Jeremiah 1 - 26 Questions and Answers
Q. When was the Book of Jeremiah written? A. Jeremiah 1:1 = 627 BC - 525 BC.
Q. Was Jeremiah a priest? A. Jeremiah 1:1 = Yes.
Q. From what tribe? A. Jeremiah 1:1 = Benjamin (like David).
Q. Who was king when Jeremiah was alive? A. Jeremiah 1:2-3 = Josiah reigned in Judah, then his son Jehoiakim reigned, then his son Zedekiah reigned.
Q. How long did Zedekiah reign in Judah? A. Jeremiah 1:3 = Eleven years; untilthe people of Jerusalem were taken captive.
Q. How early was Jeremiah called to prophetic speaking? A. Jeremiah 1:5-6 = Since before he was conceived.
Q. Who forms us in our mothers' wombs? A. Jeremiah 1:5 = God does.
Q. God knows us before we are conceived? A. Jeremiah 1:5 = Yes.
Q. What do young prophets have to deal with? A. Jeremiah 1:6 = Feeling inadequate because of their youth.
Note: This goes for all youth! It is natural to feel scared to go forward in life. But you will get used to it. As God told young Jeremiah when he belittled himself, "Don't say that!" Don't say negative things about your abilities. Don't say, "I can't!" Instead, go, do, obey God, and trust in His ability to take care of you.
Q. If I'm afraid and God says, "Don't be," I should just stop being afraid and trust Him? A. Jeremiah 1:8 = Yes. Choosing to be brave is pure choice.
Note: Trust in God. This means LET GO, no fear, no intimidation, know that God is holding you up at all times. When you are brave and fearless, God is holding you up at that time too. When Peter walked on the water, God was holding him up. God is always withus. The rollercoaster called life is always going -- God holds the rollercoaster! Knowing this is ultimate trust -- ultimate faith.
Q. What basic things are people afraid of? A. Jeremiah 1:6-8 = 1) That they nave nothing to contribute
2) People are afraid of their God-sent mission to fulfill on earth
3) That other people will mock or hurt them for expressing the truth
4) That they're alone in the world.
Q.What is actually true about these things? A. Jeremiah 1:7 = 1) The mission awaits and they must go
2) They must speak for God
3) God is always with us to protect and provide for us.
Q. Why will I succeed in my mission? A. Jeremiah 1:9 = The words are God's and He put them in my mouth to declare.
Q. What was Jeremiah's mission? A. Jeremiah 1:10 = 1) To stand up against nations and kingdoms
2) To uproot some and tear them down
3) To destroy certain nations
4) While building others up and planting them too.
Note: Words are powerful. They bring life and death. Perhaps this is why Christians are misunderstood. We hate bad things that hate God. We love good things that speak of God's love. We can destroy powerfully with words of truth, yet turn around and build beautifully with other words of truth. It is God's way.
Q. What are almonds a sign of? A. Jeremiah 1:11 = That God is watching and will carry out His threats of punishment.
Q. What did Jeremiah need to tell Israel? A. Jeremiah 1:15-16 = That judgment is near and it will be terrible.
Q. Why? A. Jeremiah 1:16 = Idol worship was widespread. Ignoring God is not an option!
Q. If we are timid in speaking for God, what happens? A. Jeremiah 1:17 = God makes us look foolish in front of sinners.
Q. Was Jeremiah protected from every possible danger? A. Jeremiah 1:18-19 = Yes. He was immune from every attack.
Q. Would they stop trying to kill him? A. Jeremiah 1:19 = No. They always failed though. He was under God's protection.
Q. What kind of believers were the Jews long before this time? A. Jeremiah 2:2 = 1) Eager to please God
2) Following Him even through the wilderness
3) Holy.
Note: Always be eager to please God. It is an attitude, based on the knowledge of this wonderful, saving God and Father, who loves you very much. If God led you to an uncomfortable place, would you willingly go? It must have delighted God very much to see the Israelites follow Him into the unknown, barren wastelands. I think God does that to see if we would still follow Him instead of settling for the familiar, insufficient stuff of this earth.
Q. What brings a nation to ruin? A. Jeremiah 2:8 = 1) Priests or ministers who stop praying
2) Judges who ignore God
3) Rulers who turn against God
4) False prophets who waste their time on nonsense.
Q. What irony is true of believers who forsake glorious God for other gods? A. Jeremiah 2:10-11 = Not even pagan nations switch their false gods, which are all nothing. Yet believers do.
Note: Those who have tasted heaven, drank deeply of its life, yet forsake it, are just plain rebellious, "exchanging the truth for a lie."
Q. How does creation react to such a thing? A. Jeremiah 2:12 = With shock and dismay, shrinking back in horror at this evil.
Q. What is God in comparison to idols? A. Jeremiah 2:13 = God is the fountain of living water. Idols are cracked cisterns that can hold no water at all -- man made.
Q. Who destroyed Israel in the north? A. Jeremiah 2:16 = The Egyptians.
Q. What did God want for Israel? A. Jeremiah 2:17 = To lead them and show them the way.
Q. What did Israel do to find themselves trouble? A. Jeremiah 2:18 = They disobeyed God, who told them never to ally themselves to anyone. They allied themselves to Egypt, who destroyed them.
Note: In everything, ally yourself to other believers. No matter how good it looks, how good potential success is, the non-believers will destroy whatever you build together. It is inevitable.
Q. If I do ally myself to a non-believer, what am I revealing about myself? A. Jeremiah 2:19 = That I don't fear God. That I think I know better than God.
Q. What did the Israelites have to remember that was so basic about God? A. Jeremiah 2:20 = God saved them from slavery before they even knew Him.
Q. What dilemma did God present about Israel? A. Jeremiah 2:21-22 = Even chosen by God so carefully, so perfect in the choice of vine, corruption filtered through in the worst kind of sin -- idolatry. They were so guilty that they were beyond remedy.
Q. People -- the human race -- were created to be a race of God-companions --friends. What does man want? A. Isaiah 2:23-25 = Everything else but God -- and with a passion!
Q. When is the only time a thief feels shame? A. Jeremiah 2:26 = When he gets caught.
Q. What comparison does the Lord make about Israel? A. Isaiah 2:26-27 = The failed relationships between parent and child and between adult and God.
Q. How are they alike? A. Isaiah 2:30= In both cases, the adults lose their children. God couldn't reach children of sinning parents who wouldn't repent. How can we expect our kids to obey God when we reject God's messengers?
Note: Unity is so important! I may not understand how a particular minister works but I have to support him in front of my children, or they will think all ministers fall under this one call of judgment I make. Stay focused. It is most important that our children learn to honor differing Christian ministers, who are really much alike at heart.
Q. What sins deserves severe punishment? A. Isaiah 2:35 = 1) Denial of sin.
2) Self-justification in treating the poor badly.
Q. What did Israel fail to do that would have prevented their captivity? A. Jeremiah 2:36-37 = They didn't call on God. They called on everyone else but God.
Note: We have to remember to call on God when we're in trouble. If we would just remember to include God in everything, how could we ever forget Him in trouble?
Q. What is amazing about God's love for His people? A. Jeremiah 3:1 = Even if they stray to the ends of the earth after other gods, God still calls them back to Himself.
Note: It is never too late to turn back to God!
Q. What did the Jews take for granted? A. Jeremiah 3:4 = Taht God would always protect them, even while they were in the act of the most heinous of sins.
Q. Why did God let Israel go after false gods? A. Jeremiah 3:7 = Because He thought they'd finally realizxe how foolish idol worship was and turn back to Him.
Q. Did Judah have an edge over Israel? A. Jeremiah 3:7-8 = Yes. Judah saw Israel in the north go into captivity and might have taken heed not to make the same mistake they did. But Judah didn't take heed.
Q. What did Judah learn from Israel? A. Jeremiah 3:10 = Judah pretended to be sorry, but never fully returned in repentance.
Note: Don't pretend repentance. If you are truly sorry, you will make it right. Put your money where your mouth is. Be real before God!
Q. Did God consider Judah more treacherous than Israel? A. Jeremiah 3:11 = Yes. (God hates pretenders!)
Q. God only wants our honesty about our sins, doesn't He? A. Jeremiah 3:12-13 = Yes.
Q. How does God describe the relationship between the Israeli nation and Himself? A. Jeremiah 3:14 = God is Israel's husband. Israel is a nation of wayward children.
Q. What did God promise Israel for their future? A. Jeremiah 3:15 = They would have leaders after God's own heart, who would guide them with knowledge and understanding.
Note: This verse is quoted in Acts 20:28. This prophsy is fulfilled in the New Testament apostles.
Q. At this future time, will the people long for the good old days of the Ark? A. Jeremiah 3:16 = No. It won't even be thought of.
Q. Why? A. Jeremiah 3:17 = Jerusalem will be known as the throne of the Lord at that time.
Note: Christians familiar with prophesy have come to know this time as the New Millennium period of a thousand years' reign with Jesus on the throne.
Q. Will the nation of Israel ever unite again? A. Jeremiah 3:18 = Yes. At this millennial time, they'll return to Jerusalem together.
Q. How does one stop sinning? A. Jeremiah 3:22 = 1) Repentance
2) God heals the wayward heart.
Q. What is idol worship, in essence? A. Jeremiah 3:24 = A delusion. A waste of time.
Q. Is it possible to be so deluded that you could make major sacrifices, betting everything you have on the lie? A. Jeremiah 3:24 = Yes. Israel bought the delusin, sacrificing possessions and children to the lie. They murdered their kids for the lie!
Note: I wonder about utter stupidity. Who has told man that to have a relationship with God, he must buy it with everything dear to him? How opposite of that is God! Sin had to be taken care of -- Jesus did as He planned before time began -- and He took care of it. Jewish law pointed to the cross of Christ in those early sacrifices, which were a type of the one final sacrifice for all sin. Idol worship and its demands look similar, yet insult God, breaking His laws and remaking them to suit -- but who? The only answer is to suit Satan, who demands what God first demanded -- animal sacrifice. Worship. Then Satan really altered our pure God's ways -- adding the murder of the most precious ones in our lives. It all is so enticing to man, who wants to see and touch God now. But we go to God on His terms; they are easy terms, not hard. God's plan is fully carried out thus far -- without our help -- and we need only to repent and do right. So accept God's plan, His Handbook to Himself (the Bible), love Him, and call Him "Father." Isn't salvation a marvelous phenomenon?
Q. Will this finally happen? A. Jeremiah 3:22-25 = Yes.
Q. What ultimate confession will Israel make? A. Jeremiah 3:25 = That they have always sinned against the Lord and have never obeyed Him.
Note: Which is the lesson! In our own strength, we fail.
Q. Is it possible to soften one's own hard heart? A. Jeremiah 4:3 = Yes. One can plow up his own heart and cleanse his mind and heart before the Lord.
Note: One can choose right!
Q. Why does sin feel so good? A. Jeremiah 4:22 = It takes creativity to do wrong, which can feel nice. God's ways require no creativity to follow; just obedience.
Note: Look at Esau: He built a beautiful altar of fruits and veggies to God. How pleased Esau was with it! How good it made him feel! But it wasn't waht God required. You can't get near God without blood -- ultimately, Jesus' blood. Blood is required. Blood and Jesus' ultimate death caused the Temple's veil to tear from top to bottom, making it possible for all men to approach the throne of God. Blood made a permanent path to God. The law of Moses wasn't a game where God made up random rules. Rather, it was the map to the throne of God. Esau drew his own map -- how ludicrous!
Q. How does God want us to be? A. Jeremiah 5:24 = True to Him from the heart.
Q. How? A. Jeremiah 5:24-25 = In awe of God
2) Thankful for His provision of rains
3) To know we are blessed by Him and only Him.
Q. Are the old godly ways something to look for? A. Jeremiah 6:16 = Yes.
Q. What is there to find? A. Jeremiah 6:16 = Rest for our souls.
Q. Did God plan to obscure His path to the Israelites? A. Jeremiah 6:21 = Yes. God would put obstacles in their path to trip over.
Note: And, boy, did He!
1) God gave Israel Messiah -- who would be a blood sacrifice and a king
2) ending the need of priests and the Temple
3) being the ultimate Priest Himself
4) a priest bringing in the Gentiles for equal access to God
5) and raising Jesus from the dead.
6) the Communion rite -- drinking Messiah's blood symbolically by drinking wine -- eating Messiah's body symbolically by eating bread.
7) Not to mention the baptism of the Holy Spirit and so many fiery evangelists doing miracles and spreading the Word of Messiah's coming to the world. What a history since that time has there been! What is true? What is untrue? Truth is obscured to all but true seekers of God, whether they be gentile or Jew.
Q. What great sin did Judah commit? A. Jeremiah 7:31 = They sacrificed their little sons and daughters in the fire to the pagan god Topheth.
Q. What does God call human sacrifice? A. Jeremiah 7:31 = A horrible deed.
Q. And people could commit such atrocities and be joyful too? A. Jeremiah 7:34 = Yes. Singing, laughing, marrying, in spite of themselves.
Note: One doesn't have to be suicidal to be totally wrong in his beliefs.
Q. What is true about God? A. Jeremiah 9:24 = God wants us to truly know and understand God, who is just and righteous, whose love is unfailing, and to know that He delights in our knowing Him, understanding Him, and knowing that He is in fact just and righteous.
Q. What is someone wo knows God in this way called? A. Jeremiah 9:25-26 = Circumcized in heart and spirit.
Q. What attitude should the believer adopt when around graven images and any kind of idol? A. Jeremiah 10:5 = "Don't be afraid of such gods, for they can neither harm you, nor do you any good."
Q. Where is one place of god's power? A. Jeremiah 10:6 = In God's name -- it is full of power!
Note: This is why we pray 'in Jesus' name.' If we could just grasp a nano-thought of this truth, we'd be healing this earth in God's name -- and it would be done. Pray every change you get -- for every kind of predicament a needy person who crosses your path may have. Your faith in God is enough to move his mountains! God wants to save people-- for them to see a miracle happen just for them, to display His love. What opportunities are you passing up today? God is waiting to work through you!
Q. Why do you suppose Satan wants to be king of the earth? A. Jeremiah 10:7 = Because that title belongs to God alone. Among all the wise people of the earth and in all the kingdoms of the world, there is no one like God.
Q. What kind of people worship idols? A. Jeremiah 10:8 = "The wisest of people who worship idols are stupid and foolish."
Q. Why is idol worship stupid and foolish? A. Jeremiah 10:8-11 = 1) Idols are made of wood
2) and metals fashioned by skilled craftsmen
3) with clothes fashioned by expert tailors
4) They will vanish from the face of the earth.
Q. Did God contrast Himself with these idols? A. Jeremiah 10:12-14 = Yes. 1) God displayed His power in making earth -- preserving it too
2) He made the heavens according to His vast understanding of how to do it
3) His voice is powerful like thunder
4) He controls the weather
5) lightning, rain, wind
6) making our petty knowledge insignificant in comparison.
Q. Why do people make idols? A. Jeremiah 10:14 = They suppose idols give life and power to them.
Q. What naturally are idols? A. Jeremiah 10:15 = Worthless. Lies.
Q. Who is behind everything that exists? A. Jeremiah 10:16 = God is. He created everything that exists.
Q. Do I have total control over my life? A. Jeremiah 10:25 = No. "I know, Lord, that a person's life is not his own. No one is able to plan his own course.
Note: To realize this -- and recall it -- is humility.
Q. Why hasn't God dealt with man's idol worship yet? A. Jeremiah 11:23 = Their time hasn't come yet.
Q. What did Israel and Judah do together? A. Jeremiah 11:23 = They all worshipped Baal.
Q. Did they openly declare their idol worship? A. Jeremiah 11:9 = Yes. They actually conspired against God to worship Baal.
Q. Shall we pray for idol worshippers? A. Jeremiah 11:14 = Yes. Until God tells us to stop praying for them.
Q. Is there such a thing as rejoicing in doing evil? A. Jeremiah 11:15 = Yes. The Israelites did immoral things and attended Temple too, rejoicing.
Q. Was Jeremiah naive in some things? A. Jeremiah 11:18-19 = Yes. When it came to the plots of evil that his own people conspired in order to kill him, Jeremiah was totally unaware.
Note: God wants us to be innocent in waht is evil. He will look out for us -- Shepherd to lamb (v.19).
Q. Is it right to ask God for vengeance? A. Jeremiah Jeremiah 11:20 = Yes. Ask God to let you see His vengeance.
Q. Is this only under certain circumstances? A. Jeremiah Jeremiah 11:20 = Yes. If someone comes after me because I speak God's Word, I can ask God to take vengeance against him.
Q. What will God do? A. Jeremiah 11:22-23 = 1)God will punish him
2) His friends will die in battle
3 )His little childen will starve
4) He will die when the time of his punishment comes.
Q. Why should I take my burdens to God? A. Jeremiah 12:1 = Because God will always give you justice when you bring a case before Him.
Note: I often wonder that the need for counselors and therapists stemmed from folks not crying out to God, who is The Counselor; instead, opting to stuff it deep inside to the point of sickness. But God knows what you feel, better than you do -- He was present, witnessing your trouble at the moment it was conceived, and will help you in your weakness. He is your friend!
Q. Why does evil run rampant? A. Jeremiah 12:7-8 = God abandons His beloved people to their enemies because they tell Him to go away.
Q. What assurance do we have about this? A. Jeremiah 12:15-16 = God will return after punishment. He'll restore us and let us have a chance to turn back to Him.
Q. Will all people turn to God? A. Jeremiah 12:17 = Maybe not -- but those who don't will be destroyed one day.
Q. How does God describe the relationship between Himself and the nation Israel? A. Jeremiah Jeremiah 13:1-11 = As made for each other. Israel is a fine linen belt tied around the waist of God.
Q. Did something change? A. Jeremiah 13:1-11 = Yes. Israel removed itself from God and clung to its pride in following its own desires and worshipping idols.
Q. What is the opposite of pride? A. Jeremiah 13:15-16 = Giving glory to God -- acknowledging Him as the source of all our riches -- of everything that is good.
Q.Was Jeremiah ever married? A. Jeremiah 16:2 = No. God told him not to marry.
Q. Why? A. Jeremiah 16:3-4 = Judgment day was near and all babies would die of terrible diseases.
Q. What's wrong with humanism? A. Jeremiah 17:5 = It curses those who put their trust in it.
Q. Why? A. Jeremiah 17:5 = In order to believe in it, one must turn away from God.
Note: Humanism says that all men are basically good. God says that all men are conceived in sin. Men make up their own beliefs, consciously or not, declaring the exact opposite of God's Word of truth.
Q. What does humanism lack? A. Jeremiah 17:6 = Hope for the future.
Q. What is the believer's hope? A. Jeremiah 17:7 = The Lord God Himself.
Q. Is there strength in hope? A. Jeremiah 17:7-8 = Yes. Like trees planted by a river, causing their roots to go deep, unworried by heat and drought. They function well, bearing fruit, even in the turnmoil surrounding them.
Note: Hope springs eternal? If your life is marked by worry and trial, consider whether you really understand hope. None of this stuff in life matters. Only hope in God will last. Keep your eyes up. Bathe in the Word and stay moist! Deepen those roots; stay close to the river.
Q. Why is humanistic belief in the goodness of man wrong? A. Jeremiah 17:9 = "The human heart is most deceitful and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?"
Q. Are we blind to the deceitfulness of our hearts? A. Jeremiah 17:9 = Yes.
Q. Then what hope have we before a Holy God? A. Jeremiah 17:10 = God knows and understands how foolish our hearts are -- and loves us anyway.
Note: It's not the wickedness of hearts that are our doom, but our unwillingness to acknowledge them as such -- and repent.
Q. If I do good with a terible motive, will that deed be acknowledged? A. Jeremiah 17:10 = No. Only the intent of my heart is considered.
Note: If you give five dollars a month to feed the poor, but it is a 'guilt' offering because you refuse to actually do the work, your money is useless. God expects us to do the mission -- with compassion and enthusiasm -- and be involved with the poor. In return, we get the fruit of it; joy and maturity, as we see God work in these precious lives. Our motives for doing the mission is what ultimately counts.
Q. Will God take a man's wealth away if he got it unjustly? A. Jeremiah 17:11 = Yes -- and that man will be a poor old fool!
Q. What is out there for unbelievers? A. Jeremiah 17:12-13 = A dry and dusty grove -- disgrace and shame. There is no living water outside of God's presence. There is no option of life elsewhere.
Q. Who grants healing? A. Jeremiah 17:14 = Only God does.
Q. Who saves? A. Jeremiah 17:14 = Only God does.
Q. How do I handle such truth? A. Jeremiah 17:14 = Praise God for it -- praise God only!
Q. What is the mark of a true shepherd of God? A. Jeremiah 17:16-17 = 1) He doesn't abandon the job
2) A true shepherd works with God's people
3) A true shepherd speaks only God's message and not his own.
Note: It is tempting to use the pulpit to try to explain various aspects of living from the standpoint of psychology or experience. Only God's Word is living -- throwing bright light on all aspects of life. It awakens the conscience and teaches the truth, bringing to that light hidden agendas and sin. It is simple -- and will grow up your congregation faster than any form of humanistic, persuasive cajoling. God's Word is alive and will affect change. Have faith in God to perform His Word!
4) Before a true shepherd would even think to abandon teaching his flock the Word when under fire by hell, he would ask God to protect him and to deal with his enemies.
Note: A good shepherd is not a people-pleaser!
Q. Why should we be careful not to openly reject God's Word when it is expounded upon by a preacher? A. Jeremiah 17:18 = The preacher may call double destruction on you, if you try to cause him harm.
Q. Why does God send prophets to warn? A. Jeremiah 17:21 = To save us.
Q. What does God think of those who work on Sunday? A. Jeremiah 17:21 = They are wrong to do it. Sunday is a holy day.
Q. Is there reward for resting on Sunday? A. Jeremiah 17:21-25 =Yes. A nation that will never end.
Note 1: Note that individuals are asked not to work on Sunday. God asked every person, every citizen of Israel to honor the request. It is written in the Law.
Note 2: Working on Sunday shows blatant disrespect for God. One day a week belongs to God. As a bonus, you'll experience greater health and well-being because you rest.
Q. Does God change His plans sometimes? A. Jeremiah 18:7-10 = Yes.
Q. Why? A. Jeremiah 18:7-10 = When we break promises to follow God, He stops blessing us. When we are already in deep sin, but repent, God blesses us.
Q. How does God describe Israel's bad treatment of God in their lives and history? A. Jeremiah 18:13 = As too terrible to understand.
Q. What is the walk of good like? A. Jeremiah 18:15 = Ancient highways of good.
Note: Wide, smoothe paths, easy to see and simple to walk.
Q. What is a life of sin like? A. Jeremiah 18:15 = Muddy paths.
Note 1: Hard to walk and much narrower.
Note 2: The one who chooses his own way walks a very narrow and hard path. His thinking draws no friends to himself, for those he might attract are busy following their own narrow paths. Christianity is like a big bandwagon on a smoothe highway. We have many friends who think the same way -- subjecting ourselves to God's Words in the Bible and causing unity and peace to happen. Yet we are individuals, leading lives of diversity and dedicating it all to God and His leading. What peace we have!
Q. What will hapen to those who reject God? A. Jeremiah 18:16= Their land will be a desolate monument to their stupidity.
Q. This is what happened to Israel, isn't it? A. Jeremiah 18:17 = Yes.
Note: God doesn't use the word 'stupidity' lightly. It is reserved for people who have seen the miracles, the blessings, and the punishment, and still turn against Him.
Q. How does God sometimes confirm the prophets' words are in fact His own? A. Jeremiah 19:3 = As in this case, all who heard them experienced a ringing in their ears.
Q. What were the people of Israel doing to warrant such powerful words? A. Jeremiah 19:4 = Sacrificing their sons on altars to Baal.
Q. How did invading armies take Judah? A. Jeremiah 19:7 = God let them.
Q. How bad was the devastation? A. Jeremiah 19:9 = They ate each other for food during the siege.
Q. Did Jeremiah get arrested for speaking these prophesies? A. Jeremiah 20:12 = Yes. Passhur, a priest inthe Temple, arrested Jeremiah, had him whipped and put in stocks at the Benjamin Gate of the Lord's Temple.
Q. How long was Jeremiah in stocks? A. Jeremiah 20:3 = One day overnight.
Q. What resulted? A. Jeremiah 20:3-6 = Passhur's doom.
Q. What lies did Passhur tell people? A. Jeremiah 20:6 = That [in spite of Jeremiah's words] everything would be all right.
Q. What became of Passhur? A. Jeremiah 20:3-6 = 1) The Lord changed his name to 'The Man Who Lives In Terror'
2) He would watch all his friends die by the sword of the enemy
3) The Israelites would be taken captive to Babylon or killed
4) He and his family were taken captive to Babylon, and long with all his friends who believed his lies, died there.
Note: A false teacher is dangerous. If you buy his lie, you'll go down with him!
Q. How do we start to follow God? A. Jeremiah 20:7 = We allow ourselves to be pursuaded by God.
Q. If the words we speak for God are powerful enough, what results? A. Jeremiah 20:8 = A violent outburst!
Q. What if I feel embarrassed and try to hold it in? A. Jeremiah 20:9 = God's words burn in my hert like a fire - a fire in my bones!
Q. What will strengthen me to say those words? A. Jeremiah 20:11 = Knowing that the Lord stands beside me like a great warrior. Before Him, my enemies will stumble.
Q. Did Jeremiah tire of being right in a wrong world? A. Jeremiah 20:14-18 = Yes.
Q. What did God tell Israel in preparation for their inevitable siege? A. Jeremiah 21:8-9 = To surrender and live in captivity, or to stay and die under siege.
Note: God always provides a way of escape!
Q. How could the kings of Judah redeem themselves? A. Jeremiah 21:12 = 1) Execute justice to the people they judged
2) Help those who were robbed by rescuing them from their oppressors
3) Do what is right.
Q. Why did God bless Josiah's reign? A. Jeremiah 22:15 = Because he was just and right in all his dealings.
Q. Was his son a good king? A. Jeremiah 22:13 = No. 1) Jehoiakim built himself a palace with forced labor
2) v.17 = He murdered the innocent
3) He oppressed the poor
4) He reigned ruthlessly.
Q. Was he buried honorably? A. Jeremiah 22:19 = No.
Q. When a child rebels, does he know what he is doing? A. Jeremiah 22:21 = Yes. Sometimes he won't repent at all.
Q. When one builds wealth on the backs of poor people, what results? A. Jeremiah 22:13 = 1) Injustice is built into his walls
2) Oppressin is built into its doorframes and ceilings.
Note: A lasting impact on your portfolio! It can only lead to your destruction (v.23).
Q. Who does God hold responsible for Israel's fall? A. Jeremiah 23:1-2 = His shepherds.
Q. What is a bad shepherd like? A. Jeremiah 23:2 = He deserts his flock, bringing them to destruction.
Q. So Israel was scattered by God? A. Jeremiah 23:3 = Yes.
Q. When would they be gathered up again? A. Jeremiah 23:5 = God would raise up a righteous Branch on king David's throne -- a king who rules with wisdom, doing what is right throughout the land.
Q. Who is it? A. Jeremiah 23:6 = "The Lord is Our Righteousness."
Q. What will He do? A. Jeremiah 23:3-4 = 1) Gather a remnant of Israel from wherever they are scattered
2) They will be fruitful and increase in number
3) Appoint responsible shepherds to care for the people, who will never be afraid again
4) Not a single one of them will be lost or missing.
Q. Is God omni-present (everywhere at once)? A. Jeremiah 23:23-24 = Yes.
Q. How can I discern whether or not a prophet is speaking from God? A. Jeremiah 23:36 = A true prophet does not turn upside down God's Words.
Q. Howdid God describe those He sent to Babylonia in exile? A. Jeremiah 24:4 = As good figs, cared for and eventually returned from capivity in Babylonia.
Q. Howdoes God describe the ones who stayed in Jerusalem in siege? A. Jeremiah 24:8 = As spoiled figs, too rotten to eat; doomed.
Q. How long was Judah in captivity in Babylon? A. Jeremiah 25:11 = 70 years.
Q. What happened to Babylon after that time? A. Jeremiah 25:14 = They became slaves to many nations, suffering in proportion to the suffering they caused the Israelites.
Note: They were ordered by God to take the Israelites captive, and to treat them well. They disobeyed God.
Q. Did Jeremiah travel much? A. Jeremiah 25:15 = Yes. God gave him His cup of anger for many nations to drink from.
Q. What resulted from drinking from this cup? A. Jeremiah 25:16 = They staggered, crazed by the warfare God would send against them.
Q. Where did Jeremiah take the cup? A. Jeremiah 25:18-26 = 1).Judah
2). Egypt
3). Uz
4). To the kings of the Philistine cities of Ashkelon, Gaza, Ekron and Ashdod
5). Then to Edom, Moab and Ammon
6). Tyre and Sidon
7). To the regions across the sea; Dedan, Tema, Buz
8). Also to the people of distant places
9). To Arabia to its nomadic tribes of the desert
10). To Zimri, Elam and Media
11). Also to the kings of the northern counties
12). And to all the kingdoms of the world.
Q. Where did Jeremiah go last of all? A. Jeremiah 25:26 = Babylon.
Q. What is the purpose of pronouncing doom? A. Jeremiah 26:3 = To get people to repent so that doom won't have to happen (cf. 18:7-8).
Q. Was Jeremiah the only prophet speaking truth at the time? A. Jeremiah 26:20 = No. Uriah, son of Shemaiah, prophesied the same things Jeremiah did.
Q. What happened to Uriah? A. Jeremiah 26:21 = Jehoiakim tried to have him assassinated, but he escaped to Egypt. The king sent men out to extradite him from there and killed him in Jerusalem, burying Uriah in an unmarked grave.
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