Questions and Answers - Matthew 5
Q. How did Jesus teach the apostles? A. Matthew 5:1 = He took them up a mountainside and sat down to teach them, away from the crowds.
Note: Small cell groups are the best places to learn about God.
Q. What did Jesus teach this small cell group? A. Matthew 5:3 = The Beatitudes.
Q. Waht does 'beatitdde' mean? A. Matthew 5:3 = Happiness or blessedness.
Q. What are the beatitudes in nature? A. Matthew 5:3 = What genuine believers are like.
Q. So what are believers like? A. Matthew 5:3 = They realize they need God in their lives; that they are nothing without Him.
Q. Is this an attitude of the heart? A. Matthew 5:3 = Yes. To be poor in spirit means you don't try to run your life on your own, but ask God to guide you.
Q. If I back off of controlling my life and let God guide me, what results? A. Matthew 5:3 = God gives me the Kingdom of Heaven (which is near, cf. Matthew 4:17).
Note: This is salvation. To admit that I am awful at living on my own is a big first step!
Q. What is the second Beatitude? A. Matthew 5:4 = "Happy are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
Note: When we suffer any kind of loss, we will not recover from it until we mourn. There are many who skip this process and avoid the pain, so they tell themselves mourning is unnecessary. The first thing I mourn is my lack of ability on my own to follow God. We all literally have to be called and given the power to follow after God. It is still our choice to pursue God, but many waste that gift of a desire for God that He kindles in hearts.
Here are some other things we must mourn. Let God come near to comfort you at these times:
The death of a loved one Sickness
Divorce Widow(er)hood
A prodigal son The loss of a friend
The loss of a job My own rebellion
My country's corruption Starvation in the world
Poverty My neglect of the Word in my life
Handling a trial badly Gossipping
Disunity in the body of Christ Erroneous teaching of
the Scriptures
TV evangelists who fall publicly The billions of unsaved
people who do not choose
their Creator
Jesus' suffering and death My own callousness
toward people
(You fill in the blank!)
Note: Just to name a few! Mourning is the emptiness these things bring, and admits to the void before God. We need to ask God for the remedy! Remember, God draws near to those who mourn and comforts us too!
Q. What is the third Beatitude? A. Matthew 5:5 = "God blesses those who are gentle and lowly, for the whole earth will belong to them."
Note: To be gentle is a choice. "A kind word turns away wrath." To be lowly is not reacting badly to someone who is reacting to your gentleness. It is abiding gentleness, which always considers others more important than oneself. Putting oneself on a lower step than another. Practically, it is taking the smaller piece of pie on purpose, seeking counsel for a particular problem, putting God's opinion above my own, no matter what the consequence. Canyou think of more?
Q. In the end, how do I benefit? A. Matthew 5:5 = My perspective is made clear—I realize that one day, God will be done with evil and the whole world will belong to His children. Now is not the time! There is a final victory! Imagine a world filled with only God lovers!
Q. Should we be apathetic toward justice? A. Matthew 5:6 = No. We should be hungry and thirsty for justice.
Note: This means fighting for justice, wanting it for every person, place and thing.
Q. What comes out of my efforts at justice? A. Matthew 5:6 = God will see that it happens.
Note 1: You mean, I do all I can and God will bless my effort?
Matthew 5:6 = Yes! We don't do anything for God for nothing. He always blesses our efforts.
Note 2: Imagine a world of Christian lawyers fighting for justice with a hunger and thirst for God to be glorified in their work! Real justice fights for what God has stated in His Word is justice.
Q. What is a basic attitude that all should show to those in any kind of need? A. Matthew 5:7 = Mercy.
Note: Showing mercy should not be mixed up with the act of being taken for granted by user people who feign fake mercy. I know folks who do this. A weak woman relies on her 'merciful' friend to get her away from home once a week. Her friend feigns that she is showing her mercy to grant her wish, but from the moment she picks her up, she spends the whole time dumping on her weak friend! Lesson? Don't surround yourself with folks you think yourself better than. Get folks who are in trouble some real help. Fellowship and prayer—not just one time help, but the same help we receive from God as His children through fellowship and prayer. Set your weak brother on his feet so that he can become strong and minister to other, as well as receive his mission from God.
Q. What does it mean to have a pure heart? A. Matthew 5:8 = Watching out for sin, confessing when needed and doing things that keep our hearts pure; like Bible study, prayer and fellowship with God. Checking my behavior, asking WWJD? are also good, daily checks.
Note: Does maintaining a pure heart seem a dedious thing to do? On the contrary, our hearts, souls and minds are active and busy soaking up everything around us. We are gardeners, weeding out, fumigating and planting good things in our hearts.
Q. What can motivate me to stay pure this way? A. Matthew 5:8 = I will see God as a result!
Note: God speaks clearer when our hearts are pure. We hear Him better when we tune in. Tuning in is being a gardener, ever maintaining purity.
Q. Is it God who puts those conditions on us before He'll draw near? A. Matthew 5:8 = God meets us halfway. He won't go further than that. You must draw near to Him too, exercising your free will to be in that place halfway too. And by the way, God is always in that halfway place. Isn't He cool?
Note: The verse says, "for they will see God," and not, "for God will see them" This is indicative of our choice to move toward God.
Q. In all my relationships, what should be the underlying plumb line that keeps them functioning well? A. Matthew 5:9 = Peace.
Q. Does peace come naturally? A. Matthew 5:9 = No. Peace comes whe we work for it.
Note: If there is constant bickering, complaining and self-pity in a relationship, do what you can to work for peace. If your efforts make you another cause for bickering, complaining and self-pity, then move on. Watch out for your heart—your friend has made his choice and his pride knows no bounds. God will deal with his heart. God can take it! Alleluiah!
Q. Waht do I need in my life before I can work productively for peace? A. Matthew 5:9 = Peace in my life.
Note: Get your house in order! If it is rotten out of neglect or miscommunication, you'll bear neglect and miscommunication as a result. Whatever is wrng at home is reflected in your ministry, mission, career, etc.
Q. What if I get mocked for caring about my behavior, about what goes on at home, for being a Sermon on the Mount person? A. Matthew 5:10-11 = Then I'm blessed, even in persecution, by God Himself, and in death or life, I'm part of the Kingdom of Heaven and will rejoice in that truth.
Q. I do feel happy and at peace when persecuted! Is this crazy? A. Matthew 5:11 = No! God gives us this happiness and peace and tells us to rejoice anyway!
Q. Why? A. Matthew 5:12 = Persecuted believers have a bigger reward in heaven.
Q. Were God's people persecuted before Jesus came? A. Matthew 5:12 = Yes. The prophets were persecuted too.
Q. What are believers to this planet? A. Matthew 5:13 = The salt of the earth.
Q. How? A. Matthew 5:13 = We give flavor to the earth.
Q. Without God's people, what is the earth? A. Matthew 5:13 = Bland!
Q. What if believers forget their faith? A. Matthew 5:13 = The world goes bland again, forgetting God and trampling His people.
Q. What else are believers? A. Matthew 5:14 = The light of the world; like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see.
Q. Is this good? A. Matthew 5:15 = We are meant to be seen, but we can choose to hide our light, though God doesn't want us to.
Q. What should we do with our light? A. Matthew 5:15 = Put it on a stand and let it shine for all.
Q. Meaning...? A. Matthew 5:16 = Do good deeds and let them shine for all to see.
Q. You mean I should seek man's praise? A. Matthew 5:16 = No! When you do the deeds right, they'll praise your heavenly Father.
Note 1: Live for God, knowing His love and living for Him, keeping my eyes up in everything I do makes folks want to see God. They want our salt and light, which is real and visible. We worship an awesome God and the world will meet Him too, if we'll continue in being salt (staying in fellowship with God and His Word) and light (letting folks know about Him with our light—not our condemnation!)
Note 2: If you are being praised for your work, but God isn't, you need to rethink your methods. Determinedly set your light on a stand for all to see. How? Get in the Word, praise God for all He has done, know His Word, which is your source of His mnighty deeds, and pray always. Bless all around you and let your words emerge from an attitude of praise to God. They'll see God now!
Q. What has the Law of Moses have to do with Jesus' arrival? A. Matthew 5:17 =Jesus fulfilled the Law of Moses.
Q. What do you mean? A. Matthew 5:17 = Jesus' coming made much prophecy come true, so those prophecies were fulfilled.
Q. People are worried that the earth is dying. What do I know about this? A. Matthew 5:18 = The whole Bible will be fulfilled before that will happen. There are more prophecies waiting for their time to be fulfilled as yet.
Q. What becomes of a believer who breaks a commandment and teaches others to do so? A. Matthew 5:19 = He is least in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Q. What if a believer obeys God's laws and teaches them? A. Matthew 5:19 = He will be great in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Note: Remember, the laws Jesus refers to are the ones on the Sermon on the Mount. They are about how we should behave as God's children.
Q. What is one guideline for us to remember as good teachers? A. Matthew 5:20 = Not to become Pharisees, teaching God's Word without letting it transform us. Remember, Pharisees were the worst of hypocrites!
Q. Is it possible to teach God's Word, representing it badly? A. Matthew 5:20 = Yes. Malachi 2:9 gives a sample of this: Teaching only what you find important for your own selfish gain.
Q. What is the fate of one who doesn't heed Jesus' warning? A. Matthew 5:20 = There is no place in heaven for him.
Note: Yes, there are religious people without a clue! It's not that God hasn't tried to reach them. They have the same opportunity as everyone else to meet God half way. They choose not to, studying the Word and teaching others about it without having a relationship with God. I wonder at this phenomenon. Are they afraid of God? They certainly don't seem to know of His great love for mankind! And they lead others down the same dark path. May we true believers find every one of his prodigees and be salt and light to them, leading them finally to God!
Q. Does Jesus teach on heavenly behaviors we need to adapt to? A. Matthew 5:21 = Yes. Jesus' teaching is deeper than Moses'.
Q. How? A. Matthew 5:21-22 = The Levitical Law was concerned with the act, whereas Jesus taught about the attitude preceding the act.
Q. What is a wrong behavior? A. Matthew 5:22 = 1) Being angry with someone calls for repentance
2) Name-calling calls for repentance
3) Cursing someone can bring Hell to your door.
Q. If I ignore my bad behavior, what results? A. Matthew 5:25-26 = I could get sued and thrown into jail for my behavior.
Q. What should I do when my bad behavior causes problems? A. Matthew 5:24 = I should go and be reconciled to the affected person before I worship God again.
Note: As far as it is up to me, I will do what I can to please God with right behavior. I will be sensitive to people around me, for when I am acting badly, they cannot see my light. I have to go back and again set my lamp upon that lampstand!
Q. How has the definition of the sin of adultery changed with Jesus' coming? A. Matthew 5:27-28 = Not only the act is sin, but the thought of the act is sin.
Note: This means no porn, no looking at promiscuously dressed gals, and instead, filling up one's time with God thoughts—the Bible, praise and prayer. As long as you are doing the right things, the wrong things have no place with you.
Q. What is the theme here in this passage? A. Matthew 5:29 = Run from sin. Absolutely no compromise, let we interrupt communication with heaven.
Two things happen when we sin:
1) We walk away from God
2) We spend valuable fellowship time on sin, time we will never get back. Sin is a waste of time.
Q. Shall I really gouge out my eye if I lust? A. Matthew 5:29 = No. Jesus is emphasizing the seriousness of even the thought of sin.
Q. So I don't have to cut off my hand if it causes me to sin? A. Matthew 5:30 = No! Just be mindful of your thoughts—be mindful of God, who is so pure that He cannot be in the presence of sin.
Q. What was happening during the time Jesus was teaching about divorce? A. Historical reference: Men were marrying and divorcing innocent wives and treating them badly. Even children who were born female were to these husbands, of no value, so they would instruct their wives to let them die.
Q. What did Jesus have to say about it? A. Matthew 5:31-32 = He points to what they were doing and calls it sin. Only adultery can sever a marriage. Even then, it is a last-ditch choice to divorce and not a commandment.
Q. What is the teaching about making vows? A. Matthew 5:33-37 = Don't make them!
Q. Why? A. Matthew 5:37 = To strengthen your promise with a vow shows that something is wrong with your promise.
Q. What should I do instead? A. Matthew 5:37 = Keep answers simple: Yes or No.
Q. Why? A. Matthew 5:37 = My word is enough. It's all I have!
Q. What did Jesus teach about revenge? A. Matthew 5:38-41 = Don't take revenge.
Q. What should I do when someone physically hurts me or sues me? A. Matthew 5:38-41 = Have an attitude of humility instead.
Note 1: Whatever you must do to show him the kingdom of God. Count it as an opportunity to share Christ. Remember that when Peter cut the ear off of the soldier, Jesus put it back on. It was truly a kingdom moment for that soldier. If you don't react like the world expects, they will see God in it.
Note 2: Running away and hiding is not an anser to such problems. Facing boldly your enemy and acting like a child of God is. Hiding is putting one's light under a lampstand! Use every opportunity.
Homework: Write down every possible situation and decide now what you will do. WWJD? This exercise will help you to change behavior patterns, as you consider who you are in Christ and the magnificence of what that means. We truly wield the power to do things God's way! In Jesus' name! Pray and fast in everything. Solutions will be revealed and you have partnered with Jesus to resolve anything!
Q. Why did soldiers get away with making random folks carry their gear? A. Legally, they could in those days. It was considered a tremendous burden and inconvenience for a civilian to do this.
Q. So if that was me, instead of looking at as a burden, I should shine my light by doing it for twice the distance? A. Matthew 5:41 = Yes.
Q. What contrasting attitudes am I taking off and putting on applying the Sermon on the Mount to my life? A. Follow the chart below:
Take Off
1. Self-sufficiency
A.Put On
1. Recognition that I need God
Results in...
1. God meeting my needs and
I get Heaven in my everyday!
2. Avoidance of mourning for loss 2. Mourning for all my losses 2. God comforts me!
3. Harshness 3. Gentleness 3. I can go anywhere and get
anything done!
4. Apathy for justice 4. Passion for justice 4. I'll receive justice!
5. Being unmerciful 5. Mercy 5. I'll be shown mercy!
6. Impure thoughts 6. Keep my thoughts pure 6. I'll see God!
7. Fighting 7. Work for peace 7. I'll be called a child of God!
8. Persecuting Christians 8. Wilingness to be persecuted for God 8. The kingdom of Heaven is
mine every day!
9. Mocking, lying about Christians 9. Be glad about being mocked
and lied about because I
belong to God.
9. Great reward awaits me!
10. Half-heartedness with my
light hidden under a basket
with doing no good deeds
10. Glow for all to see by
doing good deeds
10. Everyone praises God because
they see my good deeds!
11. Breaking commandments and
teaching others to do so
11. Keeping commandments and
teaching others to do so
11. Greatness in God's kingdom!
12. Disobedience to God 12. Obedience to God 12. I'll enter God's kingdom!
13. Anger with someone 13. Reconciliation 13. Restored relationship!
14. Lust 14. Repentance 14. Restoration with God!
15. Sin 15. Repentance 15. Restoration with God!
16. Taking divorce lightly 16. Don't divorce 16. Purity
17. Making vows 17. Don't make vows! 17. Genuine promise
18. Revenge 18. Creative, peacemaking solutions 18. Peace
19. Hating my enemies 19. Loving my enemies, praying for them. 19. Acting like a true child of God!
20. Loving only those who love me. 20. Loving everybody 20. Makes me perfect in God's eyes!
21. Doing good deeds just to be admired. 21. Doing good deeds secretly 21. God rewards me!
22. Praying publicly just to be admired. 22. Pray secretly. 22. God rewards me!
23. Praying religious repetition 23. Praying after Jesus' example,
'The Lord's Prayer', in my own words.
23. I cover the whole
need on earth!
24. Praying my will. 24. Praying God's will 24. God's will is done!
25. Not recognizing God
as provider of my food.
25. Asking God to feed me today. 25. God feeds me every day!
26. Not asking forgiveness. 26. Asking forgiveness 26. I am free!
27. Not forgiving others. 27. Forgiving others. 27. God will forgive me too.
28. Yielding to temptation. 28. Asking God to deliver
me from temptation.
28. God delivers me!
29. Fasting publicly, being
dramatic about it.
29. Fasting in secret so no
one can tell.
29. God rewards me!
30. Being materialistic. 30. Giving that money to God. 30. My money is safe
in heaven!
31. My thoughts and heart are
material things.
31. My heart and thoughts are
on heaven.
31. My heart and thoughts
are in heaven!
32. I have an evil eye
that shuts out light,
plunging me into darkness.
32. A pure eye 32. Lets sunshine into my
33. Thinking darkness is light 33. Letting God show me in His
Word what light and darkness are.
33. Let sunshine into my soul!
34. Serving money 34. Serving God. 34. A holy life.
35. Loving money 35. Loving God 35. I please God.
36. Worrying about provision. 36. Trust God for provision 36. I see God providing!
37. Living for myself. 37. Living for God. 37. God provides!
38. Judging others. 38. Not judging others. 38. I'll be treated the same!
39. Counseling others when I
am not whole because of sin.
39. Seeking healing for myself
so I can be a good counselor.
39. Success in counseling!
40. Giving holy things to
unholy people.
40. Guarding holy things for
holy people.
40. Holy people don't trample
them and turn to attack me.
41. Not asking God for what I need,
or not pursuing my request by
continuing to ask.
41. Asking until I get an answer. 41. I'll get an answer!
42. Doing wrong to others. 42. Doing what I would like others to do for me. 42. I'll be treated right!
43. Going through life on the wide highway to hell. 43. Going through the narrow gate of heaven. 43. I'll get to heaven!
44. Not seeking God's kingdom. 44. Seeking God's kingdom. 44. I'll find God's kingdom!
45. Not being aware of false prophets. 45. Being aware of false prophets. 45. I keep myself free of false teaching!
46. Not considering behaviors of teachers, which are proof of their authenticity. 46. Considering behaviors of teachers before I will accept their teachings. 46. I receive only good teaching.
47. Accepting bad fruit. 47. Acepting good fruit. 48. I learn!
48. Trusting the word of all professing believers. 48. Trusting the word of believers who obey God in everything. 48. I guard myself from bad advice and counsel.
49. Not listening to God's teaching, ignoring it and not obeying God. 49. Listening to and obeying God's teaching. 49. I become wise!
50. I build my house on sand. 50. I build my house on solid rock, Jesus Christ. 50. My house doesn't collapse!
Note: If we follow this guide, we cannot go wrong! Being God's child calls me to do right in attitude, deed and action; calling attention to my behavior, deeds and actions. Am I doing it? Each one of these attitudes are based on the Beatitudes in Matthew 5 to 7.
Q. How can I simplify this in my life? A. 1. Matthew 7:12 = The Bible in one verse.
2. Matthew 5:3-11 = Good attitudes in 9 verses.
3. Matthew 5:12 to 7:29 = Details 1 and 2.
Q. What about generosity? A. Matthew 5:42 = Give to those who ask.
Note: Give out of what you have—credit card cash doesn't count if you can't pay it off so that the gift you give causes you to go in debt.
Q. What about letting folks borrow things from me? A. Matthew 5:42 = Lend freely out of what you have.
Note: It's hard to lend, isn't it? Lend wisely! Lend once; if it is returned, lend again. These verses aren't meant to make us vulnerable to thieves or bad debts, but to remind us that it all comes from God, so don't be a dragon sitting on your horde of treasures! If God has given you much, then share the wealth!
Q. How did the teachers in Jesus' day teach the Law of God? A. With twisted justice in mind. Consider their teachings, as quoted by Jesus, who says, "You have heard that it was said..." In other words, "The religious teachers have taught you that the Bible says..." He continues with quoting the Bible:
In Matthew 5:21, Jesus quoted Exodus 20:13 = "Do not murder."
The religious leaders added, "You are subject to judgment."
Jesus clarified this verse, saying to don't even think about murder. Even thinking of murder is sin.
In Matthew 5:27, Jesus quoted Exodus 20:14 = "Do not commit adultery."
Jesus clarified this verse, saying don't even think about adultery. Even thinking of adultery is sin.
In Matthew 5:31, Jesus quoted Deuteronomy 24:1 = "Suppose a man marries a woman but later discovers something detestable about her that is shameful. So he writes her a letter of divorce, gives it to her and sends her away. If she then leaves and marries another man and the second husband also dies, the former husband may not marry her again, for she has been defiled. That would be detestable to the Lord. You must not bring guilt upon the land the Lord your God is giving you as a special possession."
The religous teachers shortened and washed this passage out with, "A man can divorce his wife by merely giving her a letter of divorce." Jesus clarified it: "But I say that a man who divorces his wife, unless she has been unfaithful, causes her to commit adultery. And anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery."
Note: As previously explained, history records the attitudes toward women in Jesus' time to be godless. Man married prostitutes so they could have guilt-free intimacy, then divorced them regularly.
In Matthew 5:33, Jesus quoted Numbers 30:2, which talks about making vows. The rules were complicated and binding.
Jesus clarifed the spirit behind the law concerning vows. Don't make them and avoid being subject to their consequences!
Note: We all have made foolish vows. But we can break each one and release ourselves from their consequences.
In Matthew 5:38, Jesus quoted Exodus 21:24, which concerns taking revenge. This law kept people from injustice. YOu couldn't take revenge for more than the same evil done to you.
Jesus clarified this verses and gives people something else to do instead of exacting revenge.
In Matthew 5:43, Jesus quoted Leviticus 19:18 = "Never seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone, but love your neighbor as yourself."
The religious teachers changed this verse to: "Love your neighbor and hate your enemy."
Jesus clarified this verse, saying to love everyone.
Note: Jesus changed nothing of Levitical Law. He untwisted what religious teachers claimed the Bible said and told people exactly what it said. I am so grateful to have my own copy of the Bible! When it is not twisted, it frees us to be happy and full!
Q. Has it always been God's intention for us to love our enemies? A. Matthew 5:43-48 = Yes.
Note: God has told us to hate sin only!
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