to fill that God place in our hearts doesn't end with salvation. Only God can ever fill our hearts. That need to fill up should be met, but only God's Word can satisfy. Feed the poor -- that will satisfy. Love God and neighbor -- that will take up most of your time. Minister to the brethren; do missions to all the others. We don't have time for time-consuming hobbies. Is more than the lion's share of your time spent in godly pursuits? Make it your goal to be full time in God's presence, permeating all you are into your activities, letting God affect your life and testimony. Your light will shine and your words will never be misunderstood.
Q. God is so awesome -- so big -- and wants us to be so much -- we stumble; even those of us who most desire to be in God's presence all the day. Has God commented on our dilemma? A. Isaiah 57:15-19 = Yes; with only encouraging words of His faithfulness to all of us. God only asks us to repent and begin again -- whenever it is required.
1) God lives in that high and lofty place with those whose spirits are contrite and humble
2) Refreshing them
3) Giving new courage to those with repentant hearts
4) Not picking us apart for every sin so we won't die, and that just because He made us
5) Punishing greedy folks, though they never seem to learn their lessons
6) Seeing what foolishness we do and healing us anyway
7) Leading us
8) Comforting those who mourn.
Q. Why does God care for us so selflessly? A. Isaiah 57:19 = 1) So words of praise will be on our lips
2) So we can receive God's peace.
Q. Who would not have peace? A. Isaiah 57:20 = Those who reject God.
Q. What are godless people like? A. Isaiah 57:20 = Like the restless sea, never still, always churning up mire and dirt.
Note 1: Doesn't this verse inspire you to share the gospel with these lost folks? I often forget what it is like to live apart from God:
1) To never have the change to start a day with a clean slate, refreshed by God
2) To have no courage from God
3) To not be picked apart by Hell for my failures
4) To have no relief from consuming greed
5) To not learn my life lessons because I cannot identify them, because I'm not in the Word
6) To not know that God loves me as much as He loves His most faithful child
7) To have no sense of direction, no leader from on high
8) To not have the comfort God gives so that I can also comfort those who mourn
9) To not have peace...
This is what the man separated from God experiences moment to moment, day to day, year to year. Rise up, oh passion, and pray for the lost! Beg God for the lost! Help me, oh heaven, to remember my duty and love people into God's presence before it's too late!
Note 2: Mire and dirt is free thought apart from God. Free thought apart from God is vague, confusing and troubled, offering no answers, no hope and no life. But free thought orchestrated with God's thoughts is a constant wonderment.
Q. Should we tell a sinner when he is wrong? A. Isaiah 58:1 = Yes.
Q. How do sinners act when confronted with their sin? A. Isaiah 58:2 = Scandalized! It's hard to deal with a sinner, especially one who feigns religiousity.
Q. You mean I can be going to church and be part of prayer teams and be totally godless at the same time? A. Isaiah 58:2 = Yes.
Note 1: Some folks hide their favorite sins in the pews!
Note 2: Don't faint now! Christians can be just as foolish as non-Christians. Just don't think God will overlook the sin for the sake of your fervent prayers! Repent and watch purity make your prayers heard!
Q. What kind of fasting does God appreciate? A. Isaiah 58:6 = 1) Freeing innocent prisoners
2) Sharing food with hungry folks
3) Welcoming poor wanderers into your home
4) Giving clothes to the needy
5) Not hiding from relatives who need our help
6)Not oppressing our employees
7) Treating employees fairly
8) Paying a fair wage.
Q. Is there reward for living rightly? A. Isaiah 58:8 = Yes. Salvation comes to you like the dawn.
Note: I am happiest with I am right with my brother and right with God. Salvation comes to me because of my loving deeds. I need to be right to be happy.
Q.What other reward comes to me? A. Isaiah 58:8 = 1) Phsical healing
2) My godliness will lead me forward
3) The glory of the Lord will protect me from behind
4) My prayers are answered.
Q. How does God want me to treat those in trouble? A. Isaiah 58:9-10 = Help them, resist judging them, accusing them and gossiping about them behind their backs. Folks in trouble are easy targets!
Note: If you have insight into a problem your brother is having, offering caring counsel from God's Word may be warranted. We all need to be reminded to walk the walk, not just talk the talk.
Q. Why is it so important to apply the Word to every aspect of my life, making sure to feed the poor? A. Isaiah 58:10 = God's love shines unmistakably when a child of His obeys the Word. The world shuts its mouth when we feed the poor.
Note: This is so true! The most confused and angry person stops his tirade, stunned, when he sees us feed the poor.
Q. What else happens when we live for God His way? A. Isaiah 58:10 = Our light shines out in the darkness; the darkness around me becomes bright as day.
Note: Who is really fighting on this earth in wars and in relationships for the lost? Heaven and Hell battle for the souls of men. The battle becomes clear when I allow God's light to shine out from me into the darkness. Prayer is our lethal weapon, breaking the power of darkness and shining a beam of light to the lost, so that they can find their way out of it.
Q. How do I become a beacon of light? A. Isaiah 58:11 = The Lord guiding me continually, watering my life when I am dry and keeping me healthy too.
Note: This is the essence of the Christian experience. I wake up in the morning and ask God to guide me today. I start with reading the Word, which waters my life, guiding my steps. This is important!
1) I need daily watering or I get dehydrated and become most subtly distant from God, and the way I handle the day's circumstances reflects my having read God's Word or not.
2)Without drinking water, I get muscle spasms and feel sore. It is the same with spiritual watering. My spiritual muscles malfunction without a daily watering from the Word. I keep spiritually healthy with the Word of God always fresh in my life.
Q. What happens to my children when I am living right? A. Isaiah 58:12 = They will be obedient to God too. They'll clean up the mess the last generation left. They'll bring honor to believers, who will be known as those who rebuild.
Note: Isn't that the best thing that could happen? I want to live God's way so I can show by demonstration to my kids how they can do it too. This is a life built on faith in God. No amount of words will do what an honest life before God will do. Don't be content to merely follow a religious routine once a week -- or go to bible study once a week. Daily, daily, daily! You will be so complete, so filled with the wonders of God, which will be fresh and new every day! Wherever you come from, whatever horrors you've lived through as a child, your own children can rebuild your family, and your honor will be in that.
Q. How should Sundays be spent? A. Isaiah 58:13-14 = Doing things that remind all members of my family about God, His goodness and His sovereignty over all things.
Note: What? One hour or two on Sunday morning isn't enough? Nyah! Be creative! Have a family day, but include God in all of it, as if He were a guest in your home. If you give it some thought, you will come up with your own ideas, for God will give them to you. All of you! Be mindful of God on Sunday. Rest -- your body needs it -- take time to enjoy God. Reflect on His intervention in the week's activities -- how He's protected you , provided for you, rescued you. It's all there to reflect on. Sunday is your day to really notice the last six days.
Q. How do I get delight in the Lord? A. Isaiah 58:14 = Keeping Sundays all for Him.
Q. What does honor come from? A. Isaiah 58:14 = Keeping Sundays holy. God grants true honor.
Q. What else does God bestow on Sunday? A. Isaiah 58:14 = A full share of my inheritance.
Note: Proper Sunday activity grants a full, rounded life with nothing missing; this is so true! I get full while I rest and reflect on God's wonderfulness, His Word really comes alive on Sunday. We need to read our bibles every day to see how God intervenes in everything. Reflect on God on Sunday. He has been in your whole week! Sunday is almost not long enough to take it all in.
Q. Why doesn't God answer a believer's prayers? A. Isaiah 59:1-2 = When a believer prays while in blatant sin, God refuses to answer him.
Note: God takes sin seriously. Repent every day and don't repeat the same sin!
Q. How subtle can sin be? A. Isaiah 59:17 = One can get to the place of thinking, doing and plotting evil. When that happens, he loses sight of what true peace is or what it means to be just and good. They lead, but those who follow cannot experience a moment's peace. Truth and honesty become strange words.
Q. Are believers aware of how far they've slipped away from God? How they have sinned against God? A. Isaiah 59:12-13 = Yes. When we oppress and are unfair, when we plan carefully our deceit, we know it.
Q. Even at the political level? A. Isaiah 59:14 = Yes. The innocent are condemned because of their righteousness -- justice is gone -- truth becomes dead in the streets -- fairness is outlawed.
Q. What follows? A. Isaiah 59:15 = Righteous folks are attacked.
Note: The barometer of goodness and evil in society directly reflects how good people are treated. Evil and good do not cohabitate well -- evil cannot stand good, as the devil cannot stand God. Evil attacks good! Notice that evil folks accuse righteous folks of being narrow-minded, holier than thou, brainwashed, unloving hypocrites? Yet that is exactly what evil people are!
1) Narrow-minded, refusing to consider the repeated destructiveness caused by of their worldly thinking
2) Holier than thou -- they stand in God's shoes, changing the rules, calling bad good and good bad, and being smug about it
3) Brainwashed -- taking in every secular idea and coming to their own conclusions that don't serve anyone any good
4) Unloving hypocrites -- shaking their fists at the godly while neglecting the needy
5) Only interested in their own agendas.
Q. How are the needy taken care of in a society that lets them die? A. Isaiah 59:16 = God steps in to save them with His mighty power and justice.
Q. Does the Lord wear armor? A. Isaiah 59:17 = Yes. Just like the believer puts his armor on every morning (Ephesians 6), so the Lord puts on His armore when intervening on earth (isn't that cool?).
Q. What is this armor God wears? A. Isaiah 59:17 = 1) Righteousness is the body armor
2) God wears the helmet of salvation on His head
Q. What armor does the Lord wear that we don't? A. Isaiah 59:17 = The robes of vengeance and godly fury (We don't take revenge).
Q. What armor do we wear that the Lord doesn't wear? A. Ephesians 6 = 1) The shield of faith (God needs no faith to know He is God)
2) The sword of His Word (the Lord and the Word are one)
3) The belt of truth (the Lord is the truth)
4) The shoes of the gospel of peace (Jesus wore these shoes!).
Q. Will unbelievers ever come to respect the Lord? A. Isaiah 59:19 = Yes. After the Lord repays His enemies, after vengeance is done.
Q. Will they just shut up and back off? A. Isaiah 59:19 = No. They will glorify the name of the Lord throughout the world.
Q. When the Lord comes in that day of vengeance, how will He come? A. Isaiah 59:19 = Liek a flood tide, driven by the breath of the Lord.
Q. What will happen in Israel then? A. Isaiah 59:20 = The Lord, the Redeemer will come to Jerusalem.
Q. Why is the Lord called Redeemer? A. Isaiah 59:20 = Because He will buy back those in Israel who have turned from their sins.
Note: The Jews redeemed themselves by animal sacrifice. In this day of the Lord, He will redeem them by His own life's sacrifice.
Q. What is the difference between the Lord's own buy-back (redemption) and the animal sacrifice? A. Isaiah 59:21 = A new Covenant comes with the Lord's buy-back, which is the Holy Spirit promise -- He won't leave them -- neither will His words -- to all generations forever. One redemption would do it. And this redemption (buy-back) has come to pass!
Q. How will the nations know finally that Israel is God's prize? A. Isaiah 60:2-3 = The sun and moon will go out and the Lord will be Jerusalem's light -- the only light on earth! People will travel to Jerusalem just to see it.
Q. When will the Israelites who are now scattered throughout the earth go home to Israel? A. Isaiah 60:4 = After all light goes out except in Jerusalem.
Q. Will the unbelieving nations try to stop people from going? A. Isaiah 60:5 = No. The nations will take gifts to Israel; gifts that matter -- to enhance worship.
Q. What are the ships of Tarshish? A. Isaiah 60:8 = Flying ships (airplanes). They will carry the Israelites back home.
Q. Who will help rebuild Israel? A. Isaiah 60:10 = Foreigners.
Q. What will happen to those unfriendly toward Israel? A. Isaiah 60:12 = They will be destroyed.
Q. Will small families multiply at this time? A. Isaiah 60:22 = Yes!
Note: My family is forever shrinking -- Of course, that was not what I desired for us when I got married! This verse is especially meaningful to me, as I cannot begin to imagine my household being full. What shortages do you have in your life? God knows what they are and will fill your cup to overflowing. All your desires will be satisfied!
Q. Who does God love? A. Isaiah 61:1-3 = 1) Poor folks
2) Broken-hearted folks
3) Captives
4) Prisoners
5) Mourners
6) Despairers.
Q. Are these all weak folks? A. Isaiah 61:3 = No! God has planted them like strong and graceful oaks for His own glory.
Note: All trials make people stronger. But trials also isolate people from the mainstream of believers. If you are one of these folks in the above list, remind yourself that you are set aside for God's own glory -- and smile!
Q. What will these folks do for God? A. Isaiah 61:4 = 1) Rebuild Israel
2) Have foreign servants to feed their flocks and tend their vineyards
3) Be called priests of the Lord; ministers of our God
4) Be fed with the treasures of the nations
5) Boast of foreign riches now theirs
6) Receive a double portion of prosperity and everlasting joy
7) Receive reward for their suffering
8) Receive an everlasting covenant with the Lord
9) Have honorable children and descendants who will be famous worldwide
10) The world will know they are a people the Lord has blessed.
Q. Can one be overwhelmed with joy in the Lord? A. Isaiah 61:10 = Yes. Isaiah was!
Q. What made Isaiah so happy? A. Isaiah 61:10 = Taking God's promises to heart.
Q. What promises? A. Isaiah 61:10 = 1) God has saved him
2) Made him righteous
3) That he is special to God
4) God will show His justice to the nations of the world
5) That everyone will praise God one day
6) God's righteousness will blossom for all to see.
Note: We read it, but do we believe it? Faith is believing what God says will come to pass. In other words, I choose to hope in God; I say "Yes!" to His promises and hope springs up in conviction of these truths. Love believes all things. Does my life reflect that same joy Isaiah experienced?
Q. Who prayed persistently for Jerusalem? A. Isaiah 62:1 = Isaiah. He loved Jerusalem and was compelled to pray for her all his life.
Note: Do you pray for God's people? Ask God for a yearning to pray for the brethren, for Israel, for all those who would belong to Him one day. We are all one church, the bride of Jesus (62:4).
Q. How do I pray for the church? A. Isaiah 62:1 = 1) With a heart full of love for each member of it
2) Without ceasing
3) That her righteousness would shine like the dawn
4) That her salvation would blaze like a burning torch.
Q. What will Jerusalem be one day? A. Isaiah 62:2-3 = 1) The nations will see her righteousness and kings will be blinded by her glory
2) She'll have a new name: City of God's Delight
3) She'll be held in the Lord's hands for all to see -- a splendid crown in the hands of God.
Q. What other name will she have? A. Isaiah 62:4 = The Bride of God.
Q. How will children treat their parents there? A. Isaiah 62:5 = They'll care for them with joy.
Q. Will God rejoice? A. Isaiah 62:5 = God will rejoice over us as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride.
Note: We understand how we rejoice in God -- but God rejoicing in us? Meditate on that one for a while!
Q. Who else prays for Jerusalem? A. Isaiah 62:6 = Watchmen posted on the Jerusalem walls pray day and night to the Lord for Him to fulfill His promises.
Q. Do these prayer warriors ever rest? A. Isaiah 62:6 = No.
Q. Does the Lord ever rest? A. Isaiah 62:7 = No. Not until Jerusalem is the object of praise throughout the earth.
Q. Who does the Lord swear by? A. Isaiah 62:8 = His own strength.
Q. How will the Lord call Israel to return from the four corners of the earth? A. Isaiah 62:11 = The Lord will send a message to every land that their Savior is coming. They'll be able to see the reward He brings.
Q. What stigmas do God's people carry? A. Isaiah 62:12 = That their God has forsaken them -- the whole world knows that God's people have taken a beating. They also know it was deserved.
Note: For those of us who know God, have learned His ways, and who continually fall short, God says He can't wait to fix His relationship with you once and for all. You'll one day be called a Holy Person; a Person Redeemed by the Lord. Your redemption makes you holy. (NOT your deeds). The Cross was your redemption. You won't even remember how to sin in that day!
Q. And people will want to go to Israel? A. Isaiah 62:12 = Yes!
Note: How do you present Jesus to non-believers? Being mindful of these wonderful facts about God's love and redemption? Or with a pointy, gnarled finger of shame in their faces? Preach the gospel that's for stumbly, bumbly people, redeemed by the Cross and because of it are made holy. Preach a salvation good from the age of a toddler to that of an old, haggard woman. One that gives the same redemption for Mother Teresa and the career sinner. One that doesn't make for competition between a man and his neighbor, but is glad that another one is a son of God now. A simple, pride-free gospel that didn't need a single work of one human man -- one planned from before time began -- a perfect plan that would give man free choice to accept or reject. The bridge is built between God and His people. It is a bloody Cross and it functions perfectly. I'm not perfect, but I claimed that Cross, that work, because God came down and asked me to. Why is this so hard to accept? Isn't rejection of the Cross a matter of pride? There are so many talents I could use toward my own salvation! I'm not all bad! But my innate nature is corrupt, even from my mother's womb. That is what is redeemed and I instead see my talents as those for God's work. But these talents don't redeem me. Thank you, God, for simplifying my life, for Your inconceivable suffering and death to redeem mankind for Your resurrection, which burns a fire in my heart to serve You all my life. Thank you for the poor, whom I serve and who bring me closer to You. Your provision to us of all kinds of poor folks grows up your people and provides a reason to work. I'm redeemed from Adam's first sin, which I inherited -- in one death, one Cross, for one original sin. Adam's sin spread to all his offspring -- Jesus' redemption spread to all Adam's offspring too -- and it's over. All in the power of One. To all eternity.
Q. Where on earth does the Lord emerge from when starting back to Israel? A. Isaiah 63:1 = Edom's city of Bozrah.
Q. What will be His garb? A. Isaiah 63:1 = Clothing stained in red -- royal robes.
Q. What is His transportation? A. Isaiah 63:1 = The Lord is marching in the greatness of His strength.
Q. Who will announce Him? A. Isaiah 63:1 = He will announce Himself!
Q. What does He say? A. Isaiah 63:1 = "It is I, the Lord, announcing your salvation! It is I, the Lord, who is mighty to save!"
Q. Why are the Lord's robes stained red? A. Isaiah 63:3-4 = It is the blood of God's enemies. He has just avenged His people.
Q. How does God love Israel? A. Isaiah 63:7-8 = 1) According to His great mercy and love
2) With faith in their ability to be true to Him
3) Becoming their Savior
4) Suffering with them in every suffering they endured
5) Rescuing them personally
6) Redeeming them in His love and mercy.
Q. What has happened to the Israelites and the rest of those God loves? A. Isaiah 63:9 = The Lord lifts them up and carries them through all the years.
Note: Even if we are in such turmoil, facing terrible trials, we are lifted up by the Lord Himself. Remembering who we are and where our strength lies keeps us focused in life. It is very easy to listen to Hell's annoying accusations as well as the unhelpful comments of weaker believers. Be a leader -- God has something He wants you to do. You are already lifted up. Pray about the possibilities! Keep your eyes up and pursue God for your mission.
Q. Why did God fight against Israel? A. Isaiah 63:10 = They rebelled against Him. They grieved God's Holy Spirit.
Q. What good did punishing Israel do? A. Isaiah 63:11 = Punishment jogged their memory and they remembered their history, along with all the good things God had done for them.
Q. What do rebellious people accuse God of doing? A. Isaiah 63:17 = 1) Allowing them to turn away from Him
2) Rebellious people accuse God of giving them stubborn hearts that refuse to hear Him.
Note: Irony! 1) God lets us choose Him or rebel. He never wanted a puppet household! How full of joy God is when one turns to Him by choice! This is just like the story of the prodigal son that Jesus told the story of.
2) God blesses and blesses and blesses -- yet people are selfish and don't choose to hear God. Somehow, like Adam, they blame God for their own rebellion. Adam declared to God that it was He who ultimately gave Eve to him, so that it was not his sin, but God's. We foolish people end up blaming God for our poor choices. Repentance is taking responsibility for our own sins and desiring the presence of a Wonderful God. Oh, joy, I get it!
Q. What is unique about God? A. Isaiah 64:4 = 1) God works for those who wait for Him
2) God welcomes those who cheerfully do good
3) God welcomes those who follow godly ways
4) No one has ever seen a greater God.
Q. What did Isaiah realize about man? A. Isaiah 64:5 = 1) We don't act godly
2) We sin constantly
3) Isaiah understood why God gets angry with us
4) We can't save ourselves because that requires not sinning constantly
5) Isaiah points out the dilemma that God loves an unholy people who are infected with sin.
Q. What is impure about man? A. Isaiah 64:6-7 = 1) We try to do good in our own right, but can't without ruining the deed
2) Our sins overwhelm us
3) We die
4) It is not natural for people to cry to God for help or plead for mercy.
Q. And as a result? A. Isaiah 64:7 = God goes away.
Q. What wisdom did Isaiah have concerning this dilemma? A. Isaiah 64:8-9 = Isaiah cried out to God, who made us:
1) To please forgive us for being like this
2) That indeed these sins are ours alone
3) God is our Father
4) To save us because we belong to Him.
Q. What did Isaiah ask God? A. Isaiah 64:10-12 = With Israel's rich history in relationship to God, how long would God keep refusing to help them, be silent and punish?
Note: When I sin, I hope I repent quickly. But even then, God will restore me in His time. There is a time of awkward silence, which is a wonderful time to look for the lessons I need to learn. To remember God's history with me and His faithfulness despite my wanderings; to know, by faith in God's Words of promise, that He is always near. Near, but silent for now; near, but not helping this moment; near, but punishing. Near.
Q. What new thing happened in Isaiah's time? A. Isaiah 65:1 = People who never before inquired about God began asking about Him. They found HIm! God revealed Himself to them because they sought God.
Note: God reveals Himself to all who ask. He is thrilled to be sought out by people who have only that God-conscious picture of Him imbedded in their hearts at their conception.
Q. Were these seekers after God refreshing for Him to see? A. Isaiah 65:1 = Yes!
Q. What did sinning Jews do at this time? A. Isaiah 65:2 = While God's arms were open to His own people all day long, they followed their own evil paths and thoughts.
Note: Can you imagine that? God won't make anyone follow Him -- but the alternative choices we make are just plain evil.
Q. What does idol worship do to God? A. Isaiah 65:3 = It insults God to His face.
Q. Where do people worship idols? A. Isaiah 65:3 = In their sacred gardens.
Note: The copycat devil, copying Eden. He has no originality whatsoever!
Q. How do people worship idols? A. Isaiah 65:3 = Burning incense on their rooftops; at night, they go out among the graves and secret places to worship evil spirits.
Note: Worship is part of us from conception. Worshiping wrong things is its corruption.
Q. What else do rebels do to insult God? A. Isaiah 65:4-5 = Eating pork and other forbidden foods, mocking pure truth.
Note: Here, they did exactly what God said was wrong under the old Covenant, mocking truth. Under the New Covenant of Grace, God made it okay to eat anything so food wasn't the devils's target anymore. Jesus made salvation available by His work of the Cross. Now the devil tries to convince folks that they have to work to earn the work of the Cross; it is the new mockery of the pure truth of Salvation. Religious legalism is man holding a contract with his fellow man, which states he must also do something else besides believe in the finished work of the Cross. How many false religions can you count which holds that claim today? "Be anxious for nothing, for He [God] has said, 'I will never leave you, nor forsake you.'"
Q. In what way will God punish people for the sins of their ancestors? A. Isaiah 65:7 = They sin, but they also commit the sins of their parents.
Note: Each man is responsible for his own sins, but if he commits the same sins his ancestors did, he will be guilty of those too. It is impossible for man to redeem himself.
Q. Does God want payback? A. Isaiah 65:6-7 = Yes. God wanted satisfaction, as sin demands punishment in full.
Q. Does God preserve those who love Him in the middle of such wide-spread sin? A. Isaiah 65:8-10 = Yes! What a relief!
Q. Is there a remnant of good people in Israel? A. Isaiah 65:9 = Yes.
Q. God spared them. What were they doing? A. Isaiah 65:9 = 1) They inherited the land
2) They served God there
3) They were made prosperous.
Q. What did they do while God was dealing with the sins of the masses? A. Isaiah 65:10 = They searched for God.
Note: Sometimes, all that is left to do is search for God. When you don't know what else to do, when all your ducks are in a row, all the puzzle pieces are in place, search for God -- Keep your eyes up!
Q. What false gods in particular did the Israelites pursue? A. Isaiah 65:11 = The false gods, Fate and Destiny.
Note: We would recognize these gods as the spirits of Fate and Destiny -- actual demonic spirits.
Q. Is it fair to punish evil people? A. Isaiah 65:12 = Yes. God actually calls evil people to repent and they refuse to. He speaks and they don't listen. They deliberately sin -- before God's very eyes -- and choose to do what they know God despises.
Q. Does God spare His obedient ones while punishing the rebels? A. Isaiah 65:13-15 = Yes. Simultaneously!
Q. What punishment comes to rebels? A. Isaiah 65:13-15 = 1) Starvation
2) Thirst
3) Sadness
4) Sorrow and despair
5) A curse in name.
Q. What reward comes to the godly? A. Isaiah 65:13-15 = 1) Food
2) Drink
3) Rejoicing
4) Singing for joy
5) A new name
6) Speaking blessings in the name of the God of Truth.
Q. Does the time of punishment end? A. Isaiah 65:16 = Yes. God sets aside His anger and forgets the evil.
Note: Punishment does not cure and make good people out of those who still rebel against God. Rather, God forgets and sets aside His anger. It is His choice to do so.
Q. What do we have to look forward to? A. Isaiah 65:17 = A new heaven and earth.
Q. Are the new heaven and earth made out of this same heaven and earth we know? A. Isaiah 65:17 = No! These are new, specifically mentioned in comparison to our familiar ones.
Q. Will the new heaven and earth be similar? A. Isaiah 65:18 = Yes, but perfect, without most of the effects of Adam's sin on the planet.
Q. How? A. Isaiah 65:18- = 1) The new Jerusalem will be a place of happiness
2) The people will be a source of joy
3) God will rejoice in it and delight in His people
4) No crying anywhere
5) No babies dying
6) No young people will die
7) No one will get old at age 100 -- only sinners will die that young!
8) People will live in houses they built
9) They will eat fruit they planted
10) People will live as long as trees and have time to enjoy their hard-earned gains
11) Their work will be blessed by God
12) Children will be blessed by the Lord
13) God will answer prayers even before they're asked
14) Animals will be tame
15) No one will be hurt or destroyed in Jerusalem.
Note: There are still sinners here in this passage, so this isn't the final chapter of man. This is the Millennial Age -- The 1000 year period of Jesus' rule on earth. Jesus will rule, yet people will sin. They will still choose their own thoughts and evils, which are all false and unable to deliver. Do you still doubt original sin? Even with the richest of life's blessings with God's presence on the throne of Jerusalem, people are bent to sin. They don't want God. So they'll be without Him forever. They'll see how nature is now so peaceful, see God provide magnificently, miraculously, the whole of Jerusalem a huge blessing to all. Yet, even living a hundred years, they won't want Him. No faith required! Eyes will see. These ones don't love God. It is their choice. But to be apart from God forever means that all life and light will one day be held from them, too.
Q. What will happen to my rebellious relatives who hate me for being loyal to God? A. Isaiah 66:5 = God will put them to shame.
Q. What other events will come to pass during the Millennium Age? A. Sin will run itself out.
Q. So Jerusalem will be a blessing. What about rampant sin? A. Isaiah 66:15 = The Lord will punish sin, coming on his chariots of fire and punishing the world with fire and His sword; many will be killed by the Lord.
Q. And idol worshipers of Israel? A. Isaiah 66:7 = They'll come to a terrible end.
Q. What about those in the world who love God? A. Isaiah 66:18 = The Lord will gather them together to see His glory and hHis sign. Some will be appointed to :
1) Declare God's glory to the rest of the nations
2) Gather the Israelites and remnants of belivers back to Jerusalem
3) Be priests and Levites for God.
Q. Will people finally understand that God is their Creator and no one else is God? A. Isaiah 66:22-24 = One way or the other! God provides a new heaven and earth; His enemies are those who hate Him, but know exactly who God is, their Creator. God crushes them in the end. All humanity will go to Jerusalem to worship God, coming and going all the time, passing by the dead bodies of rebels, who are being eaten by worms that never die. Those bodies are on fire; in a fire that will never die. A horrifying sight that all who pass by on the way to see the Lord will witness for themselves..
Note: Eternal punishment does exist. God will call and call and call, and then one day, not call anymore. The rewards of accepting God as one's All are so wonderful and beyond comprehension. To be a child of God and live in His presence daily is so rewarding! Pardon my expression, but living in God's presence is like our being the two parts of a closed zipper. We're a puzzle that fits exactly -- because of Jesus' work on the Cross. "Do you want this?" God asks. "Yes," I reply.
And I'm in.
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