Jeremiah 27 - 52 Questions and Answers
Q. How did Babylon become a world power? A. Jeremiah 27:4-8 = God ordered the nations to submit to Babylon -- including Jerusalem.
Q. Would the nations live well under Babylon? A. Jeremiah 27:11 = They would be able to farm and live in their own lands if they obeyed God and submitted to Babylon.
Q. Did any prophet openly challenge Jeremiah's prophecies? A. Jeremiah 28:1-4 = Yes. The false prophet, Hananiah declared freedom from Babylon in 2 years from the onset of the siege. He even took the wooden yoke God had Jeremiah wear off him and broke it in the Temple.
Q. What resulted? A. Jeremiah 28:13 = The captivity was changed into slavery for all nations.
Q. Why? A. Jeremiah 28:15 = Because the people believed him.
Q. What became of Hananiah? A. Jeremiah 28:17 = He died 2 months later.
Q. Did Jeremiah stay in Jerusalem after the captivity? A. Jeremiah 29:1 = Yes.
Q. What was captivity like for the Israelites? A. Jeremiah 29:5 = 1) They built homes, planning to stay
2) Planted gardens
3) Ate the food they produced
4) Married, had children
5) Multiplied.
Q. How did they fit into Babylon socially? A. Jeremiah 28:7 = They followed God's instructions as follows:
1) They worked for the peace and prosperity of Babylon
2) They prayed to the Lord for that city where they were held captive, for if Babylon had peace, they would too.
Q. Did God allow false prophets and mediums to live in Babylon? A. Jeremiah 29:8 = Yes. But He warned the people not to believe their lies. The truth was before them -- 70 years of captivity would prevail and no less.
Q. Did God promise them total recovery? A. Jeremiah 29:10-14 = Yes.
Q. How did Zephaniah handle the false prophet, Shemaiah? A. Jeremiah 29:29 = He took the evidence to Jeremiah.
Note: Thisis the only way to stop a train wreck. Zephaniah and Jeremiah were tight friends. Shemaiah tried to enlist Zephaniah in a plot to kill Jeremiah, all piously planned. Zephaniah immediately took the letter to Jeremiah, who got clarification of the lie and doomed Shemaiah. God protects His own!
Q. Why did Jeremiah write down his experience with God and His people? A. Jeremiah 30:2 = God told him to.
Q. Why was this an important task? A. Jeremiah 30:3 = Because after judgment comes restoration -- God wanted them to know that He would love them through their punishment and to the end (cf. 30:11).
Note: Punishment is part of being a child. How much more a child of God! Don't faint because you suffer; rather, take it as evidence of God's love for you. Don't wait until you are old to repent! Just do it -- every day -- and begin each day like it was your first -- or last.
Q. Will God cause people to cry, fear and tremble at their enemies and their plight? A. Jeremiah 30:5-7 = No. The terror will cause it -- yet God will save them (cf. v.10).
Q. Is discipline necessary? A. Jeremiah 30:11 = Yes.
Q. Who heals the wounds of punishment? A. Jeremiah 30:15,17 = God does.
Q. Why do people sometimes reject God? A. Jeremiah 30:21 = Because only those invited to draw near to God dare pproach Him.
Note: God is by Invitation Only! Don't despair because your efforts in evangelism don't always bear fruit. Continue in it. God reveals to whomever He wishes, when He wishes. Your words, quoting the Scriptures, will not return void! You plant a tiny seed each time you share God with someone.
Q. Did God give a gospel for the world to proclaim at this time? A. Jeremiah 31:10-14 = Yes. The world was to proclaim that in regards to His people:
1) The Lord scattered His people
2) God will gather them again
3) And watch over them as a shepherd does his flock
4) The Lord has redeemed Israel from their enemies
5) They will come home
6) Sing songs of joy on the heights of Jerusalem
7) They will be radiant because of the many gifts the Lord has given them -- including good food and wine
8) Their life will be like a watered garden; all their sorrows gone
9) There will be celebrating
10) There will be no more sorrow
11) There will only be rejoicing
12) They will be satisfied.
Q. This message was for the world? A. Jeremiah 31:10 = Yes. As public as their punishment was, their restoration would be even more proclaimed tothe world.
Note 1: Punishment is necessary -- but restoration always comes afterward! God loves His children!
Note 2: Do you punish your children, then restore them? I hope so! You must forgive them their rebellious deeds or they will be lost in their shame. This is the time to act out forgiveness and restoration, or when they grow up, they won't know God's forgiveness and rstoration. The uniqueness of the believer is his conscious choice to practice forgiveness and restoration -- to all men -- whether or not he repents!
Q. What good is discipline? A. 31:18 = Discipline trains people to do right. Like a calf needs to be trained for the yoke and plow, discipline turns people back to God, whee He restores us.
Q. What does it mean to be sorry for one's sins? A. Jeremiah 31:19 = 1) Being thoroughly ashamed for doing them
2) Even kicking oneself for one's stupidity in do it!
Q. What endearing name does God call Israel? A. Jeremiah 31:20 = "My son, my darling child."
Q. What is the proper way to discipline my child? A. Jeremiah 31:20 = 1) Recognizing when it is necessary
2) All the while loving my child
3) Longing for him
4) Having mercy on him.
Q. What is another endearing name God has for Israel? A. Jeremiah 31:22 = "Wayward daughter."
Q. Does God want us to make reminders for ourselves of His ways? A. Jeremiah 31:21 = Yes. 1) Make road signs
2) Put up guideposts
3) Mark the path well by which we came.
Note 1: Don't take the Scriptures lightly! They are the roadmap to God. Even if we stray, we can find our way back to God by it.
Note 2: Do you have a prodigal child? If you have trained him, he will know how to return. It takes time and energy and focus to train a child. How you apply the lessons to your own life will make the biggest difference. What if God said one thing and did the opposite concerning our spiritual training? So practice what you preach. It is a choice you have to make, moment by moment!
Q. Why will God cause these events prophesied by Jeremiah to happen? A. Jeremiah 31:22 = They will cause Israel to embrace her God.
Note: In your practice of tending your children, are you mindful that the purpose of their training is that they would embrace God? Start fresh today!
Note 2: What an outline for the Christian in missions! Set up those road signs for the lost to see. Put up those guideposts so they can learn about God. Remove all stumbling blocks from your path so he won't stumble on your own weknesses to sin. Clear that path to god!
Q. Did God talk to Jeremiah while he was sleeping? A. Jeremiah 31:26 = Yes.
Q. Was the old covenant of the law still in effect at Jeremiah's time? A. Jeremiah 31:32 = Israel broke that covenant [but it stayed in effect until Jesus brought the new one].
Q. When did the new covenant take effect? A. When Jesus came (cf. Hebrews 8:8-12).
Q. Will God give up on Israel? A. Jeremiah 31:36 = Never!
Q. How can one be sure? A. Jeremiah 31:36 = God promised absolutely that Israel will always be His people.
Q. How did Jeremiah live at the time of this writing? A. Jeremiah 32:1-2 = It was the 18th year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign, and Jeremiah was imprisoned in the courtyard of the guard in the royal palace in Jerusalem.
Q. How did he earn that punishment? A. Jeremiah 32:3 = For prophesying about the takeover of Jerusalem, King Zedekiah imprisoned him.
Q. How did Jeremiah confirm a message was God-sent? A. Jeremiah 32:8 = It would be repeated by someone else.
Note: Is God trying to teach you something? Pay attention. Sometimes God's instructions are confirmed by other believers or events. Don't be afraid to ask God for confirmation.
Q. Where did people preseve important documents in Jeremiah's time? A. Jeremiah 32:14 = In pottery jars.
Q. Why is it important to take care of the poor? A. Jeremiah 32:18 = Their children suffer for the sins of their parents.
Note: At our food pantry, there are drug-dealing/using parents who spend the household money on their odious habits. God doesn't ask us to qualify them to feed them. Their children go hungry and so we focus on them. People don't always behave as parents, looking out for the welfare of their little ones. Some are not even aware that their kids haven't eaten in a while. Whatever trials parents go through, bitterness and loss included, we should all be looking out for the little ones.
Q. Did God perform miracles all around the world at this time? A. Jeremiah 32:20 = Yes.
Q. What resulted? A. 32:20 = God's name became great all over the world.
Q. Can a parent teach his child right from wrong and still have a rebellious child? A. Jeremiah 32:33 = Yes. [Doing right is a choice.]
Note: One must DO good, not just read about it.
Q. Are there many ways to view God? A. Jeremiah 32:39 = No. There is one true way that all God's people see Him.
Q. How is this possible? A. Jeremiah 32:39 = God gives His own a right, new heart and mind to see Him correctly.
Q. For what purpose? A. Jeremiah 32:39 = To worship God forever.
Q. Is this what we are meant for? A. Jeremiah 32:39 = Yes. It is for our good to worship God forever.
Q. Will our children want the same? A. Jeremiah 32:39 = Yes.
Note: Try to grasp this concept: We are born for the purpose of worship. Everybody worships something, right or wrong. We know this truth innately. No satisfaction will come until we put that object of worship -- The One True God -- at the center of our worship.
Q. How can worshipping God bring me fulfillment? A. Jeremiah 32:40 = Worshipping God comes with wonderful fulfillment and an everlasting covenant that:
1) God will never stop doing good for us
2) God will put a desire in our hearts to worship Him
3) We won't ever want to leave God
4) God will do it happily
5) God will restore us gladly.
Note: God's people have changed hearts and minds -- we love, first and foremost. Our desire for being godly burns within. We're not perfect, but we love lke no other can fathom.
Q. What kind of testimony does the world witness on behalf of God's love towards His people? A. Jeremiah 33:9 = They see God giving His people His best and tremble with awe.
Notew: When you live right, you shine a light from heaven on the world. Even God knows what it takes to win souls! Why should we expect any different?
Q. Who were the Recabites? A. Jeremiah 35:14 = A settlement family living in Jerusalem during the siege of Babylon.
Q. What distinguished them? A. Jeremiah 35:14 = They obeyed their ancestor, Jehonadab's rules of tribal behavior of no wine and living in tents.
Q. Did God appreciate these people? A. Jeremiah 35:18-19 = Yes.
Note: This is commune behavior. Like Mennonites and Quakers, if the goal of your life is living pure before God, it can't be all bad! Forethought is key in raising up godly children. What plan do you have to keep your descendants' eyes up?
Q. Did God ask Jeremiah to write down a second copy of the Scriptures? A. Jeremiah 36:2 = Yes. He had Baruch write down all the events from Josiah to Jehoiakin's times.
Q. Why? A. Jeremiah 36:3 = Hoping the people would repent when they saw their evil deeds in writing.
Q. Did they repent? A. Jeremiah 36:15-16 = Don't know. But the priests and Temple workers heard it and were frightened for both Jeremiah and Baruch's lives.
Q. Why? A. Jeremiah 36:24 = King Jehoiakim hated Jeremiah and had no fear of God or a drop of repentance in him.
Q. What did the king do? A. Jeremiah 36:23 = 1) He systematically burned the scroll
2) Ordered the arrests of Baruch and Jeremiah.
Q. Did it happen? A. Jeremiah 36:26 = No. They Lord hid them.
Q. What happened next? A. 26:28 = God ordered the scroll written again, adding judgment of certain death to Jehoiakim's entire family -- he would have no heirs.
Q. Then who would succeed him? A. Jeremiah 37:1 = His brother, Zedekiah.
Q. Who appointed Zedekiah as king? A. Jeremiah 37:1 = Nebuchadnezzar.
Q. Do sheer numbers ensure God's plans being carried out? A. Jeremiah 37:10 = No. God can carry out His will with only a handful of wounded survivors, staggering to do Hi will -- and it will be done perfectly.
Q. Did Jeremiah suffer at Zedekiah's hands? A. Jeremiah 38:5 = Yes. Zedekiah handed Jeremiah over to his family members, who put him in a cistern and didn't feed him for several days.
Q. Who protested and rescued Jeremiah from the cistern? A. Jeremiah 38:7 = Ebed-melech, an Ethiopian official of the palace -- an important man.
Q. Was Jeremiah set free? A. Jeremiah 38:13 = No. Jeremiah returned to the courtyard of the guard and remained a prisoner.
Q. Did Zedekiah let up on Jeremiah? A. Jeremiah 38:27 = Yes. He believed Jeremiah's prophesy at last, but kept him a prisoner.
Q. How long was Jeremiah imprisoned in the courtyard of the guard? A. Jeremiah 38:28 = Until the day Jerusalem was captured.
Q. When did Jerusalem fall? A. Jeremiah 39:2 = July 18, 586 B.C.
Q. Did Zedekiah try to escape? A. Jeremiah 39:4 = Yes. But he was caught.
Q. What did Nebuchadnezzar do with him? A. Jeremiah 39:6 = 1) He made Zedekiah watch all his sons die
2) All his nobles die
3) Gouged out his eyes
4) Bound him in chains
5) Exiled him to Babylon.
Q. Who was left in Jerusalem? A. Jeremiah 39:10 = A few of the poorest people -- to work the fields and vineyards.
Q. What became of Jeremiah? A. Jeremiah 39:11 = Nebuchadnezzar sent instructions to the captain of his army to be sure to treat Jeremiah well, to let him go home with Gedaliah. Jeremiah lived in Judah.
Q. What became of Ebed-melech, the Ethiopian? A. Jeremiah 39:16 = God rewarded him for trusting in Him.
Q. Did the Babylonians understand the full impact of the Israelites' punishment? A. Jeremiah 40:2-3 = Yes! They knew God was behind it all.
Q. Who would lead in Judah, now that the king had been dethroned? A. Jeremiah 40:7 = Gedaliah, an Israelite, was appointed governor over the poor people of Judah.
Q. Had some Israelites escaped previously to remote parts of Judah? A. Jeremiah 40:8 = Yes. There were guerrilla bands inthe countryside.
Q. Who lead them? A. 40:8 = 1) Johanan, son of Kareah
2) Jonathan, also a son of Kareah
3) Seraiah, son of Tanhumeth
4) The sons of Ephai
5) Jaazaniah, son of Maacathite.
Q. Did they want to move into the city after Babylon dethroned Zedekiah? A. Jeremiah 40:8 = Yes. They met with Gedaliah to confirm that it was okay to do so.
Q. What did the Israelites do in Judah? A. Jeremiah 40:10 = Harvest and store food.
Q. Whee else did Israelites emerge from at this time? A. Jeremiah 40:11 = Edom, Moab, Ammon, and other nearby countries. They fled previous to the captivity.
Q. Were the guerrillas friendly to the governor? A. Jeremiah 40:13-14 = Yes. Except for Ishmael. The others warned the governor of an assassination plot against him orchestrated by Ishmael.
Q. Did Gedaliah take warning? A. Jeremiah 40:14 = No.
Q. What did Johanan offer to do to protect the governor? A. Jeremiah 40:15 = Johanan volunteered to kill Ishmael secretly.
Q. Why? A. Jeremiah 40:15 = Johanan thought if Gedaliah was murdered, Babylon's wrath would kindle and they'd all be scattered again.
Q. What did Gedaliah think? A. Jeremiah 40:16 = Gedaliah called Johanan a liar.
Q. What happened? A. Jeremiah 41:2 = Ishmael was successful in assassinating Gedaliah.
Q. Who was Ishmael? A. Jeremiah 41:1 = Ishmael was a member of the defunked royal family.
Q. Who else did Ishmael and his guerrilla band kill? A. Jeremiah 41:3 = All the Judean oficials and Babylonian soldiers who were with Gedaliah at Mizpah.
Q. Did Ishmael want Judah's freedom? A. Jeremiah 41:10 = No. He murdered Israelites and took captives back to Amon from whence he came.
Q. Did he make it back? A. Jeremiah 41:11-15 = Yes. Johanan and the other guerrilla leaders pursued him, but Ishamel managed to escape with eight of his men, back to Ammon.
Q. Did Johanan and the bands of guerrillas return to Judah? A. Jeremiah 41:17 = No. They were afraid of Nebuchadnezzar and went home only to pack and escape into Egypt.
Q. Did they seek counsel before running away? A. Jeremiah 42:1-2 = Yes.
Note: It's never too late to seek counsel!
Q. Did God give Jeremiah a word for them? A. Jeremiah 42:7 = Yes. Ten days later.
Q. What did God say? A. Jeremiah 42:10 = Stay and He would protect them and be merciful to them.
Q. How? A. 42:12 = By making Nebuchadnezzar kind to them.
Note: I love God's mercy! Only He can change hearts and make them kind.
Q. What keeps men from believing God? A. Jeremiah 43:2 = Pride.
Q. How could they twist God's merciful words into a plot God made to to murder them? A. Jeremiah 42:21 = A history of disbelief.
Q. These guerrillas didn't believe god. What did they do? A. Jeremiah 43:4-7 = They took the entire Israeli remnant to Egypt with them. Only Jeremiah and Baruch believed God, but they stayed with the people and went to Egypt.
Q. What did God tell Jeremiah about this move? A. Jeremiah 43:10 = Babylon was going to destroy Egypt.
Q. How messed up was the thinking of these Israelites? A. Jeremiah 44:15-19 = 1) They worshippedidols introduced to them before captivity in Judah
2) Their husbands suported theirsin
3) They bindfed together in this sin, showing a united front before Jeremiah
4) Declaring a deaf ear to God's messages through Jeremiah
5) Declaring that they'd do whatever they wanted
6) Worshipping their idol, the queen of heaven
7) Declaring only this goddess gave them plenty to eat and riches too
8) That this goddess was actually angry at the ceasing of sacrifices, resulting in war and famine.
Q. What was the truth? A. Jeremiah 44:21-23 = Their trouble began as the result of their idolatry.
Q. What happened to these folks? A. Jeremiah 44:27 = They suffered war and famine until they were dead.
Q. Did all die? A. Jeremiah 44:28 = A remnant escaped and returned to Judah.
Q. What other prophecies did Jeremiah make? A. Jeremiah 46:1 = The coming destruction of foreign nations:
1) Egyptwould fall at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar
2) Gaza would fall at the hands of Egypt
3) Moab would fall.
Q. Why were the nations doomed? A. Jeremiah 46:25-27 = 1) Egypt was doomed for worshipping Amon
2) Gaza was doomed for its Philistines 3) Moab was doomed for trusting in their wealth and skills, as well as worshipping Chemosh and ridiculing Israel.
Note: People laugh at Christians in trouble. They focus on the sin and not onthe fact that they belong to God.
Q. Was Moab always a peaceful country up to this time? A. Jeremiah 48:11 = Yes.
Q. Yet they became smug? A. Jeremiah 48:29 = Yes. Boasting against the Lord (v.42).
Q. Will God restore Moab? A. Jeremiah 48:47 = Yes.
Q. Who else did Jeremiah prophesy against? A. Jeremiah 49:1 = Ammon.
Q. Will Ammon be restored? A. Jeremiah 49:6 = Yes.
Q. What idol did the Ammonites worship? A. Jeremiah 49:3 = Molech.
Q. What sin was Edom guilty of? A. Jeremiah 49:6 = They inspired fear in others and refused to take care of the poor (v.9).
Q. Who else did Jeremiah prophesy against? A. 49:23 = 1) Damascus
2) Keder
3) Hazor
4) Elam
5) Babylon.
Q. Who were Babylon's gods? A. Jeremiah 50:2 = Bel and Marduk.
Q. How would Babylon fall? A. Jeremiah 50:3 = A nation would attack her from the north.
Q. Would Babylon be restored? A. Jeremiah 50:3 = Never. It never has been!
Q. God's favor was on Babylon for nearly world conquest. They knew God made it possible. Why did they come under God's judgment? A. Jeremiah 50:2 = 1) They kept their idols anyway
2) v.7 = they attacked everyone freely when they were supposed to treat them well in captivity
3) v.17 = Nebuchadnezzar cracked their bones
4) v.24 = They fought against the Lord
5) they destroyed everything in Judah
6) they refused to let the Israelites go
7) They were madly in love with their idols
8) They desecrated the Temple.
Q. Who destroyed Babylon? A. Jeremiah 51:11 = the king of the Medes.
Q. What was Babylon like? A. Jeremiah 51:13 = 1) Rich in water
2) A great center of commerce.
Q. How does a great city fall? A. Jeremiah 51:13 = God cuts the thread of the city's life.
Q. How does it manifest? A. Jeremiah 51:14 = The enemies come like locusts and the city is taken.
Q. Is it enough to grasp that the earth was made by God's power? A. Jeremiah 51:15 = No. God also preserves it.
Q. How? A. Jeremiah 51:15 = By His wisdom.
Q. Are the skies and heavens a random act of God's power? A. Jeremiah 51:15 = No. They are organized by God's understanding.
Note: God's wisdom testifies to itself in everything made. Its preservation and natural maintenance is obvious and discoverable. Science is never satisfied!
Q. What are idols? A. Jeremiah 51:18 = 1) Worthless
2) Lies
3) Doomed for destruction.
Q. Is one God is responsible for all creation? A. Jeremiah 51:19 = Yes.
Q. Was Zedekiah a good king? A. Jeremiah 52:2 = No. He was evil.
Q. How long did Zedekiah hold out in Jerusalem after the siege? A. Jeremiah 52:5 = Two years.
Q. Why did the siege happen? A. Jeremiah 52:3 = Zedekiah rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar.
Q. How old was Zedekiah when he became king? A. Jeremiah 52:1 = 21 years old.
Q. How long did he reign in Jerusalem? A. Jeremiah 52:1 = Eleven years. He was taken to Babylon and died in prison.
Q. How many Isralites went into captivity? A. Jeremiah 52:28 = 4,600 Israelites went into captivity in Babylon.
Q. How did David's bloodline survive? A. Jeremiah 52:31 = The king who succeeded Nebuchadnezzar, Evil-merodach, was kind to Jehoiachin and released him from prison.
Q. Did he prefer Jehoiachin over the other exiled kings? A. Jeremiah 52:32 = Yes.
Q. How did he show it? A. Jeremiah 52:33 = He supplied Jehoiachin with new clothes and allowed him to dine at the king's table for the rest of his life.
Q. How did Jehoiachin support himself in Babylon? A. Jeremiah 52 = Evil-merodach gave Jehoiachin an allowance to cover all his living expenses until the day of his death.
Note: David's line lived on!
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