Joel 1 - 3 Questions and Answers
Q. When was the Book of Joel written? A. About 835 B.C.
Q. Who was Joel's contemporary? A. Possibly Obadiah.
Q. What is the Book of Joel about? A. Joel 1 = Future events, beginning with
1) The Lord leading an army of locusts that will cause plague and famine
2) Restoration after the plague
3) The coming of the Holy Spirit
4) The great and terrible day of the Lord
5) Enemy nations judged.
8) God's people blessed afterward.
Q. What is the locust plague like? A. Joel 2:3 = They are surrounded by fire, moving swiftly forward, leaping mountain tops, scaling city walls -- no weapon can stop them.
Q. And the weather during this time? A. Joel 2:10 = The earth quakes, the heavens tremble, the sun and moon grow dark, the stars no longer shine.
Q. How does this army advance? A. Joel 2:11 = The Lord leads it with a shout.
Q. Will anybody survive? A. 2:11 = No.
Q. Why tell us then? A. Joel 2:12 = So we will want to repent and be saved from that day.
Q. Is God eager to punish? A. Joel 2:13 = No way. God is gracious, merciful and filled with kindness.
Q. What does He want from us? A. Joel 2:13 = Torn hearts -- repentance.
Note: Don't be sorry without repentance. Our hearts need to be made new. We need to understand that only God can heal us. Judgment is coming for those who think not.
Q. God loves to bless anyone who repents and goes to Him? A. Joel 2:14 = Yes.
Q. Is a blessing of abundance a guarantee of salvation? A. Joel 2:14 = No. We are in a vulnerable place at the moment of our salvation. Whatever comes, it'll be worth it!
Q. Did the people gather to fast together at this time? A. Joel 2:15 = Yes.
Q. Who participated in the fast? A. Joel 2:16 = Everyone, including elders, children and babies; newlyweds and priests too.
Q. All these came for solemn meetings and fasting too? A. Joel 2:15-16 = Yes.
Q. How should we pray? A. Joel 2:17 = On behalf of all peoples, we stand between them and the altar, weeping. We pray that God would
1) Spare Israel and everyone else
2) That believers wouldn't become an object of mockery, or a terrible proverb of unbelieving people
3) That unbelivers wouldn't come to believe that God doesn't care for His own.
Note: If you can't keep God's Word for any other reason, keep it because of your testimony, which is the only window into heaven that unblievers have. They anxiously look on to see if God will help you! They are discouraged when they see us stumble. Have you inadvertently discouraged anyone lately?
Q. How does God respond to people who are mistaken about Him? A. Joel 2:18 = With pity for His people and indignance for the lack of honor of His land.
Q. Is this why Israel will be restored? A. Joel 2:23 = The expression of God's grace.
Q. What can we learn through God's locust army? A. The way they behave carries out their mission without interruption. I thought of a few things:
1) Christians emerged after the resurrection of Jesus at Pentecost (2:2-3)
2) They come with fire, which no one can deny (2:3)
3) They are the most unlikely folks (2:4)
4) Zealous for God (2:4-5)
5) Doing battle (for the souls of men).
6) Some people are scared to death of them; everyone is touched by them (2:6)
7) They are organized and focused; don't fight amongst themselves (2:28)
8) They each walk in the path God has set for them (2:28)
9) No weapon of Hell can stop them (2:28)
10) They take the gospel to een dangerous places (2:9)
11) Moiracles happen whever they go (2:10)
12) The Lord leads them with a shout (2:11)
13) They follow His orders (2:11)
14) They are God's army (2:11).
Note: In God's army of believers, we march in love and power and humility too. We know what's coming and want everyone to have a clear choice to accept or reject their God.
Q. Will God restore the land after the locusts? A. Joel 2:25 = Yes.
Q. Why will this happen? A. Joel 2:27 = That Israel might know that their God lives, ruins and restores.
Note: Don't feel too sorry for folks suddenly laid destitute. God is revealing Himself to them! He calls poor folks. This is why food ministry is so vital through churches. God is closest to the poor. We, His people, help them to see God in it.
Q. What was prophesied to happen after all was restored after the locusts? A. Joel 2:28 = The Holy Spirit would be poured out upon all people.
Note: It happened at Pentecost!
Q. What happens when the Holy Spirit is poured out? A. Joel 2:28 = Prophesying and dreams come to all God's people.
Q. What will people witness that will finally convince them? A. Joel 2:31-32 = Wonders in the heavens and on earth -- blood and fire and pillars of smoke, the sun going dark and the moon turning bloodred.
Q. Will they know what to do? A. Joel 2:32 = Yes. They'll know to call out to God for help.
Note: Evangelize everyone you know and they will recall your words in their time of need. Hopefully, they won't wait until the 11th hour!
Q. Do some folks think they can take revenge on God? A. Joel 3:4 = Yes.
Q. What does God think about that? A. Joel 3:4 = God warns people not to even think about it. He will strike them down quickly. He will pay them back for mistreating His people too.
Q. What will judgment day be like? A. Joel 3:9 = 1) Nations will get ready for war and gather together in the valley of Jehoshaphat
2) The Lord will be there. He will sit and pronounce judgment on them all.
Q. What else is place of judgment called? A. Joel 3:14 = The valley of decision.
Q. What precedes the Lord's appearance there? A. Joel 3:15 = 1) The sun and moon will grow dark; the stars will no longer shine
2) The Lord will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem
3) The earth and heavens will begin to shake
4) To God's people, it will be a day of rejoicing.
Q. What is so special about the location of God's Temple? A. Joel 3:18 = A fountain will burst forth from the Temple, watering the arid valley of acacias.
Q. What will become of Edom and Egypt? A. Joel 3:19 = Egypt will become a wasteland; Edom a wilderness.
Q. Why? A. Joel 3:19 = Because they attacked Judah and killed her innocent people.
Q. Will Jesus live on earth one day? A. Joel 3:21 = Yes. After this judgment day.
Note: Joel spoke of the Holy Spirit being poured out. Peter quoted this verse in the Book of Acts 2:17-21; confirming its fulfillment in Acts 2:33. We are living in an awesome time. God baffles me, as He will only reveal Himself so much as we want to see Him. Stare intently at the Son of God, this Jesus, Brother, Lord, Messiah, Savior, and be convicted of the truth -- God is zealous for your participation in demonstrating His power, love, miracles, healing through your life. It's already there on the path God has assigned you! If you want more of God, let Him in!
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