John 11 – 21 Questions and Answers
Q. Who poured expensive perfume on the Lord's feet and then wiped His feet with her hair? A. John 11:2 = Mary, sister of Martha and Lazarus.
Q. Who was Lazarus? A. John 11:3 = The one whom Jesus loved.
Note: Wouldn't you like to be known as the one whom Jesus loved? We have no idea what relationship Jesus had with Lazarus, but just think about what it takes to be that close to Jesus. Such a good friend was he!
Q. Why did Lazarus get sick? A. John 11:4 = For the glory of God.
Q. How so? A. John 11:15 = 1) What Jesus would do would give His disciples another opportunity to believe in Him:
2) v.40 = through seeing God's glory at work
3) v.44 = when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead
4) v.45 = and believe in Jesus.
Q. So when a miracle happens, it gives God glory? A. John 11:40 = Yes.
Q. Who gets to see miracles? A. John 11:10 = Those who believe God does the impossible.
Q. What happens to those who witness miracles without believing? A. John 11:46 =They completely miss the miracle, or else they use it against the healer.
Q. People will actually kill a healer for being God's vessel for performing a miracle? A. John 11:47–50 = Yes.
Note: We always expect more respect after doing something great for God. But that is the point where the devil is allowed to manipulate the unbeliever, which is always for our testing. Will wed shrink or will we exalt God in testing? More people get saved after the aftershock of a miracle. All the apostles were martyred and the church blossomed.
Q. What does it take to be capable of believing a miracle when it happens right before a person's eyes? A. John 11:45 = Accepting that it is a good thing sent from God.
Note: Not explaining it away! It is human nature to look for natural causes for what your eyes have beheld. I'd rather keep my eyes up and praise God for it than waste my time looking for a new reason to doubt God.
Q. Jesus received glory, too, when He raised Lazarus from the dead? A. John 11:4 = Yes.
Q. What obstacles did the disciples find to keep Jesus from going to Judea to see His sick friend? A. John 11:6 = 1) Jesus waited two days after receiving the message of his friend's illness. It would take 2 more days to get there.
2) v.8 = Jesus' life was in danger and He would be vulnerable in Judea
3) v.16 = The disciples were sure they all would die trying to get to Lazarus, but they were willing to do so if they had to
4) v.21 = The disciples supposed that God could work a miracle outside of their own time frame.
Q. Jesus told Martha about His true nature: that He was the Bread of Life. Wonderful truths about Himself! Did she tell her sister? A. John 11:29 = No.
Note 1: Why do people keep good news to themselves? Mary could have rejoiced with hearing Jesus' words. She was the one who sat at Jesus' feet to hear Him. Martha knew this. I wonder if Martha wasn't alrady envious of her sister's faith.
Note 2: I have a personal example of this. I prayed for a miracle to happen on behalf of a special person who was laying in a hospital bed in a coma for a month. I told his relative that I would be praying for him. But this person already believed that he would die and therefore to prayer for a miracle would go against God's will. I prayed for four months. Not having received an update, I called his relative to check on his condition. She stammered and confessed that he had woken up six weeks ago! Why did she keep the good news from me? God has been glorified! Many witnessed God work on earth! Her own unbelief kept her from asking miracle–believing people to pray, which was a subtle attempt to manipulate Heaven in order to confirm the lies about God that she had accepted many years before. Lies that claim that God does not do miracles in our time. Yet this miracle was for her eyes, so that she could believe in God's miracles for today, despite the many brethren around her who don't know that God still moves today. I love it when God changes hearts. We cannot decide for someone else the outcome of their lives. God touches hearts in His own time, and they draw nearer as a result of seeing miracles, or seeing a Scripture verse in a new light. If you keep your eyes up, God will always draw you near. If you subtly pull away in unbelief, you may stall and miss what God is doing.
Q. Only one sister went with Jesus to Lazarus' tomb expecting a miracle and believing God for it. Which sister was it? A. John 11:45 = Mary.
Q. Where was Martha? A. John 11:39 = Martha was with them too. The lat thing she said to Jesus was a comment on how smelly Lazarus' body would be four days after his death.
Note: Do you protest when God is moving? Please don't! Mary is remembered for her faith. That's the way I want to be remembered!
Q. Why was Jesus crucified? A. John 11:50–53 = Caiaphas, the high priest, was inspired by God to declare that Jesus should die for the whole world of believers scattered all over.
Note: Without God's prompting, they would not have killed Jesus this way. They tried to murder Him quietly. God's sovereignty made it happen exactly as the Scriptures prophesied, without their even realizing it!
Q. Who scolded Mary for pouring the twelve–ounce jar of perfume on Jesus' feet? A. John 12:4 = Judas Iscariot.
Q. What was Judas Iscariot like? A. John 12:6 = 1) He didn't care for the poor.
2) He was a hypocrite.
3) He stole from their funds.
Q. Jesus, knowing that Judas Iscariot for the evil man he was, responded how to his scolding of Mary? A. John 12:6 = Jesus defended Mary's actions and said nothing to him about his hypocrisy.
Note: Let God deal with wicked men in charge of things at church. If you practice wickedness, you will be ripe for Satan's manipulations.
Q. Why did the leading priests decide to kill Lazarus too? A. Jon 12:10–11 = Because of Lazarus' having been raised from the dead by Jesus, many more Israelites believed in Jesus.
Q. When did the disciples realize that prophecy ws being fulfilled when Jesus entered Jerusalem on the donkey's colt? A. John 12:15 = After Jesus died and entered into His glory.
Q. Why did crowds gather when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem? A. John 12:18 = To see Lazarus alive for themselves; to witness his miracle.
Q. What did the Pharisees think of Lazarus alive now? A. John 12:19 = That the crowds gathered for Jesus, and they had lost the Israelites to Him.
Q. Who else attended Passover meals? A. John 12:20 = Greeks.
Q. What did Jesus' death do? A. John 12:24 = It was a seed that produced many new kernels; a plentiful harvest of new lives.
Q. What if Jesus' hadn't died for us? A. John 12:24 = He would have died alone, and we'd all perish.
Q. What is true of every man? A. John 12:25 = Nothing is worth cherishing in a world without Jesus.
Q. What should my attitude be? A. John 12:25 = To despise my life on earth; I look forward to eternal life.
Q. How do I know I am where I should be in my life? A. John 12:26 = God is moving in my life, in my church, and I follow Jesus wherever I see Him actively working.
Q. If I do this, what will result? A. John 12:26 = God will honor me.
Q. Does my soul want to do God's will? A. John 12:27–28 = No. It is apprehensive to experience pain and suffering.
Q. How do I get past that? A. John 12:27–28 = Pray, declaring a choice to follow God, no matter what happens.
Note: We choose to follow God, in spite of our feelings.
Q. How does God speak out loud? A. John 12:29 = God's voice sounds different to different people. Sometimes like thunder, and to others, like an angel speaking.
Note: How good are your spitirual ears? Remember that God never speaks things opposite to what He has already stated is true in His Word. If you hear a supernatural voice speaking opposite things (commonly known as lies!), rebuke it, bind it, and tell it to be silent. It might be an archetype spoken by a ruling demon (otherwise known as a principality). You can silence it in a whisper if other people are around. Do not allow it to speak, nor ask its name. You can read more about it at this link: archetypes
Every intercessor should familiarize himself with the common strategies of Hell. Once known, move on. Remember to maintain an innocence about evil and pursue wisdom in what is good.
Q. Why did God speak out loud at this time? A. John 12:30 = For the benefit of the people who were with Jesus.
Q. When was Satan dethroned from ruling the earth legally? A. John 12:31 = With the crucifixion.
Note: Such an awesome time in history was this! Before now, Satan had control of the world as its legal king, ever since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. Jesus took it back now, spilling His blood to cover Adam and Eve's sin, once for all. Every sin is covered to eternity by Jesus' blood on that cross. Such power released, miracles and healings experienced since that cross.
Satan can only work his schemes from under rocks now, but he's not an idiot. He uses archetypes with ruling demons to brain–dirty (I don't like the word 'brainwash') entire societies. Believers snatch people out of his grip and God sets them free.
What an amazing God we have! It was always the Israelites' job to tell the world about their God, to be giving Him glory in front of the world, so tht they would want God too. It's all happpening, folks! Our Israelite apostles brought God to the world by the power of the Holy Spirit. The ability to think and reason comes from knowing God's Word.
Archetypes can only harm those who they can snatch reasoning from. I love God's Word. Through it, I have courage to confront darkness when it is near. Hallelujah!
Q. The Israelites before Jesus' death, could draw near God, only with ceremonial rites performed right before the attempt, and those rites could only be performed by the high priest. This was about to change. How? A. John 12:32 = Jesus' death on the cross opened up the New Covenant of Love, which automatically cancelled the Old Covenant of the Law.
Q. How? A. Instead of the high priest, the offerings in the ceremony, served to cleanse people from sin and made it possible to approach God. Jesus' death on the cross was the final offering under the Law. He served as high priest, offering Himself for sins, one time for all sins. This spotless Lamb of God would now draw everyone to Himself. Everyone who had ever lived and would ever live.
Q. What did the people believe about the Messiah? A. John 12:34= That when He came, he would live forever (Ezekiel 37:25–28), which hadn't come true yet.
Q. Why did they reject Jesus? A. John 12:37–41 = Unbelief. They saw God's miracles for three years. But then God knew that, prophesying about their unbelief in Isaiah 53:1; 6:10; and 6:1.
Q. Did God cause their unbelief through supernatural blindness? A. John 12:40 = Yes, but only on the ones who rejected Him, and only after they rejected Him.
Note: There is a window of opporunity given any man. Reject God enough and He will take your capacity to reason and think, and you'll be in darkness forever. No one goes to Hell simply because God kicks him into it. We go freely where we wish. Choose God, choose Heaven; choose anyone or anything else, God is not there. You choose Hell when you choose not to be with God.
Q. Who was Isaiah referring to in Isaiah 6:1? A. John 12:41 = Jesus.
Q. What had the Temple become a symbol of by this time? A. John 12:42–43 = Human praise of one other over God.
Q. Did some leaders believe in Jesus? A. John 12:42 = Many did, but they loved their seats in the synagogue more than praise for God.
Note: This baffles me. All those leaders professed loving God and serving Him as leaders of God. But in facing God Himself in Jesus, they looked at Him and chose their puny human praise over Him. What is their message but to follow God? Total contradictions. God blinded their eyes because in their heart of hearts, they sat in those places of honor only for the prestige those seats offered them on earth.
Q. Did Jesus represent God fully? A. John 12:45 = Yes. See Jesus, know God.
Q. What did Jesus teach the disciples? A. John 13:5 = To wash each other's feet.
Note: This means to care about each other, be concerned for one another.
Q. Why? A. John 13:35 = Our love for one another proves to the world that we belong to God.
Note: It is the New Covenant of Love revealed.
Q. Is this an old teaching? A. Yes. Write down Leviticus 19:18 = "Never seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord."
Note: This is so key to displaying God's power in the world! 1 Corinthians 13 is the love chapter. Read it too. Christians are good at talking about love, but in the everyday, they just don't let God give them the power to do it under every circumstance. We mouth off, get offended, judge each other and yet we are on display before the world in all our sin, acting like we don't know better. Be focused. Ask yourself WWJD? In a three year ministry, not one time did Jesus give anyone any reason to hate Him. He died innocent. Let God's agape, unconditional love into your heart and let it flow back out into every crevice of your world. This is pure evangelism. Hallelujah!
Q. What is true of Jesus? A. John 13:36–38 = Jesus knows we fail, even before it happens. Be honest with yourself. God knows you best.
Q. What did Jesus tell Peter to assure him that in spite of Peter's weakness, all will be well? A. John 14:1–3 = 1) That He was going to leave to get His new Heavenly home ready
2) Not to worry about failure, for failure has no effect on God's plans.
Note: Cool! We tend to judge ourselves for failure. Not even God does that! His plans are fixed and nothing we can do wrong can cause even a ripple in them.
Q. Who did Jesus portray? A. John 14:8–9 = Father God living in Him. Jesus is living in Father God. He still is!
Q. Was that hard to comprehend for the disciples? A. John 14:11 = Yes. It had to be believed by faith in Jesus' words.
Q. If my faith was too little to believe, what would help me believe? A. John 14:11 = Considering the evidence of God's power as evidenced around me.
Note: It was hard to comprehend that Jesus was God the Father too. The miracles for three years, giving power to the disciples to do these miracles too, was what they needed to believe in Jesus. People still need to see God work to have the slightest faith!
Q. Was Jesus the greatest miracle worker? A. John 14:12 = No. Anyone who believes in Him can do greater things than He did, and by the same power source, God the Father.
Note: Jesus' miracles were a tiny display of God's power. There is so much depth to eternity and God's plan that Jesus is still, 2000 years later, preparing the Father's house for our arival.
Q. Why does God answer our prayers in Jesus' name? A. John 14:13 = Because the work of answering prayers belongs to Jesus and anything He does brings glory to the Father, who loves that!
Q. How do I prove my love for God? A. John 14:15 = By obeying His commandments.
Q. Why doesn't the world recognize the Holy Spirit? A. John 14:17 = Because they aren't looking for Him.
Q. How does the believer recognize and know the Holy Spirit? A. John 14:17 = He lives within me and makes Himself known to me.
Q. Did Jesus abandon His followers? A. John 14:18 = No.
Q. Who did Jesus show Himself to after His resurrection? A. John 14:19 = Only believers.
Q. Why did He show Himself to them? A. John 14:20 = To remove all doubt of who He is.
Q.When did the disciples know and understand the verses, "I in My Father, you in Me, etc."? A. John 14:20 = After His resurrection.
Note: After salvation, these words also make sense to the believer.
Q. Who does Jesus reveal Himself to in particular, after His resurrection? A. John 14:21 = Those who loved and obeyed Him.
Note: To obey is to obey His Word. You cannot know how to obey God unless you know what He asks of you. You cannot praise God unless you understand the depths of His Word, and His love for us since the beginning of mankind, and all His merciful and loving dealings with our very disobedient race. The more you read about the Father, the more you'll praise Him. Nobody has given anything significant for God, really. God, however, saves and gives up everything for everybody.
The following table contains truths about all relationships between man and his Creator: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They constantly intermingle in the Book of John. Ponder on each one.
Jesus is in the Father Father is in Jesus Jesus is with the Father
I am in Jesus Jesus answers me Jesus glorifies His Father
I obey the Word Jesus asks His Father to give us the Holy Spirit Father gives us the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit gives me truth The Holy Spirit is in me I recognize the Holy Spirit
I know Jesus is in my Father I am in Jesus Jesus is in Me
Obedient me loves Jesus Father loves me Jesus loves me
Jesus reveals Himself to me
I obey the Word (Jesus) Father loves me Father and Son are in me
Father sent Jesus Jesus gives me His Father's message Father sent the Holy Spirit as Jesus' representative
Holy Spirit teaches me Holy Spirit reminds me of Jesus' Words
Jesus gives me peace of mind and heart Jesus returned to Father Father is greater than Jesus
Jesus loves Father Jesus obeys Father
Father gardens the Vine (Jesus) Father cuts dead branches of the Vine (Jesus) Father prunes Vine (Jesus) branches (I am one of them)
Father prunes me; I grow (bear fruit) Jesus' Word prunes me I stay in the Vine (Jesus)
Jesus (the Vine) stays in me I grow (produce fruit) in the Vine (Jesus)
Jesus is the Vine; I am a branch I stay in Jesus Jesus stays in me
I produce much fruit I stay joined to Jesus Jesus stays in me
I ask; Jesus answers me I am a true disciple; I produce much fruit My fruit gives God great glory
Jesus loves me Father loves Jesus I stay in Jesus' love
I obey Jesus I stay in Jesus' love Jesus obeys Father
Jesus sstays in His Father's love
I am filled to overflowing with Jesus' joy I love people Jesus loves me
I sacrifice for people I obey Jesus; I am Jesus' friend
Father tells Jesus Jesus tells me I am Jesus' friend
Jesus chose me Jesus appointed me to go Jesus appointed me to produce fruit
I ask Father for good fruit in Jesus' name Father answers me Jesus tells me to love everyone
World hates Jesus World hates those who belong to Jesus World hates me (alien)
World persecuted Jesus World persecutes me
World doesn't listen to Jesus World doesn't listen to me
World doesn't know that God sent Jesus I belong to Jesus World hates me because I belong to Jesus
World hates Father and Son without cause.
Jesus sent Holy Spirit of truth Holy Spirit is from God Holy Spirit tells me all about Jesus
I tell people about Jesus The Word keeps me from falling away
World kills us because they have never known Father or Jesus I remember Jesus' words in persecution
Jesus went back to Father Holy Spirit is Jesus rep. Jesus sent Holy Spirit to us
Holy Spirit reveals and convicts world of sin (unbelief) Holy Spirit convinces world of God's righteousness
Holy Spirit convinces world of coming judgment Righteousness is available because Jesus went back to Father
Satan has been judged World will be judged
Holy Spirit guides me in all truth Holy Spirit presents Jesus' ideas Holy Spirit tells of the future; He gives us understanding of God's Word on future events.
Holy Spirit gives Jesus glory Holy Spirit reveals Jesus' words.
Father's revelations belong to Jesus Holy Spirit reveals to me Jesus' revelations
World rejoices in Jesus' death I rejoice in Jesus' resurrection My joy is permanent
World cannot steal my joy I go directly to Father in Jesus' name Father answers me
Father's answers bring me abundant joy
Jesus speaks to us in His Word in parables about His Father Jesus now speaks to me plainly about the Father
I love Jesus I believe Jesus came from God Father loves me dearly
Jesus came from His Father into the world Jesus left the world and returned to His Father
Jesus was in the world with His Father I have peace in Jesus
Jesus had sorrows and trials; He overcame them I have sorrows and trials; I overcome them
Father glorified Jesus Jesus gave back Father's glory Father gave Jesus all authority over everyone and everything on earth
Father gave me to Jesus Jesus gave me eternal life Live eternal life now by knowing Father and Jesus
Jesus obeyed Father Jesus gave Father glory Father brought Jesus into glory again
Father and Jesus shared glory before the world began
Jesus tells us of Father We were in the world until Father gave us to Jesus I have always belonged to Father God, who then gave me to Jesus
I keep Father God's Word Everything Jesus has is a gift from Father God Jesus gave me Father's gift of His Word.
I accept Jesus' Words I know and accept that Jesus came from Father.
Jesus prays for me because I belong to Father I belong to Father; I belong to Jesus Father gave me back to Jesus
I am Jesus' glory Father keeps and cares for me because I belong to Jesus and His care keeps me and my brethren united.
Father and Son are united. Believers are united like Father and Son.
Jesus kept safe (guarded) His disciples Jesus lost Judas Iscariot to fulfill prophecy.
Jesus' Words gives me Jesus' joy Jesus spoke God's Word Father keeps me safe from Satan
I am not part of this world Jesus was not part of this world I need God's protection
I am made pure and holy by Father's teaching me His Words of truth
Father sent Jesus into the world Jesus sent me into the world
Jesus gave Himself entirely to the Father I am entirely the Father's
Jesus prayed for disciples Jesus prayed for those who believed the disciples Jesus prays for our unity
Jesus is in Father Believers are in Father and Jesus The world believes us because of our unity
Father gave Jesus His glory Jesus gives us His Father's glory Father's glory unites us
Jesus is in me Father is in Jesus Our unity brings salvation for many
Father loves world Father loves Jesus
To be with Jesus is to see Jesus' glory God's glory is given to me out of love
Jesus knows Father Disciples know that Father sent Jesus Jesus revealed Father to them
Jesus keeps revealing Father Jesus' continual revealing Father gives us Father's love for Jesus and puts Jesus in us. Jesus reveals Father
Q. What does Jesus' revelation of the Father give us? A. John 17:26 = 1) It lets us know the Father's love for Jesus
2) It puts Jesus in us.
NOte: When you read your bible, do it always for the purpose of knowing God better.
Q. I grew up with bible stories in my head. Do I have to go back and learn them again? A. John 14:26 = Yes! Only the Holy Spirit teaches us the Word of God. Only He reminds us of Jesus' words. There is a big gap between the flesh's view of God's Word (as just bible stories) and the treasures buried deep in its pages, which have to be searched diligently for. We learn line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little, as the Holy Spirit teaches and in His time only!
Q. I think I have peace of mind and herat. So why do I worry and why am I troubled? A. John 14:27 = If you are troubled or afraid, this is only the world's fake peace you have in you. Jesus' peace of mind and heart are exactly that, with no fear or trouble.
Note: If you are a believer, and desire peace, take heart. All you have to do is lay your burdens down at the foot of the cross (all of them!), entrust all the details of your life to God, and ask Him for peace. God loves to bless us with good things. Remember, He has only thousands of good thoughts for you!
Q. Should I be glad about what Jesus went through for me? A. John 14:28 = Real love for Jesus makes you glad about the cross.
Q. Why? A. John 14:28 = Because afterward, Jesus returned to God!
Q. Why did Jesus tell the disciples of the coming event of His death? A. John 14:29 = So that when it hapened, they would know it was planned by God and was meant to happen, and they could rejoice that God was moving.
Q. Did Satan ever have any power over Jesus? A. John 14:30 = No.
NOte: Movies depicting the struggle between Jesus and Satan in battle for control of the universe always sets them as equals in strength, with Jesus barely winning. This is a lie from Hell. Jesus' power is unmatched. Satan is merely a created and fallen angel. When he fell, he was immediately cast out of Heaven. There was no battle at all. He was merely stripped of all beauty and fell instantly to his doom God's angels battle, but Jesus is no angel. Jesus created angels with merely a thought. He gifted each one as He wished. Jesus doesn't battle for His own; He already has them. They are a gift to Him from His Father. Angels guard and serve mankind, taking their orders from God, as we live out very short lives and work out our salvation in making everyday choices to live and do things God's way.
Q. Why did Jesus choose to obey His Father? A. John 14:31 = So the world would know He loved His Father.
Note: When we obey God, we show the world we love Him.
Q. What analogy does Jesus use to describe His relationship with His Father? A. John 15:1 = Jesus is the Vine, God is the Gardener.
Q. So how do they function? A. John 15:2 = God prunes and cuts the Vine. He separates believers from unbelievers. We are actually pruned within the Vine.
Q. How does God prune us? A. John 15:3 = 1) By the Word entering our hearts, causing us to bear more fruit
2) By remaining in the Vine by abiding in His Word.
Q. I need to choose to remain in the Vine and to receive God's Word? A. John 15:7 = Yes.
Note: Do you see the importance of knowing God's Word? Abiding in it means we never get to a point where we don't need it anymore. When you go on vacation, take your bible. The Holy Spirit will remind you and continue to mature you as you relax. Vacation is an excellent time for spiritual refreshment as well as physical regeneration.
Q. If I remain in God's Word, what will result? A. John 15:7 = Answered prayers.
Note: If I am right with God, I will ask out of a heart in submission to Him. If I ask without knowing and being in His Word, and remaining in the Vine, I'll ask for wrong things and my prayers will deceive me, and God won't answer because of the harm the wrong prayers may bring me.
For example, I may think I am lonely and need new friends. God's Word constantly reminds us that God longs for my fellowship with Him. I think I need new friends, but it is God who is calling me to fellowship that brings on my feelings of loneliness.
Here is another example: I feel overwhelmed in my life. I can never get it all done, my house isn't clean enough, or improved enough. I pray for a housekeeper. What I really need is to stop rushing and adjust my life to a slower pace. I hurry because something is wrong inside me and end up cleaning house all the time, instead of cleaning my soul. Impulsive behavior is a blatant cry for help that the soul is in need of prompt attention. Stop and be with God. "Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10). Accept no substitutes: "God has called us to peace" (1 Corinthians 7:15).
Q. How do I remain in Jesus? A. John 15:9–10 = 1) I choose to remain in Jesus' love 2) I obey the Word, which tells me to love God and my brother as myself.
Q. What does this result in? A. John 15:11 = Overflowing joy!
Q. How do I love my brother? A. John 15:12–13 = As Jesus lovs me, willing to lay my life down for him.
Q. How do I become Jesus' friend? A. John 15:14 = By obeying His Word.
Q. What happens when I am a friend of Jesus? A. John 15:15 = 1) Jesus confides in me
2) Jesus tells me the things on the Father's mind.
Note: Jesus reveals the treasures hidden in His Word. The things that God is concerned about are in the Word, but only those who obey it are shown these truths.
Q. Why do we pray in Jesus' name? A. John 15:16 = Because we ask the Father for what we need and Jesus has appointed us to go and produce fruit.
Note: As an abassador represents his country, so we the appointed believers, represent Jesus as His ambassadors of His country, Heaven.
Q. Is loving my brother optional? A. John 15:17 = No. It is an order from God!
Q. What is hard about being God's appointed one? A. John 15:18 = Guaranteed, the world will hate you, as Jesus was hated; and He was perfect and always loving!
Q. Why do they hate us? A. John 15:19–21 = They know we are chosen by Jesus and since they rejected Jesus, they reject also that He came from God.
Q. Can one hate Jesus and love the Father at the same time? A. John 15:23–24 = No. The miracles that Jesus performed came from the Father. They rejected the miracles of the Father, so they rejected the Father.
Q. Did unbelievers hate Jesus for good reason? A. John 15:25 = No.
Q. So why did they hate Jesus? A. John 15:25 = Psalm 35:19; 69:4 = So that prophecy would be fulfilled.
Q. Which prophecies? A. 1) Psalm 35:19 = "Don't let my trecherous enemies rejoice over my defeat. Don't let those who hate Me without cause gloat over my sorrow."
2) Psalm 69:4 = "Those who hate Me without cause are more numerous than the hairs on my head. These enemies who seek to destroy me are doing so without cause. They attack me with lies, demanding that I give back what I didn't steal."
Q. How does the Christian endure persecutions? A. John 15:26 = Jesus sent the Holy Spirit, who reminds us of who Jesus is and we learn to conform to Jesus character and therefore survive.
Q. Why were the disciples special to Jesus? A. John 15:27 = The disciples were with Jesus three years, from the beginning of His adult ministry years.
Q. Why did Jesus tell His disciples all that would happen? A. John 16:1 = So they wouldn't fall away.
Note: The Word keeps us aware of the enemy's tactics. We should be watchful and vigilant or else we slip up as the enemy watches for any weakness in us, in order to manipulate us to play an ugly part in his ugly and continual anti–God plots. And knowing that Father, Son and Holy Spirit are in me keeps me focused on what is real.
Look at how important to God you are! How precious, how different our relationship is in this Age of the Cross. God used to fellowship with man on a limited basis, all from the outside of man's being, and after many ceremonial preparations to prep us for surviving in His presence. Now, the blood replaces the rituals, the washings, and God is in us forever. So Jesus tells us this amazing fact over and over again in John, Chapters 14 to 17. Our amazing, intimate fellowship with the true God is broken only when we fall away. God won't leave us. We are the ones who surrender to sin and blow God off.
Did you know that if you remembered this very truth every day that it will help you to not fall away in succumbing to sin? God in me, Jesus in Me, Holy Spirit in me. Me in God, me in Jesus, me in the Holy Spirit. Meditate on this truth when you find an idle moment, or when your flesh is running wild!
Q.How did this truth help the disciples? A. John 16:2 = Under persecution, the very men, the religious Pharisees and leaders who claimed to represent and carry out God's commands, would put them under the tremendous suffering and death in God's name. Jesus assured the disciples that their persecutions would bring God glory.
Q. How could someone claim to know God their whole lives, devoting themselves to Him, do such an evil thing? A. John 16:3 = Whatever they were devoted to wasn't God. They were deceived by Hell.
Note: If you are compelled to go after a brother in Christ, you are being duped by Hell. Do you care what God has said in His Word about loving your brother unconditionally? Or do you act on a gut instinct that defies God's teachings on the subject? The world sees God through us. The New Covenant of Love is in force. To go after a brother in order to destroy him or cause him any kind of harm sets the New Covenant of Love aside and makes you a stumbling block to many. Don't be fooled. Obey God in this.
Q. If Jesus didn't die, what would have happened to mankind? A. John 16:6 = 1) The Holy Spirit wouldn't have come
2) The world wouldn't have been convinced of its own sin problem
3) The world wouldn't have been convinced of God's righteousness
4) The world wound't be concerned about the coming judgment.
Q. What is the world's sin? A. John 16:9 = Unbelief in Jesus.
Q. What does it take to be righteous? A. John 16:10 = 1) God accepting Jesus' sacrifice for us.
2) Jesus going back to the Father via the cross.
3) Righteousness became available to all people because of the cross.
Note: We are not righteous on our own. We live under Jesus' rightousness, claim His sacrifice as our own. By do that, God makes us righteous; all of us, past, present and future.
Q. What does it mean to be righteous? A. 1) No ceremonial preparations
2) No Old Testament Law to follow
3) No priest to officiate on our behalf
4) Only believing that Jesus makes righteousness available makes us righteous.
Q. What judgment on this world has already taken place? A. John 16:11 = The judgment on Satan himself.
Q. What does Satan's doom tell us? A. John 16:11 = Satan's doom guarantees the world's judgment is coming.
Q. Define "world." A. John 16:11 = All men who reject Christ: Past, present and future.
Q. Did Jesus tell us everything we need to know while He was on earth? A. John 16:12 = No.
Q. Why not? A. John 16:12–13 = We couldn't bear it until He was gone and the Holy Spirit could teach and guide us.
Note: This also foretold of the ones who wrote the New Testament. They were inspired to write just as the Old Testament writers were.
Q. Why inspire the writers to write? A. John 16:13–15 = Father God revealed His plan to Jesus, His Son, who revealed His plan to the Hoy Spirit, who revealed it to the writers of the Bible and to us as well. (Isn't that amazing?)
Q. How do I know when God is speaking through someone? A. God will never contradict Himself. Any word you hear that a man or woman claims is impressed upon him, and which contradicts God's Word, is not from God at all. It is either from the flesh and that person is screening his spiritual ears through negative experiences, or else he is iinfluenced by Hell for its own purposes.
Get in the Word, learn it, know it, let God touch your mind in all things biblical, and you will stay on track and not be fooled. Keep a pure heart, most importantly of all. Our hearts need daily cleansing to keep the lines to Heaven open and clear of static down here!
Q. How do I get my heart pure? A. Hook up with Cleansing Stream, or better still, Elijah House. Cleansing Stream is good for the beginner and Elijah House, which requires a lot of reading as a prerequisite to taking the seminar, will take you the rest of the way. They operate on the same premise. You can also find a church who have trained Elijah House counselors who can guide you through your own inner healing. There are trained Elijah House counselors worldwide, but they are based in Idaho, USA.
Q. I need healing? A. We all do. It is an imperfect world we live in. We need the tools to deal with it as it touches our lives. These ministries will show you how to deal with your personal history and help you to rid yourself of hiden and known inner battles that still affect you today.
In my own experience, the first time through Cleansing Stream was a tedious process of remembering in order to say goodbye. The second time through is maintenance. The average person goes through a Cleansing Stream Seminar about six times, then moves on. God is gracious and will only reveal to you what you can handle each time through. Other less important things will wait until the next seminar.
For me, I wanted more, and was introduced to Elijah House, who greatly influenced Cleansing Stream. It is a much older ministry and is packed with God's Word and wisdom from its creators. I recommend it to every believer.
Note: Look at these verses again. See how Father, Son and Holy spirit work together to teach us about our Heavenly Father? We only need to let Him!
Q. What is true of Jesus' death and resurrection? A. John 16:22 = Jesus' death brought terrible sorrow and then life again in inexplicable joy.
Note: False people have made a huge religion out of Jesus' death. We have endured millennias of blaming the Jews for killing Jesus, which has divided mankind in a terrible way. But why? Jesus testified that He would go to the cross on His own accord, though able to be rescued from it by God's angels. But that would have left mankind still unredeemed. God's Word is clear. Man's reasonings are full of deceit. And there are storehouses of false religions to choose from, or else you can choose to see what the Bible itself has to say about it. Wouldn't it be easier to read the truth in God's Word than choose yet another man–written essay on the death and resurrection of Jesus? I am weary of man's long wind. There is nothing more refreshing than God's mighty wind!
Q. What should Jesus' resurrection give us? A. John 16:22 = Joy that no man can ever take away.
Note: Get caught up in Jesus' death and you can't move in to resurrection joy. Ah, the freedom of true religion!
Q. What does the resurrection give us? A. John 16:22–23 = 1) Joy
2) Entry into the Father's presence.
Note: With Jesus' death, there was weeping. With His resurrection from the dead, there is joy.
False religion is weepy and blaming. True religion remembers Jesus' sacrifice and is overcome with joy at His resurrection.
Q. What else does false religion teach? A. That's easy! Think of everything that is biblically true of God. Now twist it just a little and you have false religion. See the chart below:
False religion says… True religion says…
1) I am not worthy to come to God as I am. It takes a lifetime of good deeds to cause God to even consider having me in His Kingdom. 1) Jesus' death and resurrection was preplanned for all mankind. It made us worthy 2,000 years ago.
2) My riches prove God loves me. 2) God gives riches to both good and evil people.
3) Sin causes hardship 3) God causes hardship in order to teach and mature us.
4) that Jesus killed God. 4) Jesus' death was planned and brought about according to God's plan in order to save us forever.
5) We must atone for our own sins. 5) We are already atoned. We only need to acknowledge sin, repent and receive forgiveness.
6) Ignore the poor 6) Take care of the poor; orphans and widows too.
7) My outward appearance says who I am. 7) My heart and deeds say who I am.
8) Pray on special days only 8) Pray always
9) God answers prayer on occasion 9) God always answers prayer
10) Religious leaders only ordain God's people for ministry 10) God Himself ordains people for ministry
11) God is too busy running the universe to have time to consider my prayers 11) God listens to every prayer. Being too busy is a human problem, but not something God struggles with.
12) I can sin over and over again, and I'm forgiven, so long as I confess it afterward. 12) God's discipline comes to those who refuse to repent.
13) God speaks only to certain clergy members. 13) God speaks to us through creation, believers and unbelievers alike.
14) God is far away. column 2 e 14) God is here!
15) Let leaders interpet the Bible 15) All men should learn the Bible, which is taught to us by the Holy Spirit for the asking.
16) The Holy Spirit is an "it" 16) The Holy Spirit is a "He."
17) God's miracles and gifts for us stopped in the first century, AD. 17) God's miracles and gives never stopped.
18) Kills saints 18) Honors all saints.
19) Declares people righteous 19) Only God declares people righteous and every one is made righteous by the cross.
20) We struggle alone. 20) The Holy Spirit makes our lives a joy.
21) Man is stuck in his sinful ways because of his personal history. 21) God transforms lives and makes man godly.
22) Position in the church speaks of my maturity. 22) The fruit of the Spirit in my life speaks of my maturity.
23) It is impossible to love unconditionally 23) Agape (unconditional) love is God's gift to us so we can love anyone.
24) I love only those who please me 24) I love everyone
25) My sins condemn me 25) My unbelief in the cross and resurrection condemn me
26) I have no power to change 26) The Holy Spirit's power changes me for the asking.
27) I have no choice but to sin 27) My life is a constant array of my own choices.
28) God is too busy running the universe to attent to me 28) God attends to me personally
29) God doesn't interact with me personally. 29) God interacts with me personally and has thousands of good thoughts about me besides.
30) The Holy Spirit is just an extension of Jesus, lessening God's triune nature. 30) The Holy Spirit is 1/3 of the Godhead, one full entity and deity, representing Father and Son fully in His own work amongst us.
31) Divorce is a good option 31) Divorce makes us miserable because we are severed from the one we joined to in our youth by covenant.
32) You can have it all as a woman: A career outside the home and being a wife and mother. 32) Homemaker ks full time and something to pour one's whole life into. It is an important role, according to God's Word.
33) Mental illness should be left to the "professionals." 33) Mental illness should be left to prayer warriors, who can deliver permanently in a few weeks' time. "Professionals" are not seekers after God. Why would I throw a mentally ill person to the dogs?
34) Leave it to Sunday School to make Christians out of our kids. 34) Only parents can teach children God's ways, and that, by example.
35) We live by chance 35) We live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
36) Religion is hard. 36) Religion delivers us from the hard life.
37) We judge everyone 37) We judge ourselves only (me on me)
38) Look at the money one donates to determine spirituality 38) Look at the fruit one displays in his life to determine spirituality
39) Let hurtful people be 39) Confront hurtful people with their sins
40) It's just me and you, kid. 40) It's God, me and you, kid.
41) Criticizes other churches 41) Is concerned about unity as churches for the sake of testimony.
42) Honoring parents depends on their worthiness of it. 42) Honoring parents is essential to one's happiness, all other relationships and blessings granted me by God.
43) Professional counseling training comes only from medical schools. 43) Professional counseling is taught in every page of God's Word.
44) We hear from God only rarely 44) God speaks to us 24/7.
45) We put up with ignorant brothers. 45) Humility causes unity. There is no "putting up with" a brother. Only acceptance of shortcomings, of which we all share in.
46) Hide unresolved disputes 46) Love covers all disputes.
Q. So when Jesus died, all prayers, all relationships with God became personal and up front? A. John 16:24 = Yes. Jesus clarified that before He went to His death!
Q. Why did Jesus speak of most coming events in parables? A. John 16:25 = It was necessary.
Note: So they wouldn't crown Him as king of Israel before the event of the cross took place. Jesus would have been king, but salvation would not have happened and we'd still be under Old Testament Law.
Q. What also would be different after the cross? A. John 16:24 = Prayers answered with the addition of abundant joy!
Q. Did Jesus clarify anything else after the cross? A. John 16:25 = Yes. He made God the Father plainly known to them.
Q. We can know God plainly now, but not before understanding and accepting the cross? A. Yes.
Q. What changed after the cross? A. The Holy Spirit is the only one who can accurately teach us the Scriptures. Through Him, the Word became truly alive to us, though it always was before then. People who come out of false religion in which they were taught the Scriptures, taught to study them, need to declare themselves to be totally ignorant of them in order that the Holy Spirit can teach it to them anew.
Q. When did people start bringing to God their requests in Jesus' name? A. John 16:26 = When Jesus died on the cross.
Q. Why does Father God answer our prayers? A. John 16:26–27 = Because He loves us.
Q. Why does God love us? A. John 16:26–27 = Because we love Jesus, and believe He came to us from the Father.
Q. Did Jesus exist before He was born on earth? A. John 16:28 = Yes. He was with the Father before and then returned to Him afterward.
Note: See the plan as designed and fully controlled by God? Salvation happened by divine plan. Hallelujah!
Q. Did the disciples understand this truth? A. John 16:29–30 = Yes. They were in the presence of God Himself and God would take care of everything.
Q. What did Jesus know about the disciples? A. John 16:31–32 = Beleving the truth would not be enough to keep them from the panic they would feel when Jesus was taken from them.
Q. How would Jesus cope with the coming terror? A. John 16:32 = He knew Father God was with Him and that He wouldn't be in this predicament alone.
Note: I was in a terrible place in December '04. God swooped down so solidly into my heart and I knew I wasn't alone. The enemy brought the threat of destruction to my door, yet I never felt so covered by God in my life than I did at that time. When absolutely everyone turns on you, remember that God allows the enemy to test you severely. Hold onto God; He is holding on tightly to you! If you lost everything today, do you really know that God's grace would be sufficient for you?
Q. So through the worst events, my worst nightmare, I can have peace? A. John 16:33 = Yes. (As in the eye of the tornado, all really is still!)
Q. Even when all the suffereintgs were occurring to Jesus, I could have peace in Him? A. John 16:33 = Yes.
Q. Knowing God's peace beforehand, when something terrible occurs, I recognize and experience peace in it? A. John 16:33 = Yes.
Q. What is this peace? A. John 16:33 = I know that Jesus went through worse and overcame it.
Q. So it is important to let the Holy Spirit teach me the Word because in its pages are the knowledge of repeated victories through suffering? A. John 16:33 = Yes!
NOte: It is not enough to believe there is a God. It is imperative that we know His history and His encouraging words to us that gets us through the inevitable trials and tribulations.
Q. What did the cross bring to God? A. John 17:1 = Glory.
Q. How? A. John 17:1 = In the cross, God gave Jesus glory, which Jesus gave back to God.
Q. What did God give to Jesus that brought Jesus glory? A. John 17:2 = Authority over everyone in all the earth.
Q. What else did the Father give out at the cross? A. John 17:2 = Eternal life to everyone.
Q. What is part of knowing eternal life? A. John 17:3 = Knowing God; knowing Jesus.
Q. JHow did Jesus bring the Father glory while He was on earth? A. John 17:4 = By doing everything the Father told Him to do.
Note: When we obey God, we give Him glory!
Q. How were the disciples chosen? A. John 17:6 = Father God gve them to Jesus from out of the world.
Q. Were the disciples God's to give? A. John 17:6 = Yes.
Q. Where did Jesus get all He owned? A. John 17:7 = All Jesus owned was a gift from the Father.
Q. So all I own is a gift from Father God? A. John 17:7 = Yes.
Note: I've heard preachers say, "Give your tithes and offerings. They aren't yours, they belong to God." And people suffer financially so they can give it all back to God. Jesus teaches that not only our money belongs to God, but all we have does as well. Your ten percent doesn't cover the ninety percent God still owns. Your life belongs to God. I am put at ease in knowing believers who will yield every decision, every proper request to God. They I know they will ive me a godly answer when I ask. God is not interested in our tithes and offerings. He wants obedience. Teach people to BE. 24/7. Let them give money to God's mission according to God's revelation to them about a specific gift. Preacher, let God asign roles in your church according to what God has given each man and woman, not according to their level of giving. Trust God to provide and live by faith in God's Word. How many baby, sinful Christians do you give roles to that should not be? Yes, sinful people give much too. Yield to God and let Him grow your church!
Q. What are believers to Jesus? A. John 17:10 = His glory!
Q. Who cares for us now that Jesus is back with the Father? A. John 17:11 = Father God does.
Q. What is the Father's care for us about? A. John 17:11 = Uniting us like He is united with Jesus.
Note: All issues should be solved on this principle of uniting believers. If a solution does not bring unity, it is wrong.
Q. Who cared for the disciples while Jesus was here on earth? A. John 17:12 = Jesus did.
Q. Why did no harm come to the disciples while Jesus was on earth? A. John 17:12 = Jesus kept them safe.
Q. Were there any exceptions? A. John 17:12 = Yes. Judas Iscariot, who chose to be Jesus' enemy, killed himself.
Q. Why didn't Jesus get hurt by Jedas' betrayal? A. John 17:12 = The Word warned Jesus beforehand.
Note: Be warned! The ones closest to you will betray. Know that any and all that happened to Jesus may also happen to you. I reacted in shock and aftershocks at my closest friend's betrayal. If I truly believed this was possible previous to it, having been warned by God's Word, I may have reacted in peace as Jesus did to Judas Iscariot. Father, forgive me for being so dense!
Q. What did Jesus give the disciples? A. John 17:14 = God's Word, the Scriptures as they never knew it as taught by man to them previously.
Q. Why is the world repulsed by believers? A. John 17:14 = Because we obviously do not belong to it.
Note: How? We have different and opposite desires. At heart, we are aliens in this land!
Q. And Jesus left us different and also in jeopardy? A. John 17:15–16 = Yes. He didn't ask the Father to take us away from a hostile world, but to protect us in it.
Note: How true! Hostile world, you can give me all you got, but God is my protector! You are the creation gone corrupt, yet you mature me by your blows. In them, I am made aware of God's care for me. I feel and know God's shield of protection only when you attack me. So thank you, creation. Without you, I wouldn't know God.
Q. With the world coming at me in hostility, what does God do? A. John 17:17 = He intervenes on my behalf.
Q. How? A. John 17:17 = At this time, God teaches me the Word of truth!
Q. And I can't learn God's Word otherwise? A. John 17:17 = Nope! Praise God for trials and testings, for otherwise, I remain a babe in Christ.
Q. How do I become pure and holy? A. John 17:17 = Receiving God's teaching in trials.
Note: Receive and accept God's Word in trials when the heat is turned up; the refining fire is on! (Thanks for that, Toni!)
Q. So we are left here on a hostile planet to learn all about Father God and His care for us? A. John 17:15 = Yes.
Q. How does Father God protect us? A. John 17:18 = The same way Father protected Jesus.
Note: Meditation time! Think about how the Father's relationship with Jesus was on earth. We have the same closeness to Him available to us. Yahoo!
Q. How did Father and Jesus interact on earth? A. See the chart below:
Father/Son Jesus Father/Me
1) Father honored Jesus 1) Father honors me
2) Father confirmed Jesus 2) Father confirms me
3) Father revealed perfect timing to Jesus 3) Father reveals perfect timing to me
4) Father protected Jesus 4) Father protects me
5) Father in Jesus 5) Father in me
6) Father heard Jesus' prayers 6) Father hears my prayers
7) Father had compassion on Jesus' struggles with sin 7) Father has compassion on my struggles with sin
8) Father granted Jesus miracles asked for 8) Father grants me miracles asked for
9) Father and Son were united in everything 9) Father and me are united in everything
10) Jesus drew strength from Father 10) I draw strength from Father
11) Without Father, Jesus was alone in trial 11) Without Father, I am alone in trial
12) Father gave Jesus what He needed to survive 12) Father gives me what I need to survive
13) Jesus promised Father would take care of me like He took care of Jesus 13) I trust Father to take care of me like He did Jesus
14) Jesus gave Himself entirely to Father 14) I am entirely God's own child
Note: See the pattern yet? Best of all, Jesus physically showed the Father human weakness and struggle, Satan's taunting and tempting, and He became familiar with us through it and is able to sympathize totally with us. Not that God did not sympathize before! But we now see that Jesus, by experience, sympathizes intimately because He relates on the same level.
Q. How do I know I am accepted by the Father, flaws and all? A. John 17:19 = Jesus promised it. As He gave Himself entirely to God while on earth, we became entirely God's. In that order!
Q. How did Jesus give Himself entirely to the Father? A. John 17:19 = Offering Himself as a sacrifice to the Father, for the purpose of giving us to the Father.
Q. Is that what the cross is all about? A. Yes! One sacrifice for all people.
Note: The essence of the Good News!
Q. Did Jesus pray on our behalf? A. John 17:20 = Yes. He prayed for every believer ever to live at this time, especially those who would believe because of the testimony of the disciples.
Q. What did Jesus pray for on our behalf? A. John 17:21–23 =
Father united with Son
Believers united in Father/Son
The results = The world believes in God.
Q. Does the world believing in what Jesus came for depend on the unity of believers in God? A. John 17:23 = Yes.
Note: Perfect love bestowed as light to a corrupt world shines brilliantly and people desire it. Perfect love shows a unity no one can humanly explain. Once they see it, they know God must be near and seek Him with new hope.
Q. Why? A. John 17:23 = Understanding comes with witnessing unity in believers.
Q. Does Jesus look forward to being with us physically? A. John 17:24 = Yes. He wants us to see His glory!
Q. What does the believer have that the world doesn't? A. John 17:25–26 = He knows the Father, and Jesus continually reveals the Father to Him throughout his lifetime.
Note: The longer you've been saved, the more you learn about God, and the more you realize you'll never reach full knowledge of everything God is. Even if you spend all your time learning about God, you'll never be completely knowledgeable about Him. No one does this as people also live in conflict with their sinful natures that rise up and try to be clever about knowing God apart from His Word. Now imagine a life never wasted in narnality. That, my friend, is what we have to look forward to!
Q. How did Jesus demonstrate His total control of the situation at His arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane? A. John 18:6 = 1) His words, "I am He" made all the Temple guards along with the Roman soldiers fall backward. Twice!
Note 1: God demonstrates His power to let us know that in the most impossible situations, He is in total control. He protects us so we don't overreact in fear, and guards us from the enemy every time. This is why it is so important to keep our eyes up. In chaos, we see what is really happening when we keep our eyes on the Master. A well–trained dog will keep his eyes on his master, even when other dogs around him are acting up. In God's Word, we have many such examples of men and women who kept their eyes up.
Q. Why should I keep my eyes up?
A. What is true about God is reveled when you do:
1) I remember that God only has thousands of good thoughts about me
2) I remember that God is the blessed controller of all things
3) I remember all the rest of the truths about circustances
4) God controls circumstances
5) Guardian angels protect me
6) Satan is not in control when I yield to God
7) I exercise faith in something unknown, but that God knows how to handle perfectly (Hebrews 4:1)
8) I cast all my burdens on God because He cares for me
9) My godly response brings God glory—even if it is a little late!
Note 2: As much as I am emotionally involved in my ministry, at any time, God may uproot what I'm doing, and always for something better. I break away in faith, feel the separation, miss the ministry, always with my eyes up, trusting God to continue what I started, and move forward. Change is just following God's pillar of light or fire into something better. I may stagger as the changes come, resist some, as I am not made perfect yet. But God has asked me to trust Him the best I can and that is good enough for Him (thank God!).
Q. How else did Jesus demonstrate His control of the situation in the Garden of Gethsemane?
A. John 18:10–11 = Peter caused a commotion in slashing off Malchus' ear (reacting to the chaos) and Jesus told him not to interfere with what was surely God's will for Him.
Note: Do you interfere with God's purpose for you? So how do you not interfere? By yielding to God in humility every day. If you act right away, it is not from God. In traffic, we learn to safely follow the car in front of us by staying four car lengths behind. This way, if the driver needs to stop fast, we have plenty of time to stop. If we follow too closely, we crash into him.
In the same way, if we stay too close to a situation and something happens, we crash. Put Jesus four car lengths between you and all situations. When something happens, Jesus helps you to stop, buffering the blow, and is able to restore you. Putting Jesus between you and any given situation is like the incident inthe Garden. Jesus will buffer the blow, restore peace and explain the truth again about His being in total control of it. But you have to will Jesus to be there. Pray with me now:
"Jesus, I want You to stand between me and every circumstance in my life. You buffer each circumstance with Your perfect abilities and skills. Without Yu, I only have my imperfect, flawed abilities and skills to deal with life's surprises. Thank you, Jesus. Amen."
Q. How do I live every moment with Jesus between me and circumstances?
A. Pray always! Bless your enemies and friends alike. Bless soldiers and politicians, relatives and prisoners, etc.
Note: This life lesson was demonstrated to me just yesterday.
I was on the phone with a dear woman who once knew of God, but now rejects Him completely. While accusing the saints of being narrow–minded, she pushed her worship of mountains and oceans (worshipping the creation instead of the creator). My sadness for her was overwhelming. Decades ago, she walked with God closely, so I thought. She'd stand in abortion lines with girls, talking them out of killing their unborn. The girls who changed their minds have children who grew up calling her grandma. This woman's passion for God's Word was so real! She memorized Romans and embraced God's Word in her arms.
Yet when the heat of the refining fire was turned up, she got out and became bitter over her trial, throwing it all away over persecution. She was on fire for God for two years. Decades later, the rotting effects of bitterness has taken its toll and even to her Christian grandchildren she preaches idolatry: Idolatry born out of bitterness.
So I heard her brag about it yesterday and how comical it was to her how she hurt and confused she made her grandchildren, and I understand God's wrath justly wrought against those who cause little ones to stumble. Meanwhile, my soul was feeling sucked dry as she went on and on about her choice to believe what she wished.
This is the hardest part about being in God's presence while mocking is also present. Here is someone who hates my Heavenly Father who I can feel is standing beside me every moment. God instructs me to pray for my enemies. Our enemies are His enemies. I finally remembered to pray. As this woman continued on and on, I blessed her with grace, mercy, love and compassion, and asked God to show Himself to her; to save her and wrap His arms around her, knowing that love covers a multitude of sins. The moment I began to pray, my soul was refreshed and sadness lifted, while joy was made new within me. Hallelujah!
Why do we pray? So we can overcome the world! In sad prayer for her, I was surprised by joy! The burden she lay on me was totally lifted. God can handle this woman! He took her off my chest and carried her for me. God, help me to remember to pray always.
"Father God, You move in ways I don't think of asking You to move, and do many wonderful things each moment. Be my buffer between me and the world. Feel free to pop in and rescue me when I'm too absent–minded to ask! Thank you for mankind, for Your patience with many, and Your unwillingness that any should perish. Thanks for choice, that I may choose to follow You and spend a lifetime in pursuit. Amen!"
Q. Why did Caiaphas say, "Beter that one should die for all"? A. John 18 = Caiaphas thought he would make Jesus an example and shut up all His followers at once. God's intention, however, was that Jesus would die for all to save all mankind.
You see, the world does what God says with no intention of obeying Him. "What man intends for evil, God means for good." From the beginning, God's purposes have been fulfilled perfectly. Yes, through all acts of sinful men, God's will is inevitably made complete.
This time on earth is coming to an end. We will understand how the history of the world fulfilled God's purpose without the noise and chaos we too easily are captivated by. Imagine! Meditate on this truth. "I will know as I am known."
Q. Who is our witness when we are wrongfully accused? A. John 18:21 = Those who know us bear witness to our character.
Note: False accusers do not ask for character witnesses.
Q. How should I respond when persecuted? A. John 18:23 = Consider how Jesus responded when struck in the face: There was no resentment, no self–righteousness evident. He instead reasoned with the man who struck Him! He counseled him about his actions, as if He wasn't the one hit.
Note 1: Now that's not letting persecution get in the soul! Separate yourself from the actions of a person and counsel him instead.
Note 2: How different was Peter's response to those asking him if he was Jesus' disciple! Notice the buffer (Jesus) was not in place, and wouldn't be until Jesus died and rose again. Peter became a reasoner after the Holy Spirit filled him, and then he took on thousands. Hallelujah!
Q. What did Jesus say to Pilate about His Kingship? A. John 18:36 = He told Pilate He wasn't an earthly king.
Note: Only God can transform a heart to perceive what the Christian sees. We live on earth, yet belong to a Heavenly Kingdom. To say that to one who cannot perceive Heaven brings immediate guilt, for he knows he hasn't been allowed admission, and that only can mean he isn't chosen. Woe! People resent God for not choosing them. If they resent Him, they will resent His people too.
Q. Why did Jesus instruct the disciples not to fight for His life? A. John 18:36 = Because they would have been fighting for a kingdom Jesus was not king of on earth.
Q. Why did Jesus come? A. John 18:37 = To save people; to tell them the truth about all of mankind.
Note: Right after I wrote this down, a young prodigal person brought up a political discussion that was oftentimes heatedly remarked upon. In today's small world, we have an unbelieving media's close surveillance on wars far off. So much thought and wracking of the brain, trying to figure out what is right and wrong in one's own estimation brings on headaches and no resolution.
Jesus came to tell us the tuth about ourselves. I humbly let Him lead. Nothing is out of His hands. This young person was miffed at such a simple answer and is in turmoil with his own conclusions. Father God, show him the truth and put his busy mind at ease. Grant him peace and keep him safe until he returns to You again.
Q. What did the Jewish leaders in Jesus' time fail to do? A. John 18:38 = Reveal God to the world. Pilate saw many so–called truths in his day.
Q. What else did Pilate see? A. John 18:38–40 = 1) A man who was obviously innocent standing before him
2) A murderous people in the Israelites.
Q. Did Pilate want to kill Jesus? A. John 19:8–10 = No way. He feared Jesus and tried to release Him.
Q. How did the Israelites respond to that? A. John 19:12 = They tried to make Pilate look like a traitor to Caesar by his letting Jesus get away with a claim to be king.
Q. What did Pilate do in response? A. John 19:13–14 = He declared Jesus as the king of the Jews and gave Him back to them as their king.
Q. And the Jews rejected Jesus as king? A. John 19:15 = Yes. They yelled, "Crucify Him!"
Q. Did that shock Pilate? A. John 19:15 = Yes. They declared Caesar to be their king.
Q. So Pilate ordered Jesus crucified? A. John 19:16 = Yes.
Q. Did Pilate acknowledge Jesus as king of the Jews? A. John 19:19–21 = Yes. On the cross above Jesus' head was, "Jesus, King of the Jews," and it was written in three languages so many people could know who hung there.
Q. What did the Jews think of that? A. John 19:21 = They wanted it to say, "He said He was king of the Jews."
Q. How did Pilate respond to that request? A. John 19:22 = No way. He wanted everyone to know the Jews killed their own rightful king.
Note: Non–believers are acutely aware of our hypocracy. God makes sure of it. So be real!
Q. What happened to Jesus' mother, Mary? A. John 19:26–27 = John the disciple took her into his home.
Note: Jesus was serious about taking care of our old people. success comes after recognizing our elderly as those placed in an honorable position by God. How you treat your elderly family and others witll decide how you will be treated when yo get old! Your success or failure in life begins with honoring your parents.
Q. We are all familiar with Nicodemus' conversion. What else is he known for? A. John 19:39 = Nicodemus brought 75 pounds of embalming ointment made from myrrh and aloes, and accompanied Joseph of Arimathea when he took Jesus' body off the cross to his own burial tomb. He helped him wrap Jesus' body in burial cloth with spices.
Q. Where was Jesus buried? A. John 19:41 = Near the place of crucifixion.
Q. Why there? A. John 19:42 = Because time was running short and it was Passover soon.
Q. What did God keep hidden from the disciples until Jesus rose again?
A. John 20:19 = That Jesus would also rise again.
Note 1: It is no accident that God hides His Word from us until we are ready for it to fulfill His purposes to us. Don't feel foolish for discovering huge truths after years of pursuing God. When it is your time, God will reveal. Isn't it exciting to know that God is always in anticipation of surprising us with love?
Note 2: Whatever today's chaos seems to overwhelm you, it is not chaos to God. Look for the lessons God wants to teach yo in all of it. Don't make Him repeat a similar chaos because you didn't get the lesson the first time. Defy a dense heart! Pursue God, even moreso now!
Note 3: I heard several illustrations from the life of a missionary to Singapore today. He learned his lessons!
1) Wading from one small island to another in low tide, the missionary nearly drowned. He cried out, "Jesus, help!" A surfer with a white board appeared and surfed him along with his Buddhist aunt and uncle. The surfer disappeared. They became believers that Sunday.
2) This missionary's child, it was revealed, would be very ill at birth. The faith of his laboring wife never halted, and she rebuked the trouble, while he commanded his child to live. A baby boy was born, and on the weighing scale, he suddenly passed through his back end tumorous tissue from his stomach. The child remains totally healed to this day.
3) The missionary's father was the first to be saved in his family. God saved him to save his furute family too. Most are saved out of Buddhism now.
4) The missionary's grandmother died in her daughter's arms at age 9. She heard her mom say all her life that she wished she was never born because she blamed her sickness on this daughter. Full–blooded American Indian. At a tent meeting brought by missionaries, she was saved. A contest went on. Who had the best testimony? The prize was Christian summer camp where she met her husband o be. He is half Japanese raised in Kauai. Larry married a Chinese woman who is very different than he. The secret of happiness they found was in praying every night together. All the conflicts are settled before they sleep.
5) Asthma: healed of it from his dad calling the 700 Club during an asthma attack. It lifted and never returned.
6) Three generations of men went to declare their commitment to following God. The youngest declarred to his elders, "Even if you forsake the Lord, I will never!" A man in the front row was filled with self–pity because he was first generation saved. Jesus spoke to him. "You are in the first choir. Your children and grandchildren are in the other choirs."
7) Speak words of blessing. They are passed down from generation to generation.
8) Jabez means "I wish you were never born." Jabez prayed that he would not cause anyone pain. He learned!
Q. What was Jesus' tomb near? A. John 19:20 = The city.
Note: Many people would pass by that place.
Q. When did the disciples receive the Holy Spirit? A. John 20:22 = In the Upper Room. Jesus breathed Himself onto them.
Q. Who wasn't there with them at the time? A. John 20:24–26 = Thomas. He doubted until eight days passed and Jesus retuned to them.
Q. Why did Thomas finally believe? A. Jhn 20:27 = He saw Jesus for himself.
Q. What would Jesus desire of us? A. John 20:29 = That we'd all believe the testimony of others, like the bible patriarchs.
Note: Imagine a world where people didn't doubt the testimony of one saved by angels, or one saved from a life of crime or prostitution or durgs. I am blesseed to hear such testimonies. Are you?
Q. What benefit is it to me to believe in miracles? A. John 20:30 = It causes a chain reaction:
1) Miracle happens
2) I believe that Jesus is Messiah because of it
3) I have life
Q. Did Jesus appear a third time to the disciples? A. John 21:1 = Yes.
Q. Where? A. John 21:1 = By the Sea of Galilee. Jesus made a fire for the fish they were out catching. Jesus' fish were already frying in the fire when they saw Him.
Q. So they ate breakfast together? A. John 21:12 = Yes.
Q. Are all of Jesus' miracles recorded inthe bible? A. John 20:30–31 = No.
John 21:25 = There isn't enough room on earth to record all Jesus did.
Q. After Jesus made breakfast for the disciples, what happened? A. John 21:15–19 = Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him. Then He gave Peter instructions.
Q. What were Peter's instructions? A. John 21:15–19 = 1) If Peter loved Jesus more than his friends, he should feed His lambs.
2) If Peter loved Jesus, he'd take care of His sheep
3) If Peter loved Jesus, he'd feed his sheep
4) When Peter lost his freedom, he should still follow Jesus, and to his death.
Q. Should we be curious for other believers' future? A. John 21:22 = No. Jesus takes care of His own. He asks us not to worry for others.
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