Questions and Answers - Matthew 21 - 28
Q. How did Jesus introduce Himself as King of Israel? A. Matthew 21:5 = Humbly!
Note: What a sight! A king of Israel in a procession surrounded by poor people of whom many were healed by their king. Imagine their excitement for Jesus to take His rightful place on the throne at Zion. He would surely be a man of the people and se many things right. And Jesus did. But those things set right would not be on a political level.
Q. Who did many think Jesus was? A. Matthew 21:10–11 = The prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.
Q. What was the very first thing Jesus did in Jerusalem? A. Matthew 21:12–13 = Jesus went to the Temple and made it biblical again.
Q. How? A. Matthew 21:12 = Jesus kicked out people who turned the Temple into a retail store.
Q. What is the Temple's purpose? A. Matthew 21:13 = It is a place of prayer.
Q. What replacd the retailers there? A. Matthew 21:14 = Jesus' healing miracles.
Q. Did the religious leaders and teachers ever witness Jesus doing healing miracles? A. Matthew 21:15 = Yes.
Q. Who teaches infants and children to praise God? A. Matthew 21:16 = God does.
Note: When our kids turn away from God, we feel so guilty! Where did we go wrong? Yet God Himself has put that knowledge of Himself in the hearts of little ones and it is their decision to continue in that knowledge as they grow up.
Q. Did Jesus use word curses? A. Matthew 21:18–19 = Yes. Jesus vowed a particular tree would never bear fruit again.
Q. What resulted? A. Matthew 21:19 = That tree withered immediately.
Q. What does it take to bless or curse? A. Matthew 21:20–21 = Faith without doubting.
Note: Faith to bless? Yes! When you pray for someone, think of all God's best and declare it for them. God will give you more good blessings to add as you pray. Faith is needed also to curse. Be careful not to curse at all! Let God curse those He sees fit for a curse.
Q. When I want something big to happen, how should I pray? A. Matthew 21:21 = "May God do it."
Note: Isn't that good to know? Remember to give all things to God to do. You bless God as you declare, "May God do it."
Q. Waht is Jesus' promise about our prayers? A. Matthew 21:22 = If we believe, we will receive whatever we ask for.
Note: This is a bigger subject than it seems. How do I apply belief? Here's a checklist:
1) Does what I want to happen bring God glory?
2) Does what I want to happen further God's mission?
3) Will what I want to happen bless God?
4) What are my deepest desires? Have they changed since becoming a believer?
Here is an example from my own prayer requests. Each number coincides with those above:
1) I ask for spiritual maturity to all of God's people
2) For all pastors to passinately teach the Word of God
3) For all pastors to excite people into personal study of God's Word. There is no substitute for attaining spiritual maturity.
4) For prodigal children to return to God
5) For the salvation of all politicians
6) For the Rapture of the church to come soon
7) For protection of my loved ones
8) For God's Kngdom to come.
9) Blessings on my enemies and friends alike
10) Prayer of Jabez (Jeremiah 1:8)
11) For God to use me today in some way

On a lesser list, I have:
1) For another baby
2) For financial blessings
3) For church growth
4) For our worship team to happen
5) For my daughter's college choice to be God's too.
I believe God for His power to do all I ask, to sympathize with my weakness and my lack, and to enthusiastically intervene for all I ask and make it happen. I believe God wants to take part in the details of a single life. If that is the only principle I ever pass on at the food pantry, I will truly be blessed. Imagine all those in financial disaster hearing the Good News that God wants to hear directly from them—and they go to God! They don't need me to pray with them anymore and are on their feet again because they believed God as I did and are from now on blessed. And those needy folks who discover God's passion for them pass it on. And now my job is finished.
Q. Did the leading priests and leaders believe that John the Baptist's authority came from God? A. Matthew 21:25 = Yes.
Q. Did they know of their sin of unbelief in John's prophecies of the coming Messiah? A. Matthew 21:25 = Yes.
Note: No sin is obscure! Unbelief comes down to a single thing: It shows I don't believe in the authority of God's Word. The Word of God is filled with potent power, ready for use for the asking. To hold up God's Word and believe most of it will leave me completely in the dark, for its purpose is carried out in every word, all at once; a complete book of God with no word unhelpful or unnecessary.
Q. Up to this point in Jesus' life, who did the people think Jesus was? A. Matthew 21:26 = A prophet.
Q. Does God withhold answers to our questions sometimes? A. Matthew 21:27 = Yes.
Q. Why? A. Matthew 21:27 = Because we want the answer for the wrong reason. When we are in the right mindset to receive God's answers, we are answered. God's answers are so different than our presumptions! We need to stop presuming that what we ask for has but one answer and let God work!
Q. What does it mean to obey God? A. Matthew 21:28–32 = To exercise my will and act on what the Bible says.
Q. Waht do people oftentimes do instead? A. Matthew 21:28–32 = They mouth the words of obedience (Yes, Sir!) and don't do it. Note: Exercise your will—there is no other way to obey God. God requires our initiative. Don't be full of good intentions. Really live and step into God's realm in acting out what He has called you to do.
Q. But what if my past is, well, kind of colorful? A. Matthew 21:28–32 = Don't worry about the past. Start obeying today.
Q. What was John the Baptist's mission? A. Matthew 21:32 = To show the Jews the way of life.
Q. Did God give the religious leaders ample reason to believe John's message? A. Matthew 21:32 = Yes. The saw sinners turn to God and still refused to repent and believe.
Note: Just liek today! Making a decision to follow Christ is a matter of the will. The miracles are there, but people still are hard–headed in regards to the truth about God.
Q. Did Jesus speak of Gentiles invited to the Kingdom? A. Matthew 21:43 = Yes.
Q. Would Jesus be the only way to God? A. Matthew 21:42–44 = Yes. Jesus spoke of it clearly.
Q. Is Jesus the main reason the religious leaders rejected Messiah? A. Matthew 21:44 = Yes. They wouldn't accept that the way they were living and running God's Temple was completely sinful.
Note: How do you receive criticism? Or can you? It is a sad thing to be unable to be corrected. If someone's comment about you makes your blood to boil, you've forgotten humility. Don't take offense. Learn waht you may from criticism. It is a rare gift to receive thoughtful insight. Correct what you can and thank God for the lesson. It always comes from Him!
Q. Why was the Kingdom of God expanded to the four corners of the earth? A. Matthew 22:8 = Because the Jews weren't worthy of the honor of the Kingdom.
Q. Why not? A. Matthew 22:3 = 1) Outright refusing Jesus
2) Ignoring Jesus
3) Counting their careers as more important than even a thought of Jesus
4) Causing harm to the prophets, even killing some of them.
Q. Did Jesus talk of fake believers? A. Matthew 22:10–14 = Yes. He knows who they are and will also identify them and deal with them Himself one day.
Q. What did Jesus mean when He spoke of a man at the wedding not wearing the proper wedding clothes? A. Matthew 22:10–14 = Whenever you think that God is unfair, consider this truth: God is always perfect in fairness. To approach God means we do what He says to get there. Jesus is the only way to God. Refusing Him and trying to be part of His plan is not going to happen. It takes a stubborn, rebellious hear to try to near God in disobedience to that unchangeable fact.
Q. So if I'm mean and rotten through and through and my neighbor is upright and good through and through, we will both get Hell, just for refusing Jesus' blood shed for us? A. Matthew 22:10–14 = Yes.
Q. Should we teach God's Word, regardless of the consequences? A. Matthew 22:16 = Yes. Jesus did!
Note: In love, we speak the truth. If it is received badly, God will see to our safety. God will see that His Word bears good fruit too!
Q. Who were the Jewish sect of the Saducees? A. Matthew 22:23 = A sect that didn't believe in resurrection after death (that's why they were so sad–you see!). They didn't believe in heaven.
Q. When people challenge bible scholars to try to push their human opinions, what is the root of the problem? A. Matthew 22:23–29 = 1) They don't know the Scriptures
2) They don't know the power of God.
Note: To know the Word first, to chew on it increases faith as yo see God's intevening power throughout its pages. Today, learn the Word, wield the power of God in your hands, and us it for good!
Q. What is the problem with the question, "Is there life after death?" A. Matthew 22:32 = There is no real death; only eternal life.
Q. How? A. Matthew 22:32 = God is the Lord of the living only.
Q. What is the most important commandment in the bible? A. Matthew 22:36–37 = Love God and neighbor with all we have; heart, soul and mind.
Q. Why is this most important? A. Matthew 22:40 = All other biblical truths are based on this command.
Note: Can the entire Word of God have its base in the fact that God loves us and wants to be with us? Yes. The Law and the rituals before Jesus came and made it possible for God to be near us. Back then, if we did our part, God would do His. The result was relationship. Then comes a new plan. The Law became obsolete when Jesus accomplished His part. We now have easy access to God, no Laws and rituals are necessary. Only love is. It's always been about love.
Q. Did the Pharisees admit to Jesus' heritage as a son of David? A. Matthew 22:41–42 = Yes.
Q. How is Jesus Lord and Son of David at the same time? A. Matthew 22:45 = When Jesus is both God and human in David's ancestral line.
Q. So Jesus is both human and Messiah? A. Matthew 22:41 = Yes.
Q. When Old Testament writers spoke obvious God quotes, how did they get those Words? A. Matthew 22:43 =They spoke under the inspiration of the Hoy Spirit.
Q. Waht were the duties of the teachers of religious law and Pharisees? A. Matthew 23:2 = They were the official interpreters of the Old Testament Scriptures.
Q. Did the people benefit from their teachings of the Word? A. Matthew 23:3 = Yes.
Q. Did they teach accurately? A. Matthew 23:3 = Yes.
Q. Did they practice what they preached? A. Matthew 23:3 = No.
Q. Did they ask impossible religious demands of the people? A. Matthew 23:4 = Yes.
Q. Did the people buy it? A. Matthew 23:4 = Yes. And they were crushed under those demands.
Q. Did they ever realize that those demands were too heavy for the people? A. Matthew 23:4 = Yes, yet they never let up in them and watched the people suffer under them.
Q. Did Jesus see them for what they were? A. Matthew 23:5 = Yes.
Q. How? A. Matthew 23:5 = 1) Everything they did was for show
2) They even overdressed in public
3) They milked their prestige at places of honor at banquets and in the synagogues
4) They loved being called "Rabbi".
Q. Is it okay to be called Rabbi, Father or Master? A. Matthew 23:8–10 = No. Only God is teacher (i.e., rabbi). The rest of us are brothers and sisters.
Note 1: Remember, only God can teach the words of the Bible into existence in our hearts. He interprets and gives us understanding, and He doesn't impose impossible religious demands on His beloved!
Note 2: Have you purchased a marbled notebook yet to aid in studying the Scriptures? God will teach you His Word. Be faithful and let Him teach you at His own perfect pace for you.
Q. Waht does it take to get through serious trials? A. Matthew 23:12 = Humility.
Note: That means letting God take care of it, setting aside my familiar (humanistic) ways of handling trials, and trusting God to work them out. I listen for His instructions and watch Him (in anticipation) turn each trial for good.
Q. What are the sins of false teachers and Pharisees? A. Matthew 23:12–39 = 1) They are very impressed with their own wisdom and place in the church or synagogue
2) v. 13 = They reject God and knowing exactly who they reject, keep honest God–seekers from attaining that knowledge
3) v.14 = (KJV only) = They take advantage of widows and pray long prayers that are insincere
4) v.15 = They make converts and teach them to follow them instead of God
5) v.16 = They make up religious laws
6) v.17 = They are blind fools
7) v.17 = They think money donated to church/synagogue is more imortant than the people.
8) v.17 = They don't know that the money being donated to God makes it holy
Note: Pray over your offering. God will do the multiplying of it!
9) v.18–19 = They teach that the altar of God is not too important
10) v.20–22 = They think swearing by something sacred like a gift on the altar is acceptable, when swearing is actually a huge and serious oath, containing everything around that gift (God doesn't want us swearing an oath, ever. Let your yes be yes and your no be no)
11) v.23 = They think tithing excuses the from godly behavior like being fair, merciful and faithful.
12) v.24 = They are blind guides
13) v.24 = They are extremely analytical in minor things while committing huge sins
Note: Paying too much attention to unimportant low priority things while entertaining obvious sins
14) v.25–27 = They are concerned only with impressing man in clothing and prestige while ignoring sins of greed and self–indulgence
Note: Clean up your thoughts and the outside impression will follow; not the other way around. Remember the world and your brothers can see through your facade
15) v.27 = They crush peoples' spirits
16) v.27 = They are filled with all kinds of impurity
17) v.28 = They keep up appearances while their hearts know only hypocrisy and lawlessness
Note: They don't know the Word
18) v.29–33 = They celebrate the lives of good and godly folks now dead, claiming they wouldn't have helped kill them, yet that is a huge lie
19) v.31 = They kill righteous believers violently.
Q. Did Jesus predict how the believers would die in that very century? A. Matthew 23:34 = Yes.
Q. When one commits murder of a believer, how is that different than killing a nonbeliever? A. Matthew 23:34–35 = The murderer would carry the guilt for all other martyrs killed along with the one murder he committed.
Q. What unique thing came out of this first century after Jesus? A. Matthew 23:36 = All the accumulated judgment of the centuries broke on the heads of Jesus' generation.
Note: Jesus' death: He carried all the waiting judgment of the past, present and future that Passover evening.
Q. What was so tragic about Jerusalem in those days? A. Matthew 23:37 = The Israelites were God's people, yet they rejected God again and again.
Q. What resulted? A. Matthew 23:38 = God left the Temple.
Q. Permanently? A. Matthew 23:39 = No. One day, Jacob/Israel will know Jesus and bless Him.
Q. Did the disciples grasp the fact that the Temple would be laid empty? A. Matthew 24:1 = No.
Q. What would happen to the Temple? A. Matthew 24:2 = It would be laid flat; demolished completely.
Note: It happened in 60 A.D.
Q. What would happen between Jesus' time on earth and the end of the world? A. Matthew 24:4–6 = 1) v.4–5 = False messiahs will lead many astray
2) v.6 = Wars would come
3) v.7 = Famines and earthquakes would come to all the world
4) v.8 = This time marked the beginning of the end
5) v.9 = Persecution for believers: arrests and murders
6) v.10 = Personal betrayals will happen
7) v.10 = God forsakes
8) v.11 = False prophets
9) v.12 = Rampant, growing sin would be everywhere
10) v.12 = People will forget how to love
11) v.13 = Believers will endure to the end
12) v.14 = Worldwide evangelism will occur
13) v.15 = The end times in Daniel 9,11,12
14) v.15 = Sacrilegious object would be placed in the Holy Place
15) v.16–21 = Which is a signal for all believers to flee and hide in the hills posthaste. Terrible persecution comes immediately after
16) v.22 = The calamity is shortened by God for the believers sake
17) v.23–26 = More false messiahs will come
18) v.29 = The light of the skies and stars will go out, stars will fall to the ground
19) v.29 = The powers of heaven will shake
20) v.30 = Jesus appears in the heavens
21) v.30 = Unbelieving nations will mourn about their unblief at the sight of Jesus on the clouds of heaven wielding great power and great glory
22) v.31 = Jesus will order His angels to gather His chosen ones from the four corners of the earth and heaven too (i.e., the Rapture)
Q. Should I anticipate Jesus' return? A. Matthew 24:32 = Yes. Look for the signs.
Q. How important is God's Word? A. Matthew 24:35 = It stands forever, while creation will die
Note: If you needed a good reason to learn God's Word well, here it is. It will go with you to heaven!
Q. Can we predict when all those events listed above will happen? A. Matthew 24:36 = No.
Q. Did Jesus explain these events in more detail later in the chapter? A. Matthew 24:30–51 = Yes. They are all called "The Ciming of the Son of Man" (see v. 30,37,44).
Note: Thus far, we read about 1) Natural phenomenons
2) False prophets, false teachers and false messiahs
3) People growing wild and cold because they'll forget how to love
4) Worldwide evangelism
5) Sacrilegious object placed inthe Holy Place
6) Believers running for their lives
7) This time ends because God is merciful(possibly shortened by the Rapture?)
8) More false messiahs
9) The end of the stars, sun and moon
10) The powers of heaven are shaken
11) Jesus appears in the heavens, lighting up the planet
12) Causing the unblieving nations to mourn their fate
13) The angels will gather believers on the earth (end of this teaching in Matthew).
Q. What is the wrong way to live? A. Matthew 24:48 = 1) Treating people badly
2) Drinking and partying life away and then surprised at Jesus' return.
Q. And the right way to live? A. Matthew 24:45–46 = 1) Faithfully
2) Sensibly
3) Living and working rightly for God
4) Knowing Jesus' return is any time
Note: Live knowing Jesus is withyou every minute.
Q. How else should I live? A. Matthew 25:1–3 = Always prepared and alert for Jesus' return throughout my life.
Q. Why? A. Matthew 25:13 = We are asked to wait for Jesus' return, even if He is delayed, which would be for good purpose. No slacking off or wasted years. Live as though He's a husband coming home to a hot meal and you have prepared it tonight. Really live for Jesus, be always about the Father's business, whether at work or at play.
Q. How should I live? A. Matthew 25:15 = According to the talents God has equipped me with.
Q. What does God expect of me? A. Matthew 25:27 = To bear some frit for His Kingdom, using my abilities.
Q. What if I flake and never bear fruit? A. Matthew 25:29 = I prove I don't belong to God at all
Note: Imagine being given obvious talents and not using an ounce of them. In fact, I make a point of forgetting my gifts. What kind of passion for God could I possibly have without showing Him my gratitude in giving back some of what He's given me? Using my talents is a sure way to prove myself and a natural response to knowing God.
Q. How should I use my talents? A. Matthew 25:34–36 = To take care of those in need.
Q. How important is it to feed and care for those in need? A. Matthew 25:40 = It is the same as caring for Jesus.
Q. Who is in need? A. Matthew 25:35–36 = 1) The hungry
2) The thirsty
3) The homeless
4) The poorly clothed
5) The sick
6) The imprisoned
Note: we have a mission. To treat all those in need these six ways like each was Jesus Himself. Each of us can do something for at least one of these six kinds of needy folks. Which is your heart tugging for?
Q. Will God give me opportunities to minister to people in need? A. Matthew 25:45 = Yes. And you should never refuse to help according to our abilities.
Note: The most common need I come across is hunger. I make a point to carry extra cash on me so I never have to turn someone away. At times, I have hit a cash machine nearby to help a stranger who needed more than a meal. At those times, I always seem to have extra cash in the bank and my awareness of it is heightened when the stranger makes a request. And don't forget to offer a blessing or a prayer. I find that when someone refesus prayer, he never refuses a blessing. (Why is that? Maybe this is because prayer can be misused and a Pharisaical prayer may be anticipated?) A blessing is vanting the best for the person, which people always need to hear. Let's make prayer a blessing to everyone! Amen?
Q. How serious is Jesus about taking care of the poor? A. Matthew 25:46 = It absolutely proves that you understand God's unprejudiced love for all of mankind — God's love is indeed equally spread throughout mankind and always was, is, and is to come!
Q. What is a believer's battle? A. Matthew 26:8–12 = 1) v.8 = to run on ahead of God and not let Him be the Boss of my life
2) v.8 = To erroneously view money as being essential in getting God's work done, when all I need to accomplish God's work is God.
3) v.9 = The temptation to correct Jesus amidst a wonderful and gracious God–event which He has obviously sanctioned.
4) v.12 = To miss the point of a God–event so completely that God has to intervene and correct me before I make a complete fool out of myself.
Note: Straining a gnat while swallowing a camel! What huge sins these disciples committed! Take a look:
1) Disregard for Jesus' permission to do sacred things
2) Viewing money as more important than Jesus
3) Treating a woman as a stupid and wasteful ignoramous, when she was actually a wonderful, worshipful believer doing exactly the right thing
4) Not believing this was the end for Jesus – He told them, but they ignored His words.
5) Berating a sister in the Lord for doing good.
Note: An interesting point in that women disciples understood that Jesus would die soon. Even today they believe God and serve Him easier than men do! I wonder if God's sovereignty had something to do with that blindness on the male disciples? Maybe so. If men had understood, they had more power to make Jesus their living king. Since Jesus came to die, perhaps they had to be made temporarily blind!
Q. Does God appreciate new and creative ways of worshiping Him? A. Matthew 26:13 = Yes! Jesus was so proud of the women who thought to pour expensive oil on His head to prepare Him for burial. This woman totally honored God when Jesus was about to go to a dishonorable death.
Note 1: Can you think of new ways to bring honor to Jesus' name? Life Him up! Don't be shy! God loves creativity!
Note 2: When you see the devil bringing chaos to your home or church:
1) Being a peacemaker brings honor to God's name
2) Whenever we stop gossip, we bring honor to God's name
3) When we lay aside our personal opinions and feelings and decide to do what God says, which can go against everything we naturally want to do, we bring honor to God's name
4) When we are beaten into the ground by vicious gossip and rise out of the ashes and give God glory, we honor His name
5) When we bless our enemies, even after the worst possible offense, we bring hoor to God's name
6) When we obey God and love everyone equally and are involved in loving the most unlovable people, we bring honor to His name
7) When we think we are better than most people, we bring dishonor to God's name. We are but flesh. God set us all as brothers and sisters. Only Jesus, God and Holy Spirit may look down on us, and yet they don't! They lift us up over and over again when we knock each other over!
8) When we care for God's repuration, we live to bring honor to God's name
9) When we pour oil on trouble, we bring honor to God's name.
Q. After Jesus was so honored by this woman, what happened? A. Matthew 26:14–15 = Judas betrayed Jesus.
Note: Should we expect any different ensuing event? To be honored is the best human experience one can offer another human being. This honor bestowed by the woman was also the only real honor from any human Jesus had in His short lifetime, and it was followed by the worst betrayal by any human. We humans are capable of anything – don't ever think you could never be a Judas Iscariot! The devil is clever and can deceive those unaware of his tireless destructive pursuit of us, fueled by his hate for God.
Q. What precedes betrayal? A. Matthew 26:16 = Planning — the right time and place!
Note: Something more precedes betrayal: Discontent. Covetousness. It is so important to count your blessings because doing this causes you to be thankful and to forget self–pity. Festering discontent is a sleeping bomb, ready to go off with the right opportunity. Perhaps in Jesus' case, it was Judas Iscariot, the treasurer, who couldn't stand Jesus' generosity, which kept them all poor. When is the last time you counted your blessings? Don't give the devil a foothold!
Q. Was Jesus clear about His sovereignty over the coming events? A. Matthew 26:23–24 = Yes. He told the disciples each step of the events to come beforehand.
Note: We have to Holy Scriptures, packed with warnings of the inevitable. Wars, famines, poverty, betrayal, hypocrisy, fakers, evils multiplying beside good multiplying even more. When any of these events occur, it does help to have been forwarned. But even moreso to understand that God is ultimately in control of all events, good and bad. It all works toward His final goal — acquiring a kingdom of God–lovers!
Q. What is communion all about? A. Matthew 26:26–29 = Remembering the beginning of the new blood covenant between God and His people. Jesus' blood, God's blood, which saved mankind one day.
Q. When would be the next time Jesus would drink wine after this communion time? A. Matthew 26:30 = With the apostles in heaven.
Q. Armed with that knowledge, what did the disciples do next? A. Matthew 26:31 = They deserted Jesus.
Note 1: If God says something will happen, nothing you can do to prevent it will work. He simply knows our weakness, and yet in His sovereignty, He uses our weakness to further His Kingdom. Are you encouraged knowing this? I am!
Note 2: Sometimes an unfortunate event will occure in which all the key players have pathetically botched up their parts. The end result was a matter of applying a simple time–tested resolution, which was ignored and a small thing turned to disaster, in which lives were changed forever. One has to ask, "Why doesn't God intervene?" Yet there is more to this picture than meets the eye. The point here is that it doesn't matter that it happened; it mattered crucially how it was handled. For example, if an innocent party is convicted of a wrong, he serves time, etc., but if he has Jesus' mindset, he looks at his surroundings and discovers how badly his prison need ministers who are unfettered with the cares of this world. His opportunity to minister has come! Never take your eyes off Jesus. Wherever your circumstances take you is your mission field. Paul discovered this truth and he couldn't have been more content, chained to a huge guard and writing a section of the Bible (Philippians) — his greatest work!
Q. Why did the disciples desert Jesus? A. Matthew 26:31 = God had removed His protective hand from Jesus so His death would occur.
Q. And that scared the disciples, especially after all Jesus had done? A. Matthew 26:31–32 = Yes.
Note: What a weird time! Since Jesus' finished work of the cross and resurrection, God has stayed with us constantly. We can't begin to imagine what it felt like to Jesus to be abandoned by our loving Father in Heaven!
Q. Did Jesus talk of His time on earth after His resurrection? A. Matthew 26:32 = Yes.
Note: Always after painful truth, God encourages us with promises of good things and hope to keep focusing on. We need to focus on our hope!
Q. What does Peter have in common with most folks? A. Matthew 26:33–35 = Peter was mistaken about his spiritual strength — even denying God's assurance that he was indeed just a weak man.
Note: We all suffer the same weaknesses, whether or not we are intellectual or simple. God is aware of this fact and it is not an issue to Him. He simple chooses us for friends and children, which is His purpose in creating mankind. Our biggest weakness is not trusting that what God says about us is indeed true.
Q. What kind of land is Gethsemane? A. Matthew 26:36 = An olive grove.
Q. What brings guaranteed disappointment? A. Matthew 26:40 = Trusting in people when our spirits are crushed, for only God can be trusted!
Note: Grief and trouble are very heavy loads. People can barely deal with thier own loads. But if you take your load and lay it down at Jesus' feet, the burden is lifted and you spare your brother from burdening him with your added grief. If you are carrying somebody else's burden right now, lay it too down at Jesus' feet. Ideally, at the end of the day, we remember to do that so that we are not overwhelmed by trouble.
Q. How should I pray? A. Matthew 26:41 = I should determine to be alert always, praying for the purpose of overcoming temptation.
Q. How so? A. Matthew 26:41 = Being alert and praying constantly strengthens me spiritually.
Q. What is the result of spiritual strength? A. Matthew 26:41 = The ability to overcome temptation.
Q. Can't I just say no to temptation? A. Matthew 26:41 = NO. Only spiritual strength can be stronger than temptation. See the chart below:
My prayer and alertness affects:

My spirit: Produces spiritual strength
My mind: I overcome temptation
My body: I avoid sinning
My lack of prayer and alertness affects:
My spirit: Produces a weak spirit
My mind: I have no resistance to overcome temptation
My body: I sin all the time
Q. Why does Jesus choose to put up with me? A. Matthew 26:41 = Jesus knows I mean well. My spiritual potential and passion to God's purposes makes me beloved to Him.
Q. Why did the disciples sleep through Jesus' anguish in the garden? A. Matthew 26:40 = Part of the suffering was to be utterly alone. Up until this time, Jesus had family, friends and daily fellowship with God.
Note: If you think God doesn't understand loneliness, you are wrong. He has a purpose for your utter lonelinesson this earth. Even then, God is with you. He has been with us since Jesus' completed work; no Temple sacrifices or rituals needed ever again!
Q. Why did Jesus die the way He did? A. Matthew 26:54 = That the Scriptures would be fulfilled.
Q. Why do things happen in seemingly irrational ways? A. Matthew 26:55–56 = To fulfill God's purposes in His way.
Q. When did the disciples run away? A. Matthew 26:31–56 = To fulfill Jesus' prediction and that of Zechariah 13:7.
Q. After Jesus' arrest, where did they take Him? A. Matthew 26:57 = To the high priest, Caiaphas', house.
Q. Why? A. Matthew 26:57 = They were planning a legal doom for Jesus there.
Q. What did Jesus tell them there? A. Matthew 26:64 = 1) Jesus admitted to being the Messiah
2) That they all would see Him sitting next to God
3) That He was coming back.
Q. Did they all react to Jesus' statements? A. Matthew 26:65–75 = Yes. They couldn't handle the truth.
Note: Sometimes you have to speak God's truth in terrible circumstances. But what's the worst that can result? Death? That is also the best thing that could happen — dying for Jesus is a perfect death.
Q. Was Jesus right about Peter's denying Him? A. Matthew 26:69–75 = Yes.
Note 1: God deserted the earth. All power left with Him. We can't walk with God uless He enables us to. Peter's denial was inevitable and to be expected, inlight of the circumstances. Are you building your house, your family, your traditions in your own strength? Or is God in charge and all you want to do is yield control to Him? Creativity for building a house of God is released from Heaven when you yield your creative thinking to God. Hold back — don't lunge forward with a thousand thoughts to try out. Wait, ask, wait, ask, wait, ask — until God answers you. God has the perfect house for your family. The perfect Architect awaits your permission to begin!
Note 2: My house is a God house. It is quite different than others. We lack many creature comforts. Everything used to decorated has special meaning to us. Homemade paintings of biblical events, photos of loved ones, musical instruments in the livingroom, movies we love, grandchildren toys everywhere. Mirors to keep us in the present, God music to remind us of the future yet to come. It is very quiet most of the time. Troubled insomniacs come and sleep peacefully here. There are extra beds and plenty of food, bibles everywhere, devotionals to help keep the eyes up. It is a house open to folks in need. A God place on earth; it has moved intercontinentally. Yet nothing in it is irreplaceable. It points to things to come. My house clears the heads of folks in confusion — God knows what they need; I don't. It is both clean and cluttered. Ministry and missions come out of this house. It is regularly dedicated anew to God. It would take many pages to describe all the miracles in it, all the stories and events. And what a ride it has been! All members of my household have been forever changed because God is Lord of this house. In physical death, I'll exchange it for the one Jesus began building after He ascended to Heaven. That crossing between universes doesn't seem so mysterious to me. Yet Jesus is preparing a place beyond my imagination, which will make my house look so plain! But that's just one side of myhouse. My heavenly Father disciplines, purifies and tests all of its members and that is easier to write down than to endure! But God keeps the house clean and continues to use it for His purposes.
How did I get off the subject? This verse is about Peter, who thought he was expected to stand for Jesus on his own. Peter had no idea how bad he'd fumble without Jesus beside him, nor how well he would stand with Him with the power of the Holy Spirit for the rest of his life.
Q. Did Judas Iscariot ever come to his senses? A. Matthew 27:3 = Yes. When he found out that Jesus' fate was to die, he was filled with remorse and gave the silver coins back to the priests, then hung himself.
Q. What happened to that blood money? A. Matthew 27:5–8 = The priests bought a field with it and made it into a cemetery for foreigners.
Q. Why? A. Matthew 22:9–10 = To fulfill the Scriptures in Zechariah 11:12–13 = His [Jesus'] worth was thirty pieces of silver.
Note: In Acts 1:18–19, Peter says that Jedas bought that field and that his intestines burst open there. There are no other accounts of this occurence other than in Matthew and Acts. This is a mystery to us, which we need to be content to wait upon Jesus' clarification.
Q. What did Pilate conclude about Jesus? A. Matthew 27:18 = That the Jewish leaders arrested Jesus out of envy.
Note: Think about this for a moment: What did Jesus have that they wanted?
1) Jesus healed just about every sick, blind and lame person in the known world
2) Jesus was a descendant of David, next in line for the throne
3) Jesus had a direct line to Heaven
4) Thepeople loved Him
5) Jesus was generous and content
6) Jesus was at peace
7) Jesus was sure of His destiny
8) Jesus was blameless and pure (unlike themselves).
Q. What things did Pilate have to consider before sentencing Jesus? A. Matthew 27:17 = 1) The opportunity to release Jesus as an act of mercy on the Passover, which was at hand
2)v.19 = Pilate's wife had a dream that convinced her that Jesus was innocent and she was scared to death about His impending condemnation
Q. So after all the good Jesus did all His life, and the fact that so many were healed, there was still enough confusion and chaos to put Jesus to death? A. Matthew 27:21–24 = Yes.
Note: If God says it will happen, then nothing can stop it from happening. If you should suffer for the cross, your innocence from wrong won't protect you; your closeness with God won't protect you. You are simply chosen. Your freedom is taken away from you, but your testimony will never be taken from you. Even if the angels in heaven are the only witnesses to the event. Cool? Yeah!
Q. What was accomplished by Jacob/Israel's succesfully condemning thier Jesus, their Messiah, to die? A. Matthew 27:24–25 = They publicly claimed the condemnation of their Messiah, their Jesus as being their responsibility, claiming this responsiblity to be passed on to their children as well
2) It was public knowledge that Jesus was innocent.
Note: Only the Jacob/Israelites were required to offer a sacrifice to God, in ceremony, as a public declaration of their faith and obedience to God's Word and atonement for sin. Their offering was to be a spotless lamb. Jesus was born to die, the spotless Lamb of God.
John the Baptist knew Jesus as this spotless Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world (cf. John 1:29, 36).
And so did Peter later on (cf. 1 Peter 1:19)
and John the beloved apostle (cf. Revelation 5:6; 6:9; 7:17; 21:23; 22:3).
These all understood the Old Testament prophesies now. The new era of the church began with forgiveness of sins, which began with Jesus' death. This church is made up of people who accept Jesus' finished work. The church is not a building, but the people in groups, in communities who believe together. Jesus modeled this church for three years with the disciples.
Q. How is the church sustained, if not on the Temple sacrifices and old Covenant law? A. Matthew The church began and survives on the power of the Holy Spirit, who came after Jesus ascended to Heaven. The Holy Spirit has been with us now 2000 years. He made Peter strong in the Lord at last and revealed much that was hidden, past, present and future (cf. Isaiah 53:8).
Q. Who actually crucified Jesus? A. Matthew 27:26 = The Roman soldiers.
Note: But the Jacob/Israelites took full responsibility for Jesus' death. Jesus did die for His people. They slaughtered the Sheep. If they had not taken full responsibility for Jesus' death, and He was found guilty by Pilate, Jesus would not have died for God's Chosen people. The sovereignty of God finds a way to work out what He requires. It was not clear at the time, but by Sunday, six weeks later, it was crystal clear with Jesus' ascension into Heaven. The Holy Spirit came the moment Jesus ascended to Heaven and Peter was the first to declare that God's sovereignty had been accomplished in Jesus' life and death, and this Good News is still being preached. What a fantastic God we have! What a Perfect Ruler of the universe is our heavenly Father! How kind and loving He is to have made us permanently His own children in His life; our warts and all!
Q. The account of Jesus' death was written out in detail in the New Testament. Why? A. Matthew 27:35 = Because Jesus' death was prophesied hundreds of years ago in the same detail. Here's two examples:
1) Matthew 27:35 = Casting lots for Jesus' clothes (Psalm 22:18)
2) Matthew 27:46 = Jesus' worlds upon the cross (Psalm 22:1)
Note: The list of all fulfilled prophsies are published everywhere for further study.
Q. Finally, Jess was history. The Jews rejoiced, the riots would end. The priests would return to their home–spun rituals, mixed with the Law of Moses. Did they ever get a chance to settle down to the way it was? A. Matthew 27:51 = No. The moment Jesus died, more miracles happened in force:
1) The veil in the Temple, which only the High Priest could enter once a year, was torn in two from top to the bottom
2) The earth shook, rocks split apart
3) Tombs opened
4) Godly people rose from the dead and many saw them.
Q. What happened first while Jesus was on the cross? A. Matthew 27:45 = Jesus cried out to God and died and darkness fell though it was only noontime; it lasted for three hours.
Q. Did Jesus' followers watch Him die and witness the phenomenons that ensued His death? A. Matthew 27:55 = Yes, but from a distance.
Note: It is not too surprising that when we are suffering, our brothers and sisters keep their distance. They are no good at being there for us. God asks us to rely only on Him at all times as He knows how weak people are. As much as we want to help, to support one suffering, the best we have to offer is directing a suffering one to God, for only He helps us to cope. Remind your ailing friends that God will help them directly if they will cry out to Him. Let reminding him of God's love be our job!
Q. Who watched the events of Jesus' suffering and death from a distance? A. Matthew 27:55 = Many women from Galilee.
Q. Why did they come to witness Jesus' death? A. Matthew 27:55 = To care for Jesus any way they could.
Q. Who were some of these women? A. Matthew 27:55–56 = 1) Mary Magdalene, a former prostitute
2) Mary, mother of James and Joseph
3) Zebedee's wife, mother of James and John.
Note: These women were very strong believers! Do you dare believe that women can be more loyal to Jesus than men? It seems they lead their families spiritually, dedicating their whole lives, unfettered by making a living to support the family, as their husbands are. Husbands are good! They make their wives' lives good because of their own dedication to toil. Husbands must work to keep up with their wives' spiritually. If they decide to veg in front of the television, as some do to "unwind", they will miss out. They ought to spend time in the Word. God loves dedicated men who will rest in His presence and take their refreshment from Him. All working men who commit to be with God in their off–times are doubly–blessed and can easily keep up spiritually with their wives. By the same token, if they choose to shoot pool or go bowling or pursue other things instead of spending time with God, it will be reflected by their lives. Men, don't blame your wives for understanding spiritual things more than you do. They have simply spent the time required to know their God. And women, if you take all that unfettered time and dump soap operas and phone time into it, you will suffer spiritually.
A note to wives who choose to work: Spend your down time with God. Working stiff rules apply to you, too.
Q. Did any men believers show up during these events? A. Matthew 27:57–58 = Yes. Joseph, a rich man from Arimathea even asked Pilate for Jesus' body.
Q. What did Joseph do with Jesus' body? A. Matthew 27:59 = He had bought a tomb for his own burial. He buried Jesus in it instead.
Q. How long did the women stick around after the crucifixion of Jesus? A. Matthew 27:61 = They followed Jesus' body to the tomb and drew nearer.
Note: Aren't we all like that? When trouble comes, we feel distant from God, confused about the future, our fate, etc. The trouble surrounding the death of Jesus left all their lives in quandary. The last three years with Jesus became surreal from His arrest forward. They stayed distant until the chaos settled and the people went home. They stayed to see Jesph of Arimathea quietly remove Jesus from the cross and honor Him with the burial of a rich man. The women drew near. When our trouble subsides, peace returns and our heart beats slow to normal, we draw near to God once again. That's the human condition. Even at our best in trial, eyes up, the Word newly in our hearts, we feel utterly alone. Yet God is with us in actuality. It is a fact, by necessity, tht bears remembering and repending out loud of again and again while still in trial. God IS with me and has been since Jesus rose to Heaven. Don't let your troubles confuse the facts!
Q. Joseph rolled a stone over the entrance to the tomb. Was Jesus left at that? A. Matthew 27:62–65 = No. The leading priests and Pharisees asked Pilate to seal the tomb too.
Q. Why? A. Matthew 27:64 = So the believers wouldn't steal Jesus' body and lie about His resurrection.
Note: The believers, soon to be apostles, didn't yet comprehend Jesus' prophecy of His rising from the dead. But the Pharisees and leading priests did!
Q. So Pilate had the tomb sealed. What else did he do? A. Matthew 27:66 = He posted guards at the tomb as well.
Q. Did those guards witness any supernatural phenomena? A. Matthew 28:4 = Yes. They saw, with a great earthquake, an angel came down from heaven, rolled the stone away and sat on it.
Q. How did they react to the sight? A. Matthew 28:4 = The guards fainted in great fear.
Q. Who else saw this phenomenon? A. Matthew 28:1 = The two Marys formerly mentioned.
Q. Were they scared? A. Matthew 28:5 = Yes, but the angel assured them that they had nothing to fear.
Q. Why did the angel come? A. Matthew 28:5–7 = To tell them of Jesus' resurrection.
Q. When the stone was rolled away from the entrance of the tomb, was Jesus already gone? A. Matthew 28:6 = Yes.
Q. Where did Jesus go? A. Matthew 28:7 = To Galilee. The angel told the two Marys then to tell all Jesus' followers to meet Him in Galilee.
Q. How did the women respond to that? A. Matthew 28:8 = With both fright and great joy. They ran to the disciples!
Note: Certain things frighten me. I wonder how I would react to the sudden presence of an angel who might carry a message for me.
Q. What happened while the two Marys were on the road to tell the disciples? A. Matthew 28:9 = Jesus met them!
Q. How did they react when they saw Him? A. Matthew 28:9 = They ran to Him, held His feet and worshiped HIm.
Note: First close up,mourning Jesus coming death, then distant as death was upon Him, then close again after death to mourn Him dead, then a night passes and they are back to close up to Jesus and with rejoicing! All in three days' time. The hardest part of believing God's Word is grasping the reality of a fantastic future in the foreverworld, which was made possible by the cross. This is what the cross did for all folks who will accept it.
So what is Heaven?
1) No more death
2) No more dead babies
3) No more evil
4) Perfect bodies that even glow
5) Fulfillment in work
6) No inflation
7) No poverty
8) No prejudice
9) No danger
10) No natural disasters
11) No wildness or feralness in animals
12) No burdens
13) No crying
14) No insanity
15) A world lit up by Jesus, the Son of God Himself
16) No betrayal
17) Real friends
18) All doubts removed (Reading and learning God's Word removes all doubts but who does that regularly, but a few?)
Q. Did the guards become believers? A. Matthew 28:15 = No. They sold their testimonies to the religious leaders and Pharisees for money.
Q. What happened as a result? A. Matthew 28:15 = They said the disciples stole the body of Jesus while they slept; a lie told to this day.
Note: Unbelievable! Even witnessing God's power, fearing it, they were pursuaded by money. Do you have a price? What do you buy in place of what you know in your heart to be true? Or are your gut feelings worth more to you than God's Word? For you intellectuals: Do you believe things contrary to God's Word because if feels more worthy because you paid good money for an Einsteinish/Freudian education? Taking the price tag off your knowledge, will you consider returning to God's ways? They are still perfect, inexpensive and tailor–made for each of God's creatures.
Q. Did the disciples react to Jesus as the two Marys did, in worship of HIm? A. Matthew 28:17 = Some did and some still doubted.
Q. You mean some of those destined to be apostles, whose names would go down in history, who would die a martyr's death, still doubted Jesus resurrection at this point? A. Matthew 28:17 = Yes.
Note: Jesus wasn't worried for the doubters. After the Holy Spirit came, all mean well within the believing ranks! Only the Holy Spirit can relieve doubt. Some folks need a sign, even bigger than seeing someone come back to life. Let God accommodate them. Each one of us is given a level of faith. Let God work wonders with it His way.
Q. What was one thing accomplished by Jesus in His death and resurrection? A. Matthew 28:18 = Jesus was given complete authority in Heaven and on earth and commissioned His disciples to make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Q. So there would be many more disciples. What were they to do with the new believers? A. Matthew 28:20 = Teach them the Word of God.
Note: Jesus taught fromthe Old Testament and brought in the New Covenant of love which replaced the Old Covenant of the Levitical Law of the Temple sacrifices and rituals that made it possible to be near God. Jesus taught plenty from the Old Testament. We have much to gain fro the remaining part of the Old Testament. The Holy Spirit Makes it possible to understand and keep God's Word, if we will look intently at it.
Q. So what did Jesus emphasize from the Old Testament? A. Lots of secrets to a happy life:
1) Deuteronomy 8:3 = To feed on the Word of God like our lives depend on it
2) Deuteronomy 6:16 =Not to waste time testing God's faithfulness
3) Deuteronomy 6:13 = Worship God and serve Him only
4) Matthew 4:17 = Repent and turn back to God
5) Matthew 4:19 = Brig others into the Kingdom
6) Matthew 5:1–48 = Change from sinful self to godly saint
7) Matthew 6:1–4 = Give in secret
8) Matthew 6:5–6 = Pray in secret
9) Matthew 6:9–13 = Pray like Jesus' example
10) Matthew 6:19–21 = Invest in Heaven
11) Matthew 6:19–24 = Don't live to make money or hoard it
12) Matthew 6:25–34 = God will always provide
13) Matthew 7:1–5 = Don't judge
14) Matthew 7:6 = Don't waste God's message on mockers
15) Matthew 7–11 = Pray until something happens (P.U.S.H.)
16) Matthew 7:12 = Treat others like you treat yourself — well!
17) Matthew 7:13–14 = Remember the path to Heaven is narrow — no compromise...
18) Matthew 7:15:13 = ...because of false believers
19) Matthew 7:24–27 = Obedience to God's Word brings strength
20) Matthew 8:1–4 = Be ready to offer proof of a miraculous healing
21) Matthew 8:20 = Christians shouldn't settle down in one place. God moves people around for His mission and purpose
22) Matthew 8:22 = Don't procrastinate your hour of salvation
23) Matthew 8:26 = Don't be afraid
24) Matthew 9:4 = Jesus can read my mind
25) Matthew 9:6 = Jesus has the authority to forgive sins
26) Matthew 9:9 = Jesus calls disciples to the mission
27) Don't be standoffish with unbelievers, but be amidst them to make disciples
28) Matthew 9:22–30 = Faith makes us well
29) Matthew 9:37–38 = God sends workers to do the mission
30) Matthew 10:8 = Jesus gave authority to us to do the same miracles He did
31) Matthew 10:5–20 = Missionaries are given guidelines to follow right here
32) Matthew 10:21 = Betrayal amongst brothers happens
33) Matthew 10:20–23 = Persecution happens
34) Matthew 10:23 = Jesus is coming back
35) Matthew 10:34–25 = We share in Jesus' fate
36) Matthew 10:26–27 = The secrets of God would be made plain
37) Matthew 10:28 = Don't be afraid to die, even painfully
38) Matthew 10:28 = Fear only God
39) Matthew 10:30 = God knows even the number of hairs on our heads
40) Matthew 10:32–33 = Don't deny God on earth or He will deny me in Heaven
41) Matthew 10:34 = Jesus brought a sword, not peace to earth
42) Matthew 37:42 = My worth is measured by my faithfulness to God and my fellow believers
43) Matthew 11:6 = I am blessed if I am not offended by Jesus
44) Matthew 11:20–24 = Judging is only God's to do
45) Matthew 11:27 = Jesus reveals God to whomever He chooses
46) Matthew 12:7–8 = Jesus wants me to be merciful, not legalistic
47) Matthew 12:9–13 = Heal at every opportunity presenting itself
48) Matthew 12:20 = The devil works against Jesus. He uses people to work against believers
49) Matthew 12:31–32 = Blashphemy against the Holy Spirit is unforgivable
50) Matthew 12:34 = Evil men try to speak of what is good
51) Matthew 12:35 = Garbage in, garbage out
52) Matthew 12:37 = Words reflect my fate
53) Matthew 12:48–50 = My family consists of believers
54) Matthew 13:12 = Open people are given the secrets of Heaven
55) Isaiah 6:9–10 = Close people don't receive the secrets of Heaven
56) Matthew 13:24–30 = God tarries for the sake of the unsaved
57) Psalm 78:2 = Jesus spoke in parables on purpose
58) Matthew 13:50 = The wicked will burn
59) Matthew 13:57 = Prophets are not welcome in their own home towns
60) Matthew 14:31 = Doubting is a sign of weak faith
61) Isaiah 29:13 = False teachers happen
62) Matthew 15:11 = Our nations make us either filthy or good
63) Matthew 16:18 = Jesus came to build His church
64) Matthew 16:22–23 = Satan pits brother against brother and God
65) Matthew 16:24–26 = Christians have a life of sacrifice
66) Deliverance ministry requires much faith
67) Matthew 18:3–6 = We approach God as little children or not at all
68) Matthew 18:7–9 = Hate sin empahtically!
69) Matthew 18:10 = Love children and protect them
70) Matthew 18:15–18 = Confront conflicts head on
71) Matthew 18:19–20 = Pray in groups, agreeing on the requests
72) Matthew 18:21–35 = Forgive always
73) Matthew 19:6 = Don't divorce
74) Matthew 19:8 = Divorce happens anyway
75) Matthew 19:26 = God only can save
76) Matthew 19:30 = There are no ranks in Heaven
77) Matthew 20:15 = We shouldn't be angry because God is kind
79) Matthew 20:22 = To want the most in service to God means great suffering
80) Matthew 20:26 = A believer's life means one of service to God
81) Matthew 21:21–22 = We can perform miracles with enough faith
82) Psalm 8:2 = God taught children to praise Him
83) Psalm 118:22–23 = Jesus is the precious cornerstone of this Psalm
84) Exodus 3:6 = To most important commandment is this verse.
85) Psalm 110:1 = Jesus would sit at the right hand of the Lord until it is time to humble His enemies
86) Practice and obey the Scriptures, even if the teacher doesn't
87) Believers are all equal brothers and sisters. OnlyGod is Father, Master and Rabbi.
88) Matthew 34:36 = Believers will die for Jesus
89) Matthew 24:4–51; 25:1–6 = Future events were prophesied
90) Zechariah 13:7 = God would strike Jesus down and the sheep would scatter
91) Matthew 26:41 = The human spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak
92) Matthew 26:41 = Keep alert and pray
93) Matthew 26:54 = All events occurred to fulfill Scripture
94) Jesus was given complete authority
95) Matthew 28:19 = Jesus commissioned us to make disciples
96) Matthew 28:20 = Jesus is always with us
Note: These 96 truths stick out in my mind. All things point to the beginning of a new age, even calendars are marked by this beginning. This is an age where we will do even grater things than Jesus did, and with Jesus by us all the way.
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