Luke 1 – 12 Questions and Answers
Q. Who is the Book of Luke written to? A. Luke 1:1 = Theophilus.
Q.Why did Luke write it? A. Luke 1:1–4 = To document an accurate account of God's intervention from John the Baptist to the resurrection of Jesus. Lots of folks wrote this down, but since Luke was there to witness it all, he testified on Jesus' behalf.
Q. What was Elizabeth's heritage? A. Luke 1:5 = She descended from Aaron's priestly line.
Q. And her husband, Zechariah? A. Luke 1:5 = He descended from the priestly order of Abijah.
Q. So both of John, the Baptists's parents were from the priestly order? A. Luke 1:5 = Yes.
Q. What was Zechariah and Elizabeth's desire? A. Luke 1:13 = To have a child.
Q. Who made John the Baptist great? A. Luke 1:15 = God did right from birth!
Q. What are marks of greatness? A. Luke 1:15 = 1) Never touching wine or hard liquor
2) Being filled with the Holy Spirit even before birth.
Note: What a way to begin life!
Q. What results in greatness? A. Luke 1:16 = The foundations of great leadership.
Q. What does true leadership result in? A. Luke 1:16 = Being able to pursuade people to follow God.
Q. What was John's calling? A. Luke 1:17 = To prepare people to receive their Lord Jesus when He came.
Q. How would John accomplish this task? A. Luke 1:17 = 1) By restoring fathers to their children
2) Which would change disobedient minds to accept godly wisdom.
Note: Our transformation begins with family relationships. If we can be purified of sins toward parents, we can also be purified of sins toward God. Confess, repent, forgive, receive from God. The opposite is true too: Don't confess, don't repent, don't forgive, don't receive from God.
Q. How did Zechariah displease God? A. Luke 1:18 – 20 = He doubted God's power
Q. What resulted? A. Luke 1:20 = Zechariah wouldn't be able to spread more doubt.
Q. How? A. Luke 1:20 = His voice ws silenced until John's birth.
Note: Next time you get larangitis, ask yourself if you've been detering God's Kingdom on earth in anyway. We are a foolish, careless race!
Q. Why do women who are barren have such a hard time with it? A. Luke 1:25 = Barrenness is a disgrace to her.
Note: Life nas its pits of suffering. But what joy there is when suffering is lifted! Whatever the turmoil, only God can lift it. So embrace suffering, pray for healing, and let it mature and refine you. You wouldn't be whole without your suffering.
Q. What made Mary find God's plan acceptable? A. Luke 1:38 = She saw herself as God's servant and trusted Him completely.
Q. Did Mary represent a remnant of right–thinking Israelites? A. Luke 1:46 – 55 = Yes. She sang a song of praise to God that was very right!
Q. In what way? A. Luke 1:48 = She sang truth about God:
1) God is personal
2) What He planned would surly come to pass and even make her famous
3) God is powerful
4) God's mercy never fails (v.50)
5) God does tremendous things (v.51)
6) God's justice prevails
7) God scatters proud and hauty ones
8) She saw people as placed in both poor and rich stations in life, easily reversible are their stations!
9) Ultimately, God feeds the poor (v.53)
10) God always helps His own (v.54)
11) God keeps all His promises, however ancient (v.55)
Q. What did Mary think a lot of after Jesus' birth? A. Luke 2:19 = The Messiah is here! She just gave birth to THE Messiah!
Q. What about the visiting shepherds who saw the baby, Jesus? A. Luke 2:20 = They were ecstatic!
Q. Who else was told of Jesus, the Messiah's coming? A. Luke 2:25–26 = Simeon, who was told by the Holy Spirit of Messiah's coming in his lifetime.
Q. How did Simeon recognize Jesus? A. Luke 2:27 = The Holy Spirit led him to the Temple where Jesus was being dedicated.
Q. What did the Hoy Spirit reveal to Simeon about Jesus' coming? A. Luke 2:30–32 = 1) Jesus was Savior
2) Not only of the Israelites, but of all people
3) Jesus is light to reveal God to the nations
4) Jesus is Israel's glory.
Q. Were Joseph and Mary surprised about those things? A. Luke 2:33 = Yes. They didn't know about ther rest of the world being saved along with Israel.
Q. What else did Simeon tell them about Jesus? A. Luke 2:34 = Many in Israel would reject Jesus.
Note: Think about this a moment: The Is4raelites were living in servitudfe to Rome. God always delivered them from their enemies in a mighty way. A king would assume the throne in Israel—from David's line. This prophecy fulfilled was different. This is Messiah. He would not challenge Rome for Israel's independence ("Render to God what is God's and to Caesar what is Caesar's:). Those focused on Israel's independence day were sorely disappointed, thus, rejecting Jesus. Then there were the religious folks. Jesus had little or nothing to do with them. He wouldn't ea a meal with them so they couldn't glom onto Jesus' popularity by default, which made them mad, thus, rejecting Him. The Romans knew Israeli leaders were jealous of Jesus. Note that it wasn't Jesus not assuming David's physical throne that upset ordinary people enough to kill Him. It was jealousy of Jesus that led to His violent death. The jealousy of a few devoted and powerful Israelites was enough. They were jealous of Jesus' favor with God in doing miracles and minimalizing their once noted poularity with the people. Persecutions and conflicts are the same today. Of course, we are helped along in our sins by Hell itself, which magnifies conflicts to irrational proportions. All of us may fall under the same sins of the religious leaders prophesied in this chapter. The only way to keep a pure heart is to be in devotion to God in His Word, to pray always, to repent even more! Tell the voices of Hell to shut up (doubt, fear, insecurity) and do it daily until you are dead. Those religious leaders weren't as devoted as they thought. Unknown Simeon was. May we all take note!
Q. What was a devout Israelite like in Jesus' day? A. Luke 2:36–38 = Consider Anna, the prophet, for one. She worshiped and prayed and fasted in the Temple all her life.
Q. Was it hard for Anna to accept Jesus? A. Luke 2:38 = No. She immediately knew that Jesus was the Chosen One.
Q. Did Jesus wait to serve until He was 30? A. Luke 2:39–40 = No. Jesus used His wisdom all His life.
Q. What is the earliest recording of Jesus' ministry? A. Luke 2:42–47 = At twelve years of age. Jesus taught teachers and rabbis in the Temple.
Q. Was Jesus loved on earth? A. Luke 2:52 = Yes. He was loved by all who knew Him growing up.
Q. When did John the Baptist begin his ministry? A. Luke 3:1–2 = In the 15th year of Tiberius' reign as emperor of Rome.
Q. What prompted John to begin? A. Luke 3:2 = John received a message from God to begin.
Q. What did John preach? A. Luke 3:7–14 = Repentance of the heart. Different actions showed repentance for different people:
1) Average people — share what they have with the poor
2) Corrupt tax collectors — stop cheating and collecting more than what is due
3) Soldiers — A) Don't extort money
B) Don't falsely accuse
C) Are content with their pay
Q. Did the Israelites think John was Messiah? A. Luke 3:15 = They asked him to clarify! He told them NO.
Q. What would Israel's Messiah be like? A. Luke 3:16 = 1) Messiah would baptize them with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
2) Messiah would separate true believers from fakes and preserve true believers too.
Q. How did Jesus first introduce Himself? A. Luke 16:21 = At the synagogue in Nazareth, Jesus boyhood home, He read out of Isaiah 61:1–2, and told the people that the prophecy has come true today.
Q. Did they believe Him? A. Luke 4:22 = They loved Him as Joseph's wise son, but they would not accept Him as Messiah.
Q. Why not? A. Luke 4:24 = No prophet is accepted in his own hometown.
Note: This is why Christians need to move away from home—at least to a different town!
Q. What prophets healed miraculously outside of Israel? A. Luke 4:25 = Elijah and Elisha.
Q. How badly was Jesus rejected in Nazareth? A. Luke 4:29 = They tried to throw Jesus over a cliff and kill Him.
Q. Did Jesus preach on the Sabbath anywhere? A. Luke 4:31 = Yes. , Jesus taught every Sabbath in Capernaum synagogues
Q. Did Jesus preach in other synagogues? A. Luke 4:44 = Yes, in synagogues throughout Judea. Even on the shore of the Sea of Galilee (5:1).
Q. What did Jesus preach? A. Luke 5:1 = The Word of God.
Q. What preceded Simon Peter's recruitment by Jesus? A. Luke 5:3 = Jesus preached from Peter's boat, then gave him a great catch of fish.
Note: You can talk to folks about Jesus and they will just stare at you dumbly until you're finished. Or, you can observe what they need and offer to pray with them for that need and they can see God work on their behalf. Which way is more effective? Spend time with folks and touch their lives in a personal way.
Q. What was Peter like? A. Luke 5:8 = Peter recognized Jesus as Messiah after that miracle and humbly bowed before Him.
Q. How should we be about praying for healing on behalf of others? A. Luke 5:19–23 = Persistent!
Q. What must accompany a prayer for healing? A. Luke 5:23–24 = Repentance for sins.
Note: Not all illness is caused by sin, but all healing must be preceded by repentance of sins.
Q. What did Levi (Matthew)follow Jesus immediately when Jesus asked him to? A. Luke 5:26–28 = Jesus' miracles were widespread. Levi had no doubt Jesus had God's favor.
Q. Did Levi halt his career to take up his new vocation in following Jesus? A. Luke 5:29 = No. He kept his vocation. He held a banquet for Jesus in his own home, inviting his infamous peers along with religious folks and other friends. But Jesus was his guest of honor.
Note: Jesus is also with us. Maybe our social engagements would go better if Jesus were our guest of honor.
Q. Why should we keep our old friends after our own salvation? A. Luke 5:31–32 = We lead them to the cross as friends.
Q. How were John the Baptist and his disciples different than Jesus? A. Luke 5:33 = They fasted and prayed, while Jesus and his disciples fasted and celebrated.
Q. Why did Jesus and the disciples celebrate? A. Luke 5:34 = There was no need to fast bewcause fasting is done when Jesus (the Bride Groom) is away. Celebrating and feasting happens in His presence.
Q. What is the point of the illustration of new and old wineskins? A. Luke 5:36–39 = Jesus wasn't there to add to the Law and the Prophets. His purpose was to do something new.
Note: This is why tithing is not part of the New Testament of Love. Tithing is part of the Old Law which had to be kept meticulously. I believe in giving. The New Testament says to give generously (not ten percent according to the Law), but not after Jesus' death and in the New Covenant of Love is tithing ever mentioned. The New Testament is filled with encouragement to believe God for our 24/7 lives and to give always. From the heart, not as a requirement of the Law that must be obeyed. Tithing was mentioned once by Jesus when the religious leaders questioned Him about the Law. But the Old Testament Law is over, along with its requirements and was completely fulfilled upon Jesus' death on the cross.
Q. What do godless, religious folks stumble over in regards to believers? A. Luke 5:7–11 = Random acts of kindness stun godless, religious folks. Whether stunned by joy or by rage, a believer is guaranteed a reaction!
Note: Kindness, unconditional love, all the rest of the fruits of the Spirit are ours to demonstrate to a dark, blind world. All these fruits reap a reaction. See the chart below:
Fruit Bitter Poor Rich Religious Possessed Sick
Love Release loves back superficial superficial demons shriek loved
Joy laughter laugh at tomorrow superficial despises pain joy
Peace a way out peace searching sternness protests sleeps better
Patience appreciation thankful heart impatience ranting cared for valued
Kindness accepted relief mocking false piety gratitude approval
Gentleness sympathy appreciation stunned in charge appreciation loved
Goodness receives goodness joy valued as a man convicted loved loved
Faithfulness valued loved respect for stunned devotion valued
Self–control learns self–control inspired trust trust empowered rightly trust
Note: This is the essence of our mission: In Jesus' name, we exhibit the fruit of the Spirit to those who will receive it. God makes new believers and builds up His own family. It's all about people!
Q. Jesus said it was good to do good at all times 24/7. Even in this time while Jesus walked the earth, when the Law of Moses was carried out, and it became necessary at times to interrupt the Sabbath to do good. Was this always the case in the Old Testament days? A. Luke 5:3–5 = Yes. David and his companions ate the special bread set aside for the priests because they wer hungry. David knew that God cared first for people. God is NOT legalistic!
Q. And God did not punish David, did He? A. Luke No. David knew God wouldn't. Study the Scriptures and draw near without fear to Father God!
Q. Why were religious folks not impacted by this event concerning David? A. Luke God's Word tells us to seek for wisdom as if seeking for hidden treasure. God's compassion is all over the Old Testament books as well as New Testament writings. Religious folks did not know God's Word as a treasure to be uncovered, but as a rule book to sweat and labor in. Though knowing the Scriptures, they ironically missed knowing God.
Q. What did Jesus attempt to make these religious folks see? A. Luke Luke 5:5 = The One behind the Law. The purpose for the Law was to purify them regularly so that they could draw near to God without sins blocking them. The Law is perfect, but man is not. It was a temporary solution to teach men that they always fall short and always would; they couldn't save themselves. Only God saves. This does not surprise God!
Q. What is true of hatred, alienation, mocking and cursing of God's people? A. Luke Luke 2:22–23 = It's not unbelievers who do such things, but believers who do these great harms to their own brethren, and have since time began! People who know God persecute their brethren. And the world laughs at our foolishness.
Note: Brace yourself! Only God is your shelter in those times. Wait it out quietly. God guards and protects all of us, even the persecutors! The question is, "Will I run or will I wait it out?" Keep in mind that the world watches us and considers our reactions. They know that no one is perfect. Their question remains, "Are Christians really different?" How much better off would we be if we really understood that we have only one common enemy, Satan himself, who spends all his time looking for chinks in our armor in the form of pride, selfishness, false piety, or whatever, which are the opposite behaviors of the fruit of the Spirit. Think about your rotten fruit. All seeds planted reap. See the comparison chart below:
Undealt–with Rotten Fruit
of Human Sin
Fruit of the Spirit
1. Hate 1. Love
2. Sadness 2. Joy
3. Turmoil 3. Peace
4. Impatience 4. Patience
5. Unkindness 5. Kindness
6. Harmfulness 6. Goodness
7. Unfaithfulness (not trusting God) 7. Faithfulness (trusting God)
8. Roughness 8. Gentleness
9. Lack of self–control 9. Self–control
Note: If you harbor any of of these sins, your armor is chinked and you are ripe to be manipulated by Hell against your brother. So confess your sins every day, nail your flesh to the cross and let God move you as His servant amongst His flock. Don't stand inthe way of God's Kingdom work! Don't pretend you are His special emisssary to root out evil in the church. Be part of the work, humbling yourself daily and leaving the transformation of your heart and other's hearts to God to complete.
Q. Are rich unbelievers happy? A. Luke 6:24 = Yes. But sorrow comes and then there is nothing else to be happy about.
Q. Do rich unbelievers tend to only be happy about their wealth? A. Luke 6:24 = Yes. They are focused on cash.
Q. Why? A. Luke 6:25 = Cash satisfies temporarily. It will be gone and then awful hunger will follow.
Q. What does God think of comedy? A. Luke 6:25 = If comedy is careless with no root or basis, it is proof that you don't know God and mourning will soon follow.
Q. Should I be concerned about my reputation? A. Luke 6:26 = No. If I am praised by man I should be suspicious of why. Only God should get any glory I am involved in.
Q. What is wrong with these four types of places in life?
Place in Life Wrong Perspective Right Perspective
1) Experiencing Wealth Money is happiness God is happiness
2) Experiencing a full
Self–satisfied. "I am the center of my universe" Feeding the poor is my mission
3) Full of empty laughter Life is carefree I laugh with those who laugh; weep with those who weep. I am others–oriented.
4) I experience praise by
I'm right because I'm so popular Praise belongs to God
A. Where you are in life alters perspective. It takes humility to do things God's way all the time. But the Holy Spirit helps us to do things right! Hallelujah!
Q. This chart reflects opposite perspectives, doesn't it? A. Luke 6:24–26 = Yes.
Q. What can I do to keep my perspective a godly one? A. Luke 6:27–31 = Jesus pointed out our wrong reactions and the right ones. Make a plan while all is peaceful. See the chart:
Jesus says, "LISTEN!"
Incident The flesh says
(taking offense)...
Jesus says...
I'm attacked or accused fight back! love them
People hate me take revenge! do good to them
People curse me curse them back! bless them
People hurt me resent them! pray for them
People hit me hit back! let them hit and only block the punches
People steal from me take it back! give them even more
People ask me for things no, they're mine! give freely
People openly take things from me protest and take your things back! don't try to get them back
Q. What is the basis for Jesus' instructions on behavior? A. Luke 6:31 = To treat people as I would like to be treated under the same circumstances.
Note: If you think you will never be the offender in any of these circumstances, think again! Whether by accident or intentionally, all of us have been a provoker. Given the same circumstances, we all fail. This is why we need to be prepared for anything.
Q. In a nutshell, what is the underlying response I should have toward my brother? A. Luke 6:31 = Instead of taking offense, which is a sin, I love in response to every kind of attack.
Q. What is love for? A. Luke 6:32–34 = Pouring oil on our enemies.
Note: We love in the flesh those who please us. It takes God's unconditional love to really love, and pouring love on those we have no human reason to love need it the most. They are the reason we are still here!
Q. What do I do with an unreasonable debtor? A. Luke Luke 6:35 = You need a proper perspective of lending:
1) Be unconcerned if the loan goes unpaid
2) Knowing God will repay me
3) This attitude is totally God–like
4) Remember that God is kind to even debtors
5) Remember that God is kind to evil people
6) Remember that I must be compassionate, just as my heavenly Father is.
Q. What attitude does one who doesn't pay his debts have? A. Luke 6:35 = Unthankful heart and/or evil attitude
Q. And yet God loves him? A. Luke Yes!
Q. Why do I get judged? A. Luke 6:37 = Because I am judging others too.
Q. Why do I get criticized? A. Luke 6:37 = Because I am criticizing others too
Q. Why do I feel forgiven? A. Luke 6:37 = Because I forgive others and myself
Note: In all these things (judging, criticizing and forgiving), it really begins with not judging myself, not criticizing myself and not forgiving myself. Once I lay off my poor self, I can feel the release of wanton emotions and want that release for others too. Don't you hate being judged, criticized or resented? Release your friends and loved ones from your sinful grasp. Release them from your hurtful, cursing, powerful negative words!
Q. What should I do instead with my extra energy? A. Luke 6:38 = Give.
Note: Do you realize that
A) you can't give and judge at the same time?
B) you can't give and criticize at the same time?
C) you can't resent and give at the same time?
Our creative energies need to willfully be placed in giving ourselves to people who are a challenge to know. The world thinks it's foolishness and may even make you doubt, but keep your eyes up. People are why we are here! Giving makes them see God and teaches us how to love.
Q. What should shepherds in the church be like? A. Luke 6:41–42 = Clean as a whistle in his life! What he can teach another should be an area of victory in his own life.
Q. What happens when young people are installed in church leadership? A. Luke 6:41–42 = No mention of young leaders here. As long as a young leader doesn't teach what he doesn't know yet, age is of no repute.
Q. Why do people judge? A. Luke 6:42 = Perhaps they see their own sins reflected in the one they judge?
Note: If temptation of judging a brother wells up in you (or criticizing or resenting him), ask God why it bothers you so much. There is usually some sin in you that God is revealing so you can confess and be rid of it.
Q. Can we deal effectively with our own sins? A. Luke 6:42 = Yes. We can confess and we have others to confess to.
Q. How can I identify a good friend? A. Luke 6:43–45 = By his fruit.
Note: People are wanabes. If their lives are honorable, they are living right. If not, they live for themselves. Sometimes it is hard to see all the fruit in someone's life, but fruit eventually surfaces.
Q. Why should I keep my life pure? A. Luke 6:45 =What I invest in goes into my heart and is known by my speech.
Q. Do folks in trials walk with God? A. Luke 6:46–49 = Sure.
Q. Why do they stay faithful to God? A. Luke 6:47 = They listen to God's teaching, then obey it in peaceful times. Jesus calls this a strong foundation.
Q. How do I know my foundation is strong? A. Luke 6:47–48 = I don't walk away from God because of trouble. I remember God's Word and obey it, even in trouble, just like Job.
Q. How does Jesus' miracle power work? A. Luke 7:1–10 = Through no display of dramatics, but through people who understand authority, that Jesus heals all from where He is, and not necessarily in His physical presence.
Q. When one can grasp this truth, what is he? A. Luke 7:9 = Full of faith!
Q. Does Jesus only heal in the presence of tremendous faith? A. Luke 7:11–17 = No. Jesus raised the only son of a widow from his little coffin in the midst of his funeral procession! The sheer reality of loss was present.
Q. Why did Jesus raise the boy from the dead? A. Luke 7:12–13 = Jesus' heart overflowed with compassion for his motehr so He chose to heal the boy for her sake. Jesus even picked the boy up and gave him back to his mother!
Q. When I come to saving faith and I choose with my will to believe all God has done for mankind to this point and forever, does God help me to keep that faith? A. Luke 7:23 = Yes! God blesses you, which keeps your faith anchored in Him.
Q. What is the opposite of accepting God's plan for me? A. Luke 7:23 = Being offended by Him.
Note: Who would be offended by God's wonderful blessings of healing and raising our dead? It seems ludicrous, doesn't it? Yet to this day, people are offended. The only way to understand is to come to the truth about us all. We want to be God. This evil is at the root of every sin. Man is basically evil and jealous with an evil heart that resents not being Number One. Jesus reminded us all of our second place status. Every day we must nail our self–idolatry and narcissistic, self–centered flesh to the cross and put God back where He belongs—on His throne!
Q. What shows what a man really believes? A. Luke 7:35 = The fruit of his life.
Note: People wag their tongews! What they are is shown in their lives. Check the fruit and you have the man!
Q. How can I show the gospel to a rebellious person? A. Luke 7:36–42 = By the telling of analogies that relate to a specific subject he is errant in. Jesus dealt with a Pharisee who passed judgment and harbored unforgiveness of a sinner. Jesus taught the Pharisee how to behave in a story, which the Pharisee agreed came to a right ending.
Q. Should I worry about how the story is received? A. Luke 7:49 = No. He'll discuss it with others like himself. Only God can use the story to transform the heart.
Q. What do we need to do to be saved? A. Luke 7:50 = Believe God. He only means well and is a wonderful Father!
Q. What is evidence that I am saved? A. Luke 7:50 = I have peace.
Note: Only believers have peace. All other claims for peace are really just yearnings for it.
Q. Who was Mary Magdalene? A. Luke 8:2 = A woman Jesus cast seven demons out of. Jesus asked her along with other women to go with him on mission trips.
Q. Who was Joanna? A. Luke 8:3 = Wife of Chuza, Herod's business manager. Jesus asked her to accompany Him on mission trips too.
Q. Who was Susanna? A. Luke 8:3 = Another Jesus asked along on mission trips.
Q. Did Jesus ask others who remain unnamed? A. Luke 8:3 = Yes.
Q. What did they all have in common, besides a love for Jesus? A. Luke 8:3 = They contributed from their own resources support to Jesus and the disciples.
Note: This is noteworthy!How many church leaders are in place because they contribute generously to their churches? Notice that New Testament folks all really loved Jesus. This was no club. This was the real beginning of the church—before it lost its first love.
Q. What is it like when a church loses its first love? A. Luke 8:15 = A church that is right with God has these qualities:
1) Honesty
2) Good–heartedness
3) Love and commitment to God's Word
4) Steady in producing a good harvest.
Thus, the opposite qualities are tue of a church that has lost its first love:
1) Dishonesty
2) Evil–heartedness
3) Hate and neglect of God's Word
4) Producing a puny harvest.
Q. Do churches start well and stay well? A. Luke Only if these good qualities among others are dominant in the life of the church.
Q. Is this evil in the church necessary? A. Luke 8:10 = Yes. That the Scriptures may be fulfilled in Isaiah 6:9:
God's Word is light. In Luke 8:16, it says that God's wWord has a purpose, and without that purpose, it doesn't benefit us.
Q. What is the purpose of God's Word; God's lamp? A. Luke 8:16 = 1)To light up the doorway for all to see where that doorway is.
2) Luke 8:17 = To expose evil and make clear the sheer hideousness of evil.
Q. How do I receive God's Word in full? A. Luke 8:18 = I have to pay attention when I read it. God reveals and confirms His Word to me. Then I receive more by the everyday confirmations through situations God graciously uses to etch that Word into my heart.
Q. Example please? A. 1) I'm in the Word daily
2) God reveals to me a truth
3) In my everyday routine, something happens to show me the lesson, 3D.
Q. Do we all have the same opportunity to learn this way? A. Luke 8:18 = Yes. But we must make the choice to not only read God's Word, but to listen to God as He teaches it.
Q. What is required to get the full meaning of a verse or passage of Scripture? A. Luke 8:18 = A open heard and mind.
Q. Can I be half–listening and get a partial understanding? A. Luke 8:18 = Yes, but without the full understanding, tye partial one is taken away and we are left with a blank on that verse or passage. Only God can teach us fully, but He won't force His Word into us!
Q. How can I recognize a fellow believer? A. Luke 8:21 = He hears God's Word and obeys it openly.
Q. I felt that God asked me to relocate to a place I had never seen. I waited and He kept giving me confirmation, so I moved. I thought I would be part of God's work in a sister church, but it wasn't anything I had expected. My life was turned upside down! My question is this: Did I read God wrong? A. Luke 8:22 = No. Jesus led His disciples over a lake and a storm came. Trouble comes when we are inthe best places in our lives. Those circumstances are our parometers of our levels of faith in God, not only for our initial salvation, but for all the details of our lives. It is easy to trust in God to protect us when we are safe; harder to keep our eyes on Jesus when the storms come.
Q. How did Jesus handle the storm? A. Luke 8:23–24 = He slept like a baby through it!
Note: No storm would stop God's plan for the salvation of mankind! Whatever came up, Jesus knew His purpose. Whatever comes up with you, do you remember your purpose?
Q. What can I do in a storm? A. Luke 8:24 = Rebuke it! Whatever it is, call it by name (for example: confusion, fighting, hurrican, tornado, etc).
Q. What do I need to take such authority over evil or weather? A. Luke 8:25 = Faith. Even an ounce of faith moves mountains!
Q. What was the lesson in this passage? A. Luke 8:25 = Jesus did what they didn't know they had the authority to do. They knew now!
Note: Someone once asked me, "Where's your faith?" It is oimportant to really understand the meaning of faith, so that when it is tie for a heavenly shakedown, you'll stay calm and exercise authority over it.
Q. Did the disciples believe Jesus about their authority over the elements? A. Luke 8:25 = Not really. They were focused on Jesus' power over the elements
Note: We need to grasp the truth that we are a powerful army of God. That power keeps us safe and shows the world God's glory and many are saved as a result.
Q. Why don't more churches take up the mantle of power as Elisha did? A. I believe God raises up Spirit–filled churches according to the needs of the people who will be ministered to by them. Some folks need to see God's power to believe He is here. I saw God's power move upon my salvation, but I didn't ask for it. So I was blessed! I long wondered how to reach folks deeply involved in the do–gooder cults. I know of one beloved family entrenched in a cult whose lives are being touched by a particularly unique, prosperous and famous church. Although they are critical of the monetary factor in the church, members of this family are touched to the heart and they cannot deny how good an effect this church has had on their lives. On the other hand, this same woman is appreciative of the servants' heart of a single believer in a small charasmatic church. She needs a monetarily humble church in order to see the power of God. Consistency in serving joyfully breaks down walls. Do–gooding exhausted this woman because she did it out of the flesh. She watches carefully a church's ministry and wonders how its believers do not burn out when serving the poor. The truth is our love is not our own! "They will know we are Christians by our love." Let your life impact your world, so that they will say of you, "Who is this man,that even the winds and wves obey him?"
"Let your light shine among men so they will see your good works and glorify God in Heaven."
Q. What should I do when blessed with healing or deliverance? A. Luke 8:39 = Go home and tell your family.
Note 1: God loves families. The 2nd most importent commandment is to honor mother and father. What an impact, what joy there was for this man's family, that their son suffered no more and was touched with healing by God! I want this for my children. I want them to come home one day and rejoice with me about what God is doing for them.
Note 2: Churches should teach every member of every age to honor their parents; to go tell them what God is doing. Parents are, next to God, the most concerned for their childrens' welfare. Isn't Jesus cool to emphasize that here? On the other hand, a pastor or church that does not see that crucial honor of parents as key to happiness borders on cultish behavior. Our carnal instinct is to be repelled by parents. Parents, teach your children this commandment well. Their happiness depends on obeying it!
A healthy church has these 3 characteristics intact:
1) Compassion before propriety
2) Passion before propriety
3) Welcoming little children
Footnote: Propriety is like protocol. It is policy above love. Never put policy above love!
Q. How do I evangelize my parents? A. Luke 8:39 = Tell them of the wonderful things Jesus has done for you.
Note: Make a list of those changes to your life. Don't bible–beat! People get saved because of your new, honoring, miraculously–changing life. Don't promote yourself. Promote God.
Q. Who gives believers power and authority to cast out demons? A. Luke 9:1 = Jesus does.
Q. Who gives power and authority to heal all diseases? A. Luke 9:1 = Jesus does.
Q. Who sends evangelists out? A. Luke 9:2 = Jesus does.
Q. What is the message they bring? A. Luke 9:2 = They announce the coming of the Kingdom of God with them and His wonderful plan to heal the sick.
Q. Why did the disciples go out as evangelists without luggage? A. Luke 9:4 = So they would rely on others to take care of them.
Note: Relying on others to take care of you is not a matter of needing to be dependent on man, but of not relying on yourself and one's onwn riches. I'm sure these verses here helped some churches get rich on their congregations, who then live a lower quality of life than their pastors. I think Jesus had been emphasizing interdependence here, as through His ministry, He was rarely alone. Through fellowship, a pastor never feels alone, has the visible support, prayer support, moral support of everyday people. When a pastor isolates himself from everyday people, or else only surrounds himself with other pastors (who isolate themselves too), he is not at the top of his game and can even delude himself into thinking that his congregation doesn't support him. This conclusion comes by his own fleshly evaluations and unhealthy, isolating habits! Like a boxer with his coach at hand, pastor needs fresh strength and prayer flowing through the whole body of Christ, to revive and refresh him for the next round. If all he's got for coach(es) are other tired pastors, he will suffer lack.
Q. When do you know if people are open to the gospel? A. Luke 9:5 = When they receive it quickly.
Q. Should I pursue people who resist? A. Luke 9:5 = No. Jesus said to abandon them to their fate.
Note: Don't tarry! "Fate" means to let Jesus pursue them. He has the patience to do it unto death.
Q. What is the Good News? A. Luke 9:6; 9:3 = The coming of the Kingdom of God on Earth.
Q. When is it good for full–time ministry workers to retreat together? A. Luke 9:10 = When they've had much successand can encourage each other.
Q. If my time of rest is interrupted by someone who has questions about the gospel and the work of God, should I turn him away? A. Luke 9:11 = NO. Receive him with joy.
Note: Always be ready to share in God's work.
Q. But won't I burn out? A. Luke No! If you are a humble servant of God, open to His working through you, He is the one exerting the energy! If you are doing it by your own strength, you'll wear out. This is true of all Kingdom work.
Q. How does Jesus feed us when we're flat broke? A. Luke 9:16–17 = Mysteriously!
Note: I've had little food for my kids at times, and was totally reliant on God's provision, to wake up in the morning and find food in my refrigerator and cans in the pantry, along with a fuzzy memory of what was not in there last night. If there is anything you are in need of, just ask God for it. The wealthy don't need a divine provider. With the experience of miraculous help grows your faith. The reality of a Father who provides and keeps you praying every day for your sustenance is yours to the heart. Heavenly visions of heavenly homes are easier to fathom when you are reliant on God by necessity, and this life doesn't seem so remote from the one to come in Heaven. There is nothing like being totally dependent on God. There are teachings in the church that mockingly call this attitude toward physical poverty a "poverty mentality." As if poor folks who experience reliance on God's physical kindnesses and provisions are weak believers or martyrs. They are mistaken. I also notice that prosperity teachers are themselves independently rich with no need to rely on God or everyday people. They don't need a Savior. Jesus' point comes home when he states that evangelists should be at the mercy of everyday people. We are to rely on the support of others, not ourselves. Relying on people for the bare necessities can be harder than relying on God, but it is an act of faith that grows us up.
Q. Who is Jesus? A. Luke 9:20 = 1) Messiah sent from God.
2) v.22 = Destined to suffer many terrible things.
Q. What terrible things? A. Luke 9:22 = 1) Rejection from religious leaders
2) Murder.
Q. Then what? A. Luke 9:22 =To be raised from the dead.
Q. What does it mean to follow Jesus? A. Luke 9:23–26 = 1) I put aside my selfish ambitions
2) Shoulder my cross daily
3) Follow Jesus
Q. What does it mean to put aside my selfish ambitions? A. Luke 9:24 = To choose to lose my life for Jesus.
Q. What will happen if I do that? A. Luke 5:24 = I will find true life.
Q. What's wrong with a life lived for myself? A. Luke 9:25–26 = I may gain riches, but that requires losing or forteiting my soul in the process.
Note 1:Process! One doesn't see his soul at risk when living in the flesh. The soul is the mind, will and emotions. It feels good to be successful, a temporary sense of well–being happens and is a cheap substitute for God's peace. Visible consequences are:
1) self–sufficiency
2) smugness
3) superficial autonomy (i.e., feeling of power)
4) judging others who have less than me
5) Oppressing people
6) deafness to heaven
7) twisting of Scriptures to justify bad attitudes toward others
8) Neglect of the poor
9) thinking people who corect me are just jealous of my wealth
10) thinking I don't fall under obedience to God as much as others do
1) pride
12) arrogance
13) isolation
14) feelings of superiority over my brothers
15) unwillingness to befriend poor brothers
16) wrong placement inministry in church as I am deemed mature automatically by my generosity
17) holier than thou attitude
18) thinking prosperity equals approval by God
19) delayed reaping of bad sowing
20) my life ending in poverty
21) shame of the gospel of Christ
22) forgetting who granted me those riches
Note 2:Jesus gives riches without the soul suffering. If you find yourself uable to look at God's whole Word and keep your eyes up, those riches are actually a pursuit of the flesh. Stop workng for them! Your life is more important than riches!
Q. When did the Kingdom of God come? A. Luke 9:27 = Within the apostles' lifetime at Pentecost.
Q. What happens when we blurt out words quietly? A. Luke 9:33 = We say stupid, careless things.
Q. Why didn't the disciples understand the significance of Jesus' betrayal? A. Luke 9:45 = It was purposefully hidden from them.
Q. How? A. Luke 9:45 = 1) They couldn't understand it
2) They were afraid to ask Jesus about it
Note: Do you see different sects of the church with differing missions? The significance of one is hidden from the others and visa–versa. I have seen this in my own experience. I was once a right–wing Baptist with no understanding and plenty of fear toward my Charasmatic brethren. One day, God threw me into the Charasmatic camp. "Why hadn't I seen this before?" I had gasped in amazement. Let God hide facets of His Kingdom as He will. His sovereign plan sometimes requires it.
Q. Is there rank in Heaven? A. Luke 9:46–48 = No. All are equal—as we should be with everyone.
Q. Who is everyone? A. Luke 9:46–48 = From the smallest child to the oldest beggar, to receive all of them, I receive Jesus. To reject one of them is to reject Jesus.
Q. Does the church have different kinds of believers as a rule? A. Luke 9:49–50 = Yes.
Q. Do believers uderstand the differences in people? A. Luke 9:49–50 = Not always!
Q. How can I discern whether a denomination of proclaiming believers is truly God's own? A. Luke 9:49–50 = If they are not against me, pitting themselves against me, we are on the same side.
Note: This is a warning! God'schurch is at peace within itself. Jesus wants us to let each person be free to accomplish his part of the Kingdom work.
Q. Did Jesus fear his coming death? A. Luke 9:51 = No. When the time was ripe, He was also resolute about His mission, which was to die and conquer death. Not that His flesh didn't fight it!
Q. What helped Jesus to focus? A. Luke 9:51 = Hope. He knew He was returning to Heaven.
Note: Wouldn't it be nice to KNOW Heaven? We live by faith, hope and love. We have faith in what Jesus knew (Heaven). At the very worst, we die and the beginning of real life begins and never ends!
Q. When there is much to do, many being saved, but few are harvesting, what should we do? A. Luke 10:2 = Ask God to send more workers.
Q. Why? A. Luke 10:2 = God is in charge of the harvest.
Q. Since I've been saved, I feel more vulnerable to evil. Is this good? A. Luke 10:3 = Yes. We are all lambs amongst wolves!
Q. What else makes us feel vulnerable? A. Luke 10:4 = Being a new believer discovering God's family and many new believers you will continually meet in your lifetime.
Note: One of the nicest things of belonging to a church family is that even when new folks come to check us out, we have mutual vulnerability to one another with only Jesus as a reference point.
Q. What is good practice when entering someone's home? A. Luke 10:5 = Blessing it upon entering.
Q. What is true about blessings? A. Luke Luke 10:6 = Blessings stand to those who are worthy of them (Jesus' blood makes people worthy).
Q. What if the recipient of the blessing is not worthy? A. Luke 10:6 = The blessing returns to you—and you are blessed instead!
Note: Here we have incentive for blessing everyone!
Q. When doing the Lord's work, should I be hesitant to accept someone's hospitality? A. Luke 10:7 = Not at all.
Q. Why? A. Luke 10:7 = The Lord's work is hard! Jesus provides refreshment through hospitable people.
Q. When laying hands on someone for healing, what should I say, if anything? A. Luke 10:8–9 = "The Kingdom of God is near you now."
Note: If you can't say these words, you need to increase your faith. Whenever healing takes place, Heaven and earth are overlapping and we usher in heavenly miracles to people. In fact, whenever God's workis being done, the Kingdom of Heaven is near!
Q. What if people don't believe it? A. Luke 10:10–11 = They are doomed; but still, you warn them that these words are true, whether they believe them or not.
Q. How many disciples did Jesus send out? A. Luke 10:17 = Seventy–two. They did miracles and cast out demons.
Q. Why did demons have to obey the disciples? A. Luke 10:18 = They commanded the demons to obey them in Jesus' name.
Q. What is the best thing about being God's? A. Luke 10:20 = My name is registered as a citizen of Heaven.
Note: The power we have to DO mighty things in Jesus' name cannot compare to what has made us citizens of Heaven itself, namely, the blood of the cross. What Jesus did is truly great. We do things in life only because God is great.
Q. Why do people have different views of God? A. Luke 10:21 = 1) God hides Himself from those who think they are clever and wise
2) God reveals Himself to the childlike.
Note: What is characteristicof children?
1) They have nothing to hide
2) they don't nurse wounds
3) they forgive and forget
4) they trust
5) they accept the simple gospel as true
6) they are undereducated
7) they don't lie to themselves
8) they are not prejudiced
9) they know they are entitled to be loved for who they are
10) they don't gossip
11) tey sin openly
12) they repent easily
13) they are vulnerable
14) they love easily
15) they believe easily
16) they rely on others to care for them
17) they feel secure within boundaries
18) they don't stuff emotions inside
19) they are sponges to learning new things
20) they will ask until they get what they want or need
21) they rejoice easily
22) they don't uderstand riches or poverty
23) they look up to us
Q. What is characteristic of someone who thinks he is clever or wise? A. Luke 1) He puts his value as higher than his brother's value
2) He filters what he knows through childhood experiences
3) He would challenge even God about God's plan
4) He isolates himself from the 'average joe"
5) It is beneath him to love a stranger
6) He doesn't work within God's design as stated in God's Manual (the Bible)
7) He thinks he can trust a non–believing society to raise his children God's way
8) He is a terrible counselor
9) He warps truth
10) He trusts no one
11) He has a fear of intimacy
12) He is a workaholic
13) He sees himself as 'good' and so does not see his sin
14) He folds his arms suddenly when protesting against painfully true revelation about himself
15) He quickly denies his character flaws
16) He reminas a babe in Christ
17) His fruit is unripe or non–existent
18) He is self–important
19) He has no real friends
20) He sees his unhappiness is the fault of everyone else
21) Counselors run into brick walls that he erects
22) He has a fear of vulnerability
23) He has a fear of not being perfect
24) He displays false–piety.
Q. Ask yourself this: Do I show any of these attitudes of the clever or wise? Did my father or mother seem to have these characteristics? A. If the answer is yes, then speak a blessing to your parents right where you are. Bless them with the opposite of each characteristic you recognize. Go to bat for your folks. Intercede for the generations. Learn how at Cleansing Stream or Elijah House.
Q. To whom has God given authority over everything? A. Luke 10:22 = Jesus
Q. Who really knows Jesus well? A. Luke 10:22 = The Father, God.
Q. Who really knows God well? A. Luke 10:22 = 1) Jesus
2) Any person Jesus chooses to know God
Note: Two persons in the Trinity are revealed here. Only Jesus reveals God to us.
Q. Were these Israelite/disciples priveleged to live during Jesus' time? A. Luke 10:23 = Very! Their forefathers waited for Messiah and He came during their time. Very exciting!
Q. Who is my neighbor? A. Luke 10:31–32 = One who:
1) avoids me when I'm in trouble
2) finds my plight disgusting
3) One who finds my plight unworthy of his mercy
4) One who won't be inconvenienced to help a needy person
Note 1: So the rules of friendship apply to me:
1) I should be there for anyone in due need
2) Not judge someone's plight in any way
3) See all people as deserving of my mercy
4) Be ready to go out of my way to help
5) Don't hesitate to help.
Note 2: The motives of the heart are what we need to keep in check. This does not mean you should sacrifice your entire lifestyle for the sake of one always in trouble, but find ways to really solve problems—like learning how to be a good counselor and finding permanent solutions that you can offer him—and ones that he can choose or reject! But if a person is in trouble from taking a beating or has been in an accident, do help every time! Where is your heart when it comes to helping?
Q. What lessons can be learned from the disciple sisters, Mary and Martha? A. Luke 10:38–42 = 1) Note that Martha invited Jesus to their home, then assumed Mary would help her fix a fancy meal. Don't start a ministry that you are unwilling to see through alone. Don't assume control over others just because you began something.
2) Mary saw Jesus for Who He was. Spend time with God's anointed ones. The fellowship is more important thatn the duties you think necessary to host them in your home. Don't turn a blessing, maturing time into a club event, busying yourself with party details and missing the purpose of the event.
Q. If others don't comprehend the awesome blessing you enjoy and receive from God's anointed, will God lessen the blessing on the event? A. Luke 10:42 = No way! If yo discover God's presence in one event, He won't take it away, even if you are the only one in the room who gets it!
Q. How should we pray? A. Luke 11:2–4 = With this attitude about everything we do:
1) That God would be honored in it
2) With a focus for God's coming Kingdom
3) Knowing God provides for all His children, rich and poor
4) That we are forgiven exactly as we forgive others
5) Letting God guide us, even when temptation is strong
6) To persist in asking God for what we want until He answers
7) To keep searching for answers until God reveals them
8) To focus on one goal (knocking) until God answers.
Q. Does God answer prayer? A. Luke 11:10 = Yes.
Q. Is our asking God for specific things tiresome to Him? A. Luke 11:11–13 = No. Jesus emphasized the importance of asking.
1) We go to God as children who are completely innocent and unbeguiling.
2) We keep asking intently without wavering or giving up.
Note: (Don't get caught up in the thought of inconveniencing God. He is capable of all things. God is the epitome of power, love, presence, healing, etc. We benefit from that power because God IS that essence of all that is good. He is the River of Life we jump into in order to really live. To say that He is too busy is to equate God with man and only capable of limited good. God remains unlimited in all things.
Q. What is true of any kingdom? A. Luke 11:17 = At war within itself, it is doomed
Note: Some say the USA is divided and so it is doomed. How far off is this thinking! Its only real problem is disagreement of solutions for how to do good. And its citizens do agree that sacrifice is always called for; motives and intentions are on par with God.
Q. What is true of any household? A. Luke 11:17 = Divided, it is doomed.
Note: Plenty of divided households barely survive, but what dooms them?
1) The parents disagreeing on their roles
2) On how to raise the kids
3) Priorities mixed up (God, wife, children, work, respectively)
4) One parent gets saved and gets in high gear, taking the children down a new path and leving the other parent in the dust
5) Internet activities consume time
6) Self–absorption
7) Sin
8) Hobbies that isolate
9) Secrets
10) Infidelities
11) Neglecting church and fellowship
Now, apply this list to thousands that make up a kingdom and you have real chaos!
Q. When did the Kingdom of God arrive on earth? A. Luke 11:20 = It came with Jesus.
Q. When did Satan lose his power on earth? A. Luke 11:21–22 = When Jesus came.
Q. How did Jesus assume control of the earth? A. Luke 11:22 = Jesus attacked and overpowered Satan, stripped him of his weapons and carried off all his belongings, including us!
Note: Wow! Then why do people still feeel the effects of Hell's power? Only because Satan is not locked up and is allowed to play games as we let him. For instance, don't ask a demon to identify himself. He is a liar and will take that as permission to speak. Rather, take authority over him and cast him away and ask God to fill the new emptiness with God's Holy Spirit. Jesus already defeated Satan. We only need to remind the demon of his impotence. For the sake of a person tormented by Hell, we rebuke and cast away based on Jesus' conquered work finished a long time ago. We have been carried off into the Kingdom of God.
Q. Why are we still here then? A. Luke 11:22 = To declare it to the nations!
Q. How? A. Matthew 28:18–20 =
1) Tell them Jesus has been given complete authority in heaven and on earth
2) Our job is to tell everyone the Good News
3) Die in baptism to the flesh and receive life, symbolized in baptism
4) Teach people to obey Jesus' commands
5) This will last for all eternity
6) Jesus, father, and Holy Spirit are with us forever
Note: The gospel is huge, yet simple. I learned to obey the Word, which is not natural to do at salvation. The will needs to be brought under submission to God. The Word of God is packed with counter wisdom to this world's faulty perspective on wisdom. There is such overwhelming blessing to a family with right priorities as given in God's Word. Obeying God's Word may turn your household upside down from where it's at now. For instance:
Wife, did you know:
1) that God provides all your needs through your husband?
2) that your husband was made to till the earth?
3) your husband learns to rely on God through his labor?
4) that he learns how to lead by his experience in his family in leading?
5) that he will be a good elder some day because he has proven himself at home?
6) if he is not the breadwinner, he will lack in all these things?
7) that if he learns not to rely on God, but on his wife, he will not lead as a result, and he will never be fit to be an elder of the church?
God, give us strong men who will be leaders for You!
Husbands, did you know:
1) that God commanded all wives to be keepers at home?
2) that she is not made to do hard labor and feels like she's doing two jobs because of her passion for her family?
3) that working brings on incomprehensible guilt and fatigue and ill health?
4) that becoming the Proverbs 31 woman is a worthy achievement?
5) that she feels terrible married to a husband who relies on her income because he lacks faith in God to provide?
6) that she is vulnerable to what you say is right for her?
7) that she will go out there and work, believing what you declare, that you need her to work?
8) that on the weekend, you play after a satisfying work week, while she feels her abandonment of her true calling and tries to compensate for it on her days off and knows she's doing it badly?
9) that she feels guilty for not being superwoman while you play golf and have more than was allotted to you by God's provision?
10) that the toll on her life will significantly shorten her life?
Husbands, be ashamed and fix your households! Lead! We need you to lead!
Q. I'm used to a lifestyle of career mom, which takes me away from my family. But now I'm lookig at this verse ("wives are to be keepers at home") and you are asking me to turn my finances upside down? A. Luke 11:23 = No, God has commanded it, if you are to receive the full blessing He has for you. Obey Him and see what happens!
Q. But I don't know how to be a keeper at home. My friends tried it and failed. A. As all things, we take this dilemma to God in prayer and then wait for Him to move. You nave nothing to worry about. Rather, chasing that career should have convicted you before. Don't purposefully go against God's Word. All God wants to do is bless your life.
Q. It'll be hard to give up all those extra things. A. You exchange them for peace. Waht wold you rather have? A knowledge that God provides as per His example in your life now, or to still believe that you have to provide?
Q. What else does it mean to do God's will? A. Luke 11:23 = I'm working with God
Q. And if I choose not to? A. Luke 11:23 = I work against God
Q. So staying at home, I am working, but for God? A. Luke 11:23 = Yes!
Q. What is important to remember when deciding to obey God about something I previously did not? A. Luke 11:24–26 = It is important to stop sinning, but that isn't enough. You need to fill that void with godly activity.
Q. Why? A. Luke 11:24–26 = Because if you don't, sin remains, as you are still not doing! Stay home, but fill that time with wholesome things like raising godly kids—read books on godly child–rearing and get ideas from other families who are wholesome. Plug in now, really plug into your kids, your husbnad too. You haven't lost your identity—you found it! God made women very creative. Wait on God to see how you can serve Him in everything.
Q. What if I don't add wholesome things? A. Luke 11:26 = I am open to new temptations or old ones (like returning to work).
Q. Who is more blessed than Jesus? A. Luke 11:27–28 = Those who hear the Word of God and put it into practice
Note: Women, please allow God to bless you through making the decision to obey God's Word and staying at home.
Q. I don't feel important at home. A. Luke 11:28 = Wait for the blessing that is even greater than the one that was on Jesus' life!
Q. I don't really enjoy my kids. A. Change of perspective is needed here. Children are the future! You have the most important task there is on this earth!
Q. So I work for God in raising my kids for Him? A. Yes!
Note: Just as the Israelites did in Moses' day, people today drag their sins with them throughout their lives, never giving thought to the fact that their sins alter their lives and handicap their purposes. But Jesus has stated clearly that we are more blessed than He was if we hear the Word and put it into practice.
Q. What does it tke to hear God's Word and practice it? A. Luke 11:31–32 = 1) Make personal sacrifices: travel if you must, to hear God's Word preached
2) Don't refuse God's message when you hear it
3) Repent when God reveals your sin through His Word or from the preacher
4) Don't refuse to repent.
Q. What hinders me from receiving blessings? A. Luke 11:31–32 = Being too lazy to get up to go to church
2) Poo–pooing God's Word
3) Refusing to repent of my sins
Q. Why was Jonah swallowed by the whale? A. Luke 11:29–30 = It was a sign to Nineveh that he was sent by God to them.
Q. Why did Jesus die? A. Luke 11:30 = It was a sign to the present generation that God sent Him to them.
Q. Why are people deceived? A. Luke 11:33–36 = They think their darkness is light.
Q. What is a sure sign that someone is deceived? A. Luke 11:34 = 1) Lack of sunshine in one's soul; it can be seen in their eyes
2) Refusing the light (the truth)
Note: There is no middle ground here. Zero light equals incredible darkness.
Q. How can I make sure the light I think I have is not really darkness? A. Luke 11:36 = My whole life is radiant as though a floodlight is shing on me
Note: Let others determine that!
Q. Why did Jesus challenge the Pharisees to give up possessions? A. Luke 11:41 = Their possessions made them filthy because they hoarded things the poor needed.
Q. How does Jesus see the church that doesn't feed the poor? A. Luke 11:42 = As leaving something undone.
Q. Is feeding the poor more important than giving to the church? A. Luke 11:42 = Yes. It is only one of the more important things than giving!
Q. What else is important? A. Luke 11:44 = Keepig pure so as not to corrupt the congregation with my sins.
Q. What does a bad teacher do? A. Luke 11:45 = 1) Lays guilt trips on people
2) Teaches that shameful history is really good.
Q. Why did Jesus lay the guilt of all those Pharisees and teachers' ancestors on them here? A. Luke 11:50–51 = So that it could be nailed to the cross by their proxy.
Q. The Pharisees and teachers here represented all who sinned in their ancestry? A. Luke 11:50–51 = Yes.
Q. What else does a bad teacher do? A. Luke 11:52 = He hides the keys to knowledge from the student.
Q. So they know the truth and willfully hide it? A. Luke 11:52 = Yes.
Note: Key to knowledge? This whole website is a key to knowledge. The more you get to know God and His Word, the more you understand and see how it all blends, what is important in life and how to really live. Life is simple, guilt–free and peaceful. Sinful people represent God as not love, but stern and demanding. They make God like they are instead of wonderful. We are at fault not to seek after God and uncover those wonderful treasures in the present age, as we all have Bibles—well, most of us do.
Q. What happens when you confront religious leaders with the evils they do? A. Luke 11:53 = 1) They get furious
2) They try to trap you into saying something that would make you look like a sinner
Note: I hate interrogations! I was in one last year. I'm sure Jesus rose above their terrible questions. Don't lose it when confronted with accusations. God will deliver you, like He did Stephen and Philip—in life, or else in death.
Q. What does it mean to beware of the yeast of the Pharisees? A. Luke 12:1 = Beware of false motives. Yeast makes bread rise. What makes the Pharisee rise? Why is he a Pharisee? Why do people really become Christians? Are they touched by God or are they comfortable in religion? We should be careful to discern those motives. How? Examine the light in their eyes that shines in their souls!
Q. What if I can see evil motives but no one else can? A. Luke 12:2–3 = All will be revealed one day.
Q. What should motivate me to watch my mouth? A. Luke 12:3 = All secrets will be shouted out one day.
Q. What is the truth about fearing threats on my life? A. Luke 12:4 = A murderer cannot take away my eternity. He can only take away my physical flesh.
Q. Why should I fear God? A. Luke 12:5 = God can take away both flesh and a good eternity!
Q. But would God kill me? A. Luke 12:6–7 = No.
Q. Then why boast that He can? A. Luke 12:6–7 = The pont here is that God is the only one who can save us from the murderer and from Hell as well, yet He loves us and protects us from the murderer and also looks after even the physical details of our bodies. He wants us to know absolutely that He cares for us. We are sooooooooo valuable to God!
Q. Is this how God wants to be known? A. Luke 12:8 = Yes. He wants us to acknowledge Him to the world unashamedly as a loving, caring, doting Father.
Q. What happens if I get it into my head that God is in fact like this to the world? A. Luke 12:8 = Jesus will openly acknowledge me in the presence of God's angels!
Q. If I don't acknowledge God as beig so good, what am I doing? A. Luke 12:9 = I am denying that He is in fact this way.
Note 1: Evangelists—Always present God as wanting to make a loving family of children out of people. Who responds to sermonds of hellfire and damnation? Those who don't know God as so precious a Father as to look after us so meticulously. Who preaches hellfire and damnation? Those who don't know this passage?
Note 2: I get excited about God's ways and frustrated with the world's influence. I wish my exhorting would get through, but only my repititions of God as being so loving will make people see Him rightly and change accordingly. It is a lack of patience with God's timing that prevents me from being effective. God, forgive me! I want to evangelize only in Your way! I release my will and nail it to the cross. I am your willing evangelist today!
Q. What is the only unforgivable sin? A. Luke 12:10 = Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
Q. What is blasphemy? A. Luke 12:10 = To speak against something; to deny its very essence. To say that what this essence is, is not true.
Note: What are the attributes of the Holy Spirit according to God's Word?
1) We baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He is as equal with God as is Jesus.
2) The Holy Spirit is the Helper, who gives us courage, discernment, and the abilty to love and forgive God's way.
3) We are baptized with Holy Spirit fire
4) He anointes us to preach the Good News to the poor, release to the captives, miracles, salvation
5) He came down like a dove onto Jesus upon His baptism and at the beginning of the salvation road for us.
6) He anoints us to recover sight to the blind, spiritually and physically
7) He anoints us to set up liberty to those who are oppressed
8) He anoints us to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.
Q. So basically, denying and rejecting the Holy Spirit is denying His authority to empower God's people to do God's Kingdom work on earth? A. Luke Yes. When we reject the Holy Spirit, we reject our own salvation.
Q. I'm excited about all that God is doing in the Holy Spirit! The gospel is so simple and portrays God as so loving and merciful. Why doesn't everyone love this? A. If you want to know God (the awareness of God is in your heart, as God Himself has put it there), then you'll seek after Him. From birth, you have the choice to seek God. But you don't seek until God calls you! In that quest are many wrong paths. At the beginning of the right path is God's Word in His Bible. If you follow it, read it from cover to cover, you will get an overview of human history until 2000 years ago. Don't worry about thereafter; it is just a rerun of the last 2000 years! Now, decide that the Bible is the final truth and everything that you hear and see must conform to God's Bible, including all the religious books ever written. Find a church that believes this and also practices it. Interview the pastor and make sure what he says agrees with what you see on Sunday morning! His congregation should be excited about God's Word, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. No perfect people are present, just those who are really anchored in the Word and its truth. They should be actively feeding the poor! God's attributes of loving, caring, and protecting should burst forth from them by the power of the Holy Spirit. If done in the power of the Holy Spirit, there is no exhaustion. God's yoke is easy; His burden, light. Most of all, there will be genuine joy present. Church is not a club! It is alive and gracious to its community; unafraid of people from any background and allows gifts and talents to blossom. Elders should have great, godly families. These are just some signs of church health.
Q. What if I'm in an unhealthy church? A. Luke Here is a comparison chart:
Note: You can make your own to evaluate your prospective churches)
1. The Bible is constantly referred to in its functions (counseling, teaching, exhorting, encouraging) 1. Many anecdotes are used and little reference to God's Word is made. Man's cleverness is taught (psychology, philosophy)
2. The pastor is excited about and studies the Word most of His week 2. The pastor puts together last–minute sermons regularly and admits it happily.
3. They believe God's Word is the final truth and everything that they see and hear must conform to God's truth. Pastor teaches this to his sheep. 3. They believe there are many answers and will not enforce God's Word as the perfect guide and answer.
4. Everhthing the pastor does, he encourages and trains his flock to do too (study, counsel, lead) 4. Pastor think he is the only shepherd and isolates himself from everyday people
5. Pastor sees himself as just one part of the body of Christ and mingles with everyone 5. Pastor surrounds himself only with other pastors and so doesn't receive refreshment from anointed encourages amongst his flock
6. Pastor doesn't judge God's people of any place in life. He teaches God's Word every week. 6. Pastor believes all Christians are meant to be financially wealthy. He teaches this doctrine instead of bible study so the flock starves as a result.
7. Pastor teaches giving as a thankful expression to God. Rich folks give and poor folks benefit (see Acts). 7. Pastor teaches Old Testament tithing as a command of God for today. People give in poverty, then leave the church out of shame for going broke. This happens regularly.
8. teaches Hebrews 12 faith: "The assurance of things not seen, the conviction of things to come." 8. Equates tithing with faith, i.e., the more you give, the more faith you have. Therefore, immature, unqualified people are made elders and leaders. They don't know the will of God, but they tithe!
9. People admire God. 9. People admire pastor.
10. Pastor relies on the wisdom of others to make decisions 10. Pastor runs the church. All decisions are his alone.
11. Ministry to the poor exists with volunteer workers. 11. No ministry to the poor exists because pastor teaches prosperity doctrine; sheep have no compassion for the poor.
12. Youth group mingles with elderly and other ages 12. Youth group is isolated from all other ages.
13. Ministry is awarded to those called by God to do it. 13. Ministry is awarded to tithers exclusively
14. Outreach to community is a natural ministry. 14. Sheep are afraid of unwashed or non–believing, non–churched folks.
15. The church grows. 15. The few tithers who lead burn out.
16. Good leaders are installed according to 1 Timothy. No whining—encouraging the church's unique calling 16. Bossy, immature leaders are installed who whine about wanting to be just like another particular church.
17. Pastor trusts in God for his daily bread. 17. Pastor has his own money.
18. All the fruit of the Spirit is seen within the church. 18. Lack of the fruit of the Spirit is evident.
19. The Holy Spirit is invited to church on Sunday morning, along with God and Jesus. 19. The Holy Spirit is quenched.
20. People mature and really benefit, learning coping skills and using them in their everyday lives. 20. People are Sunday believers only. They fall apart the rest of the week.
21. Pastor's children are believers. 21. Pastor's children are not believers.
22. Matching of gifts and talents in ministry. 22. Mismatching of gifts and talents in ministry.
23. Well–placed, gifted Sunday school teachers effectively teach children about God's love for them. 23. The children are frustrated in Sunday school and want to leave because of mismatched teachers.
24. Sunday school teachers have adult friends and are very friendly to all. 24. Immature adults teach Sunday school; they don't have adult friends in church (very unhealthy!).
25. Counselors practice what they preach. 25. Counselors may be trained, but not using learned counseling skills in their own lives.
26. Counselors are qualified to give advice. 26. Counselors are uqualified to give advice.
27. Pastor protects and defends the flock to the death. 27. When a conflict comes, the pastor shrinks away from handling it.
28. Pastor is a strong person. 28. Pastor is a weak person.
29. Sheep are worshipers. 29. People are gossipers.
30. People encourage one another. 30. People are carnal.
31. There is freedom to lead. 31. Micromanagement is present.
32. All sheep are held accountable for their behavior. 32. Pastor and leaders are not held accountable for their behavior.
33. Pastor knows his church is a part of a much bigger body of Christ. 33. Pastor thinks they are the only chosen church.
34. Encourages families to spend quality time together. 34. Demands 24/7 meetings of all members (cultish behavior).
35. Prison ministry is effective. 35. No prison ministry or else has a weak one.
36. Intercessory prayer is effective. 36. Intercessory prayer attracts people who really need counseling for loneliness.
37. Church is the glory of God, the Bride of Christ 37. Church is a club of businesses.
38. People function in their gifts. 38. Whoever is available is guilted into menial tasks and their gifts are not even considered.
39. Giving is secret. 39. Giving is public; even making sermons out of one's giving!
40. Prayers are directed by the Holy Spirit. 40. Prayers are preplanned and read in the pulpit.
41. People get absolution from regularly confessing their sins to one another. 41. People live in quiet desparation.
42. Church services go on until the glory of the Lord departs. 42. Church services are timed.
43. Music is worshipful. 43. Music is loud or else ethereal.
44. The sanctuary is respected as a holy place. 44. The sanctuary is run over with loud, burping, noisy sheep.
45. Respect and honor of parents are most important teaching to all children. 45. Children are taught that their parents are wrong—or contrary based on complaints of children.
46. Respect and honor of authority are taught to all sheep. 46. Sympathizes with antisocial behavior because of 'oppressive' authority.
47. Adults are involved in praying for the youth. 47. Adults have no idea what goes on with the youth.
48. All conflicts or problems are examined under the bright light of God's Word. 48. All conflicts or problems are solved inadequately and not according to God's Word.
49. Youth pastors don't isolate themselves from youth parents. 49. Youth pastors isolate themselves from youth parents.
50. Archetypes are destroyed in the time of discovery. 50. Archetypes are tolerated.
51. God–esteem is high while pride is low. 51. Self–esteem is high while pride is high.
Q. What actions should I take when falsely accused? A. Luke 12:11–12 = 1) I'm not to worry
2) The Holy Spirit will give me words to speak.
Note: Notice that first, I have to reject all worry and fretting about the awful predicament I am in. If I will do that (it is a choice), then the Holy Spirit will be able to get through to me. See the chart below:
Holy Spirit
Waits for me to come to Him for help
skip the worrying
Note 2: The Holy Spirit is there to:
1) Give me wisdom
2) Explain truth in detail
3) Bring the appropriate verse to mind
4) Deepen my intercession
5) Make miracles happen on my behalf
Worry is such a stumbling block in accessing God's awesome power!
Q. What do Christians and/or their leaders worry about? A. 1) Church growth
2) Being right
3) Being wrong
4) Unanswered prayers
5) Offensiveness
6) Defensiveness
7) Money
8) Retirement (especially pastors)
9) Exhaustion
10) Overcommitment
11) Neglecting families
12) Making the tithe
13) Balancing priorities
14) Keeping big members happy
15) Micromanaging leaders
16) Quality time in ministry and with family
Q. What is the point? A. Luke 12:11 = You will be dragged before the courts because you are right, while sticking fast to God's Word. Persecutors may not even know why they are persecuting you.
Q. This persecutor is most often my brother. Why would he do such a thing to me? A. Luke 12:11 = Sin is a funny thing. When my brother has undealt with issues, they tend to haunt him just underneath the surface, like a land mine! You become the catalyst, stepping on that mine and causing an unstoppable, uncontrollable emotional reaction in him. You may declare, "Whoa! Where did that come from?" My brother cannot explain it; he just knows its your fault! God allows these land mines to remain hidden until we are mature enough to face them and experience maturity—or run back to our comfort zones and not deal with our issues. God isn't mad at us for being dense or afraid. But we do miss out on the blessings of becoming whole people if we decide not to trevail these hard times.
Next time a crisis comes into your life, ask God if your own sin or issues are surfacing. Here's a hint:
If you are offended by someone's behavior, ask yourself if the behavior was malicious or just careless. Either way, you should be able to let it go. If you can't, it's you. The good news is that because it's you, you can deal with it right there.
Q. What is true about life? A. Luke 12:15–19 = Real life is not measured by how much we own. Life isn't about storing up wealth for retirement.
Q. What do people give up in favor of becoming wealthy? A. Luke 12:21 = A rich relationship with God.
Note: Maybe not all people neglect God to become wealthy, but I haven't met one person who did both well! When there is much preaching in the pulpit about God wanting to make millionnaires, teaching the Word suffers with little or no notice. The ones who do notice have no say–so because they have no wealth!
Q. Why do people worry about money? A. Luke 12:25–26 = They think they have to provide. But only God provides.
Q. Who is a better dresser than Solomon? A. Luke 12:27 = The lily flower.
Q. What is true about provision? A. Luke 12:30–32= If we put God first, He'll provide our daily needs, which is His Kingdom.
Q. What is true of my thoughts and heart? A. Luke 12:34 = My treasure dwells with my heart and thoughts.
Note: Where is your heart today?
Q. So if I am preoccupied with making money, my heart and thoughts have to be about money? A. Luke 12:34 = Yes.
Q. And if I'm preoccupide with God's Word, my heart and thoughts have to do with God's Word? A. Luke 12:34 = Yes. Jesus is very clear about money. It is a harsh taskmaster and not to be our master. If we chase money, it will steal God's time away—all life long!
Q. If I have money, what should I do with it? A. Luke 12:33 = Share it. Sharing stores it in Heaven.
Q. How should all believers behave? A. Luke 12:35—47 = 1) Ready to serve others
2) Anticipating Jesus' return
3) On guard for my family
4) Managing my household well
5) Feeding my family
6) Loving my brother
7) Not partying
8) Being faithful
9) Paying attention to my duties as a servant of God and man.
Q. How do lazy believers behave? A. Luke 12:35—47 = 1) Unprepared for service to God and man
2) Allowing my house to be broken into
3) Lacking sense
4) Running the house irresponsibly
5) Mismanaging money
6) Not feeding my family
7) Oppressing my brethren
8) Partying
9) Getting drunk
10) Being unfaithful
11) Refusing to do what my duties state clearly in God's Word
12) Being totally aware that I do wrong.
Note: If you think you are beyond any or all of these misbehaviors as stated above, think again. We are all capable of turning into complete idiots with the right trigger activated. Be humble, admit your vulnerability and nail it and its negative potential to the cross every day. Saying no to self suddenly doesn't seem such a sacrifice, does it?
Q. Does God punish people sinning in ignorance? A. Luke 12:48 = Yes, but sinning in ignorance carries with it lighter punishment.
Q. Who is God most likely to punish? A. Luke 12:48 = Those who know what the sin is and defy God, doing it anyway.
Q. What does Jesus mean by, "To whom much has been given, much will be required"? A. Luke 12:48 = People have different amounts of revealed knowledge. Some study the Word more than others, by choice or by vocation. God reveals Himself to those who seek Him, so they know better how horrible and defiling rebellion is to God. They are "aware." But to be aware and sin anyway is rebellion at its worst. The sin is made clear to them by the Holy Spirit and a sense of God's holiness is also revealed at once. Why turn on God? The right temptation designed by Hell rises up out of the pit to test you and you succumb. That's all there is to it. Wherever you are in your pilgrimage, know that you can stop sinning with a simple declaration: "This stops now!" Hallelujah!
Q. Why do Christians homeschool their children? A. Luke 12:48 = They have been given "much more."
Q. So the church has different levels of knowledge of God as God reveals it to them in His Word? A. Luke 12:48 = Yes. According to the commitment to God a person has, his commitment to studying His Word to know Him better, and the closer God brings a person to Himself because of it.
Q. How do homeschooling families integrate into the church? A. Luke 12:48 = Sometimes on a very frustrating level! It is one–sided, being frustrating to the homeschooling family.
Q. Why? A. Homeschoolers are Genesis parents. They teach their children as God commanded Abraham—as their children lie down, as they walk along the way, etc. They teach required subjects according to the demands of their state, but their children are grounded in God's Word and are missions–minded. Instead of cheerleading, they are feeding the poor. They don't have the backwash of many types of traditional school teachers, so they are more balanced, which may look to the other families in church (and out) like antisocialism. All children revbel, sneak out, isolate; right? Homeschool kids do that on a much milder level, neither are they preoccupied with the opposite sex as a result of liberal teaching about it in school.
Q. This seems like a good thing! Why do homeschool parents get frustrated at church? A. Their kids are judged for focusing on Christ–based studies, and spend their time learning very different things than other Christian kids. Espcially high school homeschool kids! It can be a little frustrating to stand out, though his education is much more valuable to him in the long run.
Though judging is always wrong, it is a basic weakness of every believer. He sees people and measures them against his own experience instead of by God's Word. Like any person preoccupied with judging his brother, he needs counseling on how to trust God with His own. A homeschooler should consider the source and offer a blessing to the judge and his family, for it is his time for reflection! Don't mess it up by judging in return! Know that God has really revealed more to you and your family and glory in that knowledge!
Q. I want "much more." How do I get it? A. Luke 12:48 = Get into God's Word and pray. Learn to see TGod's Word as precious treasure to be discovered and then go after it. Look how different Solomon was! He asked God only for wisdom. Having more wisdom didn't afford Solomon more resolve not to sin (as his life showed), but God still have him such wisdom every time he needed it. Be open to the things of God. Don't get wrapped up in religion; in business. Get alive in God's Word! Thn practice it!
Q. Did Jesus know He would die? A. Luke 12:50 = Yes. He always knew.
Q. Which response would this knowledge cause in people? A. Luke 12:51 = Strife and division!
Note: Within the Israelite people only, Jesus would be rejected.
Q. Who would understand the truth about Jesus? A. Luke 12:48 = Those who looked in the prophesies given to confirm the truth Jesus spoke of.
Q. And those who confirmed the truth about Jesus got what response? A. Luke 12:52 = Division within the Israelite family, for only those who are committed to God's Word have awareness (v.48).
Note: You know, if we all could agree that God's Word is the final truth, we would unite. But people are fallen and they don't walk closely with God as they should. The more we know God, the less fearful we are of His ways! Of His mission!
Q. Is it easy to see that Jesus is God? A. Luke 12:54–56 = Yes. Miracles and Scripture teachings confirmed Jesus is God.
Q. Is it okay for people who have heard the Good News to delay salvation? A. Luke 12:57–59 = No. Jesus expects us to make a common sense decision based on the facts He has provided in His Word.
Q. How hard is it to make a decision to follow after God? A. Luke 12:56 = As easy as it is to predict the weather by preceding signs.
Q. What do delays result in? A. Luke 12:58–59 = Heavenly discipline, which can take up your lifetime if you don't repent!
Q. What is Jesus' teaching about lawsuits? A. Luke 12:58–59 = Settle out of court.
Note: If you find yourself going to court, it should be because it was impossible to settle out of court. There are some cheaters who will not stop cheating you until sued. The judicial system is for them. If you loaned someone money or things, you do not need the courts. You need to forgive the debt. Then don't lend again! Never loan something you cannot do without. That way, if it is repaid, you'll be blessed, and if not, you don't suffer loss.
Q. Does this go for both parties? A. Luke 12:58–59 = Yes. Jesus reminds us that we are able to decide right from wrong, so we should use our brains to settle accounts. Even with cheaters!
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