Questions and Answers - Matthew 7 - 10
Q. I know that judging is a heavily-consequenced action, especially when it comes to my judging others. What is a good principle to go by with applying a judgment call? A. Matthew 7:2 = Remember that the standard I use to judge my brother will be used on me by God to judge me.
Note: If I'm a merciful judge, God will be a merciful judge to me.
Q. Should judging be a rare thing for me to do? A. Matthew 7:3 = Yes. However, dealing with my own faults and weaknesses and strengthening my own character is my duty. This is working out my salvation with fear and trembling. If I can find the time to fix others' problems, I am probably not spending enough time in front of the mirror. Did you know that people who judge all too easily tend to find people who struggle with the same things as they do? Take a good look at those easiest for you to make a flippant judgment call on. Now repent of the sin you accuse them of. In other words, people who find fault are those who project their own assessment of themselves onto others erroneously.
Q. What does Jesus define fault-finders as? A. Matthew 7:5 = Hypocrites.
Note: If you find yourself fault-finding, it is a good time to stop and examine your own life. Fix yourself so that you can really help others. Believers lift each other up in encouragement and love. There is no place for fault-finding.
Q. I want to be able to share every joy I have in my walk with God to everybody I meet. Is this a good thing? A. Matthew 7:6 = Yes and no. Yes, it is good to get the Gospel out! You are advertising God's house, God's family, God's purpose. The unbeliever must enter the house before he can see most of God's plan and purpose. God must remove the veil before the unbeliever's eyes so that the unbeliever can comprehend the contents of God's house. If you are merely trying to describe to an unbeliever the contents of God's house, he cannot grasp a single word of what you say. He may think you are crazy, trample your words and turn and attack you!
Q. Does God mind being hounded by the same prayer request over and over again? A. Matthew 7:7 = Not at all. If I keep asking, He'll answer.
Note: Let God answer in His perfect way.
Q. Will I ever grasp God's character completely? A. Matthew 7:7 = No. I can search Him out all my days and He just gets bigger, and I realize that I still learn new things every day.
Q. Does God let only some people who ask into the kingdom? A. Matthew 7:8 = No. God lets all seekers in.
Q. How do I approach God in prayer? A. Matthew 7:11 = Knowing this: God is my Father and always welcomes me home as His child; always gives good gifts; always is eager for my prayers; eager to give me myheart's desires.
Note: We can ask God to teach us to ask for what we truly need!
Q. If one could summarize the Law and the Prophets in one verse, what would that verse be? A. Matthew 7:12 = "Do for others what you would like them to do for you."
Note: What a powerful verse to meditate on! I grew up on this verse. My mother loved it and my behavior was influenced tremendously by it. This verse will check your behavior and keep you in balance all your life. If you will do for others what you would like them to do for you, God will treat you that way too. My greatest desire is to be treated with mercy. What is yours?
Consider what mercy does:
1) overlooks weakness
2) always forgives
3) Sees the potential in others
4) ignores the doubts I may have about others
5) encourages always
6) blesses 24/7
7) covers everyone in prayer
8) carries me when I am weary to the foot of the cross
9) God's mercy saved mankind.
Q. Is there really only one way into God's Kingdom? A. Matthew 7:13 = Yes.
Q. How many ways are there to Hell? A. Matthew 7:13 = Many, many, many! It is an easy set of roads to follow!
Q. What is this narrow road to heaven called? A. Matthew 7:14 = The gateway to life.
Q. Is it a popular road? A. Matthew 7:14 = No. Only a few ever find it.
Note: That wide road to Hell is full of land mines. People are aware of the danger, and yet in looking for a better way, they turn on another road to Hell, then another, and another. This is why we have so many false religions in the world. People need a better road map if they will ever find Heaven. The Word of God, the Bible IS the road map to Heaven.
Q. How can I identify a false prophet? A. Matthew 7:15-22 = He is disguised as a harmless sheep, but is really a wolf that will tear me apart. Watch his behavior. Waht kind of fruit does he produce? How is his behavior? Is he obedient to God's Word? Or does he make excuses not to?
Q. How would I know about a prophet's obedience to God's Word? A. Matthew 7:24-25 = He stands firm in trial.
Q. How is that evidence of his obedience to God? A. Matthew 7:24 = Only those who listen to the Word and obey it is wise. He stands firm because he spends his life in the Word and he is therefore solid as a rock.
Q. What is the behavior of a non-believer like? A. Matthew 7:26-27 = He hears the Word and ignores it, so when the trials come, he is totally out of control and his fruit is rotten; and all can see.
Note: If there is someone in your life pretending to be a believer, this is how you can be sure. Give him the benefit of the doubt; witness to him and assume he is hearing the Gospel for the first time. Don't rescue people from their trials! Point them to God every time you get the chance.
Q. Why should I study the Word? A. Matthew 7:28-29 = The more I know God's Word, the more confidence comes to me and I can teach it to others with conviction and authority.
Q. Is it necessary to have conviction and authority when speaking God's Word? A. Matthew 7:28-29 = Yes! People listen to teachers who are themselves convinced of their subject, have a passion for it and a good handle on content.
Note 1: Imagine what the Holy Spirit can do with your good understanding of the Word on behalf of unbelievers.
Note 2: There are teachers out there, very unsuccessful in the pulpits at passing God's Word on. The problem lies in that they don't spend a lot of time each day in the Word, in fellowship with God, listening to God teach the Word to their hearts. Being a believer is exciting, time consuming, fulfilling and permeating all aspects of life. It is pure happiness—beatitude! Yet one can see it as a cause for being a living martyr, suffering and laboring under the burden of ministry. Let the Word set you free! Get to a Cleansing Stream program and learn how to fly!
Q. As a result, will people also find the Word I now teach wholesome and worth changing for? A. Matthew 8:1 = Yes. Crowds will follow you!
Q. What else will happen? A. Matthew 8:2 = Opportunity to perform miracles will surprise you—and you will know this is part of your ministry because you are convinced now!
Q. Does Jesus want to heal us? A. Matthew 8:2-3 = Yes!
Q. Is it okay to go to the doctor and be prayed over for healing too? A. Matthew 8:4 = Yes. Jesus healed a leper and told him to get a checkup to confirm his healing.
Note: Priests were trained by God to be doctors in the Old Testament. When one was healed, he took a sacrifice to the priest in the Temple. Jesus told this leper to do the same.
Q. Why? A. Matthew 8:4 = As proof that he was healed—everyone would know that God did it.
Q. Was having enough faith ever a problem for Jesus? A. Matthew 8:5-7 = No. Jesus simply acted on every request for healing. "I will come and heal…"
Q. Who had mighty faith? A. Matthew 8:5 = A Roman officer from Capernaum.
Q. How did he show Jesus his faith? A. Matthew 8:8 = He acknowledged Jesus' authority as coming from God, that all Jesus had to do was speak "Be healed" for his servant to be healed instantly. He knew Jesus could say that from anywhere. The power of Jesus' words was enough to reach the far corners of the world.
Note: Do you understand completely God's powerful words of healing? Learn the Word, be convicted of every detail of one mighty truth that God heals as the Bible states plainly, and take your place in ministry and mission for God, wielding all God's power by speaking words of life and healing; convicting and teaching others who will then do it too. Now that's evangelism!
Q. Did Jesus speak of Gentiles who would be saved? A. Matthew 8:11 = Yes.
Q. Did Jesus speak of Israelites who would be lost? A. Matthew 8:12 = Yes.
Q. Where would the lost go? A. Matthew 8:12 = Into outer darkness.
Notew: Darkness is the absence of light. They didn't want God, so He left with His light.
Q. What is faith? A. Matthew 8:13 = Believing the truth about God and declaring it with conviction, so that what I believe happens!
Q. Is this what happened to the soldier? A. Matthew 8:13 = Yes. He believed Jesus could heal his servant without going to his house to do it, and that happened as he believed it to happen.
Q. How should I use my hands for healing? A. Matthew 5:14 = On demand! Whenever someone needs healing, I pray for it in Jesus' name.
Q. Why was Jesus' ministry of healing so successful? A. Matthew 7:28 = People believed He could heal them.
Q. Why does healing ministry sometimes fail? A. Matthew 7:28 = The opposite happens: People are unconvinced about God's powerful Word, perhaps they have a pastor who doesn't speak with real authority, but rather like a religious teacher just passing through with a religious career.
Note: This is why we have prodigal sons too. Are you a parent who is unconvinced about God's powerful Word so that you don't speak it into your child with authority? Is your spiritual leadership wishy-washy? There is a cure! Get into the Word. God will awaken real passion for Him before it's too late!
Q. Why did Jesus heal so many demon-possessed people and sick people too? A. Matthew 8:16-17 = To fulfill prophecy. Isaiah 53:4 said that Jesus would do this.
Q. How do I follow Jesus? A. Matthew 8:19-20 = Be prepared to break from tradition. Be willing to move a lot (it may or may not happen!) and trust God for your daily haven of rest. The best of human excuses are not applicable to your true purpose in life. Pursue God all your life. It is the most rewarding thing you can do.
Note: The glory of one's life work fades when put alongside the work of the cross. Once you've gazed at its accomplishments, it's hard to get excited again for one's life work, no matter how interesting or cutting-edge it may be. When you realize that you wouldn't even be there doing it if it wasn't for Calvary, you gain perspective—and you will want to plant seeds of enthusiasm for God in your children and relationships—a new career to preoccupy your time and put your life's work a couple of rungs down the ladder of priorities from God and the people He loves.
Q. What if my parents are unsaved and don't approve of my newfound life and perspective? A. Matthew 8:21-22 = That's okay. Let God deal with them. You go praise God anyway!
Q. Can we pray for bad weather to calm down? A. Matthew 8:24-26 = Yes. Not running to God to do it, but with authority, rebuking whatever is acting up (in this case, wind and waves were acting up).
Q. Have demons been told their day of judgment is coming? A. Matthew 8:28-29 = Yes. They have an appointed time and even reminded Jesus about it.
Q. Can Jesus "see" our faith? A. Matthew 9:2 = Yes. Our actions speak of our faith.
Note: It's not enough to speak words of our conviction about the truth of God's Word. Our actions must accompany those words. What are you willing to do to demonstrate to someone your faith in God to answer his prayer? What would you do on behalf of a prodigal son? One concerned mother sewed prayer cloth squares into her son's clothing. Another mother prays for her son in 40 day intervals. Our faith makes all the difference in the world. God can see it and so can the one being prayed for!
Q. Can Jesus read my thoughts? A. Matthew 9:4 = Yes.
Q. What does Jesus think of our evil thoughts? A. Matthew 9:4 = He wonders why we waste time on them when there is so much to be done!
Q. What impressed people about Jesus' ministry of healing and teaching and miracles? A. Matthew 9:8 = That God would send such a great man with such great authority into their midst.
Q. What kind of people did Jesus eat with? A. Matthew 9:10 = Those whose sins were obvious.
Q. Is this prophetic? A. Matthew 9:13 = Yes. Hosea 6:6 reminded people of how God wants us to be—merciful and kind, not holier than thou.
Q. Were the religious leaders holier than thou? A. Matthew 9:11 = Yes. They name-called people they considered themselves better than.
Note 1: This behavior has never been a God-attitude! But making friends with carnal folks was something new. Jesus makes His point. Religious leaders were in the same place of needing God's mercy as everyone else. They acknowledged Jesus as a great and knowledgeable teacher, but expected Him to ignore the Law as they did.
Note 2: Are you willing to stand alone for what is right? Do you know the Word enough to stand for God's wholesomeness? For God's holiness?
Q. Was there fasting while Jesus was on earth? A. Matthew 9:14-15 = No.
Q. Why not? A. Matthew 9:15 = Jesus was physically with them. Fasting would start up again after He was gone.
Q. Would fasting be different after Jesus was gone? A. Matthew 9:17 = Yes. It would all be new.
Q. What is faith? A. Matthew 9:20-21 = Understanding God's power to heal and acting upon that understanding.
Q. Did Jesus raise the dead? A. Matthew 9:24-25 = Yes.
Q. What is faith? A. Matthew 9:28-29 = Believing God can heal.
Q. What do people think healers are? A. Matthew 9:34 = Frauds under orders from hell to heal.
Note: The devil does not creat life. He is a created being. All he can do is imitate and pretend.
Q. What was the condition of the Israelites in Jesus' time? A. Matthew 9:36-37 = They were like sheep without a shepherd, having great problems, no answers and no help.
Q. What is faith? A. Matthew 9:27-30 = Pursuing God with boldness, asking Jesus for what I need and with passion.
Note: Two blind men went together to Jesus. Now that's good relationship! Who can you encourage today? Who can help you in your faith? Who can help you be bold before God? He/she is the one you want in your life!
Q. What else do good friends do? A. Matthew 9:32 = They bring folks to church for healing, especially the demon-possessed!
Q. Were these miracles Jesus performed new in Israel? A. Matthew 9:33 = Yes.
Q. Did all accept these miracles? A. Matthew 9:34 = No. Religious teachers (Pharisees) claimed that Jesus was only able to cast out demons because He was their prince of demons.
Note: Even Jesus couldn't convince people with the starkest evidence that He was for real. Our job is not to convince spectators who only want to watch us work for God, but to go forward and do what God puts before us to do. Keep your eyes up!
Q. Does God really want to commission people to do His work? A. Matthew 9:37-38 = Yes. God is the one who sends people out.
Note: It is our choice to go. Not all who are called are brave enough to go.
Q. When did Jesus start calling His twelve disciples the Twelve Apostles? A. Matthew 10:1 = After He asked people to pray to the Lord, who is in charge of the harvest, to send out more workers.
Q. Were any of the apostles related to one another? A. Matthew 10:2 = Yes. Peter and Andrew were brothers; James and John, sons of Zebedee, were brothers, and the rest of the apostles were the only ones in their families called to God at that time.
Note: It is so nice to have a brother in Christ in the same ministry. There is strengvth in that bond that permeates the ministry. When God confirms your brother, it validates you a hundredfold!
Q. How did Jesus and the twelve minister to Israel? A. Matthew 10:7-8 = 1) They announced the Kingdom of Heaven was near
2) They healed the sick
3) They raised the dead
4) They cured lepers
5) They cast out demons
6) They gave as freely as they had received.
Q. How did they do it? A. Matthew 10:9-42 = With specific instructions on what to expect and how they should behave.
Q. What were their instructions? A. Matthew 10:9-42 = 1) Take no money
2) Don't take luggage
3)Accept hospitality from worthy people
4) Stay in the first home you are invited to in that town
5) Bless that house
6) Take the blessing back if it is an unworthy home
7) If the village rejects you, shake the dust off your feet as you leave that place; let God judge it
8) They were to be sheep amongst wolves
9) Be wary of snakes
10) Be harmless as doves
11) Persecution will happen—arrests in court—beatings in synogogues. Trials are opportunities to witness
12) God would give them words to say in court—the Holy Spirit would speak through them
13) Brother would betray brother to death—whole families would betray each other, even to the death
14) They would be hated because of their allegiance to Jesus
15) Endure persecution
16) When persecuted in one town, flee to the next
17) Student, teacher, servant, master (Jesus) all share the same fate
18) They would be threatened—don't be afraid!
Q. When will Jesus return? A. Matthew 10:23 = Before the apostles reach all the towns of Israel.
Q. Should I fear my enemies? A. Matthew 10:28 = No. Only fear God.
Q. Why? A. Matthew 10:28 = 1) People can kill the body, but not the soul. God can destroy body and sould in hell
2) God knows exactly what is going on at all times
3) The hairs on my head are counted by God.
Q. So I shouldn't be afraid of man? A. Matthew 10:31 = No. God loves me and I'm precious to Him.
Q. Should I keep my faith private? A. Matthew 10:32 = No. I should acknowledge God in public without shame.
Q. If I don't? A. Matthew 10:33 = I show that I don't know God at all.
Q. Why did Jesus' appearing on earth cause conflict? A. Matthew 10:34 = Jesus planned it that way.
Q. Jesus causes families to fight like enemies? A. Matthew 10:35-36 = Yes.
Q. Why does this happen? A. Matthew 10:37-38 = Family members will demand first place above Jesus and the believer will refuse it.
Q. What does Jesus want me to do? A. Matthew 10:38 = Take up my cross and follow Him.
Q. What is the reality of a good walk with Jesus? A. Matthew 10:39 = 1) I shouldn't cling to my life or I will lose it
2) I should instead give up my life so I can find it.
Note: Does this sound confusing? Simply stated, let God choose your path and follow it. With prayer, let God lead you. Hesistate before you decide what to do, or how to choose a career path. Let God go first in your career now. He smoothes everything out and makes life enjoyable. Even in persecution!
Q. How should believers treat one another? A. Matthew 10:40-42 = 1) Welcome apostles ike you welcome Jesus
2) Welcome prophets like you welcome Jesus
3) Welcome good and godly people because of their godliness
4) Even a cup of cold water given to a brother is worthy of a heavenly reward.
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