Micah 1 - 7 Questions and Answers
Q. When was the Book of Micah written? A. 700 B.C.
Q. Who were Micah's contemporaries? A. 1) Hosea
4)The writers of 1,2 Chronicles
5)The writers of 1,2 Kings.
Q. Where did Micah come from? A. Micah 1:1 = The town of Moresheth, south of Jerusalem.
Q. Who was he a prophet to? A. Both Israel and Judah.
Q. What does the name 'Micah' mean? A. "Who is like Yahweh?"
Q. Did Micah target any cities in his prophecies? A. Micah 1:5 = Yes. The two capitols of the Holy Land, Samaria in the North and Jerusalem in the South.
Q. When did Micah begin getting messages from God to tell the people? A. Micah 1:1 = When Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah were kings in Judah.
Q. How did these messages come to Micah? A. Micah 1:1 = In visions.
Q. Who makes accusations against us sometimes? A. Micah 1:2 = God does.
Q. Where does sin originate in a nation? A. Micah 1:5 = In its capitol cities.
Note: How true! When a city gets big, it forgets God and the fact that it cannot write its own moral code.
Q. What sins happen in the big city? A. Micah 1:1 = Idol worship, collecting 'sacred' treasures bought with money earned from collection plates from those idol worshipers.
Q. How did Micah see Judah's sin? A. Micah 1:9 = As a wound far too deep to heal.
Note: Think of sin as a wound inflicted by hell as well as ourselves, only cured by heaven. It isn't a little thing to sin. We need the right perspective. Have you ever used a glue trap to trap a mouse? Once it snares the mouse, boy, does that mouse protest! Half his face is stuck to it! Left alone, it begins to stink. Sin is like that glue trap. If I get my face stuck to it, I'll be difficult to be around until I am freed from it. I'll begin to stink! (By the way, if you want to save the mouse, olive oil will do the trick. God is the only one who can cleanse and heal us. He anoints us with oil too!)
Q. What was Israel's salvation? A. Micah 1:10 = Repentance—true repentance, with crying and rolling in the dust in anguish and despair.
Note: Be sorry for your sins! Real sorrow doesn't repeat sin.
Q. Which city of Judah was the first to follow Israel in sin? A. Micah 1:13 = Lachish.
Q. How does God remember Lachish? A. Micah 1:13 = As leading all of Judah into sin.
Note: We are sheep. We follow leaders, shepherds, right or wrong. We think we are right because, well, look how many follow us! But right is only determined by God. If we don't know God's Word, how can we know what right is? Yet we have been led by many leaders who see no need to confirm with God's Word about what is right. Halleluiah, even if a politician gets saved while in office, people will follow his new standard of right! Aren't we a funny bunch? Therefore, pray for your leaders. It is the absolute best we can do for them!
Q. How does God sometimes discipline us? A. Micah 1:16= God takes our loved ones away; our children, the very ones we love.
Q. What are wealthy, but oppressive people like? A. Micah 2:1 = They lie awake at night scheming wicked plans for the next day.
Q. Why? A. Micah 2:1 = Because they have the power to.
Q. What do rich schemers want? A. Micah 2:2 = Other peoples'
1) Land (they covet)
2) Houses ( bearing false witness to get them)
3) Inheritances (greed)
4) Families (more covetousness).
Note: These are sins committed by Jews against their brethren.
Q. What is the punishment for such crimes? A. Micah 2:3 = Exactly what they do to their brethren will happen to them.
Q. How can I discern when my brother is in sin? A. Micah 2:6 = He doesn't want to hear the truth. He insists judgment won't come.
Q. How did Micah perceive this attitude? A. Micah 2:7 = As bad behavior.
Q. Would Micah's words be different under better circumstances? A. Micah 2:7 = Yes. God has good words for those who do good.
Q. Did the people heed Micah's words? A. Micah 2:8 = Not at all. They continued to sin, even as he spoken them.
Q. What does God think of people who can't pay back their debts? A. Micah 2:9 = As deserving of the rights due them under God's law: The Year of Jubilee.
1) Mercy, forgiven debts
2) Restoration of their land.
Q. Debtors ignored God's provision and protection and restoration for His people? A. Micah 2:8-9 = Yes.
Q. What do people do with their time, if not right living? A. Micah 2:10 = They fill up on sin and ruin the land for everyone else.
Note: There is no such thing as "do whatever you want, as long as nobody gets hurt." Sin ripples like a stone in a pond. Everyone is affected adversely.
Q. Do sinful people like prophets? A. Micah 2:11 = Yes. As long as they tell them that their sins bring joy.
Note: When choosing leaders, don't lok for people who want to please you. Look for people who want to please God.
Q. What is unique about Christians and Jews? A. Micah 3:1 = Through God's Word, we know absolutely right from wrong.
Q. What happens to people when they become enlightened to right and wrong? A. Micah 3:2 = They do wrong.
Q. What is the dilemma that comes with learning right and wrong? A. Micah 3:2 = We begin hating good and loving evil.
Note: We have to keep our eyes on Jesus. When I consider taking a little revenge, I don't see revenge as being so bad. But if I see revenge as an act I do unto God Himself, it is very bad. God said that however I treat the least of His people, I treat Him the same way. There is no exception. I need to see all acts of sin as bad. Sin is a killer. All sin kills. I have to see it for what it is. Otherwise, it'll creep back into my life and corrupt me and God's purpose for my life. When you think of taking revenge on someone, visualize Jesus' face onto theirs. Now how do you feel about what you are about to do?
Q. How badly did Israel's leaders treat the people? A. Micah 3:2-3 = They treated them like pieces of meat, whose purpose is to be eaten alive.
Q. How corrupt were their minds about their actions? A. Micah 3:4 = They relied on God to help in times of trouble, with no conscience whatsoever about their horrifying deeds.
Q. What does God require of me upon asking for His help? A. Micah 3:4 = Repentance—not works!
Q. Will God listen to the prayers of evil people? A. Micah 3:4 = No. God won't even look at them!
Q. What is one sign of a false prophet? A. Micah 3:5 = He demands payment.
Q. Will false prophets ever have to admit they made up their prophecies? A. Micah 3:7 = Yes!
Q. What does a good prophet do? A. Micah 3:8 = A good prophet points out sin and rebellion for the purpose of saving a people from judgment.
Q. Where does he get the courage to be so bold? A. Micah 3:8 = He is filled with power and the Holy Spirit, justice and might; fearless.
Q. How does right get corrupt? A. Micah 3:9 = When it is twisted.
Q. When how much of right is twisted? A. Micah 3:9 = All of it!
Q. What is corruption in a city? A. Micah 3:11 = 1) Governing for bribes
2) Teaching God's laws only for a price
3) Prophesying only when paid
4) All the while claiming dependency on God.
Note: Saying is not doing. Don't make a business out of ministry or missions! How can yo teach people to depend on God when you don't experience God's provision in your ministry or mission?
Q. Does Micah prophesy future things? A. Micah 4:1 = Yes. The last days are described.
Q. What will the last days be like? A. Micah 4:1-2 = Jerusalem will become the most important place on earth
2) People from all over the earth will go there to worship
3) The Lord will teach His ways fromthe Temple in Jerusalem.
Q. Why does God want people to learn His ways? A. Micah 4:2 = So they would know how to obey Him.
Note: No Christian will ever understand how to obey God unless they know His Word. His ways are higher than ours. What we conclude as godliness is just the flesh trying to exert itself as being good on its own. God's Word throws light on our sin. Remember Cain? He tried to please God with the fruit of his labor as an excellent gardener. He set up a very pretty altar to God. But God's ways required animal sacrifice, not produce. Cain thought that surely God would find his creativeness equal to God's Word. Be careful not to exalt yourself your your imaginative creations or career over the simplicity that is obeying God's Word, lest we complicate our relationship with God, who is still the same. Thank you, God, for being so uncomplicated to love, serve and obey! Save me from my stupidity!
Q. What is the destiny of God's people? A. Micah 4:5 = We will follow the Lord our God forever.
Q. What do the nations not know about Jacob/Israel, the one holy nation of God? A. Micah 4:11-12 = Taht it is God who deals directly with Israel. God has not revealed His thoughts and plans for Israel to its enemies.
Q. What else don't the nations understand about God's people? A. Micah 4:13 = God is Lord of all the earth.
Q. What will happen to Israel's enemies? A. Micah 4:13 = God will equip Jacob/Israel to trample their many enemies.
Q. Will the nation Israel plunder them too? A. Micah 4:13 = Yes. All their wealth will go to the Lord as an offering.
Q. What other prophecies are in Micah? A. Micah 5:2 = 1) Jesus born in Bethlehem
2) Having ancient family roots (David)
3) Born at a time when Israel is abandoned to her enemies (v.3)
4) His fellow countrymen will return to Jerusalem (v.4)
5) He will stand and lead His flock with the Lord's strength, in the majesty of the name of the Lord His God (v.4)
6) His people will live there undisturbed (v.4)
7) He will be highly honored all around the world (v.4)
8) He will be the source of Israel's peace (v.5)
Note: This happened to Jesus in full. The world loved Him, knew about Him, and would have made him King. But Jesus came to die to save us, and to rise to empower us with the Holy Spirit. He chose Jacob/Israel's priests to ensure His death, and Jacob/Israel's godly to be His apostles and finish writing the Bible. What an awesome time that must have been!
Q. What exactly is idol worship? A. Micah 5:13 = Worship of the work of one's own hands.
Note: We are clever and sometimes brilliant people. God made us that way for His purposes. Rejoice in your gifts and talents! They were given by God, for God, for the work of the kingdom.
Q. Will all nations be given a clear choice to follow God or not? A. Micah 5:15 = Yes.
Note: Salvation only through Jesus seems narrow. But it isn't narrow! All are welcome to pass through this door!
Q. What is the ultimate question God has for Israel? A. Micah 6:3 = "What have I done to make you turn from Me?"
Note: Those with prodigal children, be encouraged. If God couldn't convince Israel to obey and follow Him, what makes you think you could do better? God has His reasons; His understanding and thoughts are hidden (4:12), even from godly parents. Trust God to complete your prodigals' training in the wilderness. Pray, pray, pray! Remember, when you feel angry with them, apply gentleness.
Q. What other question does God have for His wayward Israel? A. Micah 6:3 = God doles out patience. We have unlimited supplies of what we need to serve God; body, soul and spirit. Don't forget to fill up!
Q. Who led Israel out of Egypt and in the wilderness? A. Micah 6:4 = Moses, Aaron and Miriam.
Note: Women, rise up! God wants to equip you to do mighty things. Be strong in the Word, in its application; yield to God every moment. When you rise in the morning, greet Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Put on the armor of God; order your body to get in alignment with heaven. Say, "Body, get under my soul; soul, get under my spirit, spirit, get under the Holy Spirit of God!" Get your life disciplined to read God's Word daily, using a marbled notebook and asking God to reveal practical application and open up hidden treasures each time you crack open your Bible. Repent every morning, even if you don't recall specific sins. God will guide your every step if you'll yield to Him. Don't answer any question impulsively or make quick decisions, but let God lead you. Live a peaceful, but alert life and be ready to minister. Get to Cleansing Stream! You're gonna love it!
Q. How are some ways God led His people? A. Micah 6:5 = 1) When King Balak of Moab tried to curse Israel, but God sent Balaam to bless them instead.
Note: Any believer can bless. Words are powerful. Think of ways to bless everyone you come in contact with.
2) God teaches us about His faithfulness through demonstrations in our lives.
Note: Look for God's personal lessons in your life. Remember, He always teaches by enhancing His Word, the Bible.
Q. What a mess Israel was in! What a mess we make four our lives! What is the cure? A. Micah 6:8 = 1) Do what is right (God's right)
2) Love mercy (care for people)
3) Walk humbly with your God (let God lead).
Q. What do wise people do? A. Micah 6:9 = They fear God.
Q. What is the consequence of habitual lying? A. Micah 6:12 = The inability to ever tell the truth again.
Q. How does God get our attention? A. Micah 6:13 = He wounds us.
Q. How? A. Micah 6:14 = 1) Giving us not not ever enough food to eat
2) We won't have enough money to save, and if we do, enemies will take it
3) Work with no earnings
4) Have insufficient produce, not even enough oil to anoint ourselves
5) Having insuffience produce, not even enough grapes to make wine.
Q. Did the Israelites keep any laws? A. Micah 6:16 = Only evil ones made by evil rulers
Note: If you think that sin isn't infectious, consider the long-lasting effects of King Omri and King Ahab's sins. With all the godliness Israel was exposed to, they were infected by such little men. Don't be a bad example of a Christian. Teach by example and leave a good legacy for future generations to follow!
Q. How bad can a people get? A. Micah 7:2 = 1) There is famine
2) There are no godly people left
3) All people are murderers, trapping their own brothers
4) They do twice the evil and do it professionally
5) Evil politicians are paid off by rich folks
6) There is twisted justice.
Q. What is comforting to know about a nation like this? A. Micah 7:4= Judgment is near. It will all stop at God's hand.
Q. What other unthinkable evils happen in such a nation? A. Micah 7:5 = 7) You can't trust anyone, not even your wife or best friend
8) Sons despise and resent their fathers
9) Daughters defy (rebel against) their mothers
10) Daughters-in-law defy their mothers-in-law
11) There are enemies within the household.
Q. What can one do in such a situation? A. Micah 7:7 = 1) Look to God for His help
2) Wait confidently for God to save you
3) Know that God certainly hears you
4) Warn your enemies not to gloat over you—it ain't over till it's over!
5) The Lord Himself is still your light, even if you're sitting in darkness
6) Be patient as the Lord punishes you; admit that you've sinned against Him
7) Be assured that God will avenge you
8) Know that the darkness will lift and God will escort you to the light and you will see His righteousness
9) Know that your enemies will witness God saving you and will be ashamed of their taunts
10) God will trample your enemies down
11) God will restore you and extend your borders
12) People all over the world will honor you as God's child (v.11)
13) God will do mighty miracles for you (v.15)
14) The nations will be amazed at what the Lord is doing and embarrassed that their power is so insignificant. They'll stand in silent awe, deaf to everything around them (v.16)
15) Which will humble them as a result.
Q. Compared to God, what are we? A. Micah 7:17 Lowly creatures; like snakes crawling from our holes, we will come out to meet our God.
Q. What reaction will come at unbelievers seeing God for the first time? A. Micah 7:17 = Great fear, trembling in terror at His presence.
Q. Why can't God stay angry with us? A. Micah 7:18 = Because God delights in showing mercy.
Q. What happens to our sins when forgiven? A. Micah 7:19 = God tramples them, then throws them into the depths of the ocean.
Q. What does God plan to show us? A. Micah 7:20 = 1) His faithfulness and unfailing love.
2) The fulfillment of His oath to Abraham and Jacob long ago.
Q. What uniqueness dos the book of Micah bring to God's bible? A. Micah 1) Prophesy of a Ruler from Bethlehem
2) Condemnation of priests who charge money to learn God's Word, who charge money for everything, then boast that they rely on the Lord
3) Millennium/Christ reigning as King
4) Christ's Kingship over the world
5) The world judged for rejecting God
6) Miriam is cited as a spiritual leader of Israel.
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