Questions and Answers - Matthew 6
Q. What is wrong with doing good deeds in public? A. Matthew 6:1-4 = The spirit in which doing a deed must never be to gain popularity with man. We are to examine ourselves and make sure that God is getting glory. Remember, all our work should always point folks to God, or else there is something wrong with the work!
Q. What is wrong with praying in public? A. Matthew 6:5 = A wrong attitude about prayer. Don't look for an audience or you are not motivated to pray with the right reasons.
Q. Does God want privacy with us when we pray? A. Matthew 6:6 = Yes. (We are to pray always!)
Note: If we pray always, in everything we busy ourselves with all day long, no one should have a clue that prayer is occurring. What a powerful thing it is to pray always!
Q. Does God appreciate repetitive prayers? A. Matthew 6:7-8 = No. He likes original, heart-felt intercession.
Q. How should I pray? A. Matthew 6:9 - 13 = Jesus gave us a pattern to follow. Make it your own!
Q. What is the pattern? A. Matthew 6:9-13 = 1. That our heavenly Father's name would be honored here on earth, just as it is being honored perfectly in Heaven
2. That God's kingdom would come soon (to my town).
3. May God's will be done perfectly here, as it is in Heaven.
4. For our daily food.
5. For forgiveness of my sins today, that I would forgive others the same way God has forgiven me.
6. Guard me from temptation
7. Rescue me from the evil one.
Q. What is the key to healing of mental and physical illness? A. Matthew 6:14-15 = My forgiving others.
Note: If I get offended, that offense in itself is my sin. The instant I find myself taking offense to anything, I have sinned and need to ask God's forgiveness. If I hold on to unforgiveness, I put myself in physical and mental danger. I give the devil a foothold and he wreaks havoc with it. Here's a list of positive and negative consequences of this sin. Ask God to reveal any negative symptoms and ask forgiveness immediately for taking offense. Bind unforgiveness. Loose forgiveness and mercy.
Consequences of granting forgiveness and not:
Unforgiveness brings... Forgiveness brings...
Ulcers Peace
Cancer Health
Constipation Healthy bowel movements
Stress headaches Feeling of well-being
Insomnia Good night's sleep
Anger Happiness
Inner turmoil Inner peace
Self-pity Pity for others.
Pride Humility
Psychiatrist bills Closeness with God.
Running away from God's ways. Maturing in the faith.
Excuses as to why I am allowed to hold a grudge. Understanding of God's forgiveness of my every failure the moment I was saved.
Weakened immunity system. Sturdy immunity system.
Teeth grinded low. Good teeth.
Self-centeredness. God-centeredness.
It's all about me. It's all about God.
Settling for less. Not settling for less than the Cross.
Distracted - ADD. Focused.
Complaining Contentment.
Unproductive life. Productive life.
Ruined life. Blessed life.
Bad testimony. My light shines brightly.
Poverty. Prosperity.
Tormented by Hell. Ministered to by angels.
Maliciousness. Honesty.
Weighed down by sin. I give God every burden at the end of the day.
Obsessive thinking about the offense. Moves on with life.
Mad at self for unproductivity. Loves God and self.
Self-loathing. Self-esteem.
Grumbles at God about life. Meditates on God's wonders.
Has no wisdom in counseling. People seek my counsel.
Can't accept criticism. Considers all criticisms.
Short-tempered. Patient.
Puts on fake joy facade. Has real joy.
Puts on fake kindness. Is really kind!
Is half-hearted toward God's Word. Is devoted to God's Word.
Puts word curses on people. Blesses people.
Lies in all relationships. Is genuine and transparent.
Craves attention. Craves God.
Hates church folks. Loves fellowship.
Uses people and thinks that is a good thing. Serves people as he serves God.
Keeps a list of wrongs. Puts all wrongs at the foot of the cross.
Prays only for self. Prays for everyone.
Note: I realize this list is very long—It could be longer!
Exercise: See how worth it gorgiving all people who touch your life really is? Now go down the forgiveness side of the chart and pray all these things into the life of your enemies, your friends, your leaders on every level. Don't get caught up in whether or not someone is deserving or not! All of us deserve Hell, yet Jesus makes us deserving of heaven, without a thought to our past. Everyone is deserving through Jesus. It's time to really learn that. As you pray, unforgiveness and all its ugly scales will fall off you and God's Word can really begin to transform you!
Q. Should we fast? A. Matthew 6:16 = Yes.
Note 1: Prayer deepens in fasting. We hear God clearer, we see our sins clearer, we pray longer. Even a partial fast is good practice. Don't fast just to lose weight! Fast because you want God's will done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Note 2: Here are some fasts to choose from:
1. Skip your favorite meal and pray during that time.
2. Drink only liquids through part or all of the day and pray all day.
3. Skip desserts for 3 or 4 days.
4. Turn off the television for a length of time and pray during that time.
5. Turn off your computer for a time and pray.
Fasting has many benefits:
1. It gives one a sense of being in control of his life.
2. The angels of God get busy answering your requests!
3. Miracles happen: healing, salvation, etc.
4. Hearts are transformed.
5. People get angelic protection from danger through your prayers.
6. World events are affected.
7. We get a real sense that God is in ultimate control of everything.
8. Our faith increases.
9. God brings to mind all the Scriptures you've been learning and expands your perspective with them.
10. Compassion increases
11. All the fruit of the Spirit increases in your life.
12. Spiritual growth happens. 13. What else can you think of?
Q. What did Jesus teach about how to look at things we purchase? A. Matthew 6:19 = 1. Focus on heaven at all times, even when purchasing something.
2. Invest in heaven on earth whenever possible.
3. No one can take heavenly things away from you.
4. Heavenly things do not deteriorate or rust.
5. No thief can steal from heaven.
Note: Be careful how you spend. There are many good causes for heaven to invest in. Also, take a trip with your family and buy a memory in the process. Don't get caught up in newer, faster cars, jewelry and bigger and better everythings! You'll forget tomorrow what caught your eye today. Keep in mind that your sin nature craves these things and wages war with your spirit that craves God things. Choose God! Let your spirit win! (cf. Romans 5:12-13).
Q. What did Jesus teach about our eyes? A. Matthew 6:22-23 = They are lamps for our bodies.
Note: We expose ourselves to sin through our eyes. We expose ourselves to God through our eyes too!
Q. This is a daily choice, what we see? A. Matthew 6:22 = Yes. We "let" things in through our eyes and they affect our lives forever. I'd rather that God affects my life forever!
Q. How does evil enter in? A. Matthew 6:23 = We shut out the light and get plunged into darkness as a result.
Note: Light is tangible; visible. Darkness is the absence of light; void. If we shut out tangible light, there is nothing but vapid void, like outer space. We don't choose to plunge—darkness is all that is left when light is gone; therefore,we plunge. This is the place of every non-believer. Evangelize everyone you know. They live in darkness. You are a light and they are drawn to that light.
Q. Do some folks deceive themselves about their darkness, thinking it is really light? A. Matthew 6:23 = Yes. It is deep darkness!
Note: Unbelievers all kinds of darkness live in a state of confusion that sometimes gets an honest looksee before an evangelist. Sometimes all one needs to say is, "Have you ever asked God to reveal Himself to you?" This question brings sudden silence. Do you realize that most people have not considered that question? You can leave the question with your unbelieving friend, or else pray right there with him, asking God to reveal Himself to him. Let the kingdom of heaven draw near to him! Remember his darkness and shine!
Q. What does God teach about money? A. Matthew 6:24 = It is a master. Either God is my master or money is.
Q. Money can be a master? A. Matthew 6:24 = Yes.
Q. How can I tell if I'm letting money be my master? A. Matthew 6:24 = When I worry about having enough money to survive, it has become my master.
Q. What is a proper perspective on life? A. Matthew 6:25 = Life consists of more than just food and clothing. God is our Provider and promisses to provide. When we worry, we are ignoring His promise.
Q. Does God value people? A. Matthew 6:26 = Yes. Far more than beasts!
Q. Why is worry stupid? A. Matthew 6:27 = It can't add a single moment to my life.
Note: Worry wastes precious time!
Q. What is the truth about God's caring for our every need? A. Matthew 6:28-30 = 1. God is an excellent provider, caring for flowers wonderfully and people so much more.
2. God provided for Solomon
3. People have a hard time grasping God as their personal provider.
Q. Do godless people worry about money? A. Matthew 6:32 = Yes. They don't know our provider God.
Q. What is good to remember about having enough? A. Matthew 6:35 = God knows what we need before we ask.
Note: We need to remember to ask God to provide our daily bread. Sometimes we forget we need His daily provision. We think we have that covered! To work and toil for a living is good for us psychologically, mentally and physically. But it is God who provides. The Israelites had their land, but they relied on God to water their seeeds so that it could provide food and clothing. God blesses our efforts to be faithful to ask Him daily for everything.
Q. If God provides no matter what I do, how should I spend my time? What is my purpose? A. Matthew 6:33 = Living for God and making the kingdom of God my primary concern.
Note: This is for everyone, not just pastors in the pulpit. We all must act on a full-time basis as God's people, making the Kingdom of God our primary concern. In everything I do, may God's kingdom be advanced!
Q. What does Jesus teach about being a worrier? A. Matthew 6:34 = We are worse off if we keep worrying and add tomorrow's worries to today's!
Q. What is the truth about worry? A. Matthew 6:34 = If we look too long at the logistics of our daily demands, we will begin to worry, because we realize that there is no way we could possibly survive on our meager wages. Being in that logistical state of mind is overwheming! But then God reminds us that He is Provider! We rest in that knowledge and go on. If we skip this part, we can lose our minds, adding tomorrow's needs to today's. I wonder how many mental patients fill our hospital wards, having come to this point in life by mere worry? Today's trouble is enough for today. Even then, we have to choose to trust God and leave our worries at the foot of the cross—to be repented of daily! Be sane! Trust God!
Q. What is judging?
A. 1. Forming an opinion about something or someone
2. When I change my mind, I change my judgment.
Making an assessment on a person, situation or event.
4. The courts are appointed to make judgments on matters submitted to it.
5. To reach a decision or draw a conclusion on anything.
6. When a judge of the courts makes a decision, he writes down why he judged that way; his opinion goes down on a legal document.
7. An opinion
8. Appointed judges are obligat5ed to make sound decisions based on evidence given.
9. One must have the ability to make good judgments.
10. Sage; discerning.
11. Perspicacity = shrewdness, astuteness, intelligence.
12. When I make a series of wrong decisions (judgments), I forfeit the confidence people have in me.
13. The operation of my mind, involving comparison and discrimination, by which a knowledge of the values and relations of things, whether of moral qualities, intellectual concepts, logical propositions, or material facts, is obtained.
14. By careful judgment, I avoid peril.
15. Judging rightly is good. What disqualifies me as a judge is a lack of good sense, as proven by my past decisions (judgments).
16. God judges with righteousness.
17. The conclusion of judging is judgment, opinion, or decision.
18. The mental act by which one thing is affirmed or denied of another.
19. The power to by which we are enabled to perceive what is true or false, probable or improbable, is called by logicians the faculty of judgment.
20. Judgments are prepared for scorners (Proverbs 19:29).
21. A decision made after due deliberation and inquiry.
22. Particular decisions, which aply to particular persons, and bind no others, and vary like the circumstances on which they are founded.
23. The result of the full examination of all facts.
24. To compare facts or ideas, and perceive their relations and attributes, and thus distinguish truth from falsehood; to determine; to discern; to distinguish; to form an opinion about something.
25. We do not judge by appearance (John 7:24).
26. The cognitive process of reaching a decision or drawing conclusions.
What is the biblical definition of judging?
1. Genesis 50:19 = God judges and punishes us.
2. Genesis 18:25 = God is judge of all the earth and does only right.
3. Exodus 12:12 = God executes judgment against all the gods of Egypt.
4. Exodus 18:21 = We should appoint good judges who:
1. Fear God
2Hate bribes.
5. Exodus 18:25 = Only capable people make good judges.
6. Exodus 18:26= Hard cases need the best judges.
8. Exodus 21:22 = Judges keep people from overkill in claim of their rights.
9. Exodus 5:21 = When someone needs judging, we should pray that God does it.
10. Exodus 7:4 = Acts of judgment, like plagues and bugs, come from God.
11. Leviticus 19:15 = We can judge fairly, without partiality to the rich or poor.
12. Leviticus 24:11 = Blasphemy f God's name brings judgment from God. 13. Numbers 18:22 = There was instant guilt if a priest or Levite went near the Tabernacle at the wrog time.
14. Numbers 33:4 = Killing the firstborns of Egypt was a great act of judgment.
15. Numbers 35:24 = A relative could avenge his brother by slaying the murderer, but only if the murderer had not sought refuge in a nearby City of Refuge. The murderer could stay there safely until the priest of the town he committed the murder in died, then leave a free man.
16. Numbers 35:31 = Murderers are always judged as guilty.
17. Numbers 25:5 = Moses ordered all idol worshipers to be executed.
18. Deuteronomy 25:1 = Judges don't always agree.
19. Deuteronomy 25:2 = Judgments must fit the crimes.
20. Deteronomy 32:36 = The Lord judges and also changes His judgments because of His great love for His people.
21. Deteronomy 17:12 = Our judges' verdicts must be honored or death should follow the protester. It is arrogance to reject a verdict, as judges and their verdicts represent God.
22. Deuteronomy 17:12 = Judges represent God.
23. Deuteronomy 19:17 = Judges are on duty before the Lord.
24. Deuteronomy 22:18 = A husband must be punished for wrongly accusing (judging) his wife of not being a virgin.
25. Deuteronomy 22:21 = Daughters should not be promiscuous while living in her parents' home. They were stoned to death if they were!
26. Deuteronomy 1:15 = Judges are known before taking office by their wisdom and respect shown to the people.
27. Deuteronomy 1:16 = Judging must bew fair to every race as well as my own.
28. Deuteronomy 1:17 = A judge shouldn't be afraid of the reactions of people because he is judging in the place of God.
29. Joshua 23:2 = Judges are involved with leaders.
30. Joshua 11:27 = The Lord judges between nations, if we ask it of Him.
31. Joshua 2:16 = The Lord raised up judges to rescue Israelites from their enemies.
32. Joshua 2:17 = Israel ignored their judges.
33. Joshua 2:18 = God was always with His Old Testament judges.
34. Joshua 2:18 = These judges were a result of God's pity on sinful Israelites.
35. Joshua 3:10 = Judges were sometimes filled withthe Spirit of the Lord.
36. 1 Samuel 2:3 = Our deeds will be judged by God.
37. 1 Samuel 3:13 = God judges whole families that sin.
38. 1 Samuel 24:15 = We can ask God to judge between us, to rescue the right one and punish the wrong one.
39. 2 Samuel 15:14 = Sometimes unqualified folks long to be judges (i.e., Absalom).
40. 1 Kings 20:40 = Because Ahab didn't kill Ben-hadad as God instructed, he died in his place (We must heed God's leading in judging).
41. 2 Kings 21:13 = God is not a partial judge when it comes to Israel. He judges by the same measure all the suurounding nations.
42. 1 Chronicles 12:17 = David asked God to judge a man who joined him in exile because only God could see if they were friends or foes.
43. 2 Chronicles 19:6 = When we judge, we should think carefully before pronouncing judgment. I don't judge to please people, but to please the Lord. He is with me when I render the verdict in each case that comes before me.
44. 2 Chronicles 19:7 = I should judge with care, for God does not tolerate perverted justice, partiality, or taking bribes.
45. Ezra 7:25 = Ezra was given wisdom from God to pick judges.
46. Job 19:29 = Attitudes are reasons for causing judgment to fall on a person.
47. Job 21:22 = We can't teach God how to judge. He knows all and does it perfectly! Let Him be right!
48. Job 22:4 = Judging based on a predicament is foolishness. We must consider the character of the one in the hot seat.
49. Job 23:7 = Fair and honest people are not afraid to ask God to judge something for them.
50. Job 24:1 = Sometimes we have to wait for God's right judgment.
51. Job 31:6 = God uses scales of justice to judge. Integrity is considered always.
52. Job 31:23 = It is better to face judgment for my wrong on earth than to face it in heaven.
53. Job 31:23 = If God judges me wrong, there is no hope for me.
54. Job 31:28 = Idol worship brings judgment.
55. Job 34:17 = One cannot govern if one hates justice.
56. Job 34:12 = God will not do wrong.
57. Job 34:12 = It is impossible for God to twist justice.
58. Job 36:17 = We shouldn't obsess with judgment on the godless.
59. Job 36:17 = God sees that justice is upheld.
60. Job 9:24 = When we are in trouble, we tend to say that God wrongly blinds judges to make them unfair with us.
61. Job 12:17 = God takes good judgment away from counselors and judges.
62. Psalm 94:2 = God sentences (judges) the proud to the penalties they deserve.
63. Psalm 94:15 = God judges the righteous and gives them rewards.
64. Psalm 119:66 = OnlyGod can teach good judgment and knowledge.
65. Psalm 119:120 = We should fear God's judgments.
66. Psalm 96:10 = God judges all peopls of the world fairly.
67. Psalm 96:13 = God judges the world with righteousness and truth.
68. Psalm 98:9 = God judges the world with justice and fairness.
69. Psalm 109:7 = Prayers of wicked people are judged as sins.
70. Psalm 58:1 = Justice means judging people fairly.
71. Psalm 58:11 = God judges justly here on earth and people know it.
72. Psalm 62:12 = God judges all people according to what they have done.
73. Psalm 72:2 = God helps us judge people the right way.
74. Psalm 75:7 = God alone judges. He sets all kings on their thrones.
75. Psalm 75:8 = All wicked people drink tyhe cup of judgment God gives them.
76. Psalm 76:9 = God stands up to judge those who do evil.
77. Psalm 76:9 = God stands up to rescue the oppressed of the earth.
78. Psalm 76:10 = God uses human opposition as a sword of judgment.
79. Psalm 82:1 = God pronounces judgment on the judges.
80. Psalm 82:8 = God can judge all the nations because they belong to Him.
81. Psalm 32:6 = Godly people must confess their rebellion to God while there is time, that they may not drown in the floodwaters of judgment.
82. Psalm 37:13 = God laughs at wicked people. He sees their judgment coming.
83. Psalm 37:33 = God doesn't let injustice happen in court.
84. Psalm 50:4 = Heaven and earth witness God judging.
85. Psalm 50:6 = Heaven and earth proclaim God's justice.
86. Psalm 51:4 = All sins are against God directly. That is why He can judge.
87. Psalm 1:5 = Condemnation will come at the time of judgment.
88. Psalm 7:11 = God perfectly judges and is angry with the wicked every day.
89. Psalm 9:7 = God executes judgment from His throne.
90. Psalm 17:14 = Judgment continues through generations.
91. Proverbs 4:5 = Good judgment is developed. We learn it. Don't forget to use God's Word in judging.
92. Proverbs 4:7 = Good judgment is second most important. First is getting wisdom in the first place!
93. Proverbs 8:12 = Wisdom and good judgment work together to discover knowledge and discernment.
94. It is poor judgment to cosign a loan.
95. Proverbs 24:24 = A judge who says wicked people are good will be cursed by many people and denounced by the nations.
96. Isaiah 3:14 = Leaders and princes are judged first.
97. Isaiah 3:16 = Women are judged secondly.
98. Isaiah 4:4 = God will cleanse Jerusalem of its bloodstains by a spirit of judgment that burns like fire.
99. Isaiah 28:6 = God gives judges a longing for justice.
100. Isaiah 1:26 = God gives good counselors and judges to us.
101. Isaiah 1:26 = Israel will be called again "Home of Justice."
102. Isaiah 3:2 = God will destroy bad judges.
103. Isaiah 5:3 = We are called to weigh the evidence and be judges.
104. Isaiah 10:1 = Unjust judges issue unfair laws.
105. Isaiah 26:9 = People will turn from wickedness only when Jesus comes to rule the earth.
106. Isaiah 34:10 = The judgment of Eden will never end. Sometimes judgment is forever.
107. Isaiah 40:23 = God judges the great people of the world and brings them to nothing.
108. Isaiah 49:2 = God can make our words of judgment as sharp as a sword.
109. Isaiah 11:3 = God never judges by appearance, false evidence or hearsay.
110. Jeremiah 1:6 = God will judge His people for worshiping idols.
111. Jeremiah 1:6 = God will judge His people for deserting Him.
112. Jeremiah 1:16 = Sometimes preachers forget to call on God.
113. Jeremiah 2:8 = Sometimes judges ignore God.
114. Jeremiah 2:8 = Speaking in the name of an idol is a waste of time on nonsense.
115. Jeremiah 21:12 = God commands His leaders to rule His way:
1. Give justice to those they judge
2. Help those who have been robbed
3. Rescue folks from oppressors
4. Do right.
116. Jeremiah 23:2 = God will judge evil shepherds.
117. Jeremiah 25:31 = God cries his judgment for all the world to hear.
118. Jeremiah 32:4 = King Zedekiah was judged by Nebuchadnezzar and sentenced by him too.
119. Jeremiah 48:44 = No one escapes judgment.
120. Jeremiah 49:12 = Evil people must drink a cup of judgment.
121. Jeremiah 51:9 = Sometimes we have to abandon people we try to help so God can judge them.
122. Lamentations 3:59 = God is my judge and will prove me right when I am persecuted.
123. Lamentations 5:7 = We have to deal with generational sin.
124. Ezekiel 44:24 = Judges serve to resolve disagreements among people. Their decisions are based on God's regulations.
125. Ezekiel 11:9 = God uses foreign nations to punish His people.
126. Ezekiel 18:4 = God judges parents and children, each according to his deeds.
127. Ezekiel 18:30 = Our actions bring rewards or else judgments. It is our choice to act right.
128. Ezekiel 20:4 = Judgment brings with it the realization of how loathesome the actions of our ancestors were. God reveals it in judgment.
129. Ezekiel 20:22 = Sometimes God withdraws His judgment to protect His honor before unbelievers.
130. Ezekiel 20:35 = God will judge us face to face.
131. Ezekiel 21:27 = One will appear who has the right to judge us.
132. Ezekiel 22:2 = Whole cities are judged for wickedness.
133. Ezekiel 23:45 = Righteous people will judge wicked cities.
134. Ezekiel 23:48 = Judgments are warnings to others not to follow wickedness.
135. Ezekiel 25:11 = Judgment confirms God's covereignty over all lands.
136. Ezekiel 25:13 = God's judgment can make wastelands out of lush lands.
137. Ezekiel 28:22 = God's glory is revealed in judgment.
138. Ezekiel 7:10 = When the people's wickedness and pride have reached a climax, judgment comes.
139. Ezekiel 34:17 = God will judge sheep from goats. Sheep are His.
140. Ezekiel 34:20 = God judges between fat sheep and scrawny sheep.
141. Daniel 1:20 = Wisdom and balanced judgment are required of a good leader.
142. Daniel 7:9 = The Ancient One will sit down to judge. His clothing is white as snow, his hair like whitest wool. He sits on a fiery throne with wheels of blazing fire.
143. Daniel 7:22 = The Ancient One will judge in favor of the holy people of the Most High. Then the time will arrive tor them to take over the kingdom.
144. Daniel 7:26 = Satan's power will be taken away after judgment and completely destroyed.
145. Daniel 9:11 = Judgments are written inthe Old Testament law.
146. Hosea 5:1 = Some words of judgment are only for leaders.
147. Hosea 5:11 = People will be broken by God's judgments because they determinedly worship idols.
148. Hosea 6:5 = God's words of judgment cup people to pieces, slaughter, threaten with death and strike them down.
149. Hosea 10:15 = Judgment can come at dawn.
150. Amos 4:12 = Some people will first meet God in judgment of their sins.
151. Amos 5:10 = Evil people hate honest judges.
152. Amos 6:3 = Evil deeds bring judgment nearer.
153. Obadiah 1:15 = Whatever a nation does to Israel will be done to them.
154. Micah 7:3 = Evil people scheme to twist justice. Rich folks influence evil leaders.
155. Zephaniah 2:2 = We are warned to turn from sin and avoid judgment.
156. Zephaniah 3:3 = Evil judges devour people.
157. Zephaniah 3:15 = God's hand of judgment is lifted when punishment is ended. He makes enemies to back off.
158. Zechariah 7:9 = Part of being a good believer is judging fairly and honestly, showing mercy and kindness to one another.
159. Malachi 3:3 = god sits and judges like a refiner of silver, watching closely as the dross is burned away. He will purify the Levites, refining them like gold or silver, so that they may once again offer acceptable sacrifices to the Lord.
160. Malachi 4:1 = The Day of Judgment burns like a furnace. The wicked will burn in it.
161. Matthew 7:22 =Fake believers will be judged on Judgment Day.
162. Matthew 10:15 = Sodom and Gomorrah's judgment is nothing compared to other judgments to come.
163. Matthew 12:27 = Followers of false religious leaders will judge their leaders.
164. Matthew 12:36 = Every idle word we speak is accountable to God.
165. Matthew 12:41 = Righteous nations will judge evil nations. Nineveh will judge because they repented.
166. Matthew 12:42 = The queen of Sheba will judge because she was righteous; going to Solomon for wisdom.
167. Matthew 16:27 = The Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father, with His angels, and will judge all people according to their deeds.
168. Matthew 19:28 = Jesus and the twelve apostles will judge the twelve tribes of Israel.
169. Matthew 23:36 = All the accumulated judgments of the centuries broke upon the heads of Jesus' generation (in the work of the cross).
170. Matthew 3:7 = People try to flee judgment by being baptized and remaining evil.
171. Matthew 3:10 = There is an ax of God's judgment.
172. Matthew 5:22 = Anger brings on judgment, as does name-calling and cursing someone.
173. Matthew 7:2 = How I judge someone will be the way I am judged.
174. Matthew 27:19 = Pilate sat on a judgment seat.
175. Luke 11:31 = Judgment will come to those who refuse to listen to Jesus.
176. Luke 12:14 = Jesus' job on earth was not to settle civil disputes as judge.
177. Luke 12:58 = We should try to settle disputes out of court.
178. Luke 18:4 = God will give us our heart's desire because we wear Him out!
179. Luke 18:6 = We should learn lessons from the fate of evil judges.
180. John 3:18 = There is no judgment awaiting those who trust God.
181. John 3:18 = Judgment comes from rejecting Jesus.
182. John 3:19 = Judgment is based on fact. Jesus came as light, but people love darkness.
183. John 5:22 = The Father leaves all judgments to His Son.
184. John 5:27 = Jesus will judge because He was once man.
185. John 5:29 = All people will rise again. Believers to eternal life; unbelievers to judgment.
186. John 5:30 = Jesus judges as God directs. Without error!
187. John 8:15 = Jesus judged no one. People judge with human limitations.
188. John 9:39 = Jesus came to judge the world. He shows people who think they see that they are blind.
189. John 12:47 = Jesus didn't judge unblievers. His job was to save the world.
190. John 12:17 = Judgment is delayed for another day.
191. Acts 17:31 = Jesus' ressurection proves that He is the appointed one who will judge the world.
192. Acts 10:42 = Jesus is ordained of God to be the judge of all—the living and the dead.
193. Acts 13:46 = People judge themselves when they reject Jesus.
194. Acts 15:19 = Paul's judgment was to stop troubling Gentiles who turn to God.
195. Romans 9:22 = God patiently waits for unbelievers to turn.
196. Romans 5:9 = We were made right by Jesus' blood. He will save us from God's judgment.
197. 1 Corinthians 11:29 = Communion is for worthy believers only, or we bring judgment on ourselves.
198. 1 Corinthians 11:31 = If we deal with our sins, we won't be judged.
199. 1 Corinthians 11:32 = Jesus disciplines and judges me, and because of it, I am not condemned along with the world.
200. 1 Corinthians 11:34 = Overeating at a church function brings condemnation.
201. 1 Corinthians 4:3 = Only God can tell if I've been faithful to Him. My own opinion cannot be trusted!
202. 1 Corinthians 5:12 = We need to judge people within the church who are sinning, in order to keep our testimony pure to the world.
203. 1 Corinthians 5:13 = Evil folks need to be put outside of the fellowship.
204. 1 Corinthians 6:2 = Believers will one day judge the world.
205. 1 Corinthians 6:3 = Believers will judge angels.
206. 1 Corinthians 6:4 = We shouldn't let unbelievers try to solve our disputes or problems.
207. 2 Corinthians 2:6 = Our pointing fingers of judgment are enough punishment for sin.
208. Galatians 5:10 = We will trust God to clarify specifically what bad teachers trouble and confuse people with.
209. 1 Thessalonians 1:10 = Jesus rescues us from the terrors of the coming judgment.
210. 2 Thessalonians 1:8 = We can ask God to bring flaming fire judgment to those who don't know God and reject Jesus.
211. 2 Timothy 4:1 = Jesus will come and judge when He comes to set up His kingdom.
212. 2 Timothy 4:8 = I will receive a crown on Judgment Day.
213. 2 Timothy 4:14 = We should let God judge those who cause His ministers harm.
214. 2 Timothy 4:16 = We should pray for folks who do us harm or abandon us, that it wouldn't be held against them.
215. Hebrews 9:27 = Judgment comes once after death.
216. James 2:12 = I am judged by the law of love, so I should remember that when I speak and act, anytime, anywhere.
217. James 2:13 = My kind way toward others wins over God's judgment against me.
218. James 3:1 = Teachers will be given a stricter judgment.
219. James 4:11 = We have no right to judge God's Word. Our job is to obey it.
220. James 4:11 = When we criticize and condemn each other, we criticize and condemn God's Word, for He has said that this behavior is sin and we do it anyway.
221. 1 Peter 4:17 = The time of judgment begins with Jesus' coming to earth. We judge ourselves, purify ourselves as a routine.
222. 2 Peter 2:4 = Some fallen angels dwell in gloomy caves in darkness until judgment day.
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