Numbers 1 - 10 - Questions and Answers
Q. Who called Jacob/Israel's first census? A. Numbers 1:2 = God called it in the 2nd year of the Israelites' wilderness experience.
Q. How was it done? A. Numbers 1:3 = Tribal leaders were named. Moses and Aaron directed the project, assisted by these tribe leaders.
Q. Who was counted? A. Numbers 1:18 = All men 20 years or older, who were able to go to war.
Q. How were they categorized? A. Numbers 1:20 = Each man was listed according to his tribe and family.
Q. What other name for "tribe" was there? A. Numbers 1:21 = "clan."
Q. How many men were there total? A. Numbers 1:46 = 603,550 men over 20, excluding the Levites.
Q. Why were the Levites exempted? A. Numbers 1:47-53 = Their tribe was set apart and had other unique duties than did the other 12 tribes.
Q. What were the Levites' special duties? A. Numbers 1:50 = 1). The Levites were in charge of the Tabernacle of the Covenant, along with all of its furnishings and equipment. If any of the other tribes came too near the Tabernacle, they would be executed.
The other 12 tribes had a designated camping area with its own family banner. The Levites camped around the Tabernacle of the Covenant to offer the people of Israel protection from the Lord's fierce anger.
3). The other 12 tribes went about their business, keeping the festivals, bringing offerings, etc., as mentioned before in Leviticus. The Levities stood guard around the Tabernacle.
Q. Who were the leaders included in the 12 tribes now mentioned? A. Numbers 20-43 = The 7 sons and descendants of Leah and her maids, the 3 sons and descendants of Rachel and her maid and 2 of Rachel's grandchildren by Joseph. Basically, a 7/5 split. Jacob was father and grandfather, exclusively, to the entire population of Israel.
Q. Who were the mothers of these tribal leaders? A. Numbers 20:43 = Leah, Zilpah, Rachel, Bilhah, and whoever was Joseph's wife.
Q. How were God's people set up in camp? A. Numbers 2:1-2 = Sort of like a military camp. The Tabernacle stood in the middle, tribes on the parameters.
Q. Who were the current tribal leaders at this time? A. Judah's tribe = Nahshon led
Issachar's tribe = Nethanel led
Zebulun's tribe = Eliab led
Total soldiers: 186,000 Note: These 3 tribes camped on the east border. They would lead the way when it was time to relocate.
Q. Who led and camped on the south border? A. Numbers 2
Reuben's tribe = Elizur led
Simeon's tribe = Shelumiel led
Gad's tribe = Eliasaph led
Soldiers: 151,450
Note: These tribes followed 2nd when relocating.
Q. Who led and camped on the west border? A. Ephraim's tribe = Elishama led.
Manasseh's tribe = Gamaliel led
Benjamin's tribe = Abdan led
Soldiers: 108,100
Note: They followed the Levites in the line of march.
Q. Who camped and led on the north side? A. Dan's tribe = Ahiezer led
Asher's tribe = Pagiel led
Naphtali's tribe = Ahira led
Soldiers: 157,600
Note: They brought up the rear.
Q. What interesting trivia can I glean from this setup? A. By priority, these were set up as follows:
East = Leah's sons, 186,000 soldiers.
South = 2 of Leah's sons; one from Leah's maid, 151,450 soldiers.
West = One of Rachel's sons; 2 of Rachel's grandchildren, 108,100 soldiers.
North = 2 of Rachel's maids; 1 of Leah's maids, 157,600 soldiers.
Note: Levi was Jacob and Leah's son, counted as cursed by Jacob for his violence in deed, when he and Simeon slaughtered an entire city of men after Dinah, their sister, was raped by one of them. Yet Levi would be the ancestor of the ones chosen to be priests. What does that tell you about God's view of us? Only that nothing we ever did was good enough to earn God's favor. He chooses simply because He chooses.
Q. What is the lineage of the Levite priests? A. Numbers 3:2 = Camped on the east side were Aaron and his sons
1). Nadab (died for burning incense his own way)
2). Abihu (also died for burning incense his own way)
3). Ithamar (Overseer of the Gershonites - the service and load carriers for the Temple. He was also overseet of the Merarites, who moved the frame of the Tempe. They were also responsible for the oil, incense, daily grain offering and anointing oil.)
4). Eleasar = Chief administrator over all the Levites and overseer for the sanctuary.
Note: The Levites would serve Aaron and his sons.
Q. What else did the Levite tribe provide Israel? A. Numbers 3:12 = They would act as substitutes for all the firstborn sons of the people of Israel.
Q. Did God claim ownership of the Levites? A. Numbers 3:12 = Yes.
Q. Why? A. Numbers 3:12 = Because all the firstborn sons belong to God and they are substitutes.
Q. When did this firstborn ownership begin? A. Numbers 3:13 = From the day God killed all the firstborn sons of the Egyptians, God set apart for Himself all the firstborns in Jacob/Israel of both men and animals. They were not killed because God laid claim to them as His by the blood on the doorposts. Now the Levites would substitute for those firstborns.
Q. Who were Levi's tribal leaders and where did they camp? A. Levi's son, Gershon's clan camped on the west side. The men were:
1). From the Gershon clan was his grandson Lael.
.... great grandson Eliasaph was the leader
.......great great grandson Libni
.....great great great grandson Shimei
They had 7500 males, 2630 eligible for Tabernacle duty. They were assigned to take care of the tent, curtains, cords and equipment related to their use.
Q. Who of the Levites camped and led on the South border? A. Levi's son Kohath's clan. There were 8600 males, 2750 eligible for Tabernacle duty = They were assigned to maintenance, the Ark table, lampstands, altar utensils, inner curtain and equipment.
Levi's grandsons by Kohath were Amram, Izhar, Hebron and Uzziel. His great grandson was Elizaphan, who was the tribal leader.
Q. Which of Levi's sons camped and led on the north side? A. Levi's son, Merari's clan. They had 6200 males, 3200 were eligible for Tabernacle duty. = They were assigned to the frames, bases, equipment, posts in the courtyard.
Levi's grandsons from Merari were:
Mahli and Mushi. His great grandson was Abihail. His great great grandson was Zuriel, who was the tribal leader.
Q. Who camped and led on the east border? A. Moses and Aaron's tribes. They interceded for the people along with their descendants, did the offerings and rituals, etc.
Q. How many Levites were there in all? A. Numbers 3:39 = 22,000 males. 8580 sons were eligible for Tabernacle duty.
Q. How was substitution for the firstborn made official? A. Numbers 3:40 = Moses counted them, registering each name.
Q. What about firstborn animals? A. Numbers 3:41 = All Levites' livestock was considered by God to be His own and were substitutes for Jacob/Israel's firstborn livestock.
Q.How many firstborn sons did Moses count? A. Numbers 3:43 = 22,273.
Q. Was that number more than Levite sons? A. Numbers 3:39 = Yes. There were 22,000 Levite males, so there were a mere 273 more.
Note: The Levites wee almost more prolific than the rest of Israel combined!
Q. What was done with the overage? A. Numbers 3:46 = They had to be redeemed.
Q. What was the price? A. Numbers 3:47 = 5 pieces of silver each -- each weighing as much as a sanctuary shekel.
Q. Who was it give to? A. Numbers 3:48 = Aaron and sons.
Q. How much was collected? A. Numbers 3:50 = 34 pounds.
Q. Levi's 2nd son was Kohath, who camped on the south border. What was his clan's job? A. Numbers 4:2 = His clan was to counted in a census of sons between ages 30 and 50. It was decided who qualified to work in the temple.
Q. Who qualified? A. Numbers 4:3 = Physically unblemished sons; also qualification was based on maturity.
Q. And what would these qualified sons of Levi do in the temple? A. Numbers 4:4 = They moved the objects like the inner curtain and the Ark when it was time to relocate.
Q. How was the Ark moved? A. Numbers 4:5 = 1). They first took down the inner curtain, covering the Ark with it.
2). They covered it next with fine goatskin leather
3). They covered the leather with a dark blue cloth.
4). Next, they put the carrying poles of the Ark in place.
Q. What else did the Kohath clan move? A. Numbers 4:7 = The table where the Bread of the Presence was displayed. Here's how:
1). They spread a blue cloth on it
2). Placed the dishes, spoons, bowls, cups and special bread on the cloth
3). They then spread a scarlet cloth over that
4). They then put a goatskin leather on the scarlet cloth
5). They then inserted carrying pols into the table.
Q. What else did they move? A. Numbers 4:9 = 1). They first covered the lampstand with a dark blue cloth, along with its lamps, lamp snuffers, trays and special jars of olive oil 220> The covered it with fine goatskin leather and placed the bundle on a carrying frame.
Q. What next? A. Numbers 4:11 = They spread a dark blue cloth over the gold altar and covered this cloth with a covering of fine goat skin leather.
Q. Was there a 3rd set of carrying poles? A. Numbers 4:11 = Yes. The first was for carrying the Ark. The 2nd was for carrying the table. The 3rd was for carrying the altar.
Q. Who packed and readied all these sacred things? A. Numbers 4:5 = Aaron and his sons. Remember that only the Kohathite clan moved it all after it was packed and ready to go.
Q. What was the process of packing all the sacred things called? A. Numbers 4:15 = Covering the sanctuary and all the sacred utensils.
Q. What if the Kohathites touched the sacred objects directly? A. Numbers 4:15 = They would die.
Q. That seems harsh. Did God say anything else about it? A. Numbers 4:17-19 = Yes. He said to Moses and Aaron, "Don't let the Kohathite clans be destroyed from among the Levites! This is what you must do so they will live and not die when approaching the most sacred objects."
Q. So all the special wrapping up of the sacred things was to protect them in the moves? A. Numbers 4:19 = Yes.
Q. Were there any other precautions necessary before the Kohathite clan could begin moving it all? A. Numbers 4:19 = Yes. 1). Aaron and his sons had to accompany the Kohathites into the temple
2). They assigned specific duties or loads to each of Levi's sons.
Q. And if they didn't follow procedure? A. Numbers 4:20 = They would die.
Q. So the Kohathite clan otherwise had nothing to do with the temple? A. Numbers 4:20 = Yes. They could not approach the sanctuary and look at the sacred objects for even a moment or they would die.
Q. Who was the Gershonite clan? A. Numbers 4:21 = Levi's firstborn son, who was camped on the west border.
Q. Was a census done on his clan? A. Numbers 4:23 = Yes. Counted were men ages 30-50, who were eligible to serve in the Tabernacle, as with Kohath's clan.
Q. And Gershonite duties were...? A. Numbers 4:24 = General service and carrying loads.
Q. What did they carry? A. Numbers 4:25 = 1). The curtains of the Tabernacle
2). The Tabernacle itself with its coverings
3). The outer covering of goatskin
4). The curtain for the Tabernacle entrance
5). Curtains for the courtyard that surrounded the Tabernacle and altar
6). The curtain across the courtyard entrance
7). The necessary cords
8) All the altar's accessories.
Q. They transported all these items? A. Numbers 4:26 = Yes.
Q. Who was their boss? A. Numbers 4:27 = Aaron and his sons. They had to assign each man his duty.
Q. Were they directly responsible to a particular priest? A. Numbers 4:28 = Yes. Ithamar - Aaron's 3rd son (remember that Aaron's first two sons were now dead).
Q. Who was the Merarite clan? A. Numbers 4:29 = Levi's 3rd son, camped on the north side.
Q. A census was done? A. Numbers 4:30 = Yes. All men between 30-50 who were eligible to service in the Tabernacle.
Q. Merarite duties were...? A. Numbers 4:31 = Carrying loads.
Q. What did they carry? A. Numbers 4:31 = 1). the frames of the Tabernacle
2). crossbars
3). the pillars and their bases
4). The posts for the courtyard walls with their bases, pegs, cords, accessories, and everything else related to their use.
Q. Was each load assigned specifically each man? A. Numbers 4:32 = Yes.
Q. So Ithamar, the priest was head honcho over both the Gershonites (Levi's firstborn camped north) and Merarites (Livi's 3rd born camped west)? A. Numbers 4 = Yes.
Q. How many men between 30 - 50 were there in Levi's clan? A. 22,300.
Q. Howmany were qualified to work in the Tabernacle? A. Numbers 4:48 = 8,580.
Q. What percentage of these Levite men between 30 - 50 qualified? A. 38% qualified. Almost a ratio of 4:10 men between the ages of 30 - 50 were found physically flawless, which qualified them to work in the Tabernacle.
Note: The sacrificial altar was covered with a purple cloth. Our military and national funerals inthe USA cover coffins with purple cloth and are carried with carrying poles, also known as palls (pallbearers).
Q. What do these colors signify (cloth coverings)? A. Numbers 4 = Dark blue = Ark, inner curtain, lampstand, snuffers, trays, olive oil, gold altar and remaining utensils
Purple = Sacrificial altar and utensils
Scarlet = Table, dishes, spoons, bowls, cups for the Bread of the Presence.
Note: Dark blue seemed to cover the ornate man-made materials of the Tabernacle
Purple = Death altar
Scarlet = The ever-presence of God
Note = Both blue and purple are passing away. But scarlet is eternal!
Q. A civil wrong is mentioned here. How did one correct a wrong that he or she did to another? A. Numbers 5:6-8 = 10> First of all, they are guilty
2). Confession of the sin was made
3). Restitution was made, plus 20% of value of the item stolen
4). If wronged party is now dead, then item stolen belonged to the Lord, must be given to the priest, along with a ram for atonement.
Note: Ram (like Jesus) for atonement. Also restitution made.
Q. If an Israelite brought a sacred gift to a priest, what happened to it? A. Numbers 5:9 = It belonged to the priest.
Q. Who protected marriage fidelity? A. Numbers 5:11 - 31 = A man might grow suspicious of his wife's infidelity and become jealous, but had no proof. He would bring her to the priest with an offering of 2 quarts of barley flour to be presented on her behalf. It was not to be mixed with olive oil or frankincense.
Q. Why not? A. Numbers 5:15 = It was a jealousy offering/an offering of inquiry to find out if she was guilty.
Q. What was the procedure to find out the truth? A. Numbers 5:16-31 = 1). The priest presented the wife to the Lord
2). mixed holy water with dust from the Tabernacle floor in a clay jar
3). Unbinds her hair
4). Placed the offering of inquiry -- the jealousy offering -- in her hands to determine whether or not her husband's suspicions were justified
5). The priest would put the woman under oath and say to her, "If no other man has slept with you, and you nhave not defiled yourself by being unfaithful, may you be immune from the effects of this bitter water that causes the curse
6). She responded, "Yes, let it be so."
7). The priest would write these curses on a piece of leather and wash them off into the bitter water (the curses were infertility and a curse on her whole body)
8). She would then drink the bitter water. It only harmed her if she was guilty.
9). The priest then took the jealosy offering from her hands and raised it to the Lord and carried it to the altar.
10). The priest took a handful of the jealousy offering and burned it on the altar.
11). She drank the water again and the water would have its effect if she was guilty.
Q. What if she was guilty? A. Numbers 5:27 = She suffered bitterly, became infertile and her name became a curse word among her people.
Q. What did this law serve? A. Numbers 5:29 = Solved jealousy problems and a factual adultery case.
Q. What if the husband was jealous without cause after all? A. Numbers 5:31 = He remained innocent, apparently. He was innocent on either account!
Note: God must have a built-in radar detector for husbands when it comes to marital fidelity. God is always fair with us, so this is the only explanation that fits.
Q. What did a Jacob/Israelite do if he/she wanted to be even more devoted to God? A. Numbers 6:1-21 = He could take a special vow of a Nazirite, setting himself apart to the Lord in a special way.
Q. Were there extra food requirements for the Nazirites? A. Numbers 6:3 = Yes. 1). No alcoholic drinks
2). They could not eat grapes of any kind, not even in raisin form
3). They were never to cut their hair
4). They were not to go near a dead body
5). They were not to defile the hair on their head because it was a symbol of separation to God.
6). If their hair was defiled or someone fell dead beside them, they would wait 7 days, then shave their heads, at which time they would be cleansed.
Q. Was this Nazirite vow a lifetime vow? A. Numbers 6:5 = No. This was almost like a period of retreat.
Q. What else happened after they shaved their heads after being defiled by the dead body? A. Numbers 6:10 = On the 8th day, they would bring 2 turtledoves or young pigeons to thepriest at the Tabernacle. The priest offered one bird for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering.
Q. Why was this necessary? A. Numbers 6:11 = Because in having a dead person fall beside them, they incurred guilt from the dead body. It had to be atoned for.
Q. What next? A. Numbers 6:11 = They renewed their Nazirite vow and began growing their hair out again.
Q. What happened to the previously avowed days before the defilement? A. Numbers 6:12 = They no longer counted. They renewed the vow for the same amount of time as they promised before, brought a one-year-old male lamb for a guilt offering to begin it.
Q. What was this Nazirite time called? A. Numbers 6:13 = The ritual law of the Nazirites.
Q. How did they conclude their time? A. Numbers 6:13 = They presented offerings at the entrance of the Tabernacle.
1). A one-year-old male lamb without defect (always) as a burnt offering
2). A one year old female lamb without defect for a sin offering
3). a basket of bread made without yeast-- cakes of choice flour mixed with olive oil and wafers, spread with olive oil-- along with their prescribed grain offerings and drink offerings.
Q. Who presented these offerings? A. Numbers 6:16-17 = The priest, as always.
Q. Then what happened? A. Numbers 6:18 = The Nazirites shaved their heads at the entrance of the Tabernacle and put the hair on the fire beneath the peace offering sacrifice
2). The priest would take for each of them the boiled shoulder of the ram, one cake, one wafer and put them into each of their hands
3). Lift them up to the Lord in a gesture of offering, and keep them for his family.
Q. Were the Nazirites then freed from their vow? A. Numbers 6:20 = Yes.
Q. Could a Nazirite vow to give beyond what was required? A. Numbers 6:21 = Yes. But he/she had to fulfill it.
Q. What else did the priestly role involve? A. Numbers 6:22 = They were instructed to bless the Israelites.
Q. What did this do for them? A. Numbers 6:27 = Blessing Israel designated them as God's people. They knew that it was God who blessed them.
Q. What was the prayer? A. Numbers 6:24-26 = "May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you His favor and give you His peace.
Q. Once the jobs were given in maintaining the Tabernacle, they were all set to begin. How did it all begin? A. Numbers 7:1 = Moses anointed the Tabernacle and set it apart along with all its furnishings and the altar and its utensils-- on the day he set it up.
Q. Did the tribal leaders do anything special on that first day? A. Numbers 7:2 = Yes. They brought offerings on 6 carts and 12 oxen. One cart for every 2 leaders. One ox for each leader. They presented these to the Lord at the front of the Tabernacle.
Q. Was God pleased with these gifts? A. Numbers 7:4 = Yes. He saw that they would be useful for the work of the Tabernacle.
Q. How were they distributed? A. Numbers 7:7 = 1). 2 carts, 4 oxen to the Gershonites (assigned to general services and carrying loads)
2). 4 carts, 8 oxen to Merarites (assigned to carrying loads).
Q. Why weren't the Kohathites given any oxen or carts? A. Numbers 7:9 = Because they carried the sacred things on their shoulders only.
Q. What else did the tribal leaders bring that first day? A. Numbers 7:10 = Dedication gifts for the altar, at the time it was anointed.
Q. Was that pleasing to God? A. Numbers 7:11 = Yes. But God instructed Moses to see that the leaders brought their gifts on different days.
Q. Why? A. Numbers 7:13 = Read this section. There were many gifts from each tribe. It would take 12 days to dedicate the Tabernacle.
Q. What was the entire inventory of altar gifts? A. Numbers 7:84 = The gifts were as follows:
1). 12 silver platters and 12 silver basins, weighing 60 pounds in silver.
2). 12 gold incense containers, weighing 3 pounds in gold.
3). 12 bulls, 12 rams, 12 one-year-old male lambs with prescribed grain offerings, 12 male goats
4). 60 one-year-old male lambs.
Q. Why would Moses go into the Tabernacle? A. Numbers 7:89 = To speak with the Lord.
Q. Where was God's voice speaking from? A. Numbers 7:89 = from between the 2 cherubim above the Ark's cover -- the place of atonement -- that rested on the Ark of the Covenant.
Q. How were the Levites initiated into service for the first time? A. Numbers 8:5 = 1). They were made ceremonially clean by being sprinkled with water, their entire body shaved and their clothes washed.
2). They offered a young bull and a grain offering of choice flour mixed with olive oil, along with a 2nd young bull for a sin offering
3). All Israel gathered in front of the entrance to theTabernacle where the Levites were presented.
4). The people of Israel laid their hands on theLevites before the Lord
5). Aaron presented the Levites to the Lord as a special offering from thepeople of Israel, thus dedicating them to the Lord's service
6). The Levites then lay their hands on the young bulls and presented them to the Lord -- One as a sin offering, the other as a burnt offering, to make atonement for the Levites.
7). The Levites stood in front of Aaron and his sons and presented them as a special offering to the Lord.
Q. What did this do? A. Numbers 8:14 = 1). It set the Levites apart from the rest of the Israelites.
2). They now belonged to God -- reserved for Him.
Q. Why? A. Numbers 8:16 = They replaced all the firstborn sons of the Israelites -- they became their substitutes.
Q. How exactly did this happen? A. Numbers 8:17 = When God set apart all the Israelites' firstborn sons -- out of His lethal path in Egypt -- He also laid claim to the Levites on that same night.
Q. How would the Levites serve? A. Numbers 8:19 = On behalf of the Israelites, making atonement for them so that no plague would strike them when they approached the sanctuary.
Q. At what age would the Levites begin serving in the Tabernacle? A. Numbers 8:24 = At the age of 25.
Q. What was retirement age? A. Numbers 8:25 = At the age of 50. After that, they'd do guard duty at the Tabernacle, but they could not officiate in the service.
Q. When was the 2nd Passover celebration? A. Number 9:1 = Early spring, the 2nd year of Israel's departure from Egypt, and it took place in Sinai.
Q. What if a person was ceremonially unclean at the time of Passover? A. Numbers 9:9 = They'd wait one month on the appointed day, eating the lamb with bitter herbs and bread without yeast.
Q. On what day did the cloud, as a pillar of fire, descend on the Tabernacle? A. Numbers 9:15 = The first day the Tabernacle was set up.
Q. Did it change at certain times? A. Numbers 9:15 = Yes. It continued to be a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.
Q. When did Jacob/Israel know it was time to move? A. Numbers 9:17 = When the glory of God moved from over the sacred Tabernacle. They followed it. When it settled, they set up camp again.
Q. Did the Lord also command them where to go? A. Numbers 9:18 = Yes.
Q. Did God's glory move at regular times of the year? A. Numbers 9:22 = No. God's glory varied moves from 2 days to one year.
Q. Did God continue to speak to the Israelites through Moses? A. Numbers 9:23 = Yes.
Note: This time was a real test of loyalty, teaching the Israelites patience and obedience to God. Spiritual bootcamp! Al the while, God made them successful, rich and was ever near -- and it all happened in this bootcamp in the wilderness.
Q. Speaking of bootcamp, when were the first trumpets made for summoning to assemble and signaling the breaking of camp? A. Numbers 10:2 = In the wilderness about 2 years into the Tabernacle, cloud, fire time.
Q. Was there a special noise blast for each event? A. Numbers 10 :13 = Yes. 1). When both trumpets blew, it signaled an assembly and they would gather at the entrance to the Tabernacle.
2). If one was blown, only the tribal leaders were summoned to the entrance of the Tabernacle.
3). There was a signal to break camp also. They were in short blasts (v.6)).
Q. How were the trumpets used to break camp? A. Numbers 10:5 = In this order: 1). The first blast was for the east side to pack.
2). The 2nd blast was for the south side to pack.
Q. Who qualified to blow the trumpets? A. Numbers 10:8 = Only Aaron and his sons.
Q. How were trumpets used in going to war? A. Numbers 10:9 = 1). They entered their land, already filled with their enemies
2). They'd "sound the alarm" with the trumpets so that God would remember them and rescue them from their enemies.
Q. How else were the trumpets used? A. Numbers 10:10 = 1). In times of gladness
2). for annual festivals
3). At the beginning of each month to rejoice over their burnt offerings and peace offerings.
Q. Why at the offerings? A. Numbers 10:10 = It reminded the Lord of His covenant with His people.
Note: It seems odd to make noise so loud for God, but He wants it from us! It is an act of faith and one way we can approach Him.
Q. When did the cloud first lift from the Tabernacle? A. Numbers 10:11 = Midspring (late April, early May) in the 2nd year after Israel's departure from Egypt.
Q. Did the Israelites follow it? A. Numbers 10:12 = Yes.
Q. Where did it stop? A. Numbers 10:12 = In the wilderness of Paran.
Q. Whatever became of Moses' inlaws? A. Numbers 10:29 = His brother in law (Reuel's son) was traveling withthe Israelites in the 2nd year and Moses invited him to dwell with Israel.
Q. What was Hobab's response to Moses' invite? A. Numbers 10:30 = He declined. He wanted to return to his own family and land.
Q. Why did Moses beg him to stay? A. Numbers 10:31 = Apparently, Hobab knew the placfes in the wilderness where they should camp. He wanted Hobab as a guide.
Thought: What happened to the cloud guiding them? Where they beginningto trust also in man?
Q. How did the cloud move with Israel? A. Numbers 10:34 = It hovered over them.
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